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Culture Families

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  • Culture Families


    I just wanted to have 'something' which would tell the Greeks they are Greek rather than barbaroi, without their being necessarily either Spartan or Theban or...
    I believe that in terms of Greek vs. barbaroi scenario, race doesn't help. Culture or language would. so an ethnic group's nationality is a bit limited for the purpose of differentiating Greeks from other cultures. I'm just asking for soomething which lets me relate two ethnic groups as being part of a family (of language/culture/way of life) so I can have something which lets me model Greeks without needing a Greek nationality.

    About races: My concerns are mostly genetic. I have some biology background after all, and consider that there's no reason why a deep difference in terms of genotype would necessarily lead to a visible difference in phenotype. That is why I chose the Basque example: If you restrict yourself to Middle Ages Europe, and decide to implement races in the game, Basques would be genetically different form the rest and thus from a genotype point of view a different race. But from the visible phenotype (their face, colour...) that's not relevant. So we could pick a more or less arbitrary number of races, but if the game evolves in such a way that two of them mingle which we didn't have in real life (e.g. pygmies and caucasian), you'd have to do a lot of extrapolation to guess what they'd look like, and whether this particular mix would look different enough from another one to allow discrimination between the groups to occur.
    The point about Reunion and Brazil is not a negation that races exist, but a negation of the fact they are useful in the game: When people have similar culture, way of life, religion (not necessarily, depending on the importance of this one), they interbreed whatever their race may be. Thus it's more interesting to have an ethnic group or culture object than a race object in-game, because race will remain unchanged only if the cultures reamin unchanged. Thus race can be seen as a byproduct of culture in game terms (it's actually retaining the race the people started with X generations ago which is a byproduct, since race predates that, but I'm not being academic, I'm talking about the game).
    Again, races don't help me in Greek/barbaroi scenario (particularly if you consider that Philip's Macedonians were not always considered true Greeks by Athenians, Spartans, etc.).

    So to sum it all again: I want something (I'd call it culture for lack of better word) which lets me have families of cultures. Language is certainly part of culture, and race too, but neither is the whole of it. And I need a function which lets me tell whether two of these cultures are near or far one from another.
    That may just be that, by comparing all elements (traditionalism, importance of religion, individualism, etc.) of the ethnic group, I can infer that two EGs are mostly the same. This would mean that I need to compare all these values when checking ethnic riotting/discrimination, though, which is a bit bad as they may slightly vary inside the same nationality.


    I think we may solve the problem by making a set of factors which add up to "Culture".
    Way of life is down to environment I would say.
    Language is fairly easy to use as a tool do link and differentiate ethnic groups; it's also not dependant so much on the other factors, the way languages diverge is almost random in terms of the initial sound divergence, but gathers a kind of momentum to consolidate the changes, rather like how water find's it's way down towards the sea, sometimes forming a large "delta" of daughter languages, other times feeding into a lake (?!) .

    What could we have? Here's some ideas:

    Homologue (L0)
    Accent (L1)
    Dialect (L2)
    Language (L3)

    These are like three different levels of language, so you could call them "L1 L2 and L3", you can then map an EG with the "L factor" (Linguistic Divergence), so that those around the capital have a low L factor, and the more disparate populations have a tendency to gradually increase their L factor, to the point were they can evolve to L3 and have a different language, making their propensity to become a new EG greater.


    like language this is kind of both a cultural and ethnic feature innit? I think it's more cultural than ethnic though. (to me ethnicity is to do with aspects of humanity which can't change - race, mothertongue, birthplace)

    alphabet (syllabic like Hiragana and non-syllabic like Cyrillic)
    pictograph (Maya, Chinese, Egyptian)
    phonograph (like Korean)

    countries which share writing systems often share cultural affinity.

    Settled Agriculturalists
    Nomadic Pastoralists/Hill Tribes
    Coastal and Riverdwellers

    I imagine this affects the economy, the kind of trade that can take place, among other things. It seems to depend almost entirely on environment.

    Kinship Society
    Class Society

    This must be similar to politics, i'm not sure how much of this is in the social model. It's definitely culture.

    AESTHETICS (a way of summing up clothes & buidings!?)

    a bit of an intangible, especially if you're dealing with random non-historical scenarios - i.e. the WorldDawn scenario.
    Maybe including what kind of Artefacts, Monuments, you build, and frilly things like "artistic trade"... i suppose this is the kind of thing "Wonders" were supposed to cover in Civ.

