IMO it would be good if each city had a ruleing dynasty. This dynasty would be responsable for any units built in that city as far as maintinence and refitting. These units would be loyal to that dynasty and if the dynasty rebelled so would the units.
This is an option. I have a section of ruling dynasties above. It isn't required however. Also there may be an option to have on the player (in non-multiplayer games) have a ruling class dunysty only. I dislike it on multi-player because if there is a CPU w/o a ruling class dynasty people will know early on its a computer civ (this might not apply to some scenerios).
The citizens happiness might be determined by how much they like the ruleing dynasty. Replacing one dynasty with another might have adverse consequences to the populace if they were well liked (i.e they may decide to rebel instead of accepting a new dynasty).
Afermative. But this shouldn't apply to just ruling class dynasties, but all dynasties.
The abilities of a dynasty would affect how well a city was run (crime rate, happiness, gold, science etc).
Negative. This has more to do with either the player or the characters in particuler, not the dynasty itself.
Two dynasties may not like each other and may go to war with each other (causing a headache to the leader of the civ and forcing loyal troops to have to go and sort it out).
Afermative, if its a feudalistic society with a strong head ruler (this wouldn't work in a feudal society like Japan where the Emperor was in charge of religion only. The like/dislike will be heavily dependant of personalities based on the ruling character (and perhaps spouce) and heir apparant. Lesser with other siblings and relatives, advisors, etc. I don't want to get too detailed though or we could have a nightmarish problem with the CPU.
During a revolution all (or some) of can be disposed and replaced with dynasties supportive of the new regime. It may be necessary to forcably remove dynasties during a revolution and prevent cities from rebelling.
I have this is there under the general dynsty section somewhere. However an unsecussful removal will always lead to a war of some type, most likely civil war. (after all you know the current admin. will keep trying to remove u from power so why stay and give them a chance)?
The powers of the dynasties could also be dependent on the form of government. For example:
Monarchy - Dynasties are Dukes, Barons, Lords etc..
Fascism - Generals.
Democracy - Members of Parliment.
Monarchy---True, though the names will vary
Fascism---Afermative, though we should allow for other types, fascism doesn't have to be military based.
Democracy---(actually that's a repulic or represntative gov. ur talking about) Anyway what u say is possible (IE English house of Lords), but can also be for simply rich people such as Kenedy's or for sybolic dynasties such as in England and Japan.
In ancient governments Dynasties might rule with an iron fist, i.e population is unhappy but cant do much about it (marshall law). In a democracy however a dynasty with a low reputation could be voted out.
First off the former applies to modern as well as ancient. We still have China FE, and not 100 years ago many nations in Europe still had monarchies that were similar, perhaps with some restraints. On your second point I'd like to put it in, however we have to be careful for ruling dynasty. First off if the player has 50+% they stay in. If they don't they are kicked out for a term, prob 1 turn, but can be several. After that they can try to get back in. Also they can try to splinter off and form their own civ also.
One good way to control an important city may be to allow a relative of rule it. Over time however the dynasty would grow away from the crown and may become less controlable.
That's a good idea, except it would be for provinces. Except that once the current ruler dies it will then be considered a new dynasty (or maybe when the heir apparant when he was placed dies). However the control factor shouldn't be too much higher because they are indivisuals. It will basically be measured by loyalty level, maybe with a +2 added. Also an heir apparant couldn't be done this way and any local rulers who are relatives by marrage would have a +1 added to loyalty for control, but it would end at the death of the dynasty ruler. Also these modifiers would end if they ruler of that province died.
Alliances with other civs may include inter-marrage among foriegn dynasties. Hence if the alliance is broken one of your dynasties may break away and join the rival civ.
Affermative. Also dynasties can be multi-civ oriented.
IMO it would be good if each city had a ruleing dynasty. This dynasty would be responsable for any units built in that city as far as maintinence and refitting. These units would be loyal to that dynasty and if the dynasty rebelled so would the units.
This is an option. I have a section of ruling dynasties above. It isn't required however. Also there may be an option to have on the player (in non-multiplayer games) have a ruling class dunysty only. I dislike it on multi-player because if there is a CPU w/o a ruling class dynasty people will know early on its a computer civ (this might not apply to some scenerios).
The citizens happiness might be determined by how much they like the ruleing dynasty. Replacing one dynasty with another might have adverse consequences to the populace if they were well liked (i.e they may decide to rebel instead of accepting a new dynasty).
Afermative. But this shouldn't apply to just ruling class dynasties, but all dynasties.
The abilities of a dynasty would affect how well a city was run (crime rate, happiness, gold, science etc).
Negative. This has more to do with either the player or the characters in particuler, not the dynasty itself.
Two dynasties may not like each other and may go to war with each other (causing a headache to the leader of the civ and forcing loyal troops to have to go and sort it out).
Afermative, if its a feudalistic society with a strong head ruler (this wouldn't work in a feudal society like Japan where the Emperor was in charge of religion only. The like/dislike will be heavily dependant of personalities based on the ruling character (and perhaps spouce) and heir apparant. Lesser with other siblings and relatives, advisors, etc. I don't want to get too detailed though or we could have a nightmarish problem with the CPU.
During a revolution all (or some) of can be disposed and replaced with dynasties supportive of the new regime. It may be necessary to forcably remove dynasties during a revolution and prevent cities from rebelling.
I have this is there under the general dynsty section somewhere. However an unsecussful removal will always lead to a war of some type, most likely civil war. (after all you know the current admin. will keep trying to remove u from power so why stay and give them a chance)?
The powers of the dynasties could also be dependent on the form of government. For example:
Monarchy - Dynasties are Dukes, Barons, Lords etc..
Fascism - Generals.
Democracy - Members of Parliment.
Monarchy---True, though the names will vary

Fascism---Afermative, though we should allow for other types, fascism doesn't have to be military based.
Democracy---(actually that's a repulic or represntative gov. ur talking about) Anyway what u say is possible (IE English house of Lords), but can also be for simply rich people such as Kenedy's or for sybolic dynasties such as in England and Japan.
In ancient governments Dynasties might rule with an iron fist, i.e population is unhappy but cant do much about it (marshall law). In a democracy however a dynasty with a low reputation could be voted out.
First off the former applies to modern as well as ancient. We still have China FE, and not 100 years ago many nations in Europe still had monarchies that were similar, perhaps with some restraints. On your second point I'd like to put it in, however we have to be careful for ruling dynasty. First off if the player has 50+% they stay in. If they don't they are kicked out for a term, prob 1 turn, but can be several. After that they can try to get back in. Also they can try to splinter off and form their own civ also.
One good way to control an important city may be to allow a relative of rule it. Over time however the dynasty would grow away from the crown and may become less controlable.
That's a good idea, except it would be for provinces. Except that once the current ruler dies it will then be considered a new dynasty (or maybe when the heir apparant when he was placed dies). However the control factor shouldn't be too much higher because they are indivisuals. It will basically be measured by loyalty level, maybe with a +2 added. Also an heir apparant couldn't be done this way and any local rulers who are relatives by marrage would have a +1 added to loyalty for control, but it would end at the death of the dynasty ruler. Also these modifiers would end if they ruler of that province died.
Alliances with other civs may include inter-marrage among foriegn dynasties. Hence if the alliance is broken one of your dynasties may break away and join the rival civ.
Affermative. Also dynasties can be multi-civ oriented.