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Coding the Diplomacy Model

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  • #31
    Hi Sancio:

    Glad you haven't faded away! I sent you the latest code by email.

    Mikael is now trying to flesh out the Diplomacy model (see Diplomacy thread v.2 ). Can you and he work together on it? Once you get an early Diplomacy version coded we can put it in the next demo!
    Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
    Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


    • #32
      Hey Sancio,

      Now that demo5 is out, it might be time we start cooperating so that demo6 can include some simple diplomacy options. I have absolutely no knowledge of coding, but I'll try and see what features we want to have in demo6(ie, minimalize the diplomacy model). Then we can start implementating them one after the other. Whenever in doubt about something I could help with, don't hesitate to ask!


      • #33

        I am going on a business trip next week so I am going to be MIA for a while . We can work on it together once I get back



        • #34
          Anything going on here? I await instructions either from Mark or Sancio to do something... By myself at this stage I'm not sure what I should be doing.

          A somewhat idle Mikael.


          • #35
            Hi Mikael:

            Sorry, I didn't expect Sancio to be so scarce .

            Why don't you come up with a D6 diplomacy spec by yourself? I don't think coding input is so critical at this point. I think you can get your ideas for the first things to do out, and let everyone see what you're thinking. Hopefully Sancio will be back soon.

            Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
            A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
            Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


            • #36
              Mark, I'll be studying this weekend (end of school exams...) but I'll try working on the D6 diplomacy model sometime next week.


              • #37
                Hey guys,

                You two are making me feel bad. Can you blame me for not wanting to turn on my computer when I get home? I'll do some coding tomorrow. Maybe even do a status report :P



                • #38
                  The technology system should be incorporated in the next few hours. I will send you the code Sancio, so you can get a feeling for what happens in the rest of the system. I imagine that the diplomancy interface will be similar, though the diplomacy model is not as well developed.



                  • #39
                    OK guys, out of the blue, an early proposal of what we could try and include in demo6, diplomacy-wise.

                    I.) Internal options.

                    A- Create civ.
                    B- Determine happiness levels.

                    II.) Foreign options.

                    A- Tariffs on trade?
                    B- Treaties.
                    1. Treaty clauses: *change of diplomatic status.
                    *territory transfer.
                    *right of passage.
                    *dynastic marriage.

                    2. Treaty duration is based on change in govt type; and in non representative govts, every X turns, the treaty comes up for a review(new king).

                    C- Passive spying. You get only very basic info, such as the location of foreign cities close to your borders, the basic type of government, and basic culture and econ info. Development of trade or penetration by army brings more info on other provinces.

                    D- Overt actions: *theft of research info.
                    *bribery of enemy cities and mil. units.

                    E- State relations: *war.
                    *def. and off. alliance (we'll put the two of them together here).

                    F- Civ reputation. We'll keep it very basic here, only in terms of good/bad: bad actions are breaking a treaty, waging wars of conquest, and all of the above may be enhanced by a diverging culture. Good actions are similar culture, a history of keeping your word in treaties, and good state relations with other civs.

                    III.) Era limitations: I assume we're keeping this demo stuff at the ancient level, right? That explains most of my simplifications.

                    IV.) Govt type limitations: I don't think we really need this in demo6.

                    So what do you guys think? Is this feasable?


                    • #40
                      Hi Mikael, thanks for putting up a plan. It looks a little aggressive to me, but I certainly could be wrong. Here is the stuff I consider of either first importance, or easy:

                      II.) Foreign options.
                      B- Treaties.
                      1. Treaty clauses: *change of diplomatic status.
                      *right of passage.

                      2. Treaty duration is based on change in govt type; and in non representative govts, every X turns, the treaty comes up for a review(new king).

                      C- Passive spying. You get only very basic info, such as the location of foreign cities close to your borders, the basic type of government, and basic culture and econ info. Development of trade or penetration by army brings more info on other provinces.

                      E- State relations: *war.
                      *def. and off. alliance (we'll put the two of them together here).

                      [Gary has some already coded in Ally, Enemy, and Neutral -- Sancio these are in If you haven't done this already those may be of use.]

                      F- Civ reputation. We'll keep it very basic here, only in terms of good/bad: bad actions are breaking a treaty, waging wars of conquest, and all of the above may be enhanced by a diverging culture. Good actions are similar culture, a history of keeping your word in treaties, and good state relations with other civs.

                      III.) Era limitations: I assume we're keeping this demo stuff at the ancient level, right? That explains most of my simplifications.

                      At least that is my take on things that will give diplomacy some meaning without trying to do too much on the first pass. But you and Sancio may determine that some things I thought are harder are easy... Sorry my comments aren't very deep, but I'm kind of fried mentally for now
                      Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                      A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                      Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                      • #41
                        OK, what's going on here? I'll be away from Dec. 14th to Jan. 14th, so I'd like things to get started pretty soon, if possible.