    The idea being that maybe you could have a set of factors to define the term:
    And a set of factors to define the term "Culture".
    implicit is the idea that two or more ethnicities can share the same culture, and one ethnicity can have two or more cultures.
    Can that work? Or are they the same thing really?

    I suppose Culture is:
    Aesthetics, Values, Religion (bit of overlap), Writing System, Economics, Politics
    and Ethnicity is:
    Way of Life (bit of overlap) Language, Race, Nationality/Tribalism,

    Originally posted by LDiCesare
    I just wanted to have 'something' which would tell the Greeks they are Greek rather than barbaroi, without their being necessarily either Spartan or Theban or...

    I think the idea of adding a "Culture Family", as you suggested, is the most straightforward way to do this. The problem with comparing traits is that a Korean-offshoot culture and an Etruscan-based culture could have similar values for many cultural attributes and yet they wouldn't be kin. (However, communication between them should be easier since they have a lot of fundamental agreement on how the world works and what is important. . .)

    If we want to get more complicated later we can certainly do that.


    The more culture-based ideas you are proposing should go in a social model thread so that they can be considered in context. Some of the things you promote are Already in the social model, FE "Individualist". See the Social Model page.

    Just thought I'd shift this over to a new thread, as it doesn't seem to belong on the Riot model anymore.

    Let's discuss "Cultural Families" or "CF"s

    When say "CF" are we talking about:

    what about
    Moral Code?
    Way of Life?

    On the Social model, it lists Basic attribute which seem to me to be far more about Culture than Ethnicity.

    Ethnicity to me is:
    in any given "logical" arrangement (either/or both)

    Land Connection - not relevant for nomads
    Nationalism - does this include "ethnic pride"? or does it refer to feeling toward a governing nation?

    Culture in the given attributes are:
    and all the Moral Code ones

    So with these CFs how will they work?
    will there be defined CFs with sets of values for attirbutes which define them? will they be spread like language and religion etc...?
    Might it just be a case where a given attribute, e.g.: a writing system spreads and varying numbes of other attributes spread to varynig degrees producing a spectrum of cultural influence? some EGs having more cultural affinities than others, and some lacking in many affinities might share one or two in particular?
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  • #2
    Ethnicity to me is:
    in any given "logical" arrangement (either/or both)
    As a consequence you regard all white, English-speaking people as a single ethnic group?



    • #3
      good point. Except I put "Nationality" and "Land Connection" in the same category... so try again!
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      • #4
        good point. Except I put "Nationality" and "Land Connection" in the same category... so try again!
        I don't think nationality is at all relevant to ethnicity. It is a clear and separate dimension when it comes to defining an individual's characteristics.

        As far as land connection is concerned, I live in the North Island of New Zealand. I am disturbed to discover that my daughter, who lives in the South Island, is of a different ethnicity. Presumably when my granddaughters come north to stay with me they switch ethnicity.



        • #5
          I think you're being a little disingenuous.

          If you re-read what I put, it might be a little clearer, suffice to say neither of your posts refer to anything i've actually argued.

          Ethnicity to me is:
          Language (mother tongue)
          Racial Traits
          in any given "logical" arrangement (either/or both)

          Land Connection - not relevant for nomads
          Nationalism - does this include "ethnic pride"? or does it refer to feeling toward a governing nation?

          Culture in the given attributes are:
          and all the Moral Code ones
          in particular this bit:

          in any given "logical" arrangement (either/or both)
          i don't believe i said one of these on it's own would differentiate two ethnicities.

          but you make a valid point - your daughter and her offspring are now "South Islanders" you are a "North Islander", there is the incipient stages of ethnic divergence.
          Give it a few generations, or a few hundred years and the differences can become more marked e.g.: the beginnings of a different language in the from of accent, and dialect.

          (naturally in this global information age it's not particularly likely, but rewind to the bronze age and it starts to)

          When I talk about "nationality" I asked the question:
          Nationalism - does this include "ethnic pride"? or does it refer to feeling toward a governing nation?
          I decided to use the term to include tribal nationalism - meaning possession of a named tribal identity with symbols, which the people wish to retain.
          I suppose (thinking aloud!) this could be more of a cultural thing, which would make "culture" in the game, a large subset which can both overlap and come under the term Ethnicity. But to be honest, I think it makes more sense to be in the category of Ethnicity - things which are specific to, and defining of an Ethnic Group. Culture is the less specific things which no single EG can lay claim to as uniquely theirs.

