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AI -- the Thread

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  • #31
    Some Specifics on Military AI

    Here is my attempt to move the AI approach forward towards something specific enough to start coding. It ain't there yet! But I am burnt out, and thought I would post this in rough form to get initial responses and ideas. I have left out some of the communication mechanisms that will be needed between Plans of different levels. also, I've only gotten partway up the command chain...

    First, a few notes, refining what has gone before:

    When Objectives are complete, plan reports this fact to parent using a TBD mechanism

    Names for now are just placeholders

    Specific Plan Objects have the following:
    (an object whose name is pluralized implies a collection of X)

    Objectives - have a
    * Name (for GUI use)
    * arguments passed in that are used by getValue (FE how to assess value of a mil. unit)
    * getValue method that takes some object of Game State after a simulation of the Actions, and returns a value that indicates level of success of the objective.
    * isAchieved method that says whether objective has been satisfied

    Resources - are Clash objects of various sorts. Commands, money, Characters...

    Assumptions - (I'm having trouble specing this one out for the general case, will return to it later, and you can also see some specifics below. comments welcome!)

    Actions - (again, tough to put in a general fashion, see specifics associatied with different Plan objects)

    a ParentPlan (object of type Plan at higher level in the hierarchy)

    ChildPlans (objects of type Plan at the same or lower level in the hierarchy)

    Success -
    * has a compareTo function per Gary's post
    * group of success values. In simulation, a number of different success values can be obtained even given identical Actions, Child Plans, etc. This saving of success values allows for assesment of ranges of results likely, characerizing riskiness.
    * success as an absolute measure, rather than compared to another plan (perhaps success measures should also have an opportunity cost for Resources used). This prevents the case where marching an army a long ways off to conquer something would be preferred to conquering something of slightly less value a lot closer to home, and then freeing up the troops. Thoughts?)

    Now, the first specific Plan:

    AttackAreaPlan (Attack and take one or more squares)

    Objectives - TakeArea, AvoidTroopLoss, EnemyTroopLoss, AchieveByTurn

    Resources - Commands

    Assumptions - EnemyForces

    Actions - MovementPath(s), Orders specifying when to fight and when not

    a ParentPlan - SectorStrategy

    ChildPlans (none for now)


    AttackAreaPlan Object Details

    Objectives -

    TakeArea - Secure control of an area that is a collection of MapSquares
    * Name ("Conquer Silesia")
    * area - collection of squares that define area to be conquered
    * value of captured square per unit economic value (may need more refinement)
    * strategic value of conquered squares(when map AI functional so strategic value can be better assessed)
    * getValue sums econ and strategic value over all conquered squares. Or perhaps adds for all conquered and subtracts for any lost from starting area
    * isAchieved method returns true when all of area defined is conquered.

    * Name ("Military Losses")
    * arguments passed in that are used by getValue (FE how to assess value of a mil. unit. For now we should just use creation cost as a simplification)
    * getValue calculates army cost-to-build after executing Action and subtracts initial

    * isAchieved method (not sure this is needed here, since everything is 'shades of gray'. If we want to add another parameter that says anything more than X is unacceptable, then this method again makes sense in this context)

    virtually identical to AvoidTroopLoss

    * Name ("Turn 38" or "340BC")
    * parameter(s) specifying how much early or late completion affects value
    * getValue returns bonus for early completion, or penalty for late.
    * isAchieved is straightforward

    Resources - Commands used in attack plan

    Assumptions - EnemyForces for now we should just weasel on this and let the AI see everywhere. Perhaps forces just outside area should be counted also.

    Actions -

    *Path(s) Just path or paths attackers will follow
    *Orders specifying when to fight and when not. FE "don't attack at less than 2:1 odds". Also includes other orders like leaving a garrison at a critical crossroads. More TBD

    a ParentPlan - SectorStrategy

    ChildPlans (none for now, although a complicated AttackAreaPlan could well be subdivided into more tractable AttackAreaPlans)

    Success - use basic Success above, or something fancier depending on what we think we need.

    DefendAreaPlan (defend given area)

    This will have many Objectives and other objects in common with the Attack version. However, unless the area is only a few squares this one will almost certainly require child DefendAreaPlans. Now for some of the differences:

    Trivially, we will have a DefendArea objective rather than an AttackArea
    There could also be a ScorchedEarth Objective, and probably some more.

    Assumptions - These are even more critical for good defense than they are for attack. One obvious one is enemy troops that are nearby to the area, and heading this way. Lets start with that for simplicity. Once enemy troop strength is established we need to worry about where they are going. I think we should spec this out further as we go along.

    ReservePlan (reserves for undetermined future use)

    The idea is that reserves can be drawn upon, giving a negative value from Success in the ReservePlan. If the Plan that wants to use the reserves has a Success gain large enough to justify the removal of the units, then the transfer will get approved (Ideally after all Plans that want them have their chance). Whether we need a method requestTransfer(Command) that returns a value, or whether this is handled some other way, I will leave to Gary's Judgment (lucky you! )

    Objectives -

    * Name ("Reserve Depletion")
    * arguments passed in that are used by getValue (FE how to assess value of a mil. unit. in reserves. For now we should just use creation cost as a simplification, but this can be Much more nuanced later. Reserves in the right spot can have an importance Many times their base construction value.)
    * getValue calculates army cost-to-build change after executing requested Action of removing the reserves.
    * isAchieved method (don't know about this one here. maybe this points to us needing two high-level Objective classes, one that is Achievable and another that isn't)

    Resources - Commands used in attack plan

    Assumptions - N.A. or maybe this can be where the remove reserves order gets put in?

    Actions - N.A. or maybe This can be where the remove reserves has its influence?

    a ParentPlan - SectorStrategy

    ChildPlans (none for now, although a complicated ReservePlan could well be subdivided into more tractable ReservePlans)

    Success - use basic Success above.

    SectorStrategy (Plan for a big chunk of the map, like a front in modern warfare)

    Objectives -

    TakeEnemyTerritory - accomplished thru child AttackAreaPlans
    * Name ("Conquer Silesia")
    * value of one point of AttackAreaPlan success (used to characterize a sector strategy's success being predicated on taking enemy ground, this might range from 0 to 1)
    * getValue sums all AttackAreaPlans and multiplies by value in line above
    * isAchieved method returns true when all of AttackAreaPlans completed.

    DefendOurTerritory - largely analagous to TakeEnemyTerritory Except that it is mandated that all friendly area of the front Must have an associated DefendAreaPlan so that the Sector AI will get feedback on any lost territory. The DefendAreaPlan need not have any Commands allocated to it.

    Other ideas?

    Resources - Sum resources used in all Child plans

    Assumptions - This is an Enormously complicated issue. To be done right, SectorStrategy will need to estimate enemy forces and their disposition using all info available, formulate potential enemy actions, and then see if the Child plans handle those circumstances ok. For now we will just be dumb and happy and make no Assumptions, leaving estimated enemy disposition to the Child plans to guess.

