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feedback, queries plus beetles and moths

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  • feedback, queries plus beetles and moths

    transform to ocean?
    while THIS would be sometimes handy, allowing "canals" and shortcuts for shipping i don't think that was your intention,

    (perhaps you could make a terrain transformation passable to shipping that could be canals)

    (the little isthmus i started on is down the bottom left of the minimap)
    Attached Files
    Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
    What truth?
    There is no bug. There is no bug?
    Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.

  • #2
    It's minor compared to Barocca's question, but shouldn't the menu options reflect the resource associated with the target terrain for grassland, forest, and ocean, rather than peat? Or is this a particularly rotting world?
    El Aurens v2 Beta!


    • #3
      the canals versus ocean squares has been quite a discussion. I think for the moment we´ve settled on transforming ocean squares.

      That´s a good point Boco, I can´t see clearly but I think the engineer is standing on a swamp with a peat resource. And it just displays the current resource and not possible resources depending on transformation.

      Transformation works both ways, you can also change ocean squares (next to sufficient landsquares) to swamp and then on to grassland, forest etc...
      Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

      Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


      • #4
        That´s a good point Boco, I can´t see clearly but I think the engineer is standing on a swamp with a peat resource. And it just displays the current resource and not possible resources depending on transformation.
        Actually, transforming terrain no longer transforms the special in 2.1! There have been long discussions on this too; search the mailing lists...

        In theory this of course means that you might end up with nonsensical combinations such as forste/whales or ocean/buffalo.


        • #5
          Originally posted by CapTVK
          Transformation works both ways, you can also change ocean squares (next to sufficient landsquares) to swamp and then on to grassland, forest etc...
          ? do i put the engineer on a ship?

          (perhaps include BOTH options? canal and ocean?)

          Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
          What truth?
          There is no bug. There is no bug?
          Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


          • #6
            a beetle or a moth?

            i put my whole civ into rapture, and after two turns messages in the message box stopped,
            i may have overloaded the system with 30 cities going into rapture and all growing all at once

            ending rapture did not restart messaging

            saving and reloading restarted messaging

            Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
            What truth?
            There is no bug. There is no bug?
            Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


            • #7
              i built michaelangelo's chapel, counts as a cathedral in all cities,
              now cathedral is still in my build lists, and i had to go in and stop cities building them,
              is there a way to make cities not build specific improvements? (as in make that improvement unavailable for all cities?)


              Is the ai that decides what to build next smart enough to avoid building improvements that are "replicated" by wonders?
              (as in :- are these ones i had to change already queued?)

              Last edited by barocca; March 27, 2006, 04:39.
              Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
              What truth?
              There is no bug. There is no bug?
              Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


              • #8
                this government type is not in the game?

                i like it, once i have reached the end of the tech tree i often switch to fundamentalism and go on my global conquest.

                it is also handy for scenarios, where you can put special units into the free support slot

                will it be in the final version?
                Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                What truth?
                There is no bug. There is no bug?
                Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by barocca
                  this government type is not in the game?

                  i like it, once i have reached the end of the tech tree i often switch to fundamentalism and go on my global conquest.

                  it is also handy for scenarios, where you can put special units into the free support slot

                  will it be in the final version?
                  Fundamentalism is implemented but not used in the default rules because of multiplayer balancing issues (it is too powerful!)

                  It's in the civ2 ruleset though.


                  • #10


                    is it possible to apply one worklist to all cities with a single click (maybe a radio button "apply to all")
                    not a default action, but a chosen action,
                    (default should still be single city)

                    also a little note regarding setting a default item as the end of the list,

                    or perhaps make coinage the default that the city changes to at the end of the list,

                    preventing builds

                    is there any way to prevent cities from building specific items?
                    i rarely use airports or research labs,
                    so i prefer not to build them,

                    currently when a city reaches the end of it que or its worklist it builds the things by itself.

