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Civiliza Demo 4 Is Out!

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  • Civiliza Demo 4 Is Out!

    As promised, Civiliza Demo 4 is now here, and available for download.

    A whole lot has been added to the game, which of course means more bugs have been added to the game. One that i noticed at the last minute is one that prevents you from ending your turn. However, there is a workaround for this. If it happens to you, try opening a city window and changing the unit production order or try unsentrying some of your units.

    Here is a full list of additions/changes/fixes since the last release.

    -Fixed bug where player initiated combat wouldn't resolve correctly,
    which gave the AI players invincible units under certain circumstances.
    -Fixed bug where AI units would simply get stuck after trying to randomly
    move a certain number of times.
    -Fixed bug which caused AI ships to freeze.
    -Fixed bug where city screen would edge scroll.
    -Restructured visuals. Map now takes up nearly the entire screen.
    -Added resources bar to top of screen.
    -Added unit data loading from editable text file =)
    -Added population numbers to bottom tab.
    -Added easy new unit building selection in city window screen.
    -Fixed bug which ended player's turn while a city window was still open.
    -Added terrian data file loading.
    -Added resource showing on worked tiles in city window.
    -Added automatic selection of tiles to be worked on by cities, so that
    resources could be harvested.
    -Added tech data file loading.
    -Added tech tree research picking.
    -Fixed bug which caused a delay when the next player in line was dead. This was
    especially evident on maps that did not contain the max players allowed.
    -Corrected city radius land ownership to be based on the city's population.
    -Added population growing based on current city population and corrected city sizes.
    -Added game year tracking.
    -Added city resource harvesting in which player can select which tiles the city will harvest.
    -Fixed new bug which caused game to freeze or CTD (crash to desktop) when player
    tried to take an enemy city and max number of cities already was owned.
    -Fixed main map screen cities to show city sizes in 2 digits.
    -Fixed city build unit name position in city window.
    -Added city radius tile borders.
    -Fixed move cost so that it is based on terrain data.
    -Fixed bug where cities above size 0 could not harvest more than 1 tile at a time.
    -Added city tile harvesting for resources based on terrain type data. Harvested
    resources are added to stockpile for all cities each turn.
    -Fixed bug which made ciry radius tile borders not appear correctly in city 0, which
    caused everything else, including all the terrain, to dissapear.
    -Added epoch and category data to tech tree selection.
    -Fixed bug which caused double digit sized cities to not display size correctly.
    -Fixed bug which unshrouded map where enemies city radius is.
    -Changed unit build points to be based on city population.
    -Modified player movement so that the player can move one last time if their movecost is half
    of what is needed to move to that tile.
    -Added city population to city window.
    -Added city improvement data loading.
    -Added city improvement building.
    -Added city improvement queue graphics and selection.
    -Added research point production and tech selection prompting.
    -Added terrain view range data for uncovering shroud from different terrains.
    -Adjusted city unit/improvement/research production.
    -Added size/land workers/city workers city stat graphics to city window screen.
    -Added growth/research/production city stat graphics in city window screen.
    -Added routine to evaluate whether a city is connected to a capitol (palace) or not.
    -Added x/checkmark graphics in city screen to tell user if city is connected to capitol (palace).
    -Added * for capitols on main map, although it's hard to see & the graphics need redone.
    -Fixed auto-worked land marking (which happens for each city on each turn) so that it no
    longer will fill in missing marks after the user takes them away. Marks are now added
