I am starting a new thread on this...
Rong Said:
I've read "the Cathedral and the Bazaar" a while ago. I think our model is similar to the Bazaar (open source) with the alteration that at some point parts of the code will become closed so that team members have some chance of getting some monetary rewards for all their efforts. What do others on the team think?
I personally would like to see if Clash is commercially viable to gauge if I could switch to this as a career. Clash would be in a niche market, but a niche of the civ-type game market can still be pretty big
. Allowing access to the code to some hard-core programmers might not preclude making money on it, but a gnu-type open code makes it pretty hopeless unless you want to make money in services involving the code (based on what I have read in newsgroups).
[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited September 04, 1999).]
Rong Said:
BTW, I am still hoping this project can turn into an Open Source project. There is a nice paper about this development model called The Cathedral and the Bazaar.
If you decide to join the future
, you can take a look at JOS, maybe even use their web site and CVS server.
Ok, that's enough URI's for one message.
If you decide to join the future

Ok, that's enough URI's for one message.

I personally would like to see if Clash is commercially viable to gauge if I could switch to this as a career. Clash would be in a niche market, but a niche of the civ-type game market can still be pretty big

[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited September 04, 1999).]