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a cure for smallpox! aka Best way to eliminate ICS

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  • a cure for smallpox! aka Best way to eliminate ICS

    freeciv developers:

    i think that the best way of eliminating ICS is making small cities less valuable than what they are today, and i think that the best way of going about this is to get rid of the variable food box which tries to simulate linear growth and change the game to a fixed food box

    i suggest that you change the size of the food box to 40 and fix it there, with a we love day cutting it in half to would have the following effects

    1. small cities no longer grow faster than large cities
    2. it would be more desirable to build up your cities than to grow new ones
    3. small cities would stay small for longer amounts of time and it would be harder to infect large areas with small cities, especially early on in the game

    could someone please test this out? i think that the results you get would be quite to everyone's liking


  • #2
    This is already a settable option; see at the buttom of this file:

    So test it if you want to. - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


    • #3

      42 ; Parameters used to generalize the calculation of city granary size:
       43 ;   city_granary_size = (granary_food_ini * foodbox) +
       44 ;                       (granary_food_inc * city_size) * foodbox / 100
       45 granary_food_ini        = 1
       46 granary_food_inc        = 100
      so it is possible to set city_granary_size = 40 and that means a size 1 and a size 25 city would both need 40 food to that correct?

      could you be kind enough to tell me where i can find this data so i can change it...yes i am a window's puke...but i play freeciv on my computer and i would love to mess around with it

      will i need special programs? given enough time and help i will figure this out

      thanks in advance



      • #4
        You need to download and compile latest CVS: . Then the ruleset files are in freeciv/data/default.
        It is quite simple to compile under linux, see the INSTALL file included. It is in no way easy under windows I imagine; I haven't tried.

        Off to install linux you go - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


        • #5
          well actually i am in the process of downloading winlinux...however my usual dl rate is from .6-2.9kbs and that is 200MB+



          • #6

            Originally posted by korn469 on 02-21-2001 03:43 PM
            well actually i am in the process of downloading winlinux...however my usual dl rate is from .6-2.9kbs and that is 200MB+


            I know what you mean. I had to download Win2k Service Pack 1 at 86MB took about 10 hours. So after 2 days, do you have it all yet???

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