It seems that there is a need for varying startup options to satisfy people with different play styles and preferences. As part of our continuing commitment to flexibility, we should discuss these options now and keep them in mind as we work on models.
I'll list the startup options I think it would be good to have. This is nothing like a finished list, and feedback from everyone is encouraged.
Random: Default, uses map generator
Other Premade
Disasters, Ecology and Climate:
Earth: The models would force all climate changes and disasters to happen exactly as it did in our history. Only possible if Earth was selected as the planet.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard models.
Random: Several wild cards are tossed into the models to make it unpredictable, at the expense of scientific accuracy.
Wild: An entirely new set of disasters, terrain, plant life, and processes are generated at random. This will create a truly alien world.
Stored or Premade: A Random or Wild mix the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom ecology modeling.
Ecology Model Complexity:
1: Like Civ 2. The terrain never changes naturally, but you can alter it.
2: A "bare bones" version of the current model. A few of the processes are used to make the terrain change in simple ways.
3: Default, standard ecology model
4: Extra detailed ecology model
Human: Default
Fantasy Mix: The standard mix of human, elven, dwarven, orcish, and other races.
Wild: The population model generates alien races at random.
Stored or Premade: A Random or Wild mix the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom set.
Cultures and Nations: (These choices can only be made if Human race was selected. Other races will have Premade or Wild cultures and nations.)
Earth: (or "Historical Settlements") The model will try to duplicate all of our historical cultures and nations, forcing things to happen the way they did in our history. Only possible on an Earth map with Earth climate and disasters. Note that choosing this will lock almost everything else into an Earth modeling where all things happened as they did on Earth. If the other models are allowed to diverge, this option will become result in silly situations very quickly.
Earth-like: All cultures will be modeled as accurately as possible, but they make their own decisions using the game models.
Random: Default, all cultures are loosely based on our own, but names and attributes will be changed.
Wild: Cultures are generated entirely at random.
Stored or Premade
Population Model Complexity: A selection similar to the Ecology complexity (if the model lead figures out a way to include this)
Culture Model Complexity: ditto
Government Model Complexity: ditto
Riots Model Complexity: ditto
Characters Model Complexity: ditto
Diplomacy Model Complexity: ditto
Earth: The model would force all diseases to happen exactly as it did in our history, if possible. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected. (Much of our history happened due to the effects of disease. If disease was random, a lot of things in the historical modeling would make no sense.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard model and Earth diseases.
Random: Several wild cards are tossed into the model to make it unpredictable, and the names of the diseases are random.
Stored or Premade: A Random set the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom modeling.
Disease Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options
Technology Development:
Earth: The model makes sure that tech advances the same way it did in history, within reason. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, tech advances normally and gives the same techs we are used to. This cannot be chosen if Wild races or cultures was selected.
Random: Culture specific things like Samurai are replaced by random things, and some techs are shifted around.
Wild: Most Applications and Tier 3 techs and some Tier 2 techs have their prerequisites changed around at random, and their names are changed.
Stored or Premade
Technology Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options (assuming I can figure out how to do it.)
Earth: The model would force all economic decisions to be made exactly as they were in our history, if possible. All trade routes are the same and all guilds and businesses are the same. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard model and Earth economic systems.
Random: Several new rules are added into the model to make it unpredictable, and the names of the things are random. This will be chosen if Wild ecology or races was selected.
Stored or Premade: A Random set the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom modeling.
Economy Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options
Earth: The model would force all wonders to be built or placed exactly as they were in our history, if possible. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard model.
Random: Several wild cards are tossed into the model to make it unpredictable.
Stored or Premade: A Random set the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom modeling.
Wonders Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options.
Earth: The game will try to make the same wars happen again. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, standard model
Random: Things that are common knowledge about war will no longer hold true. Terrain and units will interact in unusual ways.
Military Model Complexity:
1: No units will appear on the map. Combat will be a greatly simplified province based Risk type affair.
