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Disease Model

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  • Disease Model

    Disease Model

    Disease Pools
    To determine what diseases a culture starts with, disease pools will have to be established first. There would be 12 disease pools. Distribution would begin at the tropics. Each tropical pool would get 2 jungle diseases and 1 water-borne disease. Each of the temperate pools would get 1 of the 2 remaining water-borne diseases and 2 other diseases. Then the arctic pools would get 2 diseases from the remaining 5 and would share the last one. Then each culture would get it's number of initial diseases from it's disease pool. If a culture is in 2 or more disease pools, it will select from the pools it was in.
    Here is an example of what one game's disease pools might look like:

    sub/arctic 1(Influenza, Bubonic Plague, Typhus) 7(Whooping Cough, Leprosy, Measles)
    temperate 2(Diphtheria, Hantavirus, Measles) 8(Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Influenza)
    sub/tropical 3(Malaria, Yellow Fever, Cholera) 9(Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Diphtheria)
    sub/tropical 4(Sleeping Sickness, Dengue Fever, Dysentery)10(Sleeping Sickness, Malaria, Cholera)
    temperate 5(Tuberculosis, Smallpox, Leprosy) 11(Dysentery, Bubonic Plague,Smallpox)
    sub/arctic 6(Syphilis, Whooping Cough, Typhus) 12(Typhus, Hantavirus, Measles)

    Initial Diseases

    Initial Diseases will represent those the people have previously been exposed to. Every province of every Civ. and barbarian "Culture" in the game will start with 1-3 diseases from the 19 modeled in the game. This assumes that each different cluster of any barbarian culture will be treated as a different province (ex. If culture #17 is divided by Roman territory, each half would be treated as a different province). By modeling every province rather than the Civ/Culture as a whole we can allow for greater diversity and realism in the system with only a few extra calculations.
    To calculate the number of initial diseases a civ has, we would generate a number (1-10) then modify it by population density and climate. Climate would modify the number based on the zone the Province is located in:

    Climate Zone{Modifier(+/-)}[#of DiseasePools]
    Sub-arctic/Arctic {3} [4 pools]
    sub-arctic/Temperate {2}(a culture would use this modifier if it overlaped both zones listed)
    Temperate {1} [4 pools]
    Temperate/subtropical {-2} (a culture would use this modifier if it overlaped both zones listed)
    Subtropical/Tropical {-3} [4 pools]

    Once modified for climate zone and density, the number of diseases is as follows:

    Modified Number /Number of Diseases
    1 or less / 3 Diseases
    2-4 / 2 Diseases
    5 or more / 1 Disease

    Disease Table
    Disease / Mortality rate / Str. Increase
    Bubonic Plague B /15-30%/ 2
    ^Cholera B /10-20%/ 3
    ^Dysentery B /10-20%/ 5
    $Dengue Fever V /10-20%/ 4
    ^Diphtheria B /5-10%/ 5
    $Ebola V /15-30%/ 2
    Hantavirus V /15-30%/ 3
    $HIV/AIDS V /1-5%/ 4
    Influenza V /1-20%/ 4
    Leprosy B /1-2%/ 5
    $Malaria V /5-10%/ 3
    Measles V /1-5%/ 5
    $Sleeping Sickness V /5-10%/ 3
    Smallpox V /5-10%/ 4
    Syphilis B /1-5%/ 5
    ^Tuberculosis B /5-10%/ 3
    Typhus B /5-10%/ 3
    Whooping Cough V /1-5%/ 4
    $Yellow Fever V /5-10%/ 4

    ^ = water-borne;
    $ = jungle;
    * = Ebola and HIV/AIDS are never initial diseases but come in later in the game to preserve some history to disease.
    V = viral
    B = bacterial

    How Disease Works
    For every disease a culture has it will also have a resistance number for that disease. Every disease will also have a strength(str.). It is by comparing these two numbers we will determine what effects a disease will have:
    -If disease str. is less than the culture's resistance there is no effect.
    -If disease str. is equal to or greater than the culture's resistance, a "check" is made. (A check is a random number, 1-100, that is generated for str. then str. is subtracted from it; the same is done for the resistance. The lower number is the winner.)
    An example of how the check works:
    ---Disease str. is 35 and Resistance is 30; a 15 is generated for str. and a 36 for Resistance; after subtracting str. from 15 you get -20 and 36-30 is 6, so the disease "wins" the check and has it's effect.
    -If the resistance wins the disease has no effect.
    -If the disease wins there is an epidemic, and a loss of population equal to the mortality rate of the disease. This loss is for one turn only! When an epidemic occurs, resistance increases by 1-5
    -If it is a tie, then nothing happens and a check is made again next turn.

