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When the next version get out ?

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  • When the next version get out ?

    Sorry, friends i will speak in french
    Di Cesare will translate it ...

    Salut Di Cesare !
    Après une enième partie de Civilization 3, je décide de jeter un coup d'oeil à Clash of Civs ... et de l'installer !

    Seulement voilà j'arrive pas à le faire marcher !

    Le site qui propose le JRE semble long voire mort ....

    Je sugère que vous fassiez un self-installeur réunissant tous les fichiers nécessaires ...

    Sinon, ma config' est un Win XP, P4 2.4 Ghz

    Merci de votre réponse les Clashs

    Clash of Civilizations un des projets amateurs les plus sérieux du monde sinon LE plus sérieux !
    L'Arabe Dément
    l'Arabe Fou


  • #2
    Would you be offended if I took a crack at this, DiCesare? I promise to try and not hack and butcher it, etc, if at all possible.

    "Hey DiCesare!
    "After a little of Civilization 3, I decided to take a look at Clash of Civs... and to install it!

    "Only now I can't make it work!

    "The site that puts out the JRE truly seems to be long dead...

    "I suggest that you make a self-installer including all the necessary files...

    "If not, my machine is a Win XP, P4 2.4 Ghz

    "Thanks for your response, Clashes

    "Clash of Civilizations is one of the most serious amateur projects in the world if not THE most serious!"

    [end translation]

    OK, well it seemed like a good idea at the time... Some stuff you might want to check over, especially the "semble long voire mort" part. Man, sometimes I feel like the butt of some crazy inside joke that is le français quotidien.


    • #3
      Yes, the JRE file link is dead apparently
      L'Arabe Dément
      l'Arabe Fou



      • #4
        It doesn't look dead when I try it... You can also try this: ?
        I hope we'll get a demo out soon. Depends a on Gary's advancement with save/restore stuff.

        Wombat, it's a good translationn. Long voire mort 'Long dead' would rather be 'slow or dead'. A bit hard to translate 'voire'. Or is an easy translation but it's, well, there's a difference.
        Clash of Civilization team member
        (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
        web site and forum here on apolyton)


        • #5
          Thanks ! Now JRE works !

          I will try to do working the game ...
          L'Arabe Dément
          l'Arabe Fou

          H.P. LOVECRAFT


          • #6
            I tryed to play Dawn scenario but my english is poor, but efficient for apolyton and civfanatics forums

            A pack of languages is planned in 8.0 ?
            French, Italian, Spanish or other ?

            An AI is planned in 8.0 ?
            If yes, will is complete ?
            L'Arabe Dément
            l'Arabe Fou

            H.P. LOVECRAFT


            • #7
              Traductions: Non. No translation planned (unless someone finds the time to do it...)

              AI: Yes. The ai will be a new ai, which is less predictible than the older and doesn't do too many silly things. In particular it avoids battles it would lose and will build units it needs (siege weapons, asks for reinforcements). I will want feedback on how it does in order to make it better.
              Clash of Civilization team member
              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
              web site and forum here on apolyton)


              • #8
                I asked for translation because i can't create warrior ...
                A window didn't pop-up !

                I see that we can rename the lines and columns ...
                L'Arabe Dément
                l'Arabe Fou

                H.P. LOVECRAFT


                • #9
                  I insist we have a Scots Gaelic version!

                  I could translate for some langs: Jap, Chi, Thai, British/Commonwealth (ie: proper ) English!(and Celtic),
                  but there are surely enough Europhones to do the other big uns.
                  Last edited by yellowdaddy; March 7, 2004, 07:08.
                  click below for work in progress Clash graphics...
                  clicaibh sios airson tairgnain neo-chriochnaichte dhe Clash...


                  • #10
                    Demo 8 preview?

                    Could it be possible for one of the team to make a small preview of the upcoming 8.x version? Hopefully with some pics of any new graphics planned to be used. It does not matter if a feature is incomplete/unfinished atm.

                    Also small mention of current progress and what's left to be done (no release date is needed. just the general idea of state of developement.) Has there been any major difficulties and are there any major obstacles left to overcome?

                    Future plans/goals of the project could also be interesting reading (Demo 9 and onwards).
                    Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.

                    Petrell's Domain Webmaster


                    • #11
                      Last edited by yellowdaddy; March 26, 2004, 17:45.
                      click below for work in progress Clash graphics...
                      clicaibh sios airson tairgnain neo-chriochnaichte dhe Clash...


                      • #12
                        Petrell, there aren't many new pics. You can look for an alternate miltary build image here:
                        It doesn't replace the econ user interface, but can be used to replace it as an option.
                        I think I pointed out somewhere what was to come, but that must have been a mail, so here goes:
                        -New ai (calls reinforcements, adapts build orders based on needs, doesn't charge blind headed into opponents)
                        -Military build interface that maps the way the ai builds units (define a set of abilities, and the game picks the best corresponding unit)
                        -Functional ruler panel: Negotiated policies affecting tax rates, people discontent.
                        -Riots model: Ethnic discrimination and bad policies events leading to riots and formation of enemy units.
                        -Alternate random map generation algorithm (still no random maps).
                        -Scenario to test the social model.
                        -Totally uninteresting scenario to test the ai behaviour (the player is supposed not to move and look at the ai fumble its way to victory).
                        -Taking the capital of a province wins the whole province (but squares will revert back if you have troops there, and unhappy citizens may conquer the squares back too).
                        There are probably other things I can't remember. Hopefully Gary will code a save/restore thing too.
                        Clash of Civilization team member
                        (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                        web site and forum here on apolyton)

