Warning: To be able to fully understand the issues discussed here, one has to be familiar with both the govt and econ models and to posess both Mark's econ model spreadsheet and my govt-econ spreadsheet. Posession of Rodrigo's govt model spreadsheet is not necessary. If you do not have them, ask me via e-mail and I will send them to you. If there is no problem about this with Mark or Kull, all these model spreadsheets should be available at the website presently.
After comparing the procedures that take place inside the econ model (v.11, for demo 5) with what my computations do, some issues rise. I will adress them along with the explanations I give about my model.
a) Labor allocation: The econ model supposes that 1 head=1 labor, overlooking the fact that people can work longer or shorter hours, if they want to or if they are forced to. In my approach, Labor is still given, but it depends upon the conditions. I use Working Hours, which for each class are regulated by the govt and the Labor per capita depends from WH and the Active Population percentage, which still isn't equal for all classes. The reason for this differentiation is to give more realism and more emphasis in the class distribution, especially in what concerns minorities. Apart from complexity/speed issues and a small need for rescaling, I see no reason why we should not implement this feature, but the Team has still the liberty to decide. CtP uses WH regulation, why shouldn't we?
Nevertheless, even if we went for simplicity, because of the existance of the UC, the available labor would still vary according to economic conditions (more profits>more UC members>less labor). From what I saw in the econ model, once one labor unit is put on a sector, it can't be removed from it and only the addition of more units, due to pop growth, can be regulated. Can negative changes be handled? This reasoning is ok if you think that a farmer cannot be turned into a doctor at will, but what about things like the industrial revolution, when farmers left the country and went to town to become workers? Wouldn't it be better if all or part of the existing workforce was redistributed each turn?
b) Private Property: The govt model defines that PP% of all production (in all sectors) is made by private enterprise and the rest is state-owned. Furthermore the state can impose taxes on the private production (at a rate t%). I followed this approach in my computations, dividing everything into private and public, even investment, along this line. For the time being, the productive machine (the production function) is unique (or we have two machines with the same characteristics), which means A, a, b, c of the production function and the Product Distribution are the same. They could be differentiated to add some more features (f.e. difference in public vs. private wages or difference in productivity) but I do not think this is necessary.
The econ model on the other hand, does not use PP and tries to represent command economies with tax rate. But state-ownership means that the state, as a producer, has to provide the capital and pay the wages. This is entirely different in essence, so I think we can't just trash PP. It's just that Mark's market system becomes a little more complex. This is how I envision this:
1) Production phase: The production function is employed.
2) Tax payment and a first change in prices (as in the econ model).
3) Trading phase, where specials and external trades are computed and prices change again.
4) Distribution phase: Here comes my part (govt-econ) to determine everyone's income, investment and consumption (in CC).
5) Investment phase: Investment in productive infrastructure (kapital) and tech factor recalculation.
6) Consumption phase: The 3-4 agents of the matrix below bid for the FPS to be consumed and the prices get their final values. Parallel to this, investment is made in other infrastructure classes (every expenditure, even food consumption, will be regarded as such a class; that's why these will be parallel). Government intervention will occur at this time also, either by direct redistribution or by price subsidies on the desired infrastructure points.
7) Finally, demographics are computed (Birthrate-Deathrate-Active Population-Education Level-Class Distribution-Labor Reallocation).
Of course one could Merge all this procedure in one "big bazzar", where everything is bought and sold, as per the following matrix.
External______N/A_______FRPS_____FRPS (optional)
MC_________FPS_______FRPS_____FRPS (optional)
Of course my understanding is not perfect, so if I am terribly wrong somewhere, please correct me.
c) Product Distribution: For my calculations, this is THE most essential variable. It determines how the product of the combination of Kapital and Labor is distributed among the contributors, who are no other than the classes and the state. The problem is how to define a proper and well-behaved function to do the job. I am still not satisfied with what I currently use, so any contributions would be welcome.
Mark is preoccupied about the UC starving the LC, but that won't be a problem. Because although dividing the product according to the marginal productivity of each factor is the most reasonable thing to do (I hadn't noticed this until now), sound reasoning has never been a priority in a society based on exploitation and expropriation. Until now, the function that I used for product distribution had nothing to do with marginal productivity. PD was determined by administrative power {EP*(PDs-0,5)}, legislative power {SP}, syndicalist power {CR*sy} and priviledge power {PP*20*pr}, in the margin between two starvation limits:
a) The maximum PD, above which the returns would be less than the capital invested, so the capital would actually be reduced (of course if PD=maxPD the UC would immediately starve to death, but then there wouldn't be any UC; the limit is to protect kapital belonging to the state rather than the people).
b) The minimum PD, below which the LC and the Minorities would physically starve, which is self explanatory.