    Some other things to keep in mind:

    -Base resistance is 25 for all diseases, except initial diseases, which is 50.
    -Base disease str. is 15-25 (Regardless of what str. it is at when transmitted to a new culture, a new str. will be determined. However, the range on it will be the difference between the numbers above and actual disease str. For example, if transmitted at str. 55 the disease str. for the new culture would be 40-30, or 30-40.)
    -Disease str. and resistance can never exceed 100 (except if strains are used, then disease str. can reach 110, but only during flare-ups.)
    -Disease str. increases by 1 every number of turns listed on the chart.

    Spreading Disease
    Whenever any kind of contact is made between two civs/cultures (merchants, armies, migrations, etc.) there would be a chance, equal to the home culture's resistance, of the disease spreading. Also when a civ encounters jungle, there would be a chance (equal to the disease str. in that region) of them catching a jungle disease and possibly bringing it back home.
    Ebola and Aids will have a 25% chance of infecting anyone who travels in the jungle, however only after whatever turn the year 1900 occurs on.
    Note: When Migrations occur, add +1% per head, or fraction thereof, for the percentage chance of disease spreading.

    Modifiers to Resistance/Mortality Rate

    -improvements: temples (of religions that care for sick), hospitals, etc. will each have individual effects
    -famine will reduce resistance temporarily, while famine continues, by -3 per turn (cumulative).
    -technology- some will have individual effects on diseases, chance of spreading or Mortality rates (like vaccinations will cure some diseases).
    -overcrowding, -3 for every province with 1,000,000 of population, and an additional -1 for every 500,000 afterwards.

    *This is just an idea I'd like to get some feedback on though it may be just a bit too complicated for the game*

    Each disease will have several strains active until sufficient contact has turned it into a single strain. An example would best explain this:
    The Greeks have smallpox (strain one) and the Egyptians have smallpox also (but strain two). Upon contact & transfer of both strains between the 2 civs, there would be a flare-up (+10 to disease str. for one turn) of the disease as the two disease pools collide and meet new cultures. Then these two strains would be annialated and would become strain three (a new strain) within both civs.
    Now if the Greeks had given the Romans strain one previously but no longer had contact with them, strain one would survive with the Romans but the Greeks and Egyptians would have strain three (strain two would be annialated). But if the Greeks again contacted the Romans and transmitted strain three, and they still had good contact with the Egyptians, all three would then have strain four, and strains one, two and three would have been annialated.
    Strains would never be seen by the player, they would only help simulate flare-ups of disease as disease pools collide. They would also simulate a decrease in flare-ups as sufficient contacts are made between cultures thereby increasing the size of the disease pools.

    Agricultural Disease

    [This message has been edited by Toubabo_Koomi (edited January 05, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by Toubabo_Koomi (edited January 05, 2000).]

  • #2
    This is a very good model!

    Here's what i have to say sofar (this is before anything on agricultural disease is mentioned):

    First artic zones would have fewer diseases and tropical more because baterica thrives in the warmer climates. Also any culture coming from an artic area would carry few diseases (Native Americans) since most who surived the journey wouldn't have been very sick.

    Also later on we should include genetically engineered diseases. Although never used outside labs, if they did so the results could be deadly.

    Also the invention of medicine will temporarily raise the resitance rate, however it will create strains of super-diseases in the long run.

    I think strains are a good idea. One thing though, is over time, when new powerful medicines are created and through genetic engineering should also create new strains. Also a new strain is almost always more powerful than the previous one. Another thing is using your example of the Greeks, Romans and egyptians that if the greeks transmitted strain one to the romans after X turns the disease would mutate to strain four at the same time the strain 1 and 2 are combining to form strain 3. This would solve the problem IMO of the continuous creation of new strains for most of history. In later periods new strains could radomly occur do to the constant mixing of cultures.