    Actions -

    *Mostly these are the Child plans themselves
    *Orders specifying when to fight and when not. FE "don't attack at less than 2:1 odds".

    Also includes other orders like leaving a garrison at a critical crossroads. More TBD

    a ParentPlan - MilitaryStrategy

    ChildPlans (AttackAreaPlans, etc. this is where much of the action is)

    Success - use basic Success above, or something fancier depending on what we think we need.

    *** Much internal machinery for formulation of good Child plans, that will be in my next extended post.
    Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
    Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


    • #32
      One Important thing that we'll need soon, I forgot to mention in the post above. That is an actual mechanism to simulate the results of a combat without affecting the Clash world. There are a variety of ways it could be done. We will need to discuss if perfect simulation is feasible, and if not, what a good compromise is.

      One bane of scenario writers is if they change something and the AI doesn't change its behavior to reflect the new reality. One reason our AI will be better than the run of the mill variety is that we will use in-game simulation to guide the AI. The result is that if a scenario designer changes a parameter, or throws in some oddball unit, the simulations will guide the AI to the correct use of the unit., and understand any change in its combat power trivially.
      Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
      A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
      Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


      • #33
        As far as designing things like, for example, Objectives, it is often helpful to think in terms of the general interface. In effect, what are the things the define an objective?

        For example, it must have some kind of action to attempt to proceed to achieve it.

        It must have a means of assessing its value, possibly in a multi-dimensional way.

        It must be able to report that it has been achieved.

        And, no doubt, many others. Using this approach makes the interface design a lot easier, and tends to isolate the things specific to a general Objective class.




        • #34
          Today's take on things -- my apologies, this is a bit disjointed since it was done on my lunch hour amongst eating and other things…

          Gary, I'll try to apply some of your ideas below. But I haven't been able to sit back and think deeply about minimalist Objectives and such. I will try thinking in that way, but frankly I'd rather just outline everything, and let you make those calls. Otherwise I will spend a lot of time mentally wrestling over it, and writing it up, and then you will explain to me why it is Wrong, and how you will do it differently Not a criticism, just a statement of fact as I see it .

          Just to get it in the queue for coding we will need a Thread to run AI in the background. The first implementation of these ideas can probably do without it, but we will need it by the second AI wave I think.

          Since objectives have single or multiple dimensions for evaluating success
          should Dimensions be objects? Seems they should. Dimension would contain:
          *a DimensionType identifier - Some sample DimensionTypes would be FriendlyTroopStrength, EnemyTroopStrength , EconomicValue, StrategicValue.
          *initial value in that dimension,
          *final value (after Actions taken) This value will change upon different simulations of the Actions are undertaken
          * getDimensionChange function that returns change of Dimension value after Actions
          * getValueChange that uses parameters to convert a Dimension change to a single scale like CC
          *parameters for getValueChange that define a net value for the change in dimension. For now a single value times the change in dimension value (After vs Before Actions) will suffice. Eventually we might want some more-complicated functions of initial and final state.

          The parameters for valuing the Dimension could be set by the highest AI for whole civ, or tweaked locally. But care needs to be taken with these, since the evaluation of a plan depends directly on those values. You can get almost any value for a plan you want by tweaking these values.

          If a multi-dimensional value is needed for a Plan or Objective, then the Dimensions can be put together in a collection with a getValue function that returns a Collection of Dimension instead of a float

          Complex vs Simple Plans

          It has occurred to me that plans with and without child plans seem to behave in rather different manners. I think we need a ComplexPlan vs SimplePlan distinction. A SimplePlan has no children, its objectives are phrased in terms of basic Dimensions like EconomicValue. In terms of the "tree" of strategy, a SimplePlan is a terminal "leaf". Its Resources are used in the performance of Actions that achieve the Objectives.

          A Complex Plan only does anything physical (Actions) through its child plans. Its objectives would be put in terms of success of the children plans. All it has is resources that it apportions to the children. The Resources are its to reapportion at will between child plans, but it performs no other action with the resources than apportion them to the child plans.

          I will proceed using this dichotomy between plan type in the future unless serious objections are raised to it…

          How to impart Flexibility to our AI plans? A ComplexPlan should IMO be able to have a logical-expression type structure associated with its child plans. FE an attack plan could have two children plans "Attack X" OR "Attack Y". For this flexible attack both children would be evaluated, and the final result would be the one that scores better at the moment. However, as circumstances change, the other attack might become better and that would switch to the active one. To make this work of course the two plans need a similar set of starting Actions, and it helps a Lot if X and Y are close to each other. Each turn, or even each tick when something changes, the two plans could be re-evaluated and the plan with the best score would be the one that gets executed.

          Objectives for higher-level objects should IMO be quantified in terms of achievement of lower-level plans (Child plans). That is, a plan for a level below is in a way the Dimension for an Objective at this level. That seems best to me for reasons I'll explain when I have more time. If required performance of lower-level plans needs to be assessed in a multi-dimensional way, all dimensions from the child plan can be summed and returned to the parent object.

          For example, [an Objective] must have some kind of action to attempt to proceed to achieve it.
          I think that the Actions required to achieve the Objective are best handled by them being just the ones associated with the Plan itself. If that level of detail is not sufficient, then the given Plan should become a complex plan. I think Objective having their own Actions will be too confusing.

          We need to be able to proscribe a temporal order for Actions also. I don't think that will be a shock to anyone, I'll try to include that notion in the Plan spec next rewrite. Perhaps we will also need logical expression support… As in "only start Action 3 if Objective 1 is complete".

          That's all for now, opinions? Is this heading in the right direction?
          Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
          A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
          Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


          • #35
            This is really looking good.

            Don't forget the sequencing element though. TIf this objective has that Objective as a prerequisite, the Plan will have some sort of ordering structure.



            • #36
              Thanks, Gary! I think its coming together reasonably well, but its good to hear that I'm not completely fooling myself from someone else!

              I will postpone the sequencing stuff for another day. But as an aside I only see Actions as waiting on fullfillment of Objectives at some level. Objectives won't wait on other objectives, that doesn't work within the system. But I do need to work out a timing spec... Seems fairly straightforward.

              Ok, moving on! The stuff above needs a serious rewrite to bring it all up to snuff, but I’m not in the mood to do that at the moment, so I’ll just charge on.

              How does a plan determine its Actions (or Child Plans for ComplexPlan)?
              *SimplePlan - looks at objectives and Assumptions and formulates from there using determineActions method. FE for AttackAreaPlan the actions could be calculating a path to the most attractive economic or strategic target in the area, and getting the default minimum odds at which to attack from its parent.
              *ComplexPlan – looks at overall Objectives and Assumptions. DetemineChildPlans function looks for good children to help it achieve its aims. Many children will be formulated based on the best rules we can provide. Then children, and groups of children, that satisfy the overall plan are evaluated. Finally, a best set is selected based on maximizing value from Objectives. (Perhaps the next-best set, or the few best non-selected ones are saved for future consideration?) FE a SectorStrategy plan will have AttackAreaPlan, DefendAreaPlan and ReservePlan children. If the Attack Objective is rated highly the search will focus on finding appropriate areas to attack in the region under control of the SectorStrategy. (The region should go fairly deep into enemy territory.) Rules we give it will look for good targets, and AttackAreaPlan children based on those rules will be created. Then the different sets of children are evaluated (by simulation) for success, and a single set of children is selected as the preferred one.