    as population is added.
    -Added disease and literacy. Literacy calculations linked to city improvements and techs.
    -Revised new tech selection to show you what tech you just researched, if any.
    -Added # turn till unit completion in city window. (NOTE: this is an approximation, and
    the unit/improvement will almost ALWAYS take longer!)
    -Revised city improvement queues to only show "Nothing" once.
    -Fixed bug which would not allow the auto-land-tile-working for new populations.
    -Fixed bug which caused techs not to be researched properly.
    -Fixed bug which caused city's size not to be carried over when captured.
    -Fixed bug which caused cities to not show up.
    -Added the majority of the rest of the units.
    -Fixed bug which disabled ability to build cities when settler unit is not unit #0
    -Added new double-blit for units, so now they are filled in with owner's color.
    -Added public works road system. Roads must be linked.
    -Fixed overlay placement for highways and circuits.
    -Added public works irrigation system, for both player and AI. Irri's must be linked,
    and the terrain must be irrigatable. Extra food from irrigation is counted each turn
    for all civs, and extra food resource pictures show up in city window on worked land.
    -Fixed bug where players and AI could irrigate non-irrigatable tiles by building a city.
    -Added Pottery/Granaries as requirements for irrigation.
    -Re-wrote city-capitol link routine. Cities may now be connected to capitol
    by harbor, airport, or road. Cities can also connect to an already capitol-
    connected city by road. Max road link distance set to 6.
    -Added AI select technology routine.
    -Re-wrote AI unit choosing routines. Now supports all units.
    -Added AI tech selecting routine.
    -Added unit obsolete building restriction for both player and AI's.
    -Added buttons to devide unit selections by type: land/sea/air.
    -Added aircraft ability to fly anywhere (except for enemy occupied tiles
    of course) for both player and AI.
    -Added SAVE/LOAD functions. WOOHOO!!! =)
    -Fixed tech data bug, which caused Flight to not be researchable.
    -Fixed bug which improperly showed upgraded roads.
    -Changed city window unit and unit-pick to use the double-blit.
    -Fixed bug in save/load functions which incorrectly saved city populations.
    -Fixed bug in city improvement queues, where queue #5 could not be set and
    it would bring up the demographics window instead.
    -Added automatic upgrading of unit production orders for obsolete units.
    -Added tracking of players through ages. This affects research costs and
    art (later).
    -Fixed problem where excess settlers that the AI builds would just sit
    there and take forever because no more cities could be built.
    -Fixed problem where AI units would sometimes sit there FOREVER, and not
    know what to do. This is a temporary work-around until better AI is written.
    For now, if an AI can't find it's way to the target by at least taking ONE
    step, it will sentry itself. THIS SPEEDS UP THE GAME *A LOT*!
    -Fixed Granary/Supermart/AdvFoodCtr so they properely show extra food
    in city window AND they properly collect extra food each turn.
    -Added Library/University/ResearchLab abilities. Research effects now
    shown in city window and counted up each turn.
    -Added WoodWalls/StoneWalls/Shields bonuses for combat.
    -Changed tile improvement costs.
    -Fixed bug where public works targeting could be started when in a city
    -Fixed bug where clicking on a unit would unfortify it but not unsentry it.
    -Added forcing of waiting at end of turn, and message to user to press enter
    or space to end turn.
    -Fixed graphics bug where future era techs would show improvements as their icons.
    -Added color flag for who's turn it is when it is the AI's turn.
    -Fixed bug where player could build tile improvemetns on shrouded tiles.
    -Fixed palaces so they can only be built once, and can only be
    built by only one city at a time.
    -Fixed bugs where AI's would capture cities and all data would not
    be carried over.
    -Fixed bug where capitol cities (cities with palaces) would retain
    their palaces when captured.