2: Combat is still provinced based, but the model will be more complex and will use things like supply and morale.
(I know there is a way to implement these. If the rest of you are unwilling to do it, I will find a way to do it, using the Java knowledge I will have developed by the time the game is finally finished.
3: Simplified unit based combat
4: Default, the current model
Time Period and Victory Conditions:
Here the player chooses the starting time, ending time, and the conditions that will result in victory at the finishing time. We could have a variety of endgames, use the combat only option, or judge players by the happiness and prosperity of their civ.
Game difficulty: A logarithmic scale from zero to ten. Rather than using cheap tricks like AI production bonuses that good players will deal with anyway, this should control "Fate." High difficultues would hit the player with more setbacks like disasters, revolutions, pirates, etc.
I'd recomment a scale like the following. The scales assume default complexity settings for the models. Playing at low complexity or using the Earth history settings will increase the level players can complete sucessfully.
0: Pitifully easy. It is a challenge not to win.
1: Starting difficulty (tutorial) for people who have never played strategy games before.
2: Starting difficulty for people who are familiar with strategy games.
3: Starting difficulty for people who are good at Civ games.
4: Starting difficulty for the game designers or the truly adventurous.
5: Requires a good amount of playing experience.
6: Requires a lot of playing and a good strategic brain.
7: Requires more playing than is healthy and a brilliant strategic brain. Our best playtesters should have severe difficulty winning at this level.
8: Ridiculously difficult. Our best playtester should have extreme difficulty surviving in any condition.
9: Even more difficult.
10: Beyond any sane measure of difficulty. Everyone on the team will swear that this can never be beat. Winning at this level should be as unheard of as, say, sending a ship to AC before 1850 at Deity level using only one city![](
AI ability: Similar scale, with idiot at 0 and genius at 10.
That is about all I can think of. What do you think?
BTW, if you saw this before the edit went through and were wondering what happened, I hit the "Submit" button by mistake.
[This message has been edited by Richard Bruns (edited September 09, 2000).]
I'll list the startup options I think it would be good to have. This is nothing like a finished list, and feedback from everyone is encouraged.
Random: Default, uses map generator
Other Premade
Disasters, Ecology and Climate:
Earth: The models would force all climate changes and disasters to happen exactly as it did in our history. Only possible if Earth was selected as the planet.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard models.
Random: Several wild cards are tossed into the models to make it unpredictable, at the expense of scientific accuracy.
Wild: An entirely new set of disasters, terrain, plant life, and processes are generated at random. This will create a truly alien world.
Stored or Premade: A Random or Wild mix the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom ecology modeling.
Ecology Model Complexity:
1: Like Civ 2. The terrain never changes naturally, but you can alter it.
2: A "bare bones" version of the current model. A few of the processes are used to make the terrain change in simple ways.
3: Default, standard ecology model
4: Extra detailed ecology model
Human: Default
Fantasy Mix: The standard mix of human, elven, dwarven, orcish, and other races.
Wild: The population model generates alien races at random.
Stored or Premade: A Random or Wild mix the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom set.
Cultures and Nations: (These choices can only be made if Human race was selected. Other races will have Premade or Wild cultures and nations.)
Earth: (or "Historical Settlements") The model will try to duplicate all of our historical cultures and nations, forcing things to happen the way they did in our history. Only possible on an Earth map with Earth climate and disasters. Note that choosing this will lock almost everything else into an Earth modeling where all things happened as they did on Earth. If the other models are allowed to diverge, this option will become result in silly situations very quickly.
Earth-like: All cultures will be modeled as accurately as possible, but they make their own decisions using the game models.
Random: Default, all cultures are loosely based on our own, but names and attributes will be changed.
Wild: Cultures are generated entirely at random.
