1. Macro language: I will develop a macro language, which is based on the standard Pascal. Mark, I can produce a C like macro too. My intention was to produce a macro language, which almost like the plain english: easy to read. My implementation will support arrays, numbers (integers and reals) and strings. The interpreter will tokenize, so the system will work speedier. The users and we have all the loops and expressions from the Pascal system. The system will support user functions and procedures. I will implement a few important functions and procedures too.
2. I need hooks in the program code to join the macrocode to the system. (FE empty method callings)
3. Please highlight those variables, which have sense to change by the users or us.
4. Scenario maker: The user can change ALL the user variables and can access for a few very important triggers. The power users must use the macro language to access to the fullt system.
5. Map editor: It makes sense to me to write the map editor together with the program interface guy. (80-90% of the code is the same.) If the interface programmer will write a strongly object oriented map code than I can write the editor code easily.
6. This is my last day before I'm back in the beginning of August. Fortunately everybody can work for the first alpha version without scenario maker. I will find spare time to implement the macro language. I try to check the threads as frequently as possible.
7. When I'll ready with the syntax description, I'll post it to the forum.
Blade Runner
[This message has been edited by Blade Runner (edited June 23, 1999).]
2. I need hooks in the program code to join the macrocode to the system. (FE empty method callings)
3. Please highlight those variables, which have sense to change by the users or us.
4. Scenario maker: The user can change ALL the user variables and can access for a few very important triggers. The power users must use the macro language to access to the fullt system.
5. Map editor: It makes sense to me to write the map editor together with the program interface guy. (80-90% of the code is the same.) If the interface programmer will write a strongly object oriented map code than I can write the editor code easily.
6. This is my last day before I'm back in the beginning of August. Fortunately everybody can work for the first alpha version without scenario maker. I will find spare time to implement the macro language. I try to check the threads as frequently as possible.
7. When I'll ready with the syntax description, I'll post it to the forum.
Blade Runner
[This message has been edited by Blade Runner (edited June 23, 1999).]