    I hope you enjoy my new demo.

    To download it, head on over to my little site:

    Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.

  • #2
    Just my 2p.
    Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
    Which shows you learn something every day.


    • #3
      regarding moding/editing the text data files included in this demo - obviously nothing is layed out in understandable format, and it is very hard to tell what the numbers are for. changing the wrong numbers can very seriously screw up the game. i suggest just waiting for a future version of civiliza or asking me for a description of the file you want to edit.

      and one more thing: the latest build of civiliza has sound
      Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


      • #4
        My text files are a little more readable than yours.

        BTW, I put a new build with unit movement finished, complete.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dale
          My text files are a little more readable than yours.

          BTW, I put a new build with unit movement finished, complete.

          we're not competing, are we?
          Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


          • #6
            well tischo, no comments, nothing?

            anyways, demo 4b will be out by this weekend i think. it will include sound, many very important bug fixes, and finally a small exe with the editable art files placed in the directory. resource use, city improvement use, and diplomacy are high on the list right now, so you may see these things added soon and thankfully you won't have to download an exe that is 2+ megabytes. oh, and i would also like to either update the map editor or write a random map generator. anyone have info about the latter?
            Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


            • #7

              we're not competing, are we?
              Sorry dude, no offense intended. I'd sorta hope we're all working together, not against.

              I've had a go at demo4, and must say it's looking good. I like how you can see all the resources at once without having to flick through a heap of eco-screens. It took me a little while to work it out the commands and stuff (used to civ/ctp) but once I saw what was going on it's pretty easy to do stuff. That's what we need in out games, ease-of-use.

              As for random map-generator, take a look at the Clash of Civs page. They used to have a good idea for random generation.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dale
                Sorry dude, no offense intended. I'd sorta hope we're all working together, not against.
                yeah, some things are better in one game and some things are better in another. i hope we can help each other focus on going forward with our respective projects. i'm all for cooperation.

                That's what we need in out games, ease-of-use.

                As for random map-generator, take a look at the Clash of Civs page. They used to have a good idea for random generation.
                thanks, i'll check it out.
                Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                • #9
                  although i have yet to get a single bug report, i have been playing some full games of civiliza myself, and coming up with my own list. i'm making good progress killing important bugs. i'm stressing important because these bugs do a big part in killing potential gameplay. and i don't just mean like the building roads on ocean one (......oops)

                  even if you got sick of civiliza demo 4 after playing it for 5 minutes, please play demo 4b when it comes out
                  Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                  • #10
                    Map Generator

                    Dexter, in case you don't have the info you're looking for yet, I'll tell you what I know (and hope I'm not saying anything obvious).

                    It's really, really easy to make a map generator distinguishing only land and ocean. Well, and mountains... because probably the easiest method is to base it on elevation. Assign a random elevation to every tile on a map, and do a certain number of passes over the whole map "levelling" it. I think there's more than one way to do the levelling. One way is, (for each pass) for every tile, alter its elevation by averaging it with a randomly selected adjacent tile. (That may not be the most efficient, but that's how I've done it.)

                    The results, for me, are generally that the more passes you do, the more likely it is that you'll get a big continent or two; if you do fewer passes, you'll get a lot more islands and patches of inland water. Of course it depends how you do it.

                    What I have implemented right now is a kind of "volcanic" generator that makes blob islands like Hawaii. (This is what made the map in the little pic I posted awhile ago.)

                    Terrain is harder. In the "volcanic" generator, based entirely on elevation it creates Mountains, Hills, Desert, Plains, and Grassland. Presently it randomly throws in single tiles of Forest and Jungle. Arctic is assigned based on latitude.

                    I'd like to come up with a better way of placing desert... Latitude and distance from water are important, but I don't know how to get the Namibian desert. One thing I did do, possibly useful here, is to make another system, like the elevation but with more variables, to determine "luxury zones," e.g. tobacco zones, sugar zones, etc. "Desert zones" or "jungle zones" might work.

                    I also don't know a great way of doing rivers. It seems that it's fair to just pick a random starting point and wander around with it until you hit the ocean. I think you do have to keep track of the flow of the river, though, rather than just marking "river in this tile," "river in this tile." I say this because it might look bad if the source of the river is adjacent to the ocean, with the river flowing parallel to the coast: Unless the flow is stored, the river will appear to flow into the ocean from every tile.

                    If any of this isn't very clear, I'll explain more/better. I hope it may be useful, although I'm no expert.

                    And, P.S., I'll be trying your demo as soon as I install DirectX.
                    I hate oral!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Map Generator

                      i understood everything you said, and i thank you for your help.

                      if you want to check out my game, you can go ahead and get demo 4 after you install DirectX, but i really want you to try demo 4b, which will be out soon.
                      Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                      • #12

                        Alright, I downloaded DirectX 8.1, I believe, or whatever Microsoft is offering at the moment.