              Once Actions have been determined an simulation has been carried out, a report saying what the best result is will be reviewed by its superior. If the result is not satisfactory, alternates can be proposed by the superior, perhaps with different weighing on the objectives. So a SectorStrategy plan with heavy weight on Attack may return only lousy, losing values. That is the signal to the parent strategy (OverallStrategy) that this plan is flawed and should not be carried out. Perhaps a plan with the same resources, but more oriented to defense will suffice. This would be the case if the enemy has superior defensive positions available) Or maybe even a defensive posture won’t help. Then the deal is “you are in Serious Sh*t, time to take Extreme action using any military, economic, and diplomatic means possible.” That could consist of OverallStrategy stripping another SectorStrategy of Resources to plug the gap, or changing GrandStrategy handling of the economy or diplomacy. Perhaps it is time to accept that humiliating peace settlement, and live to fight another day.

              Where do Assumptions come from?
              I can envision two types. Assumptions that come from the parent, and from the Plan itself.
              * The from-parent ones would be used to probe overall possibilities, or ensure that the children that are being compared are all playing with the same assumptions. An example of probing possibilities: “Assume you are facing 2 armored divisions”. While another child of that parent would be given “… 4 armored divisions”. The parent can then decide how robust the plan is based on the value produced by each of the plans.
              * The other type of Assumption is self-imposed by the Plan and just says what view of the world it is taking for its calculations. The use would be to maintain a record of the plan assumptions that can be compared to a different plan, or the same plan at a later date. I’m not sure the second type is critical in the short term, but I think it will be needed long-term.
              Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
              A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
              Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


              • #37
                Looks good.
                As I understand it, the AI you are describing is based on fixed resources, is it? I am unsure, as it could also fit resources-demand:

                I bet a plan like "Invade Region XXX" would need troops you may not have so, in order to simulate its success, subplans would be 1)Build and ferry troops 2)AeraAttack, and the plan 1 would be preferred to plan 2 until the simulation reveals that "we will win".
                This could require economic (at least) simulation in addition to military.
                Clash of Civilization team member
                (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                web site and forum here on apolyton)


                • #38
                  Hi Laurent:

                  Yes, the AI plan for now is using fixed resources. If the resources aren't adequate, then the parent should get the idea that the plan is lousy given available Resources. If even the best plans are awful, that is the signal the resources are a big problem. That would call for a change of strategy at a higher level. As I currently envision it, more resources can only come from reallocation of resources by the parent. The only level that actually gets new resources from the economy, and talks to the economy actively, should be the OverallMilitaryStrategy. That object will be associated with the High Command of the civ. If the GrandStrategy, the object in charge of all strategy including economic, diplomatic, and military, etc. decides units should be built, it will give them to the OverallMilitaryStrategy. At least pending further discussion that is the way I think it should work.

                  I think the Resources that a plan has can include "virtual" resources, that don't exist yet, that are expected to appear at some point. I guess we need a special kind of Resource to cover this. The Resource itself would identify when and where it is supposed to show up. The plans with virtual resources probably would also need a special Objective called ResourcesAvailable or something. The logic for plan actions could then have the later actions of the plan predicated upon the ResourcesAvailable objective being fulfilled at a certain level. One trade-off that the plan could identify itself is "do we wait for All the resources, or go ahead when Most are available". This would then be encoded in the preferred set of Actions for the plan.

                  It is possible we will need commands like your BuildAndFerryTroops idea. But I would prefer to keep the economic and military planning as separate as possible. As I see it currently troops that are slated to be built in the near future will be allocated as virtual Resources that will go down the chains of command just like the ordinary already-existing resources do. It seems cleaner to me this way.

                  That's all for now since I've got company
                  Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                  A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                  Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                  • #39
                    Virtual resources sound good.
                    I'd also like to point out another kind of asumption: Other civs. I know this will be far fetched, as it mingles with diplomatic ai, but there is one point I think is relevant now:
                    You could have 2 war plans: One being war vs. civ1 while at peace with civ2 (neutral), and the other plan where both are allied.
                    The asumptions are clear, but going at war against a third party should be totally forbidden in plan 1. You don't want ai's to fight their neighbours without thinking of diplomatic and long-term results. The point is in plan 1, you can even totally ignore civ2 if they are neutral, making computations easier. This requires forbidding to go through their territory. This also means that some asumptions or objectives (keep peace with civ2) be mandatory in the evaluation of subobjectives, but can be ignored at the level above:
                    Plan 1 will do its utmost to keep peace with civ2, Plan 2 won't bother, and the father plan will decide which to choose based on the plans results from its point of view, i.e. military + diplomatic.
                    Clash of Civilization team member
                    (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                    web site and forum here on apolyton)


                    • #40
                      Hi Laurent, I agree. Assumptions should allow for specification of diplomatic status, and its military ramifications. Or, as you say, we can also allow a "Don't Care" assumption that says you can either tromp through a non-allied territory or not. But this later is potentially complicated, and I need to think about it a bit... but later.
                      Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                      A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                      Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                      • #41
                        The AI Plan Object -- Second Draft (Feb 11 2002)

                        This is a restructuring and re-synthesis of the design for the AI. For now we are focusing on military AI. I am revising to provide a current version that is a better basis for coding. There is much repetition of what has gone before, but AFAIK all the discarded or incorrect stuff has been removed.

                        This is the AI architecture to support the functions we've been talking about in this thread. This document is a somewhat-detailed proposal for a key piece of the AI code. I call this object a Plan, but the name isn't important. There would be all sorts of sub-types of Plans, targeted for use in different AI functions. What I'm presenting here is the base object in section A, and specific implementations of it in section B. One test you can subject my proposal is to think about several quite-different things you want the AI to be able to do. See if the Plan framework can accommodate your ideas.

                        The overall function of the Plan starts with quantified information about objectives, resources and assumptions that it gets from the parent (superior in the AI hierarchy). It takes the inputs, does some AI magic involving heuristics, simulation, and perhaps other scary words. The magic generates Actions which are evaluated. Then the plan reports to the parent on average expectation of success, and risk of the plan. The parent then does one of three things: approves the plan and orders it to go forward; scraps the plan and lets it die; or tweaks the inputs to the plan to see if it can get something it likes better. The last part can be done by asking the plan "what do you need to get 90% success" or the parent can just change things and ask the plan what its new success and risk functions evaluate to.

