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  • Loading games

    civserver -f savefile
    is right...
    are You sure that the file savefile exists?
    if You typed 'save break' in the server
    having started it in c:\games\Freeciv the
    savefile would be c:\games\Freeciv\break

    That is, to resume the game You would type:
    c:\games\Freeciv\civserver -f c:\games\Freeciv\break
    [This message has been edited by deepone (edited May 13, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by deepone (edited May 13, 2000).]

  • #2
    Loading games

    Hi all,

    I finally managed to get Freeciv working under windows using Xwin32 but I have 2 "little" problems.

    I cant load my previous saved games.
    I found on the Freeciv Faq that you have to
    start Freeciv like this :ex: c:\games\Freeciv\civserver -f savedgame.sav,
    because it isn't possible to load it directly in the server window.
    But it gives me an error window saying that he cant find the file or something like that.
    (Can't translate it's in French )

    The other problem is when I try to connect to the metaserver, the game just freezes and my only option is to reboot(got to love Windows )

    Well if anybody can help thx in advance.