    I guess we need to decide then if we impliment my suggestion which diseases are baterical and which are viral since baterical can't adapt as quickly and are therefore easier to treat.
    Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
    Mitsumi Otohime
    Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


    • #3
      I tried to make it so artic civs get less disease with the climate modifier for the initial diseases (because those civs would tend to have higher numbers). As for the native Americans they would have to just get lucky here or have a low population density.

      Genetically engineered diseases I thought about, I was just thinking we leave some "extra" disease slots and let the player have the option of engineering one or not. These would start with a higher base str. than the "normal" diseases.

      Super-diseases could be created with the evolving disease str. Maybe we could have a tech called innoculation for bacteria diseases and vaccination for viral. After it is discovered then either double the evolution of the disease rate or add a de-evoulution rate to the Resistance number--I had forgotten to include that.

      And for the strains Idea, I couldn't come up with anything to stop the continuous creation from getting out of control but your idea is great. As far as new strains appearing after using powerful Medicines, maybe a random culture's strain would mutate. For example let's say the English had smallpox strain 7, a few turns after the discovery of vaccination it mutates to strain 8(which noone else has).

      I'll update the Disease chart to show which are bacterial and which are viral as soon as I know for sure.


      • #4
        Hi Koomi

        I think your model is very good!
        My questions are:
        1) Isn't it too expensive to check all cultures for all diseases every turn? Any chance of making it cheaper in computational terms?
        2) Why disease str is lowered if resistence wins? That culture may have won, but if a new culture enters the scene, the disease should be as mortal as always, so I think disease str should never change really IMO



        • #5
          1.) The computations aren't made every turn, only when the disease str. increases above the resistance.
          2.) Oops!, I forgot to take that out!--thanx


          • #6
            T. K.:

            Great Job! I agree with you that on a provincial basis is probably the best way to handle diseases. I'm really crushed for time tonight, so I will just raise the usual difficult comments!

            I didn't see population density in there in terms of allocating the number (and also strength) of diseases. Did I miss it? If it's not there, I think it Really needs to be there.

            Your method for figuring out if there is an epidemic seems flawed to me. Here's my difficulty:
            When the resistance is sufficient to keep the disease in check, there is a 0% chance of epidemic. As soon as the Disease Is A Single Point above the resistance, then there is a 50% chance of an epidemic (well, actually like 51%) Boy that's a rapid turn on in the likelihood of disease! I think you instead need to use something like a percentage chance that is twice the advantage of the disease over resistance.

            In terms of diseases spreading, all contacts should not be equal. A huge army tromping around is much more likely to infect local inhabitants than a few lousy merchants.

            Finally, I think there needs to be some possibility of geographic separation preventing a disease from showing up, say in the New World. In other words, the temperate zone of the New World would not necessarily have the same diseases in it as the temperate zone of the old world. For the real world we could use the historically correct ones, and for artificial worlds just make some arbitrary choice to segregate as appropriate.

            Good Work!

            Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
            A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
            Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


            • #7
              No Mark, you didn't miss the pop. density stuff. I made a reference to it but I wasn't sure what we would consider the density threshold or how we would handle it elsewhere, so I wanted to get that info first.

              As for the 50% thing, I'm not too sure of any other way to handle it (that's why I finally brought it online, I was running out of ideas). The thing about using twice the advantage of disease over resistance would seem, to me, too low. Most of the time the disease will only get a few points above resistance anyway, so I don't think we should use such a low number or disease would just be a nuissance, not the real threat it is.

              With the geographical separation, I agree, but I'm not sure there's enough diseases to go around. A disease pool needs 3 diseases (just in case one of the civs within needs 3 initial diseases). I think one way to handle this would be not to use random distribution, but rather a set of seeds. Seed 1 could be the historical one and all the others could just be made up. Then on a random game the comp would just randomly pick a seed.


              • #8
                Some new thoughts i just had this morning:

                The various levels of disease str vs. resistance. FE Europe was highly resistant to smallpox and although people died from it when it was epidemic, a lot didn't. However when it was brought to the americas because no one had ever had smallpox before very few survived. The strain wasn't any more powerful, it was just the resistance level that was.

