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Action Interface Proposal

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  • Action Interface Proposal

    I was toying around with a different layout for the main GUI (mostly leaving it alone, but changing the way the menu options "flowed"), and in thinking I realized something.

    There needs to be an Action Interface. Allow me to explain.

    There are many significant decisions to be made as a Ruler, and these can most easily be modelled as an "Action" (or "Ruler Action", if you want to type more letters).

    I usually use something "unpleasant" as an example, as part of my increasing regard for "explanation through absurdity", and this will be no exception. As an example of what I mean, take the Aztecs and their Human Sacrifice.

    In my proposal, this is how this would go, from the perspective of the player:

    You bring up the Action Interface. You have a Holy Site and your religion allows sacrifice (or it will once you say it does...), so "Conduct Sacrifice" is a listed action.

    You click/double-click on the action and bring up a menu. You can choose what to sacrifice- animal or human. You choose human, and get to decide what specific kind of people you're going to sacrifice, and each has it's own effects (which vary depending on many factors, but I'll just deal with the simplest ones).

    You can choose Criminals to reduce crime, Slaves to be "religious" without bothering your citizens (assuming they don't oppose sacrifice or slavery), or certain ethnic groups. In the latter case you can use the opportunity to "cleanse" your society of a troublesome group (such as one that opposes you politically, religiously, ideologically (sacrificing people that oppose sacrifice seems appropriate), or some your people dislike/hate).

    So, being a fan of twisted poetic justice (and favoring ruthless efficiency), you choose to sacrifice a group that strongly oppose sacrifice and that is spreading. Nip it in the bud, you decide, before they come up with some crazy idea like "mass-murder is wrong".

    You can choose whether the sacrifice will be ongoing or a one-time deal, and whether it will be one that's Minor, Major, or Massive (will be just bare numbers in the begining, which can later be hidden behind such options).

    Then you get a menu that reviews your choices, and might give some forcasts of it's effect in the future; such as "1,000 NoSacrificeites will be sacrificed before the end of the month, 15,000 NoSacrificeites will be sacrificed before the end of the year. NoSacrificeites could be illiminated within 10 years. The BloodthirstyCretins will love you for it, and the NoMurderites will hate you for it. The average support for you as Ruler among the people will likely increase."

    As a matter of coding a "KillMenu" should probably be used, which takes arguments to choose what choices should be filtered out (such as saying that you can't kill certain things, like members of your own religion, etc). It could then be used for any option which kills/sacrices/cleanses/deletes/destroys/blasts into outer-space groups of people.

    For instance it could be used for Sacrifice, "Cleansing", Radical Medical Testing, and plenty of other items.

    Now as for Actions, consider all the other options that could be made available here:

    Ban behavior(s)/substance(s)
    Hold Festival
    Hold Competition
    Declare Emmergency
    Conduct Sacrifice
    Conduct Cleansing
    Conduct Radical Medical Testing
    Declare Holiday

    And many others, though some ideas I didn't (and some I did) mention could be handled best elsewhere (Declare Jihad in a military or religious screen, a Law screen for bans, etc).

    If done properly it could be fantastic for modders, but also it could serve to simplify and enrich gameplay on the whole.

    Thoughts and opinions?
    Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

    Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.

  • #2
    Hi Plutarck:

    We certainly do need more discussion on GUI stuff, so thanks for approaching this. BTW there are several GUI threads "back there" that can be looked over for good ideas, and where people stood on some of the issues. IIRC the most recent discussions on GUI-type stuff have been in the D6 and/or D5 Planning threads.

    I'm sorry, but I've read this a few times, and I can't figure out where the modding ends and the gui begins. And frankly what the overall point is. Then again each time when I read it, I wasn't at my most lucid

    FE "Criminals to reduce crime" is that hard-coded or put in by some sort of macro language or what? What makes it different from what say the Govt model is doing already?

    I guess I need some more details to see where you're headed, since it just sounds like generic GUI to me so far...
    Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
    Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


    • #3
      I just wanted to say that your post, Plutarck, made me laugh a lot!! great style, man.

      But seriously, I didn't understand where you're going either.


      • #4
        I take it that "interface" means "hey lookee here.." rather than

        "public interface ThisInterfaceIsImportant extends SomeOtherInterface".

        In other words, a gui. We certainly need more of them.


