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Empire: Rebuild a Nation!

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  • #16
    Hi Dale, hex. Nice alpha game. I have a few comments.
    The most important one:
    Don't use a .doc for the manual. It is huge, I mean really huge, because of the screenshots I guess, and it takes forever loading in StarOffice (I don't own and won't get legally or otherwise MSWord). I am afraid downloading the full manual when it is done will take more time than the game unless you can reduce the size of it (what format do you used for images in the .doc?) Whatever else (html, pdf, txt) would be better from my point of view.
    On the game itself:
    I ran the game without a problem on XP.
    The game is nice looking. The graphics are really good, although units might look better sharpened a bit.
    The combat display screen is something I like. Seeing the numbers change is a good interface for me. Reminds me of MOO ground combat.

    Your last post shows you know what you need to do next (highlighting selected unit for instance). Here are a few critics:
    You should not sport ai labels in the opening screen if you have no ai. That's cosmetic but puzzling if you read the manual too fast.
    You shouldn't put the End button near a corner since I may scroll instead of ending my turn or vice versa. Put it somewhere there is no risk of confusion, like in the middel bottom of the screen.
    Iron and stone icons look like too much one another. I tried building units with stone thinking it asked for stone.
    Moving units is a lot of guess-clicking for now. It looks like units remember move orders from one turn to another but you have to click on the boot icon to make them move, which means you have to select each of them every turn for them to move. No point remember move orders in that case. I once managed to get a unit moving in the exact opposite direction of what I wanted through some clickfest.
    Combat needs a model in which 500 + 250 + 50 units don't lose 104 units to 50 pikemen. Building archers should result in archers instead of pikemen, too. I guess all that is to be developped.
    Clash of Civilization team member
    (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
    web site and forum here on apolyton)


    • #17
      J Bytheway:

      1. 1024 x 768: Never even considered it actually. Hmmm..... I'll see what I can do okay?
      2. Someone else mentioned that too. I haven't seen it at all yet.
      3. I took a look and saw what you mean. That's now on "the list".
      4. Right-click closes the build menu. I think I'll put a close jewel on there instead to stop the confusion.
      5. Another one for SlowMeDown.
      6. Good idea.


      - The manual is a bit of a problem. I know it's a crap way to do it. Next time I'll organise a nice little .pdf instead.
      - Unit graphics aren't finalised yet. They'll definitely change.
      - I've got a list telling me what has to be done next. I'm slowely working my way down it.
      - The End Turn button thing shouldn't be a problem from now. I've decided to make the sides scroll. So left-right screen edges will be the x-axis, and top-bottom will be y-axis. That should stop the end turn thing you mentioned.
      - Iron and stone similar. I'll let Hex know.
      - Moving units will be a lot easier to work out once I get some pathfinding in, and I'll have a selection box around units to go with it. I'd like to keep the boot thing because what I want to happen is your units will auto-select when giving unit orders.
      - Combat model as mentioned above will definitely be changing. I just threw that in so there was something there to simulate combat.
      - Archers instead of pikemen. Next you'll want horsemen instead of catapults.


      • #18
        Just an update on "The List":


        1/2 Fixed - font surface error thing. Seems to be related to older graphic cards.
        Done - Scrolling: make edges instead of corners.
        Added - "Boss key"
        Fixed - Minimise/maximise black screen.
        Fixed - SlowMeDown problems with input.
        Temporary (made system arrow) - Cursor flickering. Related to only being 10fps?
        Fixed - Gamestate number system.
        Fixed - Make sure what unit you select to build is what you get!!!!
        Fixed - Fix army joining so it actually works.
        1/2 DONE - Map gen.
        - Minimap.
        - Selection box.
        - Unit pathfinding.
        - Unit auto-select.
        - Build menu change to similar to unit build.
        - "Cancel" jewel for build boxes.


        Fixed - first turn/first player auto-centre.
        - button tooltips.
        - Animation killer. (stop flags flapping)
        - Green/red build shadows.
        - Editor: erasor.
        - 1024 x 768????
        - Keyboard remapping
        - Unit graphics update


        • #19
          Just a quicky to say that the font surface error thingy is now fixed. If anyone who had the problem on the earlier build can confirm this for me, it'd be appreciated.

          Just download the development build from the downloads section of the above website.


          • #20
            I tested the dev build on my voodoo 3 and it there's no longer any font surface error thing, but the cursor is flickering. Looks like it could be a SlowMeDown-type update thing.

            I'll mess around some more this evening (GMT).


            • #21
              Got it to work now after all, still without the devel build. It seems that the game doesn't appreciate to be installed on the desktop but rather wants to be in some simpler folder path?
              Somehow I couldn't build watchtowers and castles even though I had the resources and I don't like the diagonal scrolling either. Everything else lloks fine for now.


              • #22
                The font surface problem is fixed.

                I played the game and seems like you have done a lot of stuff already. The game looks really cool. Very much evolved. As expected visually the game looks great. I liked the way units are handled. All the critics i can think about looks like something to do. Not actually a bad concept. The diagonal scrolling sure is confusing. I like the way units are handled (warriors, horses, etc in one unit. The stocking resources in national to build thing part is one of the best ideas ever since it does reduce micromanaging. Keep this idea.