Below is a copy-paste from my spreadsheet.
minimum: PD=si*(X(LC)+X(Min))/YT/(1-t)
maximum: PD=1-Ko*D/YT/(1-t)
In extreme situations (extremely low tech, or severe taxation, or scarcity of food), it is possible that maxPD < minPD. Then the land gets so poor that starvation is unavoidable, but even then, the function has some purpose, to show us who starves less. In more prosperous times, the PD can be anything from 0 to 1, so then it is reasonable to include an optimum PD, deriving from marginal productivity and have this as a base for all the above deviations. How should we proceed with this?
d) Class demographics: This is another tricky (and probably buggy) part of my model: the functions that provide the social ascension and descension of people among the classes, according to their investment. Any suggestions are welcome.
My reasoning is based in the assumption that although all members of a class invest part of their income, it is only a part of them (the "winners") that reap all of. So, if the investment is positive (investment exceeds depreciation, or the new kapital held by the class is more than the old; this always happens with the LC) the "winners" get to ascend one class. If it is negative, the "winners" stay in place and the "losers" descend one class. How many they are, it depends from the difference in the kapital held by the two classes in question and by the amount of kapital gained/lost. All these are valid for any class and any number of classes. If you add up all these moving populations, you can have a very nice indication of the inter-class mobility of the society (a high number indicates a land of opportunity; a low one indicates a caste system). This might be useful in some ways, f.e. in the Tech Model.
When I started with this, I had made the (false) assumption that kapital is not persistent (with some depreciation factor) but that it had to be reinvested as a whole each turn. So, if in one turn the UC would decide not to invest anything, it would lose all kapital and descend to join the LC. If the investment was less than the kapital, only part of the UC would do that, while the rest would keep their initial kapital. Now this can't happen suddenly (except if PP is lowered) and the reduction of the UC will follow at most the Depreciation rate.
In the extreme cases, where the income of the UC is smaller than that of the LC, to avoid the effect of the LC refreshing the, otherwise dwindling LC, the "winners" are kept still. That leads us to the question of what happens to the investment of the LC, since, according to the class definition, the LC can hold no kapital. For now and until we find a better way to do this, we suppose that it is handed out to the UC, free of charge. The same happens with the MC (if ther is one); they do not keep their excess investment, because that would break the law that defines them.
As for the Minorities, the do not participate in this. They cannot invest and they cannot move into any other class, except if they are accepted into the majorities by some change in the govt model. I think this is proper for them, otherwise, why discriminate at all?
e) The Middle Class: As I have already commented, it is relatively easy to insert any number of middle classes into the machine, IF you can provide a sound definition for them. The tricky part is that definition and that's what's causing all the bugs on the right side of the spreadsheet (as if the left side is bug-free!
). Currently, the definition of the MC that I am using is being economically independant, possesing the capital to employ their own labor. That means that they will lean ideologically from time to time towards the UC or the LC, while in an earlier approach, their income was strictly 50-50, and so would be their profile.
Because the labor is a datum (it is given), this definition determines the kapital and the profits the they MUST have. So if in the right side of the spreadsheet, you lower PP (say to 0,2), they have more kapital and profits than the whole private sector, forcing the UC into the negative. This happens of course because their demographic proportion doesn't correspond to the type of the economy. I hope that this anomaly can be overlooked if all policy changes are not abrupt but take some time, allowing for the population to readjust. Generally speaking, this is the most rational thing to do; if you want abrupt economic changes (vide revolution), expect at least some starvation to occur (which is the least of all evils right now, but what the heck!).
Another issue about the Middle Class is the type of labor it produces. Disregard my simplistic approach of WH and l, lc is most important: I use the formula lc(MC)=(1+2*E)*lc(mean) which, based on a comment from somebody that the MC represents skilled labor, gives more value to the labor of the MC (according to some education tech) and, eventually, increases the overall income of the MC and it's prevalence against the other two classes. Do you find this implementation good? I don't, I want to make things better. Any suggestions are (desperately) welcome.
f)What is not in focus: Some things in my spreadsheet are implemented for mere functionality and are to be provided more specifically elsewhere. So I use a primitive production function that disregards resources and lumps all sectors together - the econ model should do that. I use an investment consumption function which also disregards sectors and F,P,S, but this has yet to be resolved. I use a simple (also in bulk CC) redistribution function; this is going to be refined and micromanaged after we add infrastructure and consumption classes.