          If we're only talking about nationalism in terms of nation states, then perhaps you're right.

          I mean the UK, NZ, USA, Canada and Australia all share a lot in common. Mostly a similar racial mix, each with it's own native minorities, same langage - differentiated by accent (L1), but with some pockets of dialect (L2), each also differentiated by Land Connection and Nationalism. There are some differences in the Clash Moral categories, but not too many.

          Yemen and Lebanon, well they share similar language, I'd say L2 (dialect), slightly different racial traits of a similar order, their own Land Connection, and some Nationalism, their Moral differences are more varied, particularly as Lebanon is of mixed religion.

          Two examples of different collections of Ethnicities within the same broader group of EGs.

          Last edited by yellowdaddy; March 23, 2004, 06:11.
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          • #6
            Religions :


            To slow, to slow : There is no real "frontier" between "poly-" and "mono-" theistic (for exemple, christian is officialy mono, but in real know a lot of gods (for example, Marie, Jesus, or Santa-monica are no "officially" gods, but are gods in facts). And Baal-Melek (or Yaweh) is just the canaanean god El, or Elyon, (jewish people is, at the origin, a group of cities-states of the people of Canaan, between 900 and 800 BC, with nothing different. No, hebrew not exist before) with a religion copied from osirianism (and christianism is more osirianim himself, with Jesus *is* Horus in fact, than jewish. I think the "pool gene" of christianism is 50 % osirianism, 20 % persians religion (evil/good...), and only 20 % for jewish (for the names).

            I think think (!) in "poly" or "mono" is an error. I prefer think to custom religions with cacarateristics. As, for example :

            - Tolerance : Others religions can be accepted, rejected, destroyed ?

            - Mimetism : Other religions can be, in fact, the same as us with other names or worship habits (roman religion is a big Mimetism religion) ?

            - Build big sanctuaries, or worship in natural areas ?

            - This religion love send missionnary ? Convert other peoples ?

            - This religion possess big rules of comportement for the worship (christianism or islam have big rules. Bouddhism have less) ?

            - Centralized religion (Catolicism is very centralised, Islam less, and bouddhism lesser) ?

            - Mother religion (for example, ortodocism, arianism, protestantism or Catholicism have all "Christianism" for mother. It's the "race" religion, if you wish.

            The fact a religion possess one, two or numerous gods has not importance for "reals" scenarios. But for fantasy or mythic scenarios (or for reals scenarios with a religious creator, i think), the importance is perhaps big. For example, a religion with one "official" god (as Islam) can be worshiped with the sames temples (one per citie, or a number of temple depend of the population...), but with a lot of gods it's perhaps necessary to build temples for each god worshiped (with a bigger temple for the major god of the civilization / empire / religion / citie ?).

            For the races :

            I think a civilisation can be seen for a race. If two Greek civs are in games (with the "Sparte" empire of the player, and the "Athen" of another player, for example), the two are of the same race.

            Ah ! and for sci-fi or fantasy scenarios, race are perhaps necessay, i think ;-)


            • #7
              wrong thread, wrong planet.
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              • #8


                • #9
                  As i stated elsewhere, if you want to use race and language for enthnicity its fine if you include geographical its as important if not moreso than race. This is different from land connection. It is based on terrain type, climate (which would probably be covered by terrain type) and city/not city area.

                  Thus as long as gary stayed in contact with his daughter and her descendants and she lived in a similar area then there wouldn't be a massive enough shift in lifestyle to warrant a culture switch. However, if Gary lived in a rural area and his daughter moved to the southern island in a city, then there is the possibility of a culture shift.
                  Last edited by Lord God Jinnai; March 23, 2004, 23:39.
                  Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                  Mitsumi Otohime
                  Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


                  • #10
                    the nature of clash relgion is discussed elsewhere...mark may know where exactly, but i share many of your views (but also the fact that budhism isn't nessarly in any of those categories.
                    Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                    Mitsumi Otohime
                    Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


                    • #11
                      I don't get what you mean.

                      I find this "geographic location" term a bit too vague and elusive.

