Previous discussion was in Map AI Coding thread ( here ).
I am implementing the ticks-based move code. I'd probably need that the road/no road be coded as cover, soil, etc are. That would help in order to prevent wheeled units from going where there are no roads. The problems I see with this is that you go from a no-road to a road state, which is a quantic jump. So, I try to think about the other kinds of terrain, and here is: If you want to dry some land, you'll go from wet to dry. This has been done extensively in Flandres and the Netherlands. Again, the jump is not quantic in one square.
So arise a question: Do we have primary terrain type/subtype and secondary terrain with figures explaining to what extent you are of a given kind?
Terrain is flat (90%) rolling(10%), with no cover (50%), crops (50%), roads (5%) no roads (95%), dry (99%) wet (1%).
I could use that to make use of good infrastructure (lots of roads = faster movement).
On another point, I wonder about the modelisation of speed/movement. I think speed/movement should be a multiplier to the number of ticks needed to move to a square. Izzat correct?
I am implementing the ticks-based move code. I'd probably need that the road/no road be coded as cover, soil, etc are. That would help in order to prevent wheeled units from going where there are no roads. The problems I see with this is that you go from a no-road to a road state, which is a quantic jump. So, I try to think about the other kinds of terrain, and here is: If you want to dry some land, you'll go from wet to dry. This has been done extensively in Flandres and the Netherlands. Again, the jump is not quantic in one square.
So arise a question: Do we have primary terrain type/subtype and secondary terrain with figures explaining to what extent you are of a given kind?
Terrain is flat (90%) rolling(10%), with no cover (50%), crops (50%), roads (5%) no roads (95%), dry (99%) wet (1%).
I could use that to make use of good infrastructure (lots of roads = faster movement).
On another point, I wonder about the modelisation of speed/movement. I think speed/movement should be a multiplier to the number of ticks needed to move to a square. Izzat correct?