The figures I initially thought we should have were more like this:
(Military Tactics tech only)
It would start at 0 for the whole-history. This means its value would be 0 in Dawn/Jericho scenarios. The value would be 10 for the start of a Delenda scenario, and presumably around 15 at the end of the scenario. It could be the same for a Attila scenario.
For a scenario, the values actually do not matter much, except in that you can reuse the same military.xml file. The real problem we will have is to see how much the tech level increases over a game which spans from antiquity to modern times. Until we have a scenario which spans the whole history, it will be hard to adjust: I will put values for the various units so they are more around 0 (warrior), 5 (archer), 10 (phalanx, light cavalry), 15 (cohort), and the RPs generation rate so it goes 10-15+ in Delenda. Long term, we do not know how many fights will occur in the game so the level reaches 100 at modern times.
There is also a high risk that the size of the map has a big impact upon the number of RPs generated (in this case mostly through battles). I think until we have a scenario which spans some time (like stone age -> iron age or antiquity -> renaissance), it will be quite hard to know how much we must tune. I think it will be quite hard to "reverse engineer" a 100 level at modern times for all ancient techs.
(Military Tactics tech only)
It would start at 0 for the whole-history. This means its value would be 0 in Dawn/Jericho scenarios. The value would be 10 for the start of a Delenda scenario, and presumably around 15 at the end of the scenario. It could be the same for a Attila scenario.
For a scenario, the values actually do not matter much, except in that you can reuse the same military.xml file. The real problem we will have is to see how much the tech level increases over a game which spans from antiquity to modern times. Until we have a scenario which spans the whole history, it will be hard to adjust: I will put values for the various units so they are more around 0 (warrior), 5 (archer), 10 (phalanx, light cavalry), 15 (cohort), and the RPs generation rate so it goes 10-15+ in Delenda. Long term, we do not know how many fights will occur in the game so the level reaches 100 at modern times.
There is also a high risk that the size of the map has a big impact upon the number of RPs generated (in this case mostly through battles). I think until we have a scenario which spans some time (like stone age -> iron age or antiquity -> renaissance), it will be quite hard to know how much we must tune. I think it will be quite hard to "reverse engineer" a 100 level at modern times for all ancient techs.