[This message has been edited by a gremlin (edited July 14, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by axi (edited July 15, 2000).]
After comparing the procedures that take place inside the econ model (v.11, for demo 5) with what my computations do, some issues rise. I will adress them along with the explanations I give about my model.
a) Labor allocation: The econ model supposes that 1 head=1 labor, overlooking the fact that people can work longer or shorter hours, if they want to or if they are forced to. In my approach, Labor is still given, but it depends upon the conditions. I use Working Hours, which for each class are regulated by the govt and the Labor per capita depends from WH and the Active Population percentage, which still isn't equal for all classes. The reason for this differentiation is to give more realism and more emphasis in the class distribution, especially in what concerns minorities. Apart from complexity/speed issues and a small need for rescaling, I see no reason why we should not implement this feature, but the Team has still the liberty to decide. CtP uses WH regulation, why shouldn't we?
Nevertheless, even if we went for simplicity, because of the existance of the UC, the available labor would still vary according to economic conditions (more profits>more UC members>less labor). From what I saw in the econ model, once one labor unit is put on a sector, it can't be removed from it and only the addition of more units, due to pop growth, can be regulated. Can negative changes be handled? This reasoning is ok if you think that a farmer cannot be turned into a doctor at will, but what about things like the industrial revolution, when farmers left the country and went to town to become workers? Wouldn't it be better if all or part of the existing workforce was redistributed each turn?
b) Private Property: The govt model defines that PP% of all production (in all sectors) is made by private enterprise and the rest is state-owned. Furthermore the state can impose taxes on the private production (at a rate t%). I followed this approach in my computations, dividing everything into private and public, even investment, along this line. For the time being, the productive machine (the production function) is unique (or we have two machines with the same characteristics), which means A, a, b, c of the production function and the Product Distribution are the same. They could be differentiated to add some more features (f.e. difference in public vs. private wages or difference in productivity) but I do not think this is necessary.
The econ model on the other hand, does not use PP and tries to represent command economies with tax rate. But state-ownership means that the state, as a producer, has to provide the capital and pay the wages. This is entirely different in essence, so I think we can't just trash PP. It's just that Mark's market system becomes a little more complex. This is how I envision this:
1) Production phase: The production function is employed.
2) Tax payment and a first change in prices (as in the econ model).
3) Trading phase, where specials and external trades are computed and prices change again.
4) Distribution phase: Here comes my part (govt-econ) to determine everyone's income, investment and consumption (in CC).
5) Investment phase: Investment in productive infrastructure (kapital) and tech factor recalculation.
6) Consumption phase: The 3-4 agents of the matrix below bid for the FPS to be consumed and the prices get their final values. Parallel to this, investment is made in other infrastructure classes (every expenditure, even food consumption, will be regarded as such a class; that's why these will be parallel). Government intervention will occur at this time also, either by direct redistribution or by price subsidies on the desired infrastructure points.
7) Finally, demographics are computed (Birthrate-Deathrate-Active Population-Education Level-Class Distribution-Labor Reallocation).
Of course one could Merge all this procedure in one "big bazzar", where everything is bought and sold, as per the following matrix.
External______N/A_______FRPS_____FRPS (optional)
MC_________FPS_______FRPS_____FRPS (optional)
Of course my understanding is not perfect, so if I am terribly wrong somewhere, please correct me.
c) Product Distribution: For my calculations, this is THE most essential variable. It determines how the product of the combination of Kapital and Labor is distributed among the contributors, who are no other than the classes and the state. The problem is how to define a proper and well-behaved function to do the job. I am still not satisfied with what I currently use, so any contributions would be welcome.
Mark is preoccupied about the UC starving the LC, but that won't be a problem. Because although dividing the product according to the marginal productivity of each factor is the most reasonable thing to do (I hadn't noticed this until now), sound reasoning has never been a priority in a society based on exploitation and expropriation. Until now, the function that I used for product distribution had nothing to do with marginal productivity. PD was determined by administrative power {EP*(PDs-0,5)}, legislative power {SP}, syndicalist power {CR*sy} and priviledge power {PP*20*pr}, in the margin between two starvation limits:
a) The maximum PD, above which the returns would be less than the capital invested, so the capital would actually be reduced (of course if PD=maxPD the UC would immediately starve to death, but then there wouldn't be any UC; the limit is to protect kapital belonging to the state rather than the people).
b) The minimum PD, below which the LC and the Minorities would physically starve, which is self explanatory.