                        A. Overall Structure of AI Plans

                        There will be two basic types of plans, Simple and Complex (or perhaps Compound). To promote clearer discussion I'll introduce the Simple plan first. After the introduction I will follow up with further elaboration on these objects and how the AI will use them.

                        A.1 the SimplePlan (even a SimplePlan ain't simple)

                        The SimplePlan Object has:
                        (an object X whose name is pluralized implies a collection of X)

                        ParentPlan (the one that told it what to do, and that it reports to)

                        Objectives (take city W, make peace with Celts) The objectives will each be rated for importance in some Dimension(s) (discussed below), and what success looks like. For some plans losing 1/4 of an attacking army is acceptable, for others it is a catastrophe. The Success of the plan is scored by a combination of achievement levels of the objectives. This can be a simple weighted average across a single dimension in the most straightforward approach. More on this down below. When Objectives are complete, plan reports this fact to parent using a TBD mechanism that will eventually be covered in "Communications Mechanisms"

                        Resources (5th army, 1000 Clash Cash, Character Alexander) Resources are Fixed as far as the plan is concerned. If the Resources fail to give good results for a variety of Actions the Plan considers, it is a signal to the Plan above in the AI chain that the resources aren't up to the task, and strategy should be reconsidered. Resources that a plan has can include "virtual" resources, that don't exist yet, but are expected to appear at some quantified time.

                        Assumptions (assume city defended by army of X strength, assume the Big Noses won't attack us for at least 10 turns) Assumptions can either come down from the parent, or be characterized by the Plan itself.

                        Actions are the actual details of what the plan Does. Actions include a reference to the available resources, and an instruction to actually do something with them. To evaluate the Success of a plan the Actions are simulated in a way characteristic of the particular type of plan. The result of one or more of these simulations is encoded in a Success object.

                        Success Provides a concrete evaluation of this plan as compared to others in one or more Dimensions giving likely level of success given the objectives, resources... To be concrete, for a one-dimension approach, we can define success in terms of monetary equivalents, and let the $$$ speak for itself. Parent plan sets the Dimension definitions that include a function of success on each Objective. Success should ideally contain results for more than a single simulation. This allows Success to report not only an Average result of the trials, but also the spread of the results, which is an estimate of the risk involved in a plan.

                        DetermineActions – object (one for each type of plan, in Java parlance its static) is a function with Rules/methods for selecting Actions. This is where the real tough part is. Generally consists of good rules-of-thumb for successful strategies and the mechanics for implementing them in the Clash system.

                        Simulator – object (one for each type of plan, in Java parlance its static) contains the machinery to perform the simulations for the plan. It will have a function that simulates n runs of the plan, and gives that information to Success.

                        Communications methods for transmitting success or failure to the parent, and to communicate that some item is a serious risk to the plan's success.

                        A.2 How Success is determined given achievement of Objectives:

                        What I want to elaborate upon here is how the level of achievement of an objective contributes to the success function. You can see specific examples of Objectives in section B below. Since we are first going to implement simple attack-management Plans I'll just pick two obvious objectives an AttackAreaPlan might have, in words: (1) Take the city W, and (2) minimize loss of troops. How should we specify a success level given these two things that's generic enough to use for any plan?
                        I will assume here that for each objective we can simulate / calculate a success level. Don't take the function characterization too seriously for now.

                        (1) Take City -- success = monetary value of city over some future period.
                        (2) Minimize casualties -- success = -Replacement cost of units lost

                        Here success in each area is determined by values of objectives that we'd need to determine thru playtesting. For a particular plan these are held in a Dimension object, which can represent any dimension we care to measure, like money, lives lost, etc. But lets say for now we phrase everything in terms of CC (Clash Cash). So put bluntly, cities and provinces have monetary value, units have value and replacement costs, etc. Things in enemies' hands also have (negative) value to us. With a scaling like this, each plan would produce a value that is basically the sum of the values of objectives attained (and resources depleted). If we want to get sophisticated we can use discounted cash flows to get at the time value of money.

                        Given different Actions that the plan comes up with we can simulate success over one or more models of how combat works, assumptions about how many we're fighting, how far troops can get etc. I don't want to get into details here, because this will be where much of the work goes in. But through either simulation or rules of thumb we can get a distribution of success levels for 1 & 2. Lets say we do three trials (all using same Actions) and get the following results:


                        In simulation A we capture the city intact, and remove it from our enemy's hands, with a value of 100CC (this represents not a one-turn value of the city, but something going forward into the future). Our troop losses for A have replacement value of 30CC. The net result is +70CC. But in A everything worked out great. Simulations B and C show other cases for what may have happened, and their aggregate value. Overall this is probably not a really good attack. I just mostly picked the numbers out of the air, but the 80 in B is meant to represent significant damage to the city upon taking it. And the 10 in C damage to something the other guy retains control of. On this scale the average is 23 and the standard deviation quite big, indicating it’s a risky proposition.

                        A.3 More detailed structure of SimplePlan sub-objects

                        a ParentPlan (object of type Plan at higher level in the hierarchy)

                        Objectives – (FE TakeArea, AvoidTroopLoss) have a
                        * Name (for GUI use)
                        * Dimension objects (FE how to assess value of a mil. Unit, or captured territory) These objects are covered in more detail below
                        * getValue method that takes some object of Game State after a simulation of the Actions, and returns a value in one or more Dimensions that indicates level of success of the objective.
                        * isAchieved method that says whether objective has been satisfied

                        Resources - are Clash objects of various sorts. Commands, money, Characters... Virtual Resources will need to be explicitly marked as such. Perhaps we should have an "available" field that says "NOW" for normal resources, and gives a number of turns for the virtual ones. It seems this will be a 'wrapper' class that potentially any game object can be put in.

                        Assumptions - Any object that is used in the final evaluation of the plan (enemy forces…) can be specified as an assumption. This will be another wrapper class. I'm having trouble detailing this one out for the general case, will return to it later, and you can also see some specifics below in section B. comments welcome!

                        Actions – Will be Orders given to Resources. Each Action object will consist of one or more
                        *orders applicable to a
                        (again, tough to put in a general fashion, see specifics associatied with different specific Plan objects)

                        Success -
                        * has a compareTo function per Gary's post
                        * collection of success values. From simulations, a number of different success values can be obtained even given identical Actions, Resources, etc. This saving of success values allows for assessment of ranges of results likely, characterizing risk.
                        * success as an absolute measure, rather than compared to another plan (perhaps success measures should also have an opportunity cost for Resources used). This prevents the case where marching an army a long ways off to conquer something would be preferred to conquering something of slightly less value a lot closer to home, and then freeing up the troops. Thoughts?)
                        *risk (returns a standard deviation of how much success result is likely to vary given luck of the draw and imperfect information, etc.)

