Comments on the Marks comments:
Facing: "Strategic Direction has no relationship with Tactical Facing in battle." That's generally a true assumption, especially given the size of the tiles. I still think facing has a role to play, so how about this. Any time two TFs come in contact, strategic direction is meaningless. We assume they move into a facing position. BUT if a second TF arrives, then that SHOULD constitute a flank or rear assault. That would be consistent with history.
TF's in the same Space: Keep in mind, Druid is not assuming a tile-based movement system. Given that, I think I know where he's coming from. Imagine what would happen if two large divisions decide to pass through the same town at the same time. You're almost better off if one of them's the enemy! At least then you can shoot at the SOB's. This actually happened to the Russians during the Battle of Tannenburg in 1914. Two Corps tried to pass through the same crossroads and the result was utter chaos. In a tile based system, there's a few ways to handle this. 1) TF's retain individuality: Assume that chaos effects are countered by the large size of Clash tiles and the represented time scale (long) of each turn. 2) TF's combine: Require them to cease all movement at that moment (a combination/coordination penalty). One final point. Neither suggestion applies to Air or Naval TF's. Air operates in 3 dimensions, so sharing a tile shouldn't be a logistical problem. Naval TF's have much fewer units than land or air, so a tile is plenty big enough to hold many TF's.
Druid's Model vs. Mark's: IMO the "Real Issue" involves Tactical vs. Strategic combat. We can argue relative merits till the cows come home, but here's the bottom line. Is strategic military combat "FUN". If it is, then "drive on drill sergeant, drive on"! If not then it won't matter how good the AI is, or how realistic all the models are. We'll have a party, but no one will come. On the one hand, we're developing some HIGHLY detailed models for the economy, research, culture, & government. But on the military side, it looks a lot like "my big buncha guys against your big buncha guys". Is the basic assumption in Clash that doing a good job with the first four will let you build a "bigger buncha guys", and thus win the wars? Historically that WAS usually true. But we'll have to ensure that it's fun.
Facing: "Strategic Direction has no relationship with Tactical Facing in battle." That's generally a true assumption, especially given the size of the tiles. I still think facing has a role to play, so how about this. Any time two TFs come in contact, strategic direction is meaningless. We assume they move into a facing position. BUT if a second TF arrives, then that SHOULD constitute a flank or rear assault. That would be consistent with history.
TF's in the same Space: Keep in mind, Druid is not assuming a tile-based movement system. Given that, I think I know where he's coming from. Imagine what would happen if two large divisions decide to pass through the same town at the same time. You're almost better off if one of them's the enemy! At least then you can shoot at the SOB's. This actually happened to the Russians during the Battle of Tannenburg in 1914. Two Corps tried to pass through the same crossroads and the result was utter chaos. In a tile based system, there's a few ways to handle this. 1) TF's retain individuality: Assume that chaos effects are countered by the large size of Clash tiles and the represented time scale (long) of each turn. 2) TF's combine: Require them to cease all movement at that moment (a combination/coordination penalty). One final point. Neither suggestion applies to Air or Naval TF's. Air operates in 3 dimensions, so sharing a tile shouldn't be a logistical problem. Naval TF's have much fewer units than land or air, so a tile is plenty big enough to hold many TF's.
Druid's Model vs. Mark's: IMO the "Real Issue" involves Tactical vs. Strategic combat. We can argue relative merits till the cows come home, but here's the bottom line. Is strategic military combat "FUN". If it is, then "drive on drill sergeant, drive on"! If not then it won't matter how good the AI is, or how realistic all the models are. We'll have a party, but no one will come. On the one hand, we're developing some HIGHLY detailed models for the economy, research, culture, & government. But on the military side, it looks a lot like "my big buncha guys against your big buncha guys". Is the basic assumption in Clash that doing a good job with the first four will let you build a "bigger buncha guys", and thus win the wars? Historically that WAS usually true. But we'll have to ensure that it's fun.