Clash of Civilizations Demo v2
It is an early demo of Some of our Game Concepts,
Not the final game...
Although it is somewhat playable at this point, Demo v2 is not anywhere near a real game yet. It has something like 5% of the required functionality in it. For instance the 'graphics' only a mother could love. Or perhaps a proud father...
What we're looking for out of the demo, is to allow people to test out many of the innovative features in Clash before development gets too far. This should allow us to identify "Turkey" aspects of our current design, and come up with something new to replace them.
IMO playtesting our features often, and brutally, is the way to go.
We are primarily looking for feedback on:
The general 'Light Touch' needed to play vs the heavier micromanagement required in Civ2,
Simultaneous Movement for Military Task Forces (TFs),
TFs Supporting others,
Standard commander decisions to attack/defend or not depending on odds.
Whatever you feel like telling us about.
This Demo is for Windows. There are possibilities for most other OSs, and I'll try to enumerate them in the near future.
To learn more about it, and download, go to:
Clash Demo v2.
Post here which alternative installation worked for you , and about any problems...
For your responses on the questions I asked about our models, if your point is on military, the first person should start a thread called "Demo Military Issues" or something. If your post is on a simple question or issue you don't expect too much discussion on, please put it in this thread. When you post refer to the demo version you're talking about, because I hope to have a new, better version available every two weeks or so. I will try to post a list of links as soon as new comment threads regarding Demo v2 are up.
For those of you who have previous demo versions, this is New and supercedes them all.
I also have put up the java source for the demo on the page with it.
[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited October 30, 1999).]