I am working on a patch for automated ferryboats. The goal is to be able to set a ferryboat on auto (SHIFT-F), and whenever a unit on is set on a goto between two continents the ferryboat will automatically pick it up and deliver it.
I actually have a working version, though it is not as smart as it could be, but smart enough (IMHO quite nifty ). Now it needs some testing before it can get into CVS, and ultimately the next version.
If people try it I would of course like to hear of any crashes, stalled ferryboats, or other stupid things it causes.
In the unlikely case that anyone should take a look at the source, note the many, many FIXME's about things that could be done smarter. Things should work acceptably, however.
On the a bit longer term autosettlers and autoexplorers should use the autoferrys too. And the AI, of course.
To try it out you need to have the source code of a a resonably resent CVS snapshot or 1.11.4 . If you do then:
gunzip ferryboat3.diff.gz (creates ferryboat3.diff)
in your freeciv source directory apply the patches (if the patches are not in the catalog itself type the path to them):
patch -p1 < pq.diff
patch -p1 < ferryboat3.diff
build it
autoconf && automake && ./configure && make
Put some sea units with transporter capacity on auto (SHIFT-F), and
intercontinent GOTOs should work.
[This message has been edited by Thue (edited July 20, 2000).]
I actually have a working version, though it is not as smart as it could be, but smart enough (IMHO quite nifty ). Now it needs some testing before it can get into CVS, and ultimately the next version.
If people try it I would of course like to hear of any crashes, stalled ferryboats, or other stupid things it causes.
In the unlikely case that anyone should take a look at the source, note the many, many FIXME's about things that could be done smarter. Things should work acceptably, however.
On the a bit longer term autosettlers and autoexplorers should use the autoferrys too. And the AI, of course.
To try it out you need to have the source code of a a resonably resent CVS snapshot or 1.11.4 . If you do then:
gunzip ferryboat3.diff.gz (creates ferryboat3.diff)
in your freeciv source directory apply the patches (if the patches are not in the catalog itself type the path to them):
patch -p1 < pq.diff
patch -p1 < ferryboat3.diff
build it
autoconf && automake && ./configure && make
Put some sea units with transporter capacity on auto (SHIFT-F), and
intercontinent GOTOs should work.
[This message has been edited by Thue (edited July 20, 2000).]