Below is a copy-paste from my spreadsheet.
minimum: PD=si*(X(LC)+X(Min))/YT/(1-t)
maximum: PD=1-Ko*D/YT/(1-t)
In extreme situations (extremely low tech, or severe taxation, or scarcity of food), it is possible that maxPD < minPD. Then the land gets so poor that starvation is unavoidable, but even then, the function has some purpose, to show us who starves less. In more prosperous times, the PD can be anything from 0 to 1, so then it is reasonable to include an optimum PD, deriving from marginal productivity and have this as a base for all the above deviations. How should we proceed with this?
d) Class demographics: This is another tricky (and probably buggy) part of my model: the functions that provide the social ascension and descension of people among the classes, according to their investment. Any suggestions are welcome.
My reasoning is based in the assumption that although all members of a class invest part of their income, it is only a part of them (the "winners") that reap all of. So, if the investment is positive (investment exceeds depreciation, or the new kapital held by the class is more than the old; this always happens with the LC) the "winners" get to ascend one class. If it is negative, the "winners" stay in place and the "losers" descend one class. How many they are, it depends from the difference in the kapital held by the two classes in question and by the amount of kapital gained/lost. All these are valid for any class and any number of classes. If you add up all these moving populations, you can have a very nice indication of the inter-class mobility of the society (a high number indicates a land of opportunity; a low one indicates a caste system). This might be useful in some ways, f.e. in the Tech Model.
When I started with this, I had made the (false) assumption that kapital is not persistent (with some depreciation factor) but that it had to be reinvested as a whole each turn. So, if in one turn the UC would decide not to invest anything, it would lose all kapital and descend to join the LC. If the investment was less than the kapital, only part of the UC would do that, while the rest would keep their initial kapital. Now this can't happen suddenly (except if PP is lowered) and the reduction of the UC will follow at most the Depreciation rate.
In the extreme cases, where the income of the UC is smaller than that of the LC, to avoid the effect of the LC refreshing the, otherwise dwindling LC, the "winners" are kept still. That leads us to the question of what happens to the investment of the LC, since, according to the class definition, the LC can hold no kapital. For now and until we find a better way to do this, we suppose that it is handed out to the UC, free of charge. The same happens with the MC (if ther is one); they do not keep their excess investment, because that would break the law that defines them.
As for the Minorities, the do not participate in this. They cannot invest and they cannot move into any other class, except if they are accepted into the majorities by some change in the govt model. I think this is proper for them, otherwise, why discriminate at all?
e) The Middle Class: As I have already commented, it is relatively easy to insert any number of middle classes into the machine, IF you can provide a sound definition for them. The tricky part is that definition and that's what's causing all the bugs on the right side of the spreadsheet (as if the left side is bug-free!
Because the labor is a datum (it is given), this definition determines the kapital and the profits the they MUST have. So if in the right side of the spreadsheet, you lower PP (say to 0,2), they have more kapital and profits than the whole private sector, forcing the UC into the negative. This happens of course because their demographic proportion doesn't correspond to the type of the economy. I hope that this anomaly can be overlooked if all policy changes are not abrupt but take some time, allowing for the population to readjust. Generally speaking, this is the most rational thing to do; if you want abrupt economic changes (vide revolution), expect at least some starvation to occur (which is the least of all evils right now, but what the heck!).
Another issue about the Middle Class is the type of labor it produces. Disregard my simplistic approach of WH and l, lc is most important: I use the formula lc(MC)=(1+2*E)*lc(mean) which, based on a comment from somebody that the MC represents skilled labor, gives more value to the labor of the MC (according to some education tech) and, eventually, increases the overall income of the MC and it's prevalence against the other two classes. Do you find this implementation good? I don't, I want to make things better. Any suggestions are (desperately) welcome.
f)What is not in focus: Some things in my spreadsheet are implemented for mere functionality and are to be provided more specifically elsewhere. So I use a primitive production function that disregards resources and lumps all sectors together - the econ model should do that. I use an investment consumption function which also disregards sectors and F,P,S, but this has yet to be resolved. I use a simple (also in bulk CC) redistribution function; this is going to be refined and micromanaged after we add infrastructure and consumption classes.
[This message has been edited by a gremlin (edited July 14, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by axi (edited July 15, 2000).]