                    (having a blast with freeciv)
                    Last edited by barocca; March 29, 2006, 03:56.
                    Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                    What truth?
                    There is no bug. There is no bug?
                    Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


                    • #11

                      i am having problem with scientists,
                      the anti-establishment scum keep popping up,
                      (despite sending all existing one to gulags)

                      either the game keeps changing my tax men into scientists,
                      or they are new citizens who are SUPPOSED to be entertainers,
                      what anyone finds entertaining about scientists is beyond me...

                      i have no governors enabled,

                      Last edited by barocca; March 31, 2006, 16:32.
                      Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                      What truth?
                      There is no bug. There is no bug?
                      Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


                      • #12
                        i think i have figured out the cause

                        i cannot fix it at the local level

                        Each time your city gets a new citizen the game resorts your cities population,

                        it changes the tiles worked (which i WISH i could turn OFF - sometimes i want specific tiles worked for a reason - i dont want 10 excess food, i want 1, that colloseum aint gonna be finished in time and i dont want disorder...)

                        and it changes what your surplus citizens are/do,
                        in my case it is changing them to scientists WHICH I DONT WANT, i want MONEY

                        what is should do is pick the best tile for the new citizen to work and leave the excess population alone,
                        notify me if there is now a negative food situation, even if it gonna take 20 turns to cause a famine,
                        and if their are no tiles to work the citizen should become what i tell it to become (currently set at elvii, and the game makes them scientists)

                        Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                        What truth?
                        There is no bug. There is no bug?
                        Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


                        • #13
                          is there any way to turn off "following at end/begin of turn" those units that are automated, or that have a destination?

                          once you get a large empire going it can be annoying,
                          an option to follow, or not, would be ideal

                          is there a method to determine which civilizations will appear when other die off?

                          a "ranking" system would be neat,
                          where the player could select various civ's as having a greater chance of appearing,

                          also a method to set starting opponents,

                          perhaps combine, the player can select a group of civs that the starting civ's are chosen from and any left overs are the first to appear, after all the players choices are exhausted the next civ to appear is chosen at random (well, kinda random see next comment)

                          currently it seems civs that are historically close in location to the players chosen civ appear more frequently.
                          (this IS good !)

                          (still enjoying the game, absolutely)
                          Last edited by barocca; April 3, 2006, 05:40.
                          Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                          What truth?
                          There is no bug. There is no bug?
                          Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by barocca
                            is there any way to turn off "following at end/begin of turn" those units that are automated, or that have a destination?

                            once you get a large empire going it can be annoying,
                            an option to follow, or not, would be ideal
                            Very true! This, as well as your other suggestions for improvement above, should be posted to - preferably one mail per wish.

                            is there a method to determine which civilizations will appear when other die off?

                            a "ranking" system would be neat,
                            where the player could select various civ's as having a greater chance of appearing,
                            "Die off"? Do you mean as the result of civil war? If so, that's controlled by the 'civilwar_nations' tag in every nation ruleset.

                            also a method to set starting opponents,
                            IIRC in 2.1 you can right click on players in pregame and select 'Pick Nation' from the popup menu!

                            perhaps combine, the player can select a group of civs that the starting civ's are chosen from and any left overs are the first to appear, after all the players choices are exhausted the next civ to appear is chosen at random (well, kinda random see next comment)
                            This is already done to a certain extent in 2.1: There's a high probability that each AI player will be chosen from the same 'time' groups (i.e. Ancient ect.) as the one the human player selected.

                            currently it seems civs that are historically close in location to the players chosen civ appear more frequently.
                            (this IS good !)
                            Yes. See above. I'm the architect of this behaviour.

                            (still enjoying the game, absolutely)
                            Glad to hear that!


                            • #15
                              i mean when a nation is killed off, and a "fresh" one spawns,
                              can we select which ones get "spawned"

                              another problem/query

                              i can select multiple units as long as they are all solo in hex/square 's, (using shift)

                              i wish i could figure out how to select an entire stack!!
                              (select same type selects ALL units in view of that type - i only want the specific stack)


                              Ps- i am fairly certain i have emailed all of these,
                              when i get home again next week i will check to make sure (cannot check it from here)
                              Last edited by barocca; April 6, 2006, 06:35.
                              Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
                              What truth?
                              There is no bug. There is no bug?
                              Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.