                        determineActions - is the function with Rules/methods for selecting Actions. This will be very specific to the plan type. Its output is the Actions the plan will simulate to evaluate itself. Speaking of which…

                        Simulator – has a Lot of details under the hood and a
                        *simulate function that runs n simulations and reports results to Success. Actual implementation requires results of simulate being recorded in terms of Dimensions in the Objectives. Then the Success object is loaded with the values of dimensions we're using, which completes the result of a single simulation.
                        *simultateTurn(input: Parent Simulator) that can run a single timeslice of the simulation. It is Critical to enable Linkage between different plans. More about this after introduction of complex plans. Upon completion of all the simulated turns results are reported as at the end of simulate, and also reported to the parent.

                        Communications methods - No spec yet

                        Dimension (Objectives have 'em) - Since objectives have single or multiple dimensions for evaluating success we need Dimension objects. Dimension would contain:
                        *a DimensionType identifier - Some sample DimensionTypes would be FriendlyTroopStrength, EnemyTroopStrength , EconomicValue, StrategicValue.
                        *initial value in that dimension,
                        *final value (after Actions taken) This value will change upon different simulations of the Actions are undertaken
                        * getDimensionChange function that returns change of Dimension value after Actions
                        * getValueChange that uses parameters to convert a Dimension change to a single scale like CC
                        *parameters for getValueChange that define a net value for the change in dimension. For now a single value times the change in dimension value (After vs Before Actions) will suffice. Eventually we might want some more-complicated functions of initial and final state.
                        The parameters for valuing the Dimension could be set by the highest AI for whole civ, or tweaked locally. But care needs to be taken with these, since the evaluation of a plan depends directly on those values. You can get almost any value for a plan you want by tweaking these values, so they should Not be under control of any optimization done by the Plan itself.

                        If a multi-dimensional value is needed for a Plan or Objective, then the Dimensions can be put together in a collection with a getValue function that returns a Collection of Dimension instead of a float

                        A.4 Complex vs Simple Plans

                        In terms of the "tree" of strategy, a SimplePlan is a terminal "leaf". Its Resources are used in the performance of Actions that achieve the Objectives. But as we get higher on the strategy tree there is a need for plans that have sub-Plans (or child plans) in order to prevent a plan from getting arbitrarily complicated and intractable. If a Plan is complex, it can delegate the action to these lower-level plans. Plans with and without child plans seemed to behave in rather different manners in the initial design, so I've separated them. I think we need a ComplexPlan vs SimplePlan distinction.

                        A Complex Plan only does anything physical (Actions) through its child plans. I believe the child plans should be its only Actions. Its objectives can still be put in terms of basic Dimensions just like a simple plan. All that is needed is to aggregate the results from the child plans. A complex plan simply apportions resources to the children. The Resources are its to reapportion at will between child plans, but it performs no other action with the resources.

                        The ComplexPlan object has a spec that is identical to the SimplePlan, except the following:

                        Actions - All Must be Plans.

                        Simulator – In a Complex plan is where the Simulator really gets complicated. Simulation Together of the Actions (child plans) is especially important for things like the military sector AI. It is critical for correct simulation of use of reserves, value of feint attacks, and in general connection of different pieces of the action in different child plans. Of course, care must be taken to limit the scope of these connections or things may become computationally intractable. The Simulator will have methods for determining when simulation of the child plans Together is important. When that is the case, the simulate function will run the simulations for the relevant children together. That's enabled by the simultateTurn(input: Parent Simulator) method in the children. That function can run a single timeslice of the simulation. The simulations are run together timeslice by timeslice, until finished. There will need to be objects and/or methods in the Simulator to ensure this process is done smoothly. For now I will not specify these since the AI in the near future shouldn't include the extra complexity to implement this.

                        A.5 Flexibility and Timing in Plans

                        How to impart Flexibility to our AI plans? A ComplexPlan should IMO be able to have a logical-expression type structure associated with its Actions (child plans). FE an attack plan could have two children plans "Attack X" OR "Attack Y". For this flexible attack both children would be evaluated, and the final result would be the one that scores better at the moment. However, as circumstances change, the other attack might become better and that would switch to the active one. To make this work of course the two plans need a similar set of starting Actions, and it helps a Lot if X and Y are close to each other. Each turn, or even each tick when something changes, the two plans could be re-evaluated and the plan with the best score would be the one that gets executed.

                        We need to be able to prescribe a temporal order for Actions also. I don't think that will be a shock to anyone, I'll try to include that notion in the Plan spec next rewrite. Perhaps we will also need logical expression support… As in "only start Action 3 if Objective 1 is complete".

                        A.6 Resources and interconnection with Strategy

                        The AI plan for now is assumed to use Fixed resources. If the resources aren't adequate, then the parent should get the idea that the plan is lousy given available Resources. If even the best plans are awful, that is the signal the resources are a big problem. That would call for a change of strategy at a higher level. As I currently envision it, more resources can only come from reallocation of resources by the parent. The only level that actually gets new resources from the economy, and talks to the economy actively, should be the OverallMilitaryStrategy. That object will be associated with the High Command of the civ. If the GrandStrategy, the object in charge of all strategy including economic, diplomatic, and military, etc. decides units should be built, it will give them to the OverallMilitaryStrategy. At least pending further discussion that is the way I think it should work.

                        I think the Resources that a plan has can include "virtual" resources, that don't exist yet, that are expected to appear at some point. I guess we need a special kind of Resource to cover this. The Resource itself would identify when and where it is supposed to show up. The plans with virtual resources probably would also need a special Objective called ResourcesAvailable or something. The logic for plan actions could then have the later actions of the plan predicated upon the ResourcesAvailable objective being fulfilled at a certain level. One trade-off that the plan could identify itself is "do we wait for All the resources, or go ahead when Most are available". This would then be encoded in the preferred set of Actions for the plan.

                        A.6 Simulator

                        One Important thing that we'll need soon, I forgot to mention in the post above. That is an actual mechanism to simulate the results of a combat without affecting the Clash world. There are a variety of ways it could be done. We will need to discuss if perfect simulation is feasible, and if not, what a good compromise is.

                        A.7 How are Actions Determined?

                        How does a plan determine its Actions (or Child Plans for ComplexPlan)?
                        *SimplePlan - looks at objectives and Assumptions and formulates from there using a determineActions method. FE for AttackAreaPlan the actions could be calculating a path to the most attractive economic or strategic target in the area, and getting the default minimum odds at which to attack from its parent.
                        *ComplexPlan – looks at overall Objectives and Assumptions. DetemineChildPlans function looks for good children to help it achieve its aims. Many children will be formulated based on the best rules we can provide. Then children, and groups of children, that satisfy the overall plan are evaluated. Finally, a best set is selected based on maximizing value from Objectives. (Perhaps the next-best set, or the few best non-selected ones are saved for future consideration?) FE a SectorStrategy plan will have AttackAreaPlan, DefendAreaPlan and ReservePlan children. If the Attack Objective is rated highly the search will focus on finding appropriate areas to attack in the region under control of the SectorStrategy. (The region should go fairly deep into enemy territory.)

                        Last edited by Mark_Everson; February 14, 2002, 12:48.
                        Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                        A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                        Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                        • #42
                          The model continued...

