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Short Diplomacy Proposal

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  • #16

    OF COURSE, one needs to be able to lie to others..

    as for hiding units... just develope stealth technology.. That makes 'em invisible just sitting on the runway. Why a fellow here in texas crashed his car into a stealth tree the other day. Claimed the thing was invisible and wansnt there until after he hit it !


    • #17
      I really like what I read here - it gives me the feeling of having lots of options. Please keep in mind, though, that the best diplomacy becomes boring after a while if it isn't "fleshed out" by having a diplomatic counterpart. We should decide relatively early how diplomatic actions are presented to the player. Most people love to have the feeling to actually parley, so we have to decide whether to have some "personal" contacts like in CIV2 or what else should appear at that place. Clearly, a simple menu a portrait without any meaning (CtP) is NOT the way to go.

      To have something different than CIV, I could imagine showing a kind of throne room (or the equivalent for later gouvernments) from the side and having the ruler and the emissary of the AI having a a conversation.

      Hardcore strategists, please don't forget the "feeling" of what you are coding. If nothing else, diplomacy must really LIVE to be a convincing part of the game (and fun!).
      Honi soit qui mal y pense


      • #18
        Will the player have the ability to have a conference with an ally.

        For instance if I am A and am allied with B and both of us are fighting C, will I be able to tell B to attack C from the south while I attack from the north?
        "I would perfer not to"
        "Bartleby" by Herman Melville


        • #19

          (For those interested in the "new" diplomacy model, here's the original diplomacy thread)
          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