                      We can quantify the others tus:
                      Racial Traits:

                      these are the categories of face parts for the face generator. They can all have several variations in "race" categories with a code number, and then be assigned to a given "race design" (Race X, will have Hair Y, Noses Z and P, Eyes Q etc...).
                      This could be summarised in text if required, given a name (could invent completely new "races"), and variations noted as "Race V posesses 9 of the 12 racial traits of Race W, Race W possesses 6 of the racial traits or Race V..." In short, it's quantifiable, categorisable and measurable.

                      is easy,
                      First theres the Categories in the form of an Ethnolinguistic tree:
                      72 "Peoples" (corresponding more or less to language families), each with 6 "Tribe" names they can split into, and each Tribe with 6 "Nation" names which the Tribers can split into.. these are just automatic names, to make the AI civs evolve over time... more or less like this:
                      Italic People->Latin Tribe->Italian Nation

                      Then there's the Quantifiability in the form of the L scale.

                      L0 - the same language
                      L1 - a regional accent of the langauge
                      L2 - a dialect of the language
                      L3 - a related language
                      L4 - a distantly related language
                      L5 - an unrelated language

                      linguistic variation maps for a particular language can be generated thus:


                      How do you propose factoring in "Terrain Type?"
                      How do you quantify it? How do you express it effects?

                      Terrain type can determine the economy of a civ, whether a civ is nomadic, hunter-gather, pescatorial (?!), or agricultural, and can have obvious expression in a game in what tech they can develop to prosper and what improvements they can build. But in game terms, it seem entirely functionless when applied to language.

                      There are Welsh people who live up in the hills, and Welsh who live down in the vallies, and Welsh who live by the sea. Whether they live in a desert or a jungle, they're all still Welsh. the terrain has no effect. The amount of contact and physical separation from the rest of the Welsh does though.

                      Do you mean "degree of seperation from each other?" "The amount of cntact between EGs?"

                      This thread isn't for the in-depth discussion of religion. It's for the discussion of Culture and Ethnicity really, how they are categories, measured and their effecst on the EGs.
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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lord God Jinnai
                        the nature of clash relgion is discussed elsewhere...mark may know where exactly, but i share many of your views (but also the fact that budhism isn't nessarly in any of those categories.

                        Oh, sorry :-\


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yellowdaddy Terrain type can determine the economy of a civ, whether a civ is nomadic, hunter-gather, pescatorial (?!), or agricultural, and can have obvious expression in a game in what tech they can develop to prosper and what improvements they can build. But in game terms, it seem entirely functionless when applied to language.

                          There are Welsh people who live up in the hills, and Welsh who live down in the vallies, and Welsh who live by the sea. Whether they live in a desert or a jungle, they're all still Welsh. the terrain has no effect. The amount of contact and physical separation from the rest of the Welsh does though.

                          Do you mean "degree of seperation from each other?" "The amount of cntact between EGs?"
                          Geography does affect it. Yes their all Welsh, but do welsh people who live for a time in the hills think differently than those that do by the sea? Of course! Their eviroment forces them to! This means that they haveto adapt themselves through customs, changes in lifestyles, etc to reflect that. Does that mean, assuming the have regular contact (i will explain that later) that they will consider themselves not welsh? Not likely but possible....depends really on how they're treated. There would be enough differance to have awkward moments, some major misunderstandings, but all-in-all, as long as they get along, they'd still be the same. They'd be a sub-cultures. The same is true for rural vs. city. I see this almost every week as i live in St. Louis, but i have friends who live in the countryside. They have completely different lifestyles, wants, etc and yet they'd both consider themselves (most of them) part of the larger group, but the fact that they live in a different ecomic geographic region affects their views. Thus both Ecomic and terrain do have a major impact on cultural changes.

                          As to regular contact is that, degree of seperate should not matter, its the amount of contact each has...different technologies allow different degrees of contact. Even so, people in different terrains for long enough periods of time will eventually, no matter how much contact develope a different sub-culture which can develope into a full culture under the right conditions.
                          Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                          Mitsumi Otohime
                          Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.


                          • #14
                            a. that's culture, not language.

                            b. that's real life, not Clash.
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                            • #15
                              a. we are detrmining aspects of culture here.

                              b. your point? language is real life here also...that statment is just absurd.
                              Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
                              Mitsumi Otohime
                              Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.