                          Rules we give it will look for good targets, and AttackAreaPlan children based on those rules will be created. Then the different sets of children are evaluated (by simulation) for success, and a single set of children is selected as the preferred one.

                          Once Actions have been determined and a simulation has been carried out, a report saying what the best result is will be reviewed by its superior. If the result is not satisfactory, alternates can be proposed by the superior, perhaps with different weighing on the objectives. So a SectorStrategy plan with heavy weight on Attack may return only lousy, losing values. That is the signal to the parent strategy (OverallStrategy) that this plan is flawed and should not be carried out. Perhaps a plan with the same resources, but more oriented to defense will suffice. This would be the case if the enemy has superior defensive positions available) Or maybe even a defensive posture won’t help. Then the deal is “you are in Serious Sh*t, time to take Extreme action using any military, economic, and diplomatic means possible.” That could consist of OverallStrategy stripping another SectorStrategy of Resources to plug the gap, or changing GrandStrategy handling of the economy or diplomacy. Perhaps it is time to accept that humiliating peace settlement, and live to fight another day.

                          One bane of scenario writers is if they change something and the AI doesn't change its behavior to reflect the new reality. One reason our AI will be better than the run of the mill variety is that we will use in-game simulation to guide the AI. The result is that if a scenario designer changes a parameter, or throws in some oddball unit, the simulations will guide the AI to the correct use of the unit., and understand any change in its combat power trivially.

                          A.8 Where do Assumptions come from?

                          I can envision two types. Assumptions that come from the parent, and from the Plan itself.
                          * The from-parent ones would be used to probe overall possibilities, or ensure that the children that are being compared are all playing with the same assumptions. An example of probing possibilities: “Assume you are facing 2 armored divisions”. While another child of that parent would be given “… 4 armored divisions”. The parent can then decide how robust the plan is based on the value produced by each of the plans.
                          * The other type of Assumption is self-imposed by the Plan and just says what view of the world it is taking for its calculations. The use would be to maintain a record of the plan assumptions that can be compared to a different plan, or the same plan at a later date. I’m not sure the second type is critical in the short term, but I think it will be needed long-term.

                          B. Specific Plan Types for Military AI

                          Here is my attempt to move the AI approach forward towards something specific enough to start coding. It ain't there yet! But it is getting better with each revision. I have left out some of the communication mechanisms that will be needed between Plans of different levels.

                          Now, the first specific Plan:

                          AttackAreaPlan (Attack and take one or more squares)

                          a ParentPlan - SectorStrategy

                          Objectives - TakeArea, AvoidTroopLoss, EnemyTroopLoss, AchieveByTurn, AssembleResources

                          Resources - Commands

                          Assumptions - EnemyForces

                          Actions - MovementPath(s), Orders specifying when to fight and when not


                          DetermineActions – see below

                          Simulator – see below

                          AttackAreaPlan Object Details

                          a ParentPlan – SectorStrategy
                          (All methods or field not explicitly mentioned are assumed to have default behavior)

                          Objectives -

                          TakeArea - Secure control of an area that is a collection of MapSquares
                          * Name ("Conquer Silesia")
                          * area - collection of squares that define area to be conquered
                          * Dimension EconomicValue - value of captured square per unit economic value (may need more refinement)
                          * Dimension StrategicValue - strategic value of conquered squares(when map AI functional so strategic value can be better assessed)
                          * getValue sums econ and strategic value over all conquered squares. Or perhaps adds for all conquered and subtracts for any lost from starting area
                          * isAchieved method returns true when all of area defined is conquered.

                          * Name ("Military Losses")
                          * Dimension FriendlyTroopStrength (How to assess value of a military unit? For now we should just use creation cost as a simplification)
                          * getValue calculates army cost-to-build after executing Action and subtracts initial
                          * isAchieved method (not sure this is needed here, since everything is 'shades of gray'. If we want to add another parameter that says anything more than X is unacceptable, then this method again makes sense in this context)

                          virtually identical to AvoidTroopLoss

                          * Name ("Turn 38" or "340BC")
                          * Dimension Timing specifying how much early or late completion affects value
                          * getValue returns bonus for early completion, or penalty for late.
                          * isAchieved is straightforward

                          Resources - Commands used in attack plan

                          Assumptions – EnemyForces. for now we should just weasel on this and let the AI see everywhere, and assume things don't change with time. Perhaps forces just outside area should be counted also.

                          Actions -

                          *Path(s) Just path or paths attackers will follow. The paths I talk about here are the complete paths from where the TFs/Commands are Now to their final destination.
                          *Orders specifying when to fight and when not. FE "don't attack at less than 2:1 odds". Also includes other orders like leaving a garrison at a critical crossroads. More TBD

                          Success - use basic Success above.

                          DetermineActions - For now: Group forces first in city nearest to objective. Use cheapest path to objective. Objective should be at most several contiguous squares. Require that troops have 1.5:1 or better adjusted odds to attack (I'm not sure how to phrase this in terms of the military system since effective power entails Attack, Defense and Health of both armies. Any help Laurent?) We will cheat and allow the AI to see the enemy troops, even in the black.
                          Future: This can get quite sophisticated. Information about enemy dispositions will need to be obtained, or assumptions made. Paths that avoid enemy forces and good defensive areas for enemy are a must. Paths that could have any of a number of objectives would be preferred since they can confound an enemy defense. Launching of small feints could be included. Determination of supply situations along different routes is an important additional consideration. There are more considerations, but lets get the basics done first!

                          Simulator – For now: Assume that any enemy troops on line of march are bunched together and fought as a single battle in square with largest number of defenders. Also treat any enemy units within X squares (say 3 or distance to target, whichever less) as lumped into the defense.
                          *simulate - Just run an ordinary military battle to simulate. Care must be taken to copy the units first so that the simulation doesn't affect the actual units in the game. Same may be true of square itself.
                          Future: More sophisticated handling of individual enemy forces rather than assuming they can all unite. Use notion of enemy possibly bringing in reserves that are close enough. In fact a general simulation of what alternatives the enemy might be pursuing is a rich area for the long term.
                          *simultateTurn – As above but step-by-step to account properly for appropriate use of reserves upon setbacks. This would precipitate a tactical withdrawal until reserves can get there. Coupling individual attack and defense plans in simulateTurn could be quite challenging, but I think we can do a basically good job with it.

                          DefendAreaPlan (defend given area)

                          This will have many Objectives and other objects in common with the Attack version. However, unless the area is only a few squares this one will almost certainly require child DefendAreaPlans. So we might need two versions of this, one a Complex, and one a simple plan. Now for some of the differences with attack:

                          Trivially, we will have a DefendArea objective rather than an AttackArea
                          There could also be a ScorchedEarth Objective, and probably some more.

                          Assumptions - These are even more critical for good defense than they are for attack. One obvious one is enemy troops that are nearby to the area, and heading this way. Lets start with that for simplicity. Once enemy troop strength is established we need to worry about where they are going. I think we should spec this out further as we go along.