                        To my surprise, Demo 3b still displays funny. No improvement after the DirectX installation... About half of every tile displays as pink. Like Civ2's units.gif transparency background, type of pink.

                        Demo 4, though, displays almost perfectly. The pink squares persist at every city (as though it is meant to be transparent), and around every unit while that unit is active. There's a very small pink block following the mouse pointer around, too. I wonder what's up?

                        Really pretty, though. I especially like the deserts and coasts. I'm curious though as to why you picked 640x480 resolution. Is it a question of performance?

                        It really feels like a game. What would really help, though, is if the pieces slid when they moved. It might help if the active unit blinked, as well. I imagine this is a bit tricky with an isometric view...

                        One thing I didn't quite get, and ended up deciding was a rules difference, was that sometimes when I attack a unit, it seems that neither unit is killed. Is it maybe a movement point thing? Without piece sliding it is hard to discern the status of my intended attack.

                        I didn't notice anything that seemed to be an outright bug, except for the one about not being able to end your turn. This doesn't seem to happen, though, if you use the interface in a consistent way.

                        I'm curious, more as a programmer, what the AI players are doing for path-finding. They seem to be somewhat slow at taking their turns compared to Civ2 players with the same number of units. Is this the "connection to capital" calculation? And if so, what does it presently affect?

                        The AI is pretty good at building roads. I was impressed by that. They're not quite so good at offense/defense, though; I often see them waltz out of a city that I'm about to attack, and they pretty much leave me alone if there's enough room between our possessions.

                        I was a bit confused about the population system. Cities max out at 99, but they seem to do so pretty quickly. Big cities also don't seem to be that much more valuable than small ones. What are the "X" and check-mark indicators in the city view, above the growth / trade / prod?

                        And that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Really nice to see all this progress!
                        I hate oral!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Okay

                          Originally posted by Miznia
                          To my surprise, Demo 3b still displays funny. No improvement after the DirectX installation... About half of every tile displays as pink. Like Civ2's units.gif transparency background, type of pink.

                          Demo 4, though, displays almost perfectly. The pink squares persist at every city (as though it is meant to be transparent), and around every unit while that unit is active. There's a very small pink block following the mouse pointer around, too. I wonder what's up?
                          Well, as you know Civiliza runs at 640x480 in 16 bit color.
                          Some of the art files are down-sampled from 16-bit to 8-bit to save downloading time. That might be the problem, but I am not sure at all. I have absolutely no problems with transparencies not working. Civiliza 4b won't have any down-sampled graphics as the graphics will no longer be included in the exe and the user will only download them once (well, maybe except for a major update to art).

                          Really pretty, though. I especially like the deserts and coasts. I'm curious though as to why you picked 640x480 resolution. Is it a question of performance?
                          It's only pretty because I'm using "borrowed" art. All the art for the game is either modified art from the Civ series or art I download off free texture sites, which I also modify. Okay, some of the art i did myself, especially in 4b, but not much.
                          As for the use of only 640x480, I picked it for compatibility reasons and just because it's my first project and all. 1024x768 (or higher) would be nice, but definitally not a priority.

                          It really feels like a game. What would really help, though, is if the pieces slid when they moved. It might help if the active unit blinked, as well. I imagine this is a bit tricky with an isometric view...
                          The day I get sliding pieces in the game will probably be the day I get normal combat into the game (who knows when that will be). I hadn't really thought about unit piece sliding though, so thanks for the suggestion
                          As for the active unit blinking, that will be easy, I'll add it to the list

                          One thing I didn't quite get, and ended up deciding was a rules difference, was that sometimes when I attack a unit, it seems that neither unit is killed. Is it maybe a movement point thing? Without piece sliding it is hard to discern the status of my intended attack.
                          I realize that without any kind of hit-point display, it can be very confusing to see what actually happened in an attack. I'm not sure how I will approach this problem yet, however this is all just another reason to implement the real combat system. The way it works now is that a unit has a 100% chance of dealing damage to the unit it attacks, regardless of terrain. It's firepower is subtracted from the target's hitpoints. Defensive units like pikemen, muskateers, and infantry have lots of hitpoints, as well as modern units in general. I need a display of this information on the new unit selection screen, don't I?

