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Long Live Free Civ

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  • Long Live Free Civ

    FreeCiv was a delightful discovery for this fugitive
    from Stalag Microsoft.

    I am running Red Hat Linux 6.2 on a three year old three year old pentium pro. My odyssey from Win95 to
    Linux was painful, but when I discovered FreeCiv it
    seemed well worth it. I downloaded the latest stable version from the the FreeCiv site, ran the install program and everything went smooth as goose grease.

    The interface takes a little getting used to, but it is the same game. It was a pleasant surprise to find that what I know already about CivII was applicable to FreeCiv. I think I like the square tiles better than the famous Isometric view.

    The idea of having such a great computer game with the source code makes me tingle all over. I have spent a little time digging through the source code trying to see how the program is put together. Some of the comments are more amusing than helpful, however. ("This
    is really stupid, but I don't know where else to put it!").

    I wonder why those Clash folks don't get on the FreeCiv bandwagon. If all you wizard's would pool your efforts, instead of going off on different vectors, even more amazing things might be accomplished.

    Kudos to the FreeCiv folks.

    It's not a game, it's a lifestyle!