Edits in BOLD!
Downloaded and am playing the Carthage scen as the Romans. First game report. Have now had a go at every scen.
PC: Win NT4 SP6a, Toshiba Satellite 4090XCDT laptop. At work of course.
64MG RAM, had no crashes or out of memory.
Initial thoughts:
- Looks great, windows and info easily in eyesight.
- Mini map?
- Buttons are big enough.
- What the? I gotta look into what I'm supposed to do with econ. I got no idea.
Worked it out. BTW, the text in the econ boxes doesn't fit. Is that just me?
- I love the idea of individual units and armies.
- How do I group some units into an army? Worked it out.
- Movement rate. I couldn't discern whether a unit would make the square I clicked in that turn. Maybe a different colour for the route line when it's more than one turn?
- WOAH! Too much info for a dumb player like me in the info box! At one stage (had every unit on the map in battle) I had to scroll through pages and pages of info for just one turn.
- AI needs to be smarter. Though it is on the website that it's a basic AI so I'll let ya off for that one.
- Really good!
- After turn 5, I'd click in square [4, 0] but it wouldn't get the white box around it. And yes, the info box showed my units and town in square [4, 0].
I've noticed in all the scens that occaisionally a square will decide it doesn't want to be selected, even if you cycle through the units. Different every turn.
- It was taking so long to refresh when I minimized and maximized. I tried to see how long it would take. Went for a smoke, got a coffee, went to the toilet, and it had only put back one button. Too slow, so I closed it and started again.
I was doing well too. *sigh*
Will come back with more when I find it.
Added on later......:
After playing for a while now, I gotta say this is looking really good.
I know some of what I found was my fault for just "scanning" the doco.
But I've worked it out now.
Thanks Mark and the rest of the team.
Downloaded and am playing the Carthage scen as the Romans. First game report. Have now had a go at every scen.
PC: Win NT4 SP6a, Toshiba Satellite 4090XCDT laptop. At work of course.

Initial thoughts:
- Looks great, windows and info easily in eyesight.
- Mini map?
- Buttons are big enough.
- What the? I gotta look into what I'm supposed to do with econ. I got no idea.

- I love the idea of individual units and armies.
- How do I group some units into an army? Worked it out.

- Movement rate. I couldn't discern whether a unit would make the square I clicked in that turn. Maybe a different colour for the route line when it's more than one turn?
- WOAH! Too much info for a dumb player like me in the info box! At one stage (had every unit on the map in battle) I had to scroll through pages and pages of info for just one turn.
- AI needs to be smarter. Though it is on the website that it's a basic AI so I'll let ya off for that one.

- Really good!
- After turn 5, I'd click in square [4, 0] but it wouldn't get the white box around it. And yes, the info box showed my units and town in square [4, 0].

- It was taking so long to refresh when I minimized and maximized. I tried to see how long it would take. Went for a smoke, got a coffee, went to the toilet, and it had only put back one button. Too slow, so I closed it and started again.

Will come back with more when I find it.

Added on later......:
After playing for a while now, I gotta say this is looking really good.