                Also there are several levels for how easily trasmittable a disease is. Here's the ones i remember. Higher the number, the more easily transmitable

                Class 1
                Long Term Relationship (FE Tuberculosis)

                Class 2
                Ijestion of Previous Host

                Class 3
                Sexually Transmitted

                Class 4
                Water Borne

                Class 5
                Air Borne
                Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                Mitsumi Otohime
                Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


                • #9
                  T. K.:

                  I'm with LGJ on the smallpox point. In fact, I think I've come up with a way to simplify your strains idea, make me happier on the chance of an epidemic happening, and tying in population density. Here it is...

                  First of all, let's say we don't cap the value of the disease or strain at 100,but let it go arbitrarily high. The disease grows in strength when it has an ideal breeding ground. Usually that will mean high population densities and unsanitary conditions, etc.. So an existing disease will never give a province that has developed adequate resistance problems, unless the population, or level of sanitation changes dramatically for the worst. However, when those things do happen (or other things that generate new strains of disease) and then disease grows in strength by a TBD amount. So I think this takes care of the need to have strains, all you need to do is keep track of the strength of the disease in each province.

                  Secondly, your case where just a smidgen more of disease can result in a 50% chance of an epidemic really bothers me still. How about if, we double my previous suggestion, so that the chance of an epidemic occurs is now four times the difference between the disease strength, and the local resistance. I think this will still make epidemics clearly likely to happen, and almost certain for the classic case when local resistance is low to a new disease. Also, because we're using the difference, we are now free to let disease is have strengths up to an arbitrary level, because resistance (augmented by sanitation and medicine) can also get very large. So we can in principle model things like antibiotic resistance, although I suspect we should never get quite that detailed!

                  I really think this model would generate enough disease to keep most of the purists happy. Perhaps too much, but we can always tone down things that cast too big a shadow on the game.

                  What you think?
                  Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                  A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                  Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                  • #10
                    Mark here the thing: I think strains are ness, however, not for baterical diseases. FE You can be resitant to one strain of influensa but weak against another. Plus viral diseases continue to develope so rapidly that we really do need to use strains for them.
                    Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                    Mitsumi Otohime
                    Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


                    • #11

                      Its a Game A refined description of reality is IMO not necessary, especially if it complicates things with relatively little added fun for the player. No player is going to care if his flu outbreak is Sydney A Influenza, or the Michigan strain!
                      Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                      A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                      Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!


                      • #12
                        Shouldn't there be a chance that even if the resistance is higher than the strenght that some people are not resistant, and people can still be affected, I agree it wouldn't nessercairily be major but it could happen.

                        Also will it be possible for diseases such as small pox to be eradicated as in real life.
                        What does this box do I wonder?


                        • #13
                          I really think it will enhance the game much more, however if theres too much computation time well like TK said we won't use it. BTW the people won't see the strain info remember?
                          Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                          Mitsumi Otohime
                          Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


                          • #14
                            The questions first:
                            What will be the threshold of a square as far as population is concerned, before causing a problem?
                            And what about just using random seeds to distrubute disease pools? Should we consider this?

                            Mark, I agree that the way I handled disease str. vs. resistance isn't that good, and capping off at 100 doesn't really need to be there, and that yours is much better, I'll change it. But I'm with LGJ that the strains should still be included.

                            And to answer Kanzid's question, yes diseases can be eradicated, with the discovery of vaccines. Within their civ and with any other that they share it with, just like the U.S. did for smallpox. I just haven't written it yet.


                            • #15
                              The population threshold for disease will involve a lot of factors. Gross population, sanitation, water supply, nutrition level, medical technology, and medical infrastructure. Unfortunately, we haven't put numbers to all this stuff yet. I think the safest assumption for the disease model is to assume that there is some threshold below which things are okay, and above which things get increasingly more problematic. Above the threshold there should be two effects. First, the resistance of the population should be suppressed due to the unfavorable environment. Second, the disease should have a chance to increase in strength because of the favorable breeding ground.

                              Well, if you guys really think the strains are needed, go for it! Just please take a look one more time, and make sure the strains are necessary. It seems to me that a new strain can be simulated by just bumping up the strength of the disease a little bit. Clearly this isn't true technically, but in terms of game play it should be close to the same.
                              Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
                              A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
                              Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!