                          DetermineActions – this one is Tough, defense is much harder than offense to do in a smart manner
                          Near term: It’s a little easier than the long-term problem, since we'll cheat, and let the AI see the player's troops. Even if they are in the fog or black area. But the AI would not see movement orders. Since I think explicit handling of reserves is too complicated for the first pass, defense will be primarily point defense of cities. (If we can get a troop intercept order then the city defenders can go out to attack troops harassing the countryside if danger appears low.) I think the default allocations (when enemy troops are say greater than five turns' march away) should be inversely proportional to distance to the enemy's nearest city. We will need to figure enemy attack potential for each target as enemy troops get closer. For a start this can be done simply by counting enemy forces within an X-square radius. X might be 6 or so. With an explicit threat, troops should be re-allocated proportional to the threats as weighted by attack power or some better metric. This approach is still susceptible to being fooled by a player. The player, by approaching on a line that is roughly equidistant between two cities can cause the AI to split its forces in half, and then attack only half. But its still a good step in the right direction.
                          Long term: Pickets to detect enemy movements will need to be sent out if other game options to push back the fog aren't available. A strategic reserve will in many cases work better than point defense. Strategic strong-points along the border can be garrisoned to slow an enemy advance and give more time for mobilization of reserves. I'm sure there are more items that should go here, but in the interests of time, I will move on.

                          Simulator – Near term: assume all enemy forces within range of each city attack it massed together. This will be a conservative estimate, since some enemy units will be counted for more than one attack.
                          *simulate and simultateTurn are similar to the attack versions

                          ReservePlan (reserves for undetermined future use)

                          The idea is that reserves can be drawn upon, giving a negative value from Success in the ReservePlan. If the Plan that wants to use the reserves has a Success gain large enough to justify the removal of the units, then the transfer will get approved (Ideally after all Plans that want them have their chance). Whether we need a method requestTransfer(Command) that returns a value, or whether this is handled some other way, I will leave to Gary's Judgment (lucky you! )

                          For now I am leaving this one vague since I think we won't use it in the first wave of AI!

                          ParentPlan - SectorStrategy

                          Objectives -

                          * Name ("Reserve Depletion")
                          * arguments passed in that are used by getValue (FE how to assess value of a mil. unit. in reserves. For now we should just use creation cost as a simplification, but this can be Much more nuanced later. Reserves in the right spot can have an importance Many times their base construction value.)
                          * getValue calculates army cost-to-build change after executing requested Action of removing the reserves.
                          * isAchieved method (don't know about this one here. maybe this points to us needing two high-level Objective classes, one that is Achievable and another that isn't)

                          Resources - Commands used in attack plan

                          Assumptions - N.A. or maybe this can be where the remove reserves order gets put in?

                          Actions - N.A. or maybe This can be where the remove reserves has its influence?

                          SectorStrategy (Plan for a big chunk of the map, like a front in modern warfare)

                          ParentPlan - OverallMilitaryStrategy

                          Objectives - Pretty much these are the union of those for attack, defense and reserve plans. Possibly Dimensions for Attack and Defense versions should be different to allow a strategic attack/defense balance to be adopted. If there is no distinction between attack and defense one can have bizarre things like two sides switching countries being weighted equally than retaining their original countries. Other ideas?

                          Resources - Sum resources used in all Child plans

                          Assumptions - This is an Enormously complicated issue. To be done right, SectorStrategy will need to estimate enemy forces and their disposition using all info available, formulate potential enemy actions, and then see if the Child plans handle those circumstances ok. For now we will just be dumb and happy and make no Assumptions, leaving estimated enemy disposition to the Child plans to guess. Could include default Orders specifying when to fight and when not. FE "don't attack at less than 2:1 odds". Another Assumption could be strategic disposition as mentioned in Objectives above.

                          Actions -
                          * the Child plans themselves (AttackAreaPlans, etc. this is where the action is)

                          Success - use basic Success above, or something fancier depending on what we think we need.

                          DetermineActions – For now:
                          -1. Examine the strategic space (for now do every turn, can be relaxed later)
                          a. Evaluate a strategy with 100% of resources in DefendAreaPlan.
                          b. Evaluate a strategy with 100% of resources in AttackAreaPlan. Attack an area that "looks good". Looks good = minimum of Defender Power * distance. It is necessary to have a DefendAreaPlan child with zero resources as noted above.
                          c. Evaluate a strategy with 50% of resources in each.
                          Comparison of the plans a-c crudely maps out what the risks and opportunities are. It can be ignorant of threats just beyond the DefendAreaPlan distance threshold for seeing enemy troops, but we can live with that for now. (One way to handle that short-term is to increase the look-out distance from one to several squares randomly, which would make it tougher for the player to formulate strategies using the fixed distance against the AI). Once the strategic space is crudely mapped, try a strategy that is halfway between the two best scorers. Call that d. Pick the best strategy from a-d. If two are "close" in value pick one with less risk. Even this simple approach can be time-intensive. We will look at tradeoffs and simplifications needed if necessary at a later date.
                          Future: attack/defense balance can be specified by parent. There is Lots of potential for examining the strategic space in a better way. Simulation of enemy attacks even when none is apparent is a Must long-term.

                          Simulator – I think this is straightforward since all action happens in the child Simulators
                          *simulate will eventually run simultateTurn in the children to allow linkages between plans.
                          But there is one point I need to bring up. I will put it under Detail of Simulation below since it is of general scope and doesn't pertain just to this plan.

                          OverallMilitaryStrategy (Plan for all military endeavors of the civ)

                          a ParentPlan - GrandStrategy

                          I think I will leave this one vague for now! I don't think we need it as other than a placeholder for the immediate future. OverallMilitaryStrategy has complexities of its own. The parent, GrandStrategy, is probably The hardest part of the AI. As the lower levels of the AI are coded and actually used, I expect things will come up that will naturally go in this object, or its parent. When we get to that point, if not earlier, I'll get a spec out for OverallMilitaryStrategy and GrandStrategy.

                          GENERAL NOTES (some will be put in the discussion above as of the next rewrite)

                          Just to get it in the queue for coding we will need a Thread to run AI in the background. The first implementation of these ideas can probably do without it, but we will need it by the second AI wave I think.

                          We need Dimension-evaluation methods from the relevant models to figure changes in Dimension needed to evaluate an Objective. FE the economic model needs to be able to facilitate calculation of an EconomicValue dimension for any hunk of territory presented. This would then be modified for Who owns it since people in a civ they want to be part of will generally be more productive than ones in a civ they hate. This function should be fulfilled by each Dimension object.

