For those new to Freeciv or who don't know Civ1/2 linside out. Here's a quick 2 page reference guide in PDF. Also recommended for Civ2-veterans, as a few WoW's have different uses in Freeciv.
- civref_letter.pdf
An Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) conversion of the letter-sized edition of the concise and elegant Freeciv two-page game element reference sheet made by Andrew Donkin; ideal for printing.
- civref_a4.pdf
Acrobat conversion of the A4-sized edition of the reference sheet.
Bjorn Larsen
An Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) conversion of the letter-sized edition of the concise and elegant Freeciv two-page game element reference sheet made by Andrew Donkin; ideal for printing.
- civref_a4.pdf
Acrobat conversion of the A4-sized edition of the reference sheet.
Bjorn Larsen