Did you get bored by the city names in Freeciv? Tired of always getting them in the same old order? Annoyed that a name you didn't like would be suggested again and again if you didn't use it? Maybe you have played Transport Tycoon and noticed that the city names were generated from random firstparts and lastparts? Or maybe you have even been playing Xconq with it's advanced grammar synthesis?
Now a patch is availible that ports that feature from Xconq to Freeciv! There are two naming methods:[list=1][*]grammar: This is the interesting method. You can define how names will be composed from common syllables and word parts. Grammar namers currently exists for English, German, Italian and Swedish. Thoose are used in the patch.[*]random: This is a lot like you know it from Freeciv. Just a list of real city names. It's actually the same list of city names that was included in Freeciv for that nation before. I just converted it to the new format. But there are some new features; the names come in random order, and a rejected name is rejected. It won't haunt you. Random namers are used for Babylonian, Finnish, Canadian and all other
nations not mentioned above.[/list=a]
Here is an example of the random namer for Babylonian cities (the ----
should be replaced with years limiting the time period of the state):
The next example is a limited version of the grammar namer for Swedish
place names (the full version is too big to include here):
Do you think this looks interesting? Perhaps you would like to create
a namer in your language? It could be used in both Xconq and Freeciv!
Here is a link to the documentation:
Currently the latest version of the patch is
ftp://ftp.freeciv.org/pub/freeciv/in...mes-5.diff.bz2 .
Subscribing to freeciv-dev is recommended if you want to test it.
[This message has been edited by sigra (edited February 06, 2001).]
Now a patch is availible that ports that feature from Xconq to Freeciv! There are two naming methods:[list=1][*]grammar: This is the interesting method. You can define how names will be composed from common syllables and word parts. Grammar namers currently exists for English, German, Italian and Swedish. Thoose are used in the patch.[*]random: This is a lot like you know it from Freeciv. Just a list of real city names. It's actually the same list of city names that was included in Freeciv for that nation before. I just converted it to the new format. But there are some new features; the names come in random order, and a rejected name is rejected. It won't haunt you. Random namers are used for Babylonian, Finnish, Canadian and all other
nations not mentioned above.[/list=a]
Here is an example of the random namer for Babylonian cities (the ----
should be replaced with years limiting the time period of the state):
(namer cities_babyloinia_----_to_---- (random Babylon Lagash Nippur Ur Kish Shuruppak Kisurra Cutha Adab Umma Akkad Eridu Larsa Borsippa Sippar Nineveh Ashur Calach Carcar Hamat Opis Cunaxa Arbela Nisibis Carrhae Seleucia Ctesiphon Sittace Orchoe Apamea ) )
place names (the full version is too big to include here):
(namer swedish-limited (grammar name 100 (name (or 16 mainpart 1 (preword " " (capitalize mainpart)) ) ) (mainpart (or 8 (prefix suffix) (prefix middle suffix) 2 (complete) ) ) (prefix (or svart blå grön gul röd brun vit alings ar bå back berg björ björne bjurs bjus bor borg brahe bräm brunns dal djurs eke emen fågel fält fin finn fogd fors frö furu gör göte glimminge gran gränges gryt halls halm han helsing hem hög horn hults hus ) ) (suffix (or å åker åkra älv ås bäck bäcka backe baden berg berga björka borg bo böle bro bruk by byn dal dala dalen fält fjärd fors fred gård gården gärde gärdet gårda gåva haga hamn haninge hättan hed heden hem hög hult hus ) ) (middle (or å åkra by fors karle lek lycke mjöl näs sjö ström)) (complete (or alfta bäcka bjus bjuv borlänge falun floda föglö gagnef glimminge gustavs habo hamra haninge hede höör huddinge idre ore orsa sälen särna skanör skövde solv svalöv sveg ) ) (preword (or nya gamla nedre stora lilla norra södra västra)) ) )
a namer in your language? It could be used in both Xconq and Freeciv!
Here is a link to the documentation:
Currently the latest version of the patch is
ftp://ftp.freeciv.org/pub/freeciv/in...mes-5.diff.bz2 .
Subscribing to freeciv-dev is recommended if you want to test it.
[This message has been edited by sigra (edited February 06, 2001).]