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Uh, let's step back and take a look at game-editing

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  • Uh, let's step back and take a look at game-editing

    Just a few days ago, I came in all cheery and announced that it was easier to do adjustments on Freeciv through Linux than it was with Civ2 under Windows.

    Well, sort of, to a point.

    Unfortunately, Civ2 programming just said something like “grab Nation #1 and look at its name and put it in.”

    So if the cheery editor, hacker, or whatever, had changed the data for Nation #1 from “Romans” to “Spongebob Squarepants”, that's all it took.

    Unfortunately, changing the data in “persians ruleset” in Freeciv into “Charelie's Angels” screws things up because the game looks for “persian.ruleset,” and, whether or not one is trying to use that set, declares that city's missing and shuts down.

    Now, I know next to nothing about programming. I could, however, alter a line or two in data, that sort of thing, possibly alter lines to have the program looking only for things that were there.

    Is the matter as simple as that? Call up0 something in kedit, change it, stick it back in, and away I go? If it is, just what changes would I need to make to substitute presently existing rulesets for ones of my own?

    If all this data is available somewhere else, in terminology a non-techie could handle, where would I find it?



  • #2
    I do not understand what you have done and what the error is. Please describe what you did and post the exact error message.

    Note that if you rename a nation file, you also need to edit data/default/nation.ruleset


    • #3
      Sorry. I too often still respond without giving the kinds of details that people knowledgeable in the field need to know. At hte risk of giving too much, now:

      [root@localhost Documents]# cd /usr/share/games/freeciv/nation
      [root@localhost nation]# cp /home/jimw/Documents/balheri.ruleset ./
      [root@localhost nation]# rm -rf ./persian.ruleset
      [root@localhost nation]# exit
      [jimw@localhost Documents]$ civserver -p 9999
      ~/.freeciv ~/Documents
      This is the server for Freeciv version 1.14.0
      You can learn a lot about Freeciv at
      2: Now accepting new client connections.

      For introductory help, type 'help'.
      > set xsize 120
      > > set ysize 75
      > > set aifill 3
      > > set citymindist 3
      > > set savename Jim
      > > set gamelog 30
      2: Connection request from jimw from localhost
      2: jimw has client version 1.14.0
      2: jimw has joined as player jimw.
      > start
      Starting game.
      2: Loading rulesets
      0: Could not find included file "nation/persian.ruleset"
      0: file "/usr/share/games/freeciv/default/nations.ruleset", line 68, pos 33
      0: looking at: ''
      0: original line: '*include "nation/persian.ruleset"'
      [jimw@localhost D

      So you'll notice that I cut the persians out of the /nations directory, and put in the balheri to replace them, (using the persian flag, for the time being.)

      When I started up the game, you'll see that it couldn't find the persians, and therefore stopped.

      From your message, it would appear that I need to edit another file as well. Right?



      • #4
        Yes, data/default/nation.ruleset; add balheri.ruleset to the list, and remove persian.ruleset. I don't know why you want to remove the persian ruleset, though. You can have both.

