Originally posted by roquijad
For each province you compute a very simple index to define its attractiveness. Something like PCI_per_capita*incentives/land_utilization_ratio. You then find the least attractive and create a settler there composed with a fraction of all EGs present. You teleport it to the most attractive province and distribute the population there with a "smart" mechanism.
For each province you compute a very simple index to define its attractiveness. Something like PCI_per_capita*incentives/land_utilization_ratio. You then find the least attractive and create a settler there composed with a fraction of all EGs present. You teleport it to the most attractive province and distribute the population there with a "smart" mechanism.
This is my vision of the immigration model:
1. Calculation of each province attractiveness, much like roquijad suggest.
2. For each province a total of people migrating are calculated. This calculation would determine the amount of people leaving the province to seek a better life elsewhere.
Then this number of people are distributed to all the other provinces via a percentage based upon the attractiveness of each one and a dividing factor for distance + any other important issue.
That means each province gets some amount of people from all other provinces each turn.
This is within civs, outside civs I am not sure how to represent this. It could be the same model, and the amount of people to move from one civ to another is calculated in the in-civ calculation by adding another 'logical province' that represents interciv migration with an attractiveness calculation that is based on a little different criteria than the province calculation.
I think that would work very well and it does not seem like a lot of calculations to make.
The distribution of the total immigrated people within each province is another different calculation. Could be done in the same way as with the inter province migration. The people are distributed according to a simple attract factor.