I looked at Manurein's old demographic sub-model. It is a decent procedural model, but it deasn't have the flexibility of the cohort system. It does have the advantage of values that are easy to define, but I think that this system should be easy enough to work with as it is.
I don't understand the complex stuff like enumeration and I probably won't for a while. So, let me try something simpler, like the method for determining the population of one of the later cohorts:
The cohorts after the first one have their creation method defined as aging from the previous cohort. Their population is the population of the previous cohort times the mortality of the previous cohort.
In the Cohort class:
public int aging(PreviousElement)
return previous.getPopulation * previous.getMortality
Could you correct that syntax?
By the way, I hope to start Java programming soon after I get my new computer next week. By then, I hope to know enough to try creating some simple tech model components on my own.
I don't understand the complex stuff like enumeration and I probably won't for a while. So, let me try something simpler, like the method for determining the population of one of the later cohorts:
The cohorts after the first one have their creation method defined as aging from the previous cohort. Their population is the population of the previous cohort times the mortality of the previous cohort.
In the Cohort class:
public int aging(PreviousElement)
return previous.getPopulation * previous.getMortality
Could you correct that syntax?
By the way, I hope to start Java programming soon after I get my new computer next week. By then, I hope to know enough to try creating some simple tech model components on my own.