                Great work Dale
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • #23

                  Good to hear it worked now. As for the cursor blinking, I did some research and found it's related to a problem within some graphics card drivers and DirectX's DirectInput (trust Microsuck). Anyways, there's a couple of solutions, but not all guarenteed to work. It's related to the fact that the game runs at a low frame-rate and DirectX. But I'm working on it.


                  There's a different scrolling method implemented in the Devel build. The edges are for scrolling now not the corners. Try that one out and let me know how you feel about it. I haven't finished the watchtowers and castles yet. Eventually you'll be able to build them in your borders to expand them, garrison them with an army, and in luck goes your way a city form at the foot of the castle.


                  Thanks for the compliments. I like the national resource pile too. I want the game to be more a national level than city-level. Therefore, everything that I can will be national, but unit building will still be city-level. This is for garrison reasons for castles in cities.


                  • #24
                    Took me a bit longer than I thought to get enough time to do a test justice, but I got there!

                    Just finished giving it a test drive, and I'm impressed!

                    Game started without a hitch....I was aware, from the reading here that the game opened over open water, so rather than hunting, I simply ended my turn, and from then on, the game cycled correctly to each player's capitol.

                    The graphics are....awesome!

                    My first recommendation in looking at the structure of the game would be to either increase the amount of starting player resources slightly, or introduce something similar to "goody huts" to later builds of the game. Since things move somewhat more slowly in the TBS realm, having more starting resources, or at least some means of potentially getting a small boon (the huts), would give players more options in those early turns (of course, make it optional, since huts tend to unbalance things if you want to balance for MP environment)--or, maybe there are goody huts, but just none on my starting island...

                    I noted the same problem that Mark reported....when I minimized the game to check something in the manual, then came back to the game, I had the sword icon, and a black screen that never would redraw. Had to quit the game via the task manager and restart, but other than that, everything you've completed thus far is working properly....I built myself a Merchant "thingy" and a Watch Tower, then moved my grand army out to go meet the green gringo I was sharing the island with....several turns later, we met and engaged in brutal combat, which I lost narrowly....

                    Couple of things regarding it stands, it's fairly much a static thing....I saw no option to withdraw from the battle, nor any means of directing my troops to do any particular thing....for armies of the default starting size, the combat was okay (took about 40 seconds), but I can imagine that as the game goes on, and people begin building armies of increasing size, you might want to have a way to automate the combat process, lest folks spend an undue amount of time watching the numbers wind down in an attack or defense. One possible thought too, might be to scale back the starting force to something along the lines of 50 or so pike (an honor guard?) and give the player some resource equivalencies for the this way, right off the bat, the player has some tough choices to make....expand that military, or hope for long enough peace so that investments to infrastrucutre pay dividends?

                    GREAT stuff so far! I'm digging it!

                    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                    • #25
                      Sorry guys for being so long without an update, but I've been in the house-moving process for the last two weeks. Anyways, I'm back in action.

                      Random maps will be in the next alpha, that's for sure. I've almost finished them, just a couple of things to touch up.


                      Try with the updated .exe contained in the development build (below the alpha on the download page). This contains a few fixes for things you mentioned.


                      • #26
                        Great... But... What I have to do in the game?
                        Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                        • #27
                          Just letting everyone know before hand that Alpha V0.2 will be released soon. I haven't added/fixed everything I've wanted to, but there's enough in there. The MapGen routines just took too long to get right. Here's how the Alpha V0.2 Change List looks:

                          The List!

                          Fixed - font surface error thing. Seems to be related to older graphic cards.
                          Done - Scrolling: make edges instead of corners.
                          Added - "Boss key"
                          Fixed - Minimise/maximise black screen.
                          Fixed - SlowMeDown problems with input.
                          Temporary (made system arrow) - Cursor flickering. Related to only being 10fps?
                          Fixed - Gamestate number system.
                          Fixed - Make sure what unit you select to build is what you get!!!!
                          Fixed - Fix army joining so it actually works.
                          Added - Map gen.
                          Added - Editor Map gen.
                          Added - Minimap.
                          - Minimap screen locator (due to diamond shape, will use a pointer not a box)
                          Added (all but roads) - Minimap overlays (Owner, units, buildings, roads).
                          Added - Selection box.
                          - Unit pathfinding.
                          - Unit auto-select.
                          Added - Build menu change to similar to new format.
                          - Editor terrain menu.
                          Added - "Cancel" jewel for build boxes.
                          Fixed - No border flags, coloured post instead.
                          - Watch tower extending borders by 5 squares.
                          - Stone/gold/iron on map.
                          Fixed - first turn/first player auto-centre.
                          - button tooltips.
                          Fixed (Made colour-tipped border posts) - Animation killer. (stop flags flapping)
                          Added - Green/red build shadows.
                          - Editor: erasor.
                          Not planned - 1024 x 768????


                          • #28
                            Screenshot time!

                            Some screenshots of the current build.........

                            Screen 1. Setup screen.
                            Screen 2. Starting out in a new random game.
                            Screen 3. A couple of turns on, building.
                            Screen 4. The enemy approaches!
                            Attached Files


                            • #29
                              Screenshot time!

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Dale; April 4, 2003, 22:46.


                              • #30
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Dale; April 4, 2003, 22:55.

