I reckoned this deserved it's own thread:
Freeciv 2.1-beta1 released. Grab the source code from freeciv.org
Unofficial Win32 builds available at http://ftpwww.freeciv.org/freeciv/incoming/
For the SDL package, you'd want to get the SDL theme. See http://www.freeciv.org/index.php/Themes#SDL_part
And for all of you who have complained Freeciv looks like a spreadsheet program, I warmly recommend you to check out the SDL package!
Freeciv 2.1-beta1 released. Grab the source code from freeciv.org
Unofficial Win32 builds available at http://ftpwww.freeciv.org/freeciv/incoming/
For the SDL package, you'd want to get the SDL theme. See http://www.freeciv.org/index.php/Themes#SDL_part
And for all of you who have complained Freeciv looks like a spreadsheet program, I warmly recommend you to check out the SDL package!