First of all it might sound a little weird creating a "model" for something like guerilla activity which sounds very specified part of combat, but it deals with ideas like civil war and conquerd region uprising. Now you see that this system may be a very important part of this game depending on how we implement it, so I ask you respond to my ideas, in agreement or constructive criticism (please try not to hurt my feelings). This is the basic concept I gave in the military model screen with some updating. Enjoy!
Guerilla activity
First of all I have quite a few ideas about all the ways guerilla wars could start but I don't think this is the place for all of that
Anyway, guerilla conflicts would be long term wars that would be extremely costly in both money and lives (depending on your military) and may be extremely unpopular if it is not resolved within a given amount of turns, what I am dealing with in this post is guerilla activity inside your own state.
There would be no guerilla units (unless they are produced later on by the guerillas-see level 7 activity), it would be regions of activity, and the activity would be able to grow if there is no intervention there would be 7 levels of activity
1 no real activity, people are basically happy (there would be varying amounts of happiness but that’s political and this is directed at the actual guerilla system), good production
2 no real activity, some are happy but some are begging to lash out in small acts of vandalism, crime is increasing, less respect for your country, production at the square is slightly lower
3 little activity, some people are begging to join small gangs, low tech weapons such as house hold objects and farming equipment (e.g. knives, bats, axes, etc) if there is a mine on the square people will use mining equipment to lash out and will tend to be more militant, most people still unwilling to use violence yet are angry with you, production noticeably lower
4 moderate activity, people are beginning organize into larger groups, people are beginning to acquire real weapons, people are beginning to side with the violence, production is very low, the groups are battling each other more then they are battling you-but the damage is spilling over to all aspects of the square, a good chance slow non-military units moving through will be destroyed,
5 high activity, several organized factions are crippling your interests in that square, most men who can are fighting, extreme anti-your country feelings, some are moving to neighboring squares to gain support, the faction wars are very heated but there are definite head factions that are gaining power, all production at your base has ceased, movement of slow non-military vehicles is almost suicide, everyone hates you very much
6 emergency levels, one strong force is guiding nearly everyone in that square, acquired modern weapons (either by themselves or through other enemy countries), extreme hate is felt towards your country, actively gaining support in other squares and beginning to plot long term goals like attacking your improvements or units, production has been re-directed towards the guerilla force, any unit of yours sent in will be attacked,
level 7, full war, well organized, semi-well trained, religious-like hate for you and your country, very frequent attacks on your armies are being made (and if no armies are there they will target anything of interest of yours, including cities) actual units may be made-they could be guerilla based or conventional based (conventional would not be effective against your conventional forces, but could cause extremely serious damage on your interests), neighboring squares will join very quickly and the movement will spread like brush fire, production is working at full capacity building weapons for the guerilla forces
Ways to fight the guerillas in your country:
Note: a new idea is in this that I've given a little thought, its called Rules of Engagement, it's pretty self explanatory
Note 2: this will add another idea of mine, a police force that could be raised from cities (not just city but a region around the city), they wouldn’t be a unit but it wouldn’t really be a improvement either, I haven’t totally thought it out yet. Any thoughts?
Level 2, begin to hear the people out, then try to change the policy the region is angry about, this will not work if it is nationally based, if we decide to make a king unit or something then it would be extremely effective to send it there
Level 3, send minor police force to stop the vandals (only short-term solution) and try to alter policy if possible,
Level 4, begin beefing up security and increasing police forces (some kind of SWAT team version of police?), policy can still be altered but the anger will last for quite a while and crime will fade slowly, move any real interests outside of the infected area
Level 5, declare martial law and send in military units to police, set the military's rules of engagement pretty conservatively or more anger will erupt, actively start using your intelligence to break up the factions and give inside information to the military, along with using intelligence to slow the activity increase in other neighboring squares, a little to late to change policy considering they think of themselves as independent
Level 6, only two real options, launch a military campaign with basic rules of engagement and try to destroy the guerilla forces like a nation, give them their autonomy (last resort),
Level 7, no real way to have the square (or squares) rejoin you, massive campaign must be launched to stop their army, peace negotiations are still possible but will not be very effective, limits to what your intelligence can really do, only real answer is two grant them full independence-even so they might attack you again,
Raising guerilla forces in other nations
Note: this will introduce an idea I have about the spy system you use in Clash, there should be a fixed amount of really good spies you have that can increase in morale just like military units (but they aren't real units) basically if you send them all off on under-cover missions then you have nobody left, to much micro-management?
