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New Website Design

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  • New Website Design

    I've been working on a few designs recently, I've based this design on the one that I use for the Manual.

    Any comments on this design?

    Would you like to use it?

    Please not that this is still work in progress so it isn't perfect, but you should get the general idea of where I'm taking this.

    [This message has been edited by Chris Wilkinson (edited September 22, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by Chris Wilkinson (edited September 22, 2000).]

  • #2
    Looks like a good setup overall. I like the design.

    One thing, however. Please don't let the font sizes get much smaller. While it is good that the links are close together and easily accessable, it almost seems like you are trying to cram too much stuff into a small space. That can sometimes start to hurt eyes and numb brains.

    Could you put up a model page so we can see how the navigation works?


    • #3
      It looks great, Chris!

      Like a professional site!

      I agree with Richard. Could you make the font size a little bigger and/or separate texts more leaving blank spaces? Otherwise it's kind of overloaded.


      • #4
        I've always preferred the sites that are not loaded too much graphically. What the site needs most of all is someone to update it tactically. But your page is nice, no doubt.

        I have no problem with small fonts; I am used to them. But please keep the pictures that exist in each model page. I really like those.

        We could also use a standard area with polls, to keep in touch with our audience (and to keep track of the people frequenting the site )
        "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
        George Orwell


        • #5
          Yes, working surveys would be very nice.


          • #6
            Fonts: I'll have a go at making the fonts in the main section a bit bigger.

            Polls/Surveys: Good idea, I'll add then to the site.

            It is ok with everyone if I start converting the current site into this design?


            • #7
              Go for it.


              • #8
                Civilisation means European civilisation. there is no other...
                (Mustafa Kemal Pasha)


                • #9
                  Hi Chris:

                  I just visited the new website demo again, and came away with the feeling that it's 'compressed' too much. That is it gives me the feeling you are trying to cram too much into a small space. It might be the font size change that was talked about above, or maybe my browser settings. One suggestion would be to leave a little white space between the main text and the bar that has the logo and links.

                  Also between the logo and the two other 'Clash of Civilizations' headlines it says the same text three times very close to each other, which seems overkill. Or maybe its that the fonts don't match in the three either. Anyways, something about it doesn't seem quite right. Perhaps replacing the text at the upper left with some kind of graphic would be better?
                  Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                  A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                  Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                  • #10
                    I agree, I'm trying to sort out these problems. I'll get a new page done in a couple of days for everyone to see.


                    • #11
                      A small tip, from Dom&Kull, in the website FAQ:

                      ) Why is the Clash Logo at the bottom of the page?

                      We moved the Logo to the bottom of the Index page because it looked odd having two "Clash of Civilizations" titles at the top of each page.
                      You can do the same thing with the new design: move the Clash logo to the bottom of the page, below the model index.

                      But prey, Chris, the website needs some serious updating. I am of the opinion that updating the content is much more important that changing the design.
                      "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
                      George Orwell


                      • #12
                        I know, I'm trying to update it whenever it's needed, I don't think I've got anything to update outstanding...


                        • #13
                 that, I mean new stuff. I'm currently updating the team lists for each model.


                          • #14
                            Mark and I have decided against using that design as it is too crammed, so I've done another design: you can also goto the multiplayer model and look at that.


                            • #15
                              I liked the old one, but I like this one even better
                              Civilisation means European civilisation. there is no other...
                              (Mustafa Kemal Pasha)

