Sorry for the outburst, but I played freeciv and loved it and I came to htis site from and dlded the techdemo and was really inpressed by the image quality and artwork. I must admit there really needs alot of work bfore it becomes incredibly great game and reaches the level of free civ, currently though the gfx surpass that of freeciv.
Here is my input of what needs to be improved (i don't mean any disrespect):
Ai= needs quake 2 massive 1 improvement bfore it bcomes fun playing against the ai, i really love playing against ai.
shortcuts= beleive me it's trouble the current way of movement without any shortcuts and without being able to erase movement paths once set but not executed, as well as shortcuts to as much as possible would be incredibly awesome considering currently it's a massive hassle just moving.
gui= bloody confusing and hard to use.
what I hope to see:
An RPG system with leveling up etc... for units also that u can place units inside heros (heroes of might and magic 3 series)
Game ai (in difficulty, pathifinding etc...) able to scale with processors: I would love the ai to take full advantage of the power of the intel p4 processor.
A better gui, less confusing interface etc...
maps only limited by your ram.
Mebe some basic opengl special effects added like fireballs from enemy attacking your castle from their seige garrison.
I love your work and I'm pretty sure in a few months you guys will surpass all my expectatoins, I have very high hopes with this project (amazingly more then with freeciv), also you guys progress fast as well which is a very big strength, this project has xtrmely great crew as well as web page and strengths and I love the work and effort being placed into it.
Thank you.
Sorry for the outburst, but I played freeciv and loved it and I came to htis site from and dlded the techdemo and was really inpressed by the image quality and artwork. I must admit there really needs alot of work bfore it becomes incredibly great game and reaches the level of free civ, currently though the gfx surpass that of freeciv.
Here is my input of what needs to be improved (i don't mean any disrespect):
Ai= needs quake 2 massive 1 improvement bfore it bcomes fun playing against the ai, i really love playing against ai.
shortcuts= beleive me it's trouble the current way of movement without any shortcuts and without being able to erase movement paths once set but not executed, as well as shortcuts to as much as possible would be incredibly awesome considering currently it's a massive hassle just moving.
gui= bloody confusing and hard to use.
what I hope to see:
An RPG system with leveling up etc... for units also that u can place units inside heros (heroes of might and magic 3 series)
Game ai (in difficulty, pathifinding etc...) able to scale with processors: I would love the ai to take full advantage of the power of the intel p4 processor.
A better gui, less confusing interface etc...
maps only limited by your ram.
Mebe some basic opengl special effects added like fireballs from enemy attacking your castle from their seige garrison.
I love your work and I'm pretty sure in a few months you guys will surpass all my expectatoins, I have very high hopes with this project (amazingly more then with freeciv), also you guys progress fast as well which is a very big strength, this project has xtrmely great crew as well as web page and strengths and I love the work and effort being placed into it.
Thank you.