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Changes to tiles.png and other and some Questions

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  • Changes to tiles.png and other and some Questions

    I'm addicted not to the game but to the modding of the game

    Anyway I spent 8 hours of my life today changing some of the terrain images mostly the coasts and a few icons.

    How do I make the mask go away I can only paint and the game only reads from where the original image is from. I loaded up Picture Publisher which is worth £150 thinking that it has to be able to change the mask and it did come up in black and white showing where the mask is so I thought yay and started to change it there and saved it went back to PSPro and it came up as black and white.
    I'm stuck. Does anyone know a way around this. I made a good 3D tank only to find I could see just half of it in the game.
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    Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.

  • #2
    For not having to draw on top of the old tiles: look in tiles.spec: it decides from where in the picture the tiles are loaded.

    Oh, and I edit my pictures with the gimp, which I got for free, and it works .

    I bet your problem is that the colors you are using was not in the original image, and it somehow can't figure out how to adjust the map. I don't know how the windows clients work (maybe when MS sends me a free copy of windows...), but you can try asking on, see

    I agree that modifying freeciv can be more addictive than the game itself. - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


    • #3
      Thanks I've glanced through tilespec before but I'll check it.

      And I got PP for free on the coverCD of PCW August ed. So back to ya

      BTW : Bye see you when you get back.
      Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.