                          If you attack a unit and it doesn't dissapear, you either didn't take enough hit-points off of it to kill it or you really did kill it and another unit of its type was in the same tile.

                          I didn't notice anything that seemed to be an outright bug, except for the one about not being able to end your turn. This doesn't seem to happen, though, if you use the interface in a consistent way.
                          I think it may be caused by closing a city window while you're selecting new units or improvements, however I am not sure. Either way, I'm taking care of it and other things that may be responsible for this bug.

                          I'm curious, more as a programmer, what the AI players are doing for path-finding. They seem to be somewhat slow at taking their turns compared to Civ2 players with the same number of units. Is this the "connection to capital" calculation? And if so, what does it presently affect?
                          The AI is probably taking so long because it is randomly moving it's units (because it doesn't know where to go). Unfortunately, my AI is very limited right now. It looks about 5 squares or so in all directions around it to try to find an enemy. If it finds one, it moves towards it to attack. If it doesn't find a target, it randomly moves. I know this puts a huge delay in the game (mainly because the AI players in Civ3 do it too), and it is being taking care of. That might mean that they will just sentry themselves somewhere, I don't know yet. However, you thing that is helping this situation a lot is that the distance the AI checks for enemies has nearly quadrupled. Hopefully this will be okay on slower systems (i'm running at about 2 gigahertz here, so it's real hard for me to tell).
                          BTW, I often keep track of the AI's ability by clearing all the shroud (F9), then killing my starting settler (k). Unfortunately, you will still have to press enter/space every turn. This has been fixed in version 4b, and also the AI turns are MUCH MUCH faster due to a timing fix. I think that even with the expanded AI processing the turns will still be much faster will all the new fixes.

                          The AI is pretty good at building roads. I was impressed by that.
                          Yes, but they need to learn how to build connections between their cities and other players' cities (and upgrade them when the get the proper technologies). Whenever I play, I build the connections for them - it really adds to the gameplay. I love how the road system just links the cities and doesn't cover every single tile of the whole freakin continent like in Civ2/Civ3. You can purposesly blockade a road and it will actually mean something.

                          They're not quite so good at offense/defense, though; I often see them waltz out of a city that I'm about to attack, and they pretty much leave me alone if there's enough room between our possessions.
                          The increased targeting distance helps this a lot. When you see them waltzing out the cities you are about to attack, it's because the AI keeps a set amount of units sentried in the city, and then builds 'attacker' units that hunt down enemy units or randomly move. I know this is not the best way of doing things, but it works - for now. Adding diplomacy will rapidly change the way the AI players are handled, and diplomacy is coming. I'm open for suggestions.

                          I was a bit confused about the population system. Cities max out at 99, but they seem to do so pretty quickly. Big cities also don't seem to be that much more valuable than small ones. What are the "X" and check-mark indicators in the city view, above the growth / trade / prod?
                          The bigger the city is, the faster it will grow. This is especially true in the early game where decades pass by each turn. There will be structures you have to build to get by population caps, like aqueducts and sewers in Civ 2. These should make it into 4b. There is also disease, which although displayed, is not factored into the population growth yet. And finally there is population-sharing, which is a planned feature that will be implemented into the game a few different ways. Roads are the most basic utility for population-sharing between your cities, then there's railroad stations, highways, harbors, airports, and so on. Propaganda will take a role in population sharing between nations, but that won't be in for a long while.

                          I agree though, the population growth is way too high

                          And that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Really nice to see all this progress!
                          Thanks for the feedback!
                          I really appreciate it, and I will be keeping track of the growth of your project as well
                          Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                          • #14
                            oh yeah, the checkmark/x thing in the city window is