Great Work everyone!
All that effort has paid off. Most of the game models now have a high-level description doc. The few behind the curve will hopefully be available soon. I'd throw a party if we weren't splattered all over the world...
Thanks for all your effort. Every bit of hard work brings us that much closer to actually being able to Play Clash.
For those of you who don't remember what Step 1 is, all that stuff is in our process document at:
Next comes Step 6, no 2, I always get those confused
Our deadline is 6/30/99. Below is a list of what the rest of the process calls for at this point. Its not complete, but has enough details to get the idea across. As always comments and discussion welcome. The models are still somewhat flexible so if you think you see a big problem in a model, or how it interfaces with one or more of the others, Please Speak Up!
Once we have the high-level mechanics / specs document we can take the first real look at the specific interfaces for different game elements, and the coding design spec. Handshaking between the major "functional" groups needs to take place here. In parallel, the Dukes in charge of Military... models will need to, with their teams, put specifics on all the generalities previously in their models. Some of the simpler models may be ready fairly soon and could move on to Step 3 ahead of the general schedule.
I propose we finish STEP 2 by 6/30/99. Some parts will be finished before this. Those things that get to the right level of specificity before the deadline will move into early STEP 3 Activity.
Each game model (Military...) is basically done at this point, barring further revisions. One thing the 'game model' designers could do at this point is to help with strategies for the AI to use in their part of the game. Artwork should be getting into full production mode. Interface design for all the game areas should be finalized early in Step 3. Design for Coding at Modules and interfaces between modules level should be completed early in Step 3. [edited 6/10 by me because previous statement made no sense] AI for the specific game models can be planned out here too. Handshaking beteen game design, art design, and both interface and 'guts' coding team needs to be strong here too. For each area, when Step 3 is done the respective teams / sub-teams can go on to Step 4. By the end of Step 3 we will have covered the contents of a solid design doc, and will finalize the doc.
I propose we finish STEP 3 by 7/30/99.
When the early part of step 3 is done IMO we enter a series of loops if we're doing the 'Sid' philosophy mentioned above. When a significant amount of new coding and/or artwork has been done, the package is assembled and we see what its like. Team members at this point give each pre-alpha version a good running through. People not involved in coding or art will be especially valuable for this.
I propose we do a cycle of STEP 4 every month or so... [Added Later: As pointed out by Druid2 finishing the first run thru in a month is unrealistic. The first pass thru will probably be more like 2-3 months.]
[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited June 11, 1999).]

Thanks for all your effort. Every bit of hard work brings us that much closer to actually being able to Play Clash.
For those of you who don't remember what Step 1 is, all that stuff is in our process document at:
Next comes Step 6, no 2, I always get those confused

Once we have the high-level mechanics / specs document we can take the first real look at the specific interfaces for different game elements, and the coding design spec. Handshaking between the major "functional" groups needs to take place here. In parallel, the Dukes in charge of Military... models will need to, with their teams, put specifics on all the generalities previously in their models. Some of the simpler models may be ready fairly soon and could move on to Step 3 ahead of the general schedule.
I propose we finish STEP 2 by 6/30/99. Some parts will be finished before this. Those things that get to the right level of specificity before the deadline will move into early STEP 3 Activity.
Each game model (Military...) is basically done at this point, barring further revisions. One thing the 'game model' designers could do at this point is to help with strategies for the AI to use in their part of the game. Artwork should be getting into full production mode. Interface design for all the game areas should be finalized early in Step 3. Design for Coding at Modules and interfaces between modules level should be completed early in Step 3. [edited 6/10 by me because previous statement made no sense] AI for the specific game models can be planned out here too. Handshaking beteen game design, art design, and both interface and 'guts' coding team needs to be strong here too. For each area, when Step 3 is done the respective teams / sub-teams can go on to Step 4. By the end of Step 3 we will have covered the contents of a solid design doc, and will finalize the doc.
I propose we finish STEP 3 by 7/30/99.
When the early part of step 3 is done IMO we enter a series of loops if we're doing the 'Sid' philosophy mentioned above. When a significant amount of new coding and/or artwork has been done, the package is assembled and we see what its like. Team members at this point give each pre-alpha version a good running through. People not involved in coding or art will be especially valuable for this.
I propose we do a cycle of STEP 4 every month or so... [Added Later: As pointed out by Druid2 finishing the first run thru in a month is unrealistic. The first pass thru will probably be more like 2-3 months.]
[This message has been edited by Mark_Everson (edited June 11, 1999).]