You could increase guerilla activity in squares by using your intelligence. This would be a great way to attack a enemy while keeping your hands clean. There are several actions you can take, I'll list them
1) First off you could send under-cover agents into squares to increase the guerilla activity, kind of like a probe team's incite drone riots ability in SMAC.
You could, of course, find a bunch of people who just don't like their lives and want to lash out and burn down some buildings. The only problem is there has to be a reason for a major uprising, like taxing without representation. If the nation isn't being good to they're people and there are good reasons to rebel then it'll usually work quite well. But if there aren't very many good reasons then you'll either have to go with nationalism (which works someplace better then others) or basically lie to the people and tell them they'd be happy if they had a communist government or something (it wouldn't work very well with educated people or in a democracy).
Anyway you could have a little menu where you could go through the different causes and how it will effect the people. Then Send the spy off and in a couple of turns you might get up from 1 to 3 or maybe 2 to 4. But it won't last very long, but it's a very important first step. By the way the agent could be caught in fascist governments for siring up trouble but if he's loyal your hands will remain clean.
2) Sending in a leader.
Another action that is similar to the action above would be to send in a real leader or two. This would require very good spies and would take a great deal longer then action 1 but you'll have two major abilities
First you'll have total control over the guerilla faction you control, and if your faction happens to be the one to lead one faction (not talking about SMAC factions) at level 6 then you'll have total control of the guerilla activity.
Second having a strong, militant, leader there from the beginning will greatly accelerate the increase of levels
3) Training and supporting the troops
This is when you are taking some risks, you'll be introducing yourself to the guerillas and training, supporting, and supplying them with weapons. You would have to create a actual hidden camp where you would go through training exercises for a real army, along with that you could create a terrorist training camp for things like bombings and assignations. It would cost you (depending on how high tech the weapons are) and you would open yourself up to full scale war if your caught, but you can upgrade the square from 6 to 7 (which is a major increase which would be almost impossible to get to without a country supporting the guerillas).
Now I think if you lived in a communist society or something you could train your entire country to fight a guerilla war if you are being invaded by a foreign power. This would slow enemy attack hugely and just might tip the war in your favor, there's another system for this but I'm to tired to type it all out right now, maybe tomorrow.
Training guerilla style forces
There should be an advanced unit that could attack an enemy in a guerilla-like way, I’m not quite sure of all of it’s capabilities so any ideas would be useful.
[This message has been edited by LOGO (edited January 16, 2000).]
Guerilla activity
First of all I have quite a few ideas about all the ways guerilla wars could start but I don't think this is the place for all of that
Anyway, guerilla conflicts would be long term wars that would be extremely costly in both money and lives (depending on your military) and may be extremely unpopular if it is not resolved within a given amount of turns, what I am dealing with in this post is guerilla activity inside your own state.
There would be no guerilla units (unless they are produced later on by the guerillas-see level 7 activity), it would be regions of activity, and the activity would be able to grow if there is no intervention there would be 7 levels of activity
1 no real activity, people are basically happy (there would be varying amounts of happiness but that’s political and this is directed at the actual guerilla system), good production
2 no real activity, some are happy but some are begging to lash out in small acts of vandalism, crime is increasing, less respect for your country, production at the square is slightly lower
3 little activity, some people are begging to join small gangs, low tech weapons such as house hold objects and farming equipment (e.g. knives, bats, axes, etc) if there is a mine on the square people will use mining equipment to lash out and will tend to be more militant, most people still unwilling to use violence yet are angry with you, production noticeably lower
4 moderate activity, people are beginning organize into larger groups, people are beginning to acquire real weapons, people are beginning to side with the violence, production is very low, the groups are battling each other more then they are battling you-but the damage is spilling over to all aspects of the square, a good chance slow non-military units moving through will be destroyed,
5 high activity, several organized factions are crippling your interests in that square, most men who can are fighting, extreme anti-your country feelings, some are moving to neighboring squares to gain support, the faction wars are very heated but there are definite head factions that are gaining power, all production at your base has ceased, movement of slow non-military vehicles is almost suicide, everyone hates you very much
6 emergency levels, one strong force is guiding nearly everyone in that square, acquired modern weapons (either by themselves or through other enemy countries), extreme hate is felt towards your country, actively gaining support in other squares and beginning to plot long term goals like attacking your improvements or units, production has been re-directed towards the guerilla force, any unit of yours sent in will be attacked,
level 7, full war, well organized, semi-well trained, religious-like hate for you and your country, very frequent attacks on your armies are being made (and if no armies are there they will target anything of interest of yours, including cities) actual units may be made-they could be guerilla based or conventional based (conventional would not be effective against your conventional forces, but could cause extremely serious damage on your interests), neighboring squares will join very quickly and the movement will spread like brush fire, production is working at full capacity building weapons for the guerilla forces
Ways to fight the guerillas in your country:
Note: a new idea is in this that I've given a little thought, its called Rules of Engagement, it's pretty self explanatory
Note 2: this will add another idea of mine, a police force that could be raised from cities (not just city but a region around the city), they wouldn’t be a unit but it wouldn’t really be a improvement either, I haven’t totally thought it out yet. Any thoughts?
