Originally posted by alms66
If tech order values means setting the % spent on tech research in the econ interface, then yes. In the scenario, currently, I have several fields preset to 5 (or 8 maybe). I want to do this for the tech fields (Military Tech, Food Tech, etc.) I thought those production order tags could only go in the civilization tags (i.e. were a subtag of civilization)?
If tech order values means setting the % spent on tech research in the econ interface, then yes. In the scenario, currently, I have several fields preset to 5 (or 8 maybe). I want to do this for the tech fields (Military Tech, Food Tech, etc.) I thought those production order tags could only go in the civilization tags (i.e. were a subtag of civilization)?
Sector infrastructure like Build Farm, and military units are the only place that ROI has meaning for now. For military units it is keyed off % of revenue that goes to Army Supplies. When that is high, mil units are less attractive and don't pass a 10% ROI test.