if you want an easy game to get you started set settlers 1 and explore 0 set gen 2 (or 3) then add 1 or 2 ai's and start the game on your first turn build a city with your settler and set research to horseback riding. then let your city build 1 warrior
after its built a warrior if you dont have horseback riding yet set its production to settler if you do set it to horseman use your warrior to explore until you get a horseman then use the horseman.
once you have a horseman it will take the place of your nonexistant explorer and you cna play as normal.
it will be easy because the ai (even hard)doesnt think of building a different unit to take the explorers place and they end up with 1 city and they dont try and build anymore.
after its built a warrior if you dont have horseback riding yet set its production to settler if you do set it to horseman use your warrior to explore until you get a horseman then use the horseman.
once you have a horseman it will take the place of your nonexistant explorer and you cna play as normal.
it will be easy because the ai (even hard)doesnt think of building a different unit to take the explorers place and they end up with 1 city and they dont try and build anymore.