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Status SDL client

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  • #16
    Originally posted by maubp
    I guess what I'm asking is where should bugs in this win32 SDL client be reported (under SDL or under win32?)
    All bugs should be reported to
    If you use :
    1) gui-win32 then report it as win32 WinAPI port. (client-win32)
    2) gui-gtk2 then report it as win32 gtk2 port. (client-gtk2)
    3) gui-sdl then report it as win32 SDL port. (client-sdl)

    with 2) and 3) add info that you use win32 enviroment.

    PS. if report SDL draw bugs please add screen Bpp settings.


    • #17
      Originally posted by maubp
      I can get the SDI version to work, but only if I manually start the server and then connect to it. The client options to start a new game, or load a game are disabled. Is this a bug?

      Originally posted by maubp
      Also, various dialogs seem to be moveable. By left clicking on their titles, they turn into a black outline (which is therefore very difficult to see on an unexplored map).
      Fixed in cvs.

      Originally posted by maubp
      But to fix the dialog, I seem to have to press both the left and right mouse buttons at the same time. Is this a bug (middle mouse button has no effect)? Is there a key press I could use instead?
      Please report this bug to RT.
      This is problem of event list (SDL can handle only 128 event then lost all incoming event) simply don't catch mouse button up event.

      Originally posted by maubp
      Enemy cities names (coloured boxes with city name and country) do not appear when the city is first found, but are shown on the next turn. Is this a bug?
      Please report this bug to RT.
      Not only enemy but new cities too, samll solution is... recenter map.


      • #18
        Originally posted by CapTVK
        Some nice screenshots of the SDL client (if only I could get the thing running myself right now ....oh well )

        What is your screen Bpp settings ?
        Dose you still have this draw bug (unexplored isn't draw) ?
        What version of SDLClient do you use ?


        • #19
          Another problem - start a new game and press F7, the client crashes. Based on the other clients I have used, I think this should pop up a list of wonders of the world. Maybe it can't cope with an empty list?


          • #20
            What tilesets can be used with the SDL client? I tried a few that work with freeciv 1.1.14 (both isometric and non-isometric) but didn't find any that worked.


            • #21
              Originally posted by maubp
              What tilesets can be used with the SDL client? I tried a few that work with freeciv 1.1.14 (both isometric and non-isometric) but didn't find any that worked.
              Just copy to tileset dir all sdl gui gfxs...
              - city.png/spec
              - city_citizens.png/spec
              - city_fist.png/spec
              - dip_icons.png/spec
              - focused_unit_animation.png/spec
              - icons.png/spec
              - logo.png/spec
              - techs.png/spec
              - theme_boxs.png/spec
              - theme_buttons.png/spec
              - theme_orders_buttons.png/spec
              - theme_scroll.png/spec
              From deluxe tileset and add all new file to your tileset *.tilespec file.