Level 2, begin to hear the people out, then try to change the policy the region is angry about, this will not work if it is nationally based, if we decide to make a king unit or something then it would be extremely effective to send it there
Level 3, send minor police force to stop the vandals (only short-term solution) and try to alter policy if possible,
Level 4, begin beefing up security and increasing police forces (some kind of SWAT team version of police?), policy can still be altered but the anger will last for quite a while and crime will fade slowly, move any real interests outside of the infected area
Level 5, declare martial law and send in military units to police, set the military's rules of engagement pretty conservatively or more anger will erupt, actively start using your intelligence to break up the factions and give inside information to the military, along with using intelligence to slow the activity increase in other neighboring squares, a little to late to change policy considering they think of themselves as independent
Level 6, only two real options, launch a military campaign with basic rules of engagement and try to destroy the guerilla forces like a nation, give them their autonomy (last resort),
Level 7, no real way to have the square (or squares) rejoin you, massive campaign must be launched to stop their army, peace negotiations are still possible but will not be very effective, limits to what your intelligence can really do, only real answer is two grant them full independence-even so they might attack you again,
Raising guerilla forces in other nations
Note: this will introduce an idea I have about the spy system you use in Clash, there should be a fixed amount of really good spies you have that can increase in morale just like military units (but they aren't real units) basically if you send them all off on under-cover missions then you have nobody left, to much micro-management?
You could increase guerilla activity in squares by using your intelligence. This would be a great way to attack a enemy while keeping your hands clean. There are several actions you can take, I'll list them
1) First off you could send under-cover agents into squares to increase the guerilla activity, kind of like a probe team's incite drone riots ability in SMAC.
You could, of course, find a bunch of people who just don't like their lives and want to lash out and burn down some buildings. The only problem is there has to be a reason for a major uprising, like taxing without representation. If the nation isn't being good to they're people and there are good reasons to rebel then it'll usually work quite well. But if there aren't very many good reasons then you'll either have to go with nationalism (which works someplace better then others) or basically lie to the people and tell them they'd be happy if they had a communist government or something (it wouldn't work very well with educated people or in a democracy).
Anyway you could have a little menu where you could go through the different causes and how it will effect the people. Then Send the spy off and in a couple of turns you might get up from 1 to 3 or maybe 2 to 4. But it won't last very long, but it's a very important first step. By the way the agent could be caught in fascist governments for siring up trouble but if he's loyal your hands will remain clean.
2) Sending in a leader.
Another action that is similar to the action above would be to send in a real leader or two. This would require very good spies and would take a great deal longer then action 1 but you'll have two major abilities
First you'll have total control over the guerilla faction you control, and if your faction happens to be the one to lead one faction (not talking about SMAC factions) at level 6 then you'll have total control of the guerilla activity.
Second having a strong, militant, leader there from the beginning will greatly accelerate the increase of levels
3) Training and supporting the troops
This is when you are taking some risks, you'll be introducing yourself to the guerillas and training, supporting, and supplying them with weapons. You would have to create a actual hidden camp where you would go through training exercises for a real army, along with that you could create a terrorist training camp for things like bombings and assignations. It would cost you (depending on how high tech the weapons are) and you would open yourself up to full scale war if your caught, but you can upgrade the square from 6 to 7 (which is a major increase which would be almost impossible to get to without a country supporting the guerillas).
Now I think if you lived in a communist society or something you could train your entire country to fight a guerilla war if you are being invaded by a foreign power. This would slow enemy attack hugely and just might tip the war in your favor, there's another system for this but I'm to tired to type it all out right now, maybe tomorrow.
Training guerilla style forces
There should be an advanced unit that could attack an enemy in a guerilla-like way, I’m not quite sure of all of it’s capabilities so any ideas would be useful.
[This message has been edited by LOGO (edited January 16, 2000).]