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Diplomacy Model?

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  • Diplomacy Model?


    This is my first post so bare with me for a second. I have been looking around the web site/forum and I find this project (game) really interesting. I am particularly interested in the Diplomacy Model.

    I am wondering what is the current state of this model. It looks like it hasn't been discussed for a while now. Is the Diplomacy Model v1.1 the latest version? This one is like 2 years old.

    I am writing this in hope that you would guide me to the most up to date model. And hopefully spark some interest in the subject.

    My ultimate goal is to code the diplomacy model and bring up to speed. But I need to take one step at a time.

    PS. Who is the leader of the Diplomacy Model? I don't trust the web site because it looks that it is not updated often.

  • #2
    Hi Sancio, an official welcome to Clash

    AFAIK that is the latest main diplomacy thread. Our discussions got to that point, and since there hasn't been a coder for diplomacy for a long time other things took precedence. If you search under things like 'diplomacy' or 'ally' etc. you should find a few other small threads relating to the topic.

    I guess I'm the nominal lead designer for diplomacy at this point, but I'd gladly turn the job over to someone (read you!) who's interested, and just comment and help as I can!

    I can send you the old d4 code with the first crude diplomacy stuff in it. You can then evaluate if you want to start based on it, or start from scratch. Perhaps the best thing to do is to start a diplomacy coding thread covering what you think the overall aproach should be, and ask the many questions I'm sure you'll have.

    It will be great to get this area going again!

    Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
    Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


    • #3
      yeah, please send me the diplomacy code for D4. That would be a good starting point for now.


      • #4
        Cool! That's a lot of code. I am excited!

        I already skimmed all the classes for the diplomacy model. The design is OK. I feel that we should take all the AI stuff out of those classes and have separate classes do the AI. The AI stuff should not be mixed with the actual game engine. This will also allow implementing different type of AI (computer players) easily. I'll see how you guys are doing it in Demo5.

        I hope to have the OO Design by this weekend. It wont introduce anything new just represent things differently. When I have something done, I'll post it on the forum for comments and suggestions.



        • #5
          I agree with what you say. You've probably discovered it already, but the only AI in D5 so far is the pathfinding...

          I suggest that when you have your OO model that you put it in a new thread called Diplomacy Coding or something similar so that people can tell right away what the thread is about.

          Looking forward to it... -Mark
          Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
          A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
          Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!

