There have been various discussions lately about the detail level in which the gamedata must be stored and the game functions be run. I have summarised my view of how things should be run and I present it below in the form of a matrix. I took the liberty of adding many options, bearing in mind the need for flexibility and customisability in the game, but I feel that we will have to make some cuts.
I believe that it would be very helpful if everybody would present in this thread his own version of that matrix, corrected and possibly enlarged (with more game features). This way we can all get to an agreement about how things should run. All general discussion concerning this sort of thing could be done here too.
Until now, there are 3 types of hierachical structures in Clash (Square, Province and Civ) and data can be stored in any of these 3 levels, all the time or only in special cases. Features that can be implemented in a "Parent structure" and, through interpolation, be temporarily (for reasons of smooth gameplay) "inherited" to a "Child structure" form two new levels (P/S-I and C/P-I). For each game feature there is a default, or standard (S) level and there may be one or more optional ones (O) and restricted ones (X). For some sets of game features we will certainly have to apply some more restrictions to their comparative levels (f.e. we can't have Kapital at a lower level than Sites). We will also be obliged to provide all the Interpolation and Compression functions needed for all the game features. Finally we will have to secure the various model interconnections against all possible configurations.
Game Feature___Square____P/S-I____Province___C/P-I____Civ
Terrain&Veg type___S________X_________X_______X______X
Population________S_________O________O_______X____ _X
F&R&Sp Sites____S__________O________O_______X_____X
Kapital__________O__________S________O_______X____ _X
Prod.Function____O__________O________S_______O____ _X
Civil Infra_________O_________O________S_______O_____X
Transp.Infra_______S_________O________O_______X___ __X
Trade Routes_____O_________O________S_______O_____X
Ethnic Groups____O_________S________O_______O_____X
Social Classes____O_________S________O_______O____O
INPs_____________X_________X________S_______X_____ O
Rul.Govt Profile____X_________X________O_______X_____S
Rul.Excl.Policies___X_________X________O_______X__ ___S
RP Generation____O__________O_______S________O____X
Tech Levels_______X__________X_______O________S____O
TF Generation_____X_________X________S_______O____X
Mil.Infra__________S_________X________O_______X___ _X
Mil.Operations____S_________X________O________X___ _X
To avoid misunderstandings, I specially declare that the above matrix is only referring to the gamedata model and not to the player interface. We're talking about the level the actual data will be stored and the functions run and NOT about the level in which the player will actually play (what data he will see and what moves he will make), with the exception of Rul.Govt Profile and Rul.Excl.Policies, where these two coincide. So a configuration from this matrix will be more or less proportionate to the computer resources that the game will demand, but NOT to the complexity that the player will have to face. Of course the detail that the player sees must always be equal or less than the detail the computer sees, so to a point, this will also reflect the complexity of the player's game.
I believe that it would be very helpful if everybody would present in this thread his own version of that matrix, corrected and possibly enlarged (with more game features). This way we can all get to an agreement about how things should run. All general discussion concerning this sort of thing could be done here too.
Until now, there are 3 types of hierachical structures in Clash (Square, Province and Civ) and data can be stored in any of these 3 levels, all the time or only in special cases. Features that can be implemented in a "Parent structure" and, through interpolation, be temporarily (for reasons of smooth gameplay) "inherited" to a "Child structure" form two new levels (P/S-I and C/P-I). For each game feature there is a default, or standard (S) level and there may be one or more optional ones (O) and restricted ones (X). For some sets of game features we will certainly have to apply some more restrictions to their comparative levels (f.e. we can't have Kapital at a lower level than Sites). We will also be obliged to provide all the Interpolation and Compression functions needed for all the game features. Finally we will have to secure the various model interconnections against all possible configurations.
Game Feature___Square____P/S-I____Province___C/P-I____Civ
Terrain&Veg type___S________X_________X_______X______X
Population________S_________O________O_______X____ _X
F&R&Sp Sites____S__________O________O_______X_____X
Kapital__________O__________S________O_______X____ _X
Prod.Function____O__________O________S_______O____ _X
Civil Infra_________O_________O________S_______O_____X
Transp.Infra_______S_________O________O_______X___ __X
Trade Routes_____O_________O________S_______O_____X
Ethnic Groups____O_________S________O_______O_____X
Social Classes____O_________S________O_______O____O
INPs_____________X_________X________S_______X_____ O
Rul.Govt Profile____X_________X________O_______X_____S
Rul.Excl.Policies___X_________X________O_______X__ ___S
RP Generation____O__________O_______S________O____X
Tech Levels_______X__________X_______O________S____O
TF Generation_____X_________X________S_______O____X
Mil.Infra__________S_________X________O_______X___ _X
Mil.Operations____S_________X________O________X___ _X
To avoid misunderstandings, I specially declare that the above matrix is only referring to the gamedata model and not to the player interface. We're talking about the level the actual data will be stored and the functions run and NOT about the level in which the player will actually play (what data he will see and what moves he will make), with the exception of Rul.Govt Profile and Rul.Excl.Policies, where these two coincide. So a configuration from this matrix will be more or less proportionate to the computer resources that the game will demand, but NOT to the complexity that the player will have to face. Of course the detail that the player sees must always be equal or less than the detail the computer sees, so to a point, this will also reflect the complexity of the player's game.