Stored or Premade
Population Model Complexity: A selection similar to the Ecology complexity (if the model lead figures out a way to include this)
Culture Model Complexity: ditto
Government Model Complexity: ditto
Riots Model Complexity: ditto
Characters Model Complexity: ditto
Diplomacy Model Complexity: ditto
Earth: The model would force all diseases to happen exactly as it did in our history, if possible. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected. (Much of our history happened due to the effects of disease. If disease was random, a lot of things in the historical modeling would make no sense.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard model and Earth diseases.
Random: Several wild cards are tossed into the model to make it unpredictable, and the names of the diseases are random.
Stored or Premade: A Random set the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom modeling.
Disease Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options
Technology Development:
Earth: The model makes sure that tech advances the same way it did in history, within reason. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, tech advances normally and gives the same techs we are used to. This cannot be chosen if Wild races or cultures was selected.
Random: Culture specific things like Samurai are replaced by random things, and some techs are shifted around.
Wild: Most Applications and Tier 3 techs and some Tier 2 techs have their prerequisites changed around at random, and their names are changed.
Stored or Premade
Technology Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options (assuming I can figure out how to do it.)
Earth: The model would force all economic decisions to be made exactly as they were in our history, if possible. All trade routes are the same and all guilds and businesses are the same. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard model and Earth economic systems.
Random: Several new rules are added into the model to make it unpredictable, and the names of the things are random. This will be chosen if Wild ecology or races was selected.
Stored or Premade: A Random set the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom modeling.
Economy Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options
Earth: The model would force all wonders to be built or placed exactly as they were in our history, if possible. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, uses standard model.
Random: Several wild cards are tossed into the model to make it unpredictable.
Stored or Premade: A Random set the player saved and wants to see again, or a custom modeling.
Wonders Model Complexity: A selection similar to the other complexity options.
Earth: The game will try to make the same wars happen again. This will be selected if Earth Cultures and Nations was selected, and cannot be chosen otherwise.
Earth-like: Default, standard model
Random: Things that are common knowledge about war will no longer hold true. Terrain and units will interact in unusual ways.
Military Model Complexity:
1: No units will appear on the map. Combat will be a greatly simplified province based Risk type affair.
2: Combat is still provinced based, but the model will be more complex and will use things like supply and morale.
(I know there is a way to implement these. If the rest of you are unwilling to do it, I will find a way to do it, using the Java knowledge I will have developed by the time the game is finally finished.
3: Simplified unit based combat
4: Default, the current model
Time Period and Victory Conditions:
Here the player chooses the starting time, ending time, and the conditions that will result in victory at the finishing time. We could have a variety of endgames, use the combat only option, or judge players by the happiness and prosperity of their civ.
Game difficulty: A logarithmic scale from zero to ten. Rather than using cheap tricks like AI production bonuses that good players will deal with anyway, this should control "Fate." High difficultues would hit the player with more setbacks like disasters, revolutions, pirates, etc.
I'd recomment a scale like the following. The scales assume default complexity settings for the models. Playing at low complexity or using the Earth history settings will increase the level players can complete sucessfully.
0: Pitifully easy. It is a challenge not to win.
1: Starting difficulty (tutorial) for people who have never played strategy games before.
2: Starting difficulty for people who are familiar with strategy games.
3: Starting difficulty for people who are good at Civ games.
4: Starting difficulty for the game designers or the truly adventurous.
5: Requires a good amount of playing experience.
6: Requires a lot of playing and a good strategic brain.
7: Requires more playing than is healthy and a brilliant strategic brain. Our best playtesters should have severe difficulty winning at this level.
8: Ridiculously difficult. Our best playtester should have extreme difficulty surviving in any condition.
9: Even more difficult.
10: Beyond any sane measure of difficulty. Everyone on the team will swear that this can never be beat. Winning at this level should be as unheard of as, say, sending a ship to AC before 1850 at Deity level using only one city
AI ability: Similar scale, with idiot at 0 and genius at 10.
That is about all I can think of. What do you think?
BTW, if you saw this before the edit went through and were wondering what happened, I hit the "Submit" button by mistake.
[This message has been edited by Richard Bruns (edited September 09, 2000).]