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The Social, Government and Riots models are finally here...

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  • The Social, Government and Riots models are finally here...

    I've just sent to Kull the documents for the three models and you'll all see them soon at the Clash web page. There've been so much enthusiasm about social things these days that it just couldn't be a better time for finally posting these models. If any of you want to have an idea of what's been going on concerning these models, Axi have posted a very clarifying summary at the revolutions thread... well done, Axi!

    I know it's going to take at least a couple of days before the models appear on the web site and you get to read them.

    Let's leave this thread for anything covering the interactions between the 3 models (which are strong) or for just general discussions about social stuff you feel are missing in these models. I'll open threads for each model in a couple of days so we can talk about specific things in each of them.

    I'm expecting feedback from this very moment!


  • #2
    Rodrigo: Why don't you go ahead and post the three models on the forum? That would be a lot more convenient. If the model is the first post in the thread discussing that model, the discussion will make a lot more sense.


    • #3
      Richard Bruns: This is not an easy thing to do since the models are large and full of tables and matrixes. But we will eventually have to do it, so, if Rodrigo doesn't mind me doing this, I will try to transcribe them into a readable forum format and start a thread for each one.

      Rodrigo: I have read all three of the models and I've had a look at the worksheet you sent me. Congrats for all this splendid work: you've got things neatly organised and the worksheet is going to be a great tool. You have changed all the variables and abbreviations nomenclature though, as well as the general layout of the models, so I felt a little bit lost at the beginning. There is alot of explaining to do, especially concerning all the equations, even for me!

      Forgive me if I have spoiled the suprise, but let's not keep them waiting!

      "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
      George Orwell
      "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
      George Orwell


      • #4
        I have taken the liberty of posting the three models summarised by Rodrigo, in advance of their appearance in the Clash Website. When they do, links to a MS-Excel worksheet containing the Govt model mechanism will be also available. The following is the introduction that Rodrigo wrote for the reader of the three models.


        Models for Society

        All the things we may generally refer as "social issues" like politics, government, revolutions, culture evolution, religion, etc., appear to be inevitably linked with each other. It isn't easy to draw lines and create individual modeling for all the social effects we'd desire for Clash. This is why the three models proposed here covering society and its behavior should be seen as one, like sub-models of something bigger. Coherency between them has been carefully taken care of. Each one performs a particular task providing many of the elements we want, but some of the most interesting social effects are a result of the interactions between them three.

        The three models are the Social Model, the Government Model and the Riots Model. I suggest you to read them in this same order for better understanding. This is what they do in a very general sense:

        Social Model: Simulates culture evolution.

        Government Model: Simulates politics within the civ's government.

        Riots Model: Simulates people's discontent and what they do about it.
        "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
        George Orwell


        • #5
          Axi: Fantastic job putting the models in a readable form. Don't stop impressing me!!
          Other thing: You're worried about me using other names for variables or changing the document presentation in the govt model. Believe me, it's the same model you saw with just details here and there. The only relevant new thing is the de facto influences.

          All: If you want the MS-Word documents for these three models, I can e-mail them to you ( I can also provide you an Excel spreadsheet with the core of the govt model so you can experiment with it.

          Do me a favor. After reading the models, please give your general impression before going into details. Tell us if you think something is really bad about them or if you think something very important is missing.

          The govt, social and riots models, individually or as a result of the interactions between them, are including the following features:

          Govt policies/laws regulating the civ
          Different despotic levels leading to low or high player's control over the civ
          Govt shifts, peacefully or violently
          "Infinite" govt styles (kind of monarchy, almost monarchy, pure monarchy, etc)
          Govt control over economic system: from pure capitalism to pure communism
          Govt control over diplomacy: from passive/submissive to world conquest
          Govt forms will tend to represent the civ's culture
          Centralized or decentralized administration
          Several religions, "primitive" and "advanced"
          Religion spreading
          Religious discrimination and prosecution
          Ethnic discrimination
          Privileges for aristocracy
          Culture evolution
          Street protests and riots
          Forced migrations to reduce chances of uprisings
          Player's ability to bribe political adversaries
          Player's ability to kill political adversaries
          Clash of ideologies
          Chances of ruler getting replaced
          Chances of ruler getting murdered
          Internal intelligence services to control discontent
          Nationalistic fervors
          Birth of new nations as a result of province independence
          Birth of new cultures as a result of multiethnic civs
          Instability in regimes (empires can go up and down)
          Ideological propaganda
          Politically active population according to its position in society
          Continuos political activities
          Political corruption
          Military coups
          Civil wars



          • #6
            When you get a little more done and here a few comments from everyone can you guys (axi or rodrigo) send me a list of government social modifiers (to determine the type of gov/cultural group for whatever area) and a list of Religions moral codes. I NEED this in order to start working on the social advanced part of the tech/research model. You can send rich it also, but since he's not working on that part (i'm working mostly alone on this area, he's working mostly alone in the military advancement area) he may not need it just yet (for demo5 that is).

            I need these because social advances will have additional base parameters that will not be in the other type of advances.
            [This message has been edited by Lord God Jinnai (edited June 18, 2000).]
            Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
            Mitsumi Otohime
            Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.

