To paraphrase Monty Python, "I'm not quite dead yet!" The long sabbatical is over, and the Web Site just received a major update today. New and/or Refurbished models include:
- Government (w/ downloadable Excel Worksheet)
- Social
- Riots (Rodrigo, I REALLY think this should be renamed "Revolutions")
- Climate/Ecology
- Disasters
- Demo 5 Central
- Map AI
Coming soon are updates to:
- Coding
- Web Site FAQ
- Clash Team
Dominic is working on a new Web Site concept which involves two different sections: A new "Here's Clash!" page which is targeted for newcomers and those with only a general interest and the existing "Working Site" for Team Members and those who really want to dig deep into the Clash Universe.
If anyone has requests or new ideas, feel free to fire away!
[This message has been edited by Kull (edited June 23, 2000).]
- Government (w/ downloadable Excel Worksheet)
- Social
- Riots (Rodrigo, I REALLY think this should be renamed "Revolutions")

- Climate/Ecology
- Disasters
- Demo 5 Central
- Map AI
Coming soon are updates to:
- Coding
- Web Site FAQ
- Clash Team
Dominic is working on a new Web Site concept which involves two different sections: A new "Here's Clash!" page which is targeted for newcomers and those with only a general interest and the existing "Working Site" for Team Members and those who really want to dig deep into the Clash Universe.
If anyone has requests or new ideas, feel free to fire away!
[This message has been edited by Kull (edited June 23, 2000).]