It's been entirely too quiet around here lately, so let me kick off a thread that should be interesting to discuss.
What actual gameplay decisions will the player be required to make?
I'll throw out a few possibilities, for comments:
What actual gameplay decisions will the player be required to make?
I'll throw out a few possibilities, for comments:
- [*]Task Force orders (movement, training, etc).
[*]Government Orders (tax rate, govt policies, spending priorities).
[*]Hiring/firing characters as leaders of various groups.[/list]
Is that it? Or will there be more? Will the player have any actual control over the people? How about the tech growth (beyond spending priorities)? What kind of decisions will need to be made about military supply?
P.S. -- we're pretty close to a minimally 'playable' alpha, altho the graphics may be crude (perhaps the same little line drawings and stick figures in the Beast). Lee is doing great on the Map interface, and it will be easy to plug his code into the alpha once it's ready. So keep in touch the next week or two, and you may have something to play around with!