It's me again, long time no see.
First, I am glad to see that the project is still going. 
Next, I wanted to make a little proposal. I already asked Mark about it, though he said I maybe should bring it up on the forums, so here I am.
Basically, it boils down to this. I have a server and a domain name registered for my own purposes, however, there is plenty of bandwidth and disk space I am not using. Hence, I was wondering if it would help you guys any to make use of it. My idea was to set up a password-protected version control repository for you, so you don't have to pass code around through email, and so you could better control the versioning - like have stable release branch, and at the same time be able to work further.
Mark said that maybe this thing would be fairly useless, simply because Laurent is pretty much the only person actively doing coding at the moment, but I think that a version-control system is useful even if there is only one person working, because it allows you to not worry about changing code. I know I used to work on my university projects without any version control, and every time I changed something fairly drastically, I made a backup of everything, just in case I screw something up beyond repair, and I did screw things up, and boy, was it a pain to get back the backup, and merge in the useful changes, and throw away the bad ones, etc. With a version control system, that's not a problem because you can always easily roll back changes, as well as make branches etc to keep drastic, potentially disasterous, changes separate from routine bug fixes.
So any way, that's what I was thinking. Tell me what you think about this idea.
Another issue is this. Mark said that if I wanted to do some more coding for you guys then I would be welcome to. The thing is, though, that I still feel bad about the last time I worked with you. I hate it when I promise to do something and don't, whatever the reason.
So now I am torn. On the one hand, I really want to help you guys out, because I think this is really an outstanding project, but on the other hand, I am afraid to make any substantial time-consuming commitments, because I just don't know that I'll be able to keep them. Real life has a way of ruining these.
It's me again, long time no see.

Next, I wanted to make a little proposal. I already asked Mark about it, though he said I maybe should bring it up on the forums, so here I am.
Basically, it boils down to this. I have a server and a domain name registered for my own purposes, however, there is plenty of bandwidth and disk space I am not using. Hence, I was wondering if it would help you guys any to make use of it. My idea was to set up a password-protected version control repository for you, so you don't have to pass code around through email, and so you could better control the versioning - like have stable release branch, and at the same time be able to work further.
Mark said that maybe this thing would be fairly useless, simply because Laurent is pretty much the only person actively doing coding at the moment, but I think that a version-control system is useful even if there is only one person working, because it allows you to not worry about changing code. I know I used to work on my university projects without any version control, and every time I changed something fairly drastically, I made a backup of everything, just in case I screw something up beyond repair, and I did screw things up, and boy, was it a pain to get back the backup, and merge in the useful changes, and throw away the bad ones, etc. With a version control system, that's not a problem because you can always easily roll back changes, as well as make branches etc to keep drastic, potentially disasterous, changes separate from routine bug fixes.
So any way, that's what I was thinking. Tell me what you think about this idea.
Another issue is this. Mark said that if I wanted to do some more coding for you guys then I would be welcome to. The thing is, though, that I still feel bad about the last time I worked with you. I hate it when I promise to do something and don't, whatever the reason.