                          Detail of Simulation (will eventually be moved up to the A. section)

                          Complex plans will probably eventually need to have two paths for simulation available to them. One is the detailed approach that I'm assuming above, where simulation gets passed down to all the children. That method will be Very computationally expensive, and should be used only for formulating final detailed plans. There is need for a "quick-and-dirty" simulation alternative when only higher-level concerns are being planned. The second approach will need to be hand-crafted for each plan type to capture the essence of what might happen, while using only the most important details. I have ideas for some of these issues, but will wait until later to elaborate. The way I envision this working is that when a simulate function is started it can optionally include the type of plan where you only want the quick-and-dirty one. FE when the GrandStrategy AI is looking at broad alternatives, it is not needed to bring the simulation down to individual attack and defense plans. The scope is much broader. When the GrandStrategy is thinking general strategic thoughts (as opposed to handing down the final plan) it might say that it wants simulation to stop at the OverallMilitaryStrategy level. IMO it will be very common to order simulation to terminate at the child plan level in most cases. In the long term we need to use feedback to compare the value determined for the crudely-fashioned plans to the value when a more detailed simulation is done. If the crude approach tends to over or under-estimate the results for a particular Plan, then a fudge factor can be thrown in to crudely correct. Note that when I'm talking about the fudge factors, they would apply potentially both to a Type of plan, and also to specific plans.

                          Here's a quick example to make this more concrete. GrandStrategy for France is considering attacking the Swiss with whom they are neutral at the moment. The Simulation is going to terminate at the OverallMilitaryStrategy level. Just looking at troop numbers the Swiss might look like an easy kill, since OverallMilitaryStrategy doesn't know about the terrain. When this strategy is selected as the best, a test will be run down to lower levels. SectorStrategy should know about the terrain effects. After the tests it will effectively say "Uh, boss, this is Not a good idea, can't be done with the resources you're giving me." What we need is a way to file that information in the Simulator object for OverallMilitaryStrategy. Then the next time a quick-and-dirty simulation is called for, it can adjust any "Attack Swiss" orders appropriately. This stuff is Far in the future for the AI, but I'm bringing it up now so that the Architecture can be made so as to accommodate such a thing. How to handle this sort of information in a sensible way is a Very severe challenge for the future.
                          Last edited by Mark_Everson; February 14, 2002, 12:51.
                          Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                          A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                          Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                          • #43
                            Sounds good.
                            Here are a few critics:
                            2) Minimize casualties -- success = -Replacement cost of units lost
                            Should be a bit more than that, as building units takes time (add maintenance cost for the number of turns needed to build new unit?).

                            A.5 Complex plans:
                            We should probably have 2 complex plans objects, AND plans and OR plans. That way you have the logical structure through extra layers, and it is easier to prune a OR branch than maintaining inner structures.
                            From A.8, it also appears subplans can be used for various simulations, based on asumptions. These plans should be a variant of OR, like UNKNOWN_OR, since there won't be a choice between them, but they are all to be evaluated together to give the parent plan some input as to what sub plan to implement.

                            A.6 Now a proposal for simulations:
                            The code runs with random numbers. I suggest simulations don't use the same randomizer, so it would be easier to simulate good and bad luck. In the military, it is easy to know when an odd is for good or ill. We could use an even-distributed pseudo-random for the "average" result, and biased pseudo-randoms to simulate good and bad luck, thus getting a more accurate results distribution than by running lots of tests. Well-made randomizers could allow to simulate with only 3 or 5 points and give results you would otherwise need 10 runs to have, or give more accurate results than truly random 3 points.
                            For example, we could do 1 simulation with average random of 0.5 in (0-1) range, and one with 0.45, one with 0.55, then bias the whole thing by giving more weight to the 0.5 than to the others. I bet a 4-point with 0.45/0.48/0.52/0.55 would be a good simulation, as 0.5 may give unstable results. I should test the figures on actual fights to get an idea of the importance of the random factor, but won't code anything unless the principle is agreed on.

                            B: AttackAeraPlan lacks notion of terrain/map knowledge, as I can't see any assumption about the path to get to the area. There should be an asumption that path to get there exists and contains X enemy force, in addition to the enemyforces in the aera itself. By path I mean path from outside the area to inside, since inside paths are part of actions.

                            B. Determining odds to win:
                            Argh. Actually, the factors that could be used would be health*attack*defence*armor, but armorpen changes that, and distance strength allows for support fire and damage before closing so it is a bit complicated. For ancient times, distance can be ignored or factored in as 10% of fight, with melee being 90%, but it will be very different when fights take place at longer ranges, and when armies have different favourite ranges (e.g. impi/rifle). For the moment I can come up with something for distance that will not be too much off-mark, but the ratio will just be a rough estimation.
                            Clash of Civilization team member
                            (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                            web site and forum here on apolyton)


                            • #44
                              Thanks for the feeback Laurent:

                              Originally posted by LDiCesare

                              A.5 Complex plans:
                              We should probably have 2 complex plans objects, AND plans and OR plans.
                              Sorry, I don't really get it. If a complex plan we ORed with another then it would just be done one level higher where they have a mutual parent. I'm sure I'm missing something from what you mean, but haven't a guess what it is...

                              A.6 Now a proposal for simulations:
                              The code runs with random numbers. I suggest simulations don't use the same randomizer, so it would be easier to simulate good and bad luck. In the military, it is easy to know when an odd is for good or ill. We could use an even-distributed pseudo-random for the "average" result, and biased pseudo-randoms to simulate good and bad luck, thus getting a more accurate results distribution than by running lots of tests.
                              Sounds good for long-term optimization! I would wait on it for now just to keep things simple.

                              B: AttackAeraPlan lacks notion of terrain/map knowledge, as I can't see any assumption about the path to get to the area. There should be an asumption that path to get there exists and contains X enemy force, in addition to the enemyforces in the aera itself. By path I mean path from outside the area to inside, since inside paths are part of actions.
                              The paths and geographical knowledge are already meant to include Any intervening area. Not just actions inside the targetted area. The paths I talk about are the complete paths from where the TFs are Now to their final destination.

                              B. Determining odds to win:
                              Argh. Actually, the factors that could be used would be health*attack*defence*armor, but...
                              Thanks! Something simple will do for now. In the long haul some refinements are of course needed. It won't have to be perfect though, since knowledge of enemy troop strength before a battle is never all that great anyway.
                              Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                              A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                              Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                              • #45
                                Big AI Model Post Edited

                                I have edited the model post (Feb 11) to include some more specifics at the end. If you read it yesterday, the only additions are in the last part of the document, starting with SectorStrategy. Unfortunately the whole thing wouldn't fit in the two original posts, so I have tacked on the concluding remarks here...

                                Conclusion, for now

                                In writing this, there are many issues that I've glossed over. Weaknesses of the near-term AI approach outlined here are apparent in several areas. Nonetheless, I think it’s a solid framework to move forward with. I believe the most important defects, which surely are there, will mostly be found as coding, and actual use of the AI, go forward. Although if you can spot big ones now, more power to ya'!

                                That's all for now. Opinions, especially high-level ones, or ones about a near-term implementation that appears broken, are solicited!
                                Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                                A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                                Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!

