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  • Workshop

    I'm really, really, really in favor a unit workshop. This is for one simple reason, I see Clash as what COULD happen if we were in control of any nation at anytime, some view it as what DID happen. While it's great for educational value what did happen is incredibly un-interesting! We must be able to take our Civ wherever we want it to go. I think a advanced (much more so then SMAC or let's not even make it) but intuitive and simple, at least simple to understand (with underlying strategy and changing docterine).

  • #2
    Wow, sorry everybody this wasn't suppost to be a topic at all, it was suppost to be a responce to the Mil III thread. Well, if anyone has any specific opinions on the unit workshop feel free to post them here I'll try to read the buttons before I push them from now on

