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Freeciv 1.13.0 released

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  • Freeciv 1.13.0 released

    - You can now automate workers and specialists in cities
    - We have sound support and ship a new, improved isometric tileset
    - A new and much improved city dialog in the GTK client
    - Windows and GTK 2.0 versions of the client
    - Lots of other changes, see the NEWS file for more

    - Leftover research bulbs will carry over to next advance
    - Trade routes are more effective
    - You can build city walls even though you have Great Wall wonder
    - Unit food cost under Communism has been reduced to 1
    - If you lose your palace, you get a new for free in random city
    - Units attacking ships in cities double their firepower, while defenders get only 1 firepower.
    - Helicopters defending against air units get 50% penalty, and have their firepower reduced to 1 against fighter units.
    - Stealth fighters and bombers are partially invisible like subs, and stealth bombers have increased attack strength from 14 to 18

    We are in great need of more sound effects and better graphics. If you have some talent in either direction, please considering giving us a hand.

  • #2
    Download location

    To download, go to Note that in order to get sounds, you also need to download a sound pack.


    • #3
      I am interested in developing the graphics. However, I am new to Freeciv and not sure what the graphics work entails. I have done some tilesets for civ2 and civ3 and what to port my civ3 tiles to Freeciv. I see that the Freeciv graphics are 30x30 which I wanted to expand to civ3 size. Is this as simple a matter as replacing all of the existing tiles and altering dx and dy to be the right size or is there some actual game code that needs to be modified? Can you direct me to where I can find more information on developing Freeciv? Thanks!


      • #4
        Freeciv doesn't have the tile size hardcoded. Fx there is a 45x45 tileset in freeciv.

        As you may have noticed freeciv can use both isometric and non-isometric tiles. The isometric tiles file format is very close to the civ2 format, so if you are used to working with civ2 tilesets freeciv should be easy. See this thread: - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thue
          Freeciv doesn't have the tile size hardcoded. Fx there is a 45x45 tileset in freeciv.

          As you may have noticed freeciv can use both isometric and non-isometric tiles. The isometric tiles file format is very close to the civ2 format, so if you are used to working with civ2 tilesets freeciv should be easy. See this thread:
          Hi Thue,

          While you're here could you tell me how you work with thetilespec-file in the data directory? If i understand it correctly you could do any size tilespec: 90x90 for example or even higher. As long as you change the right settings.
          Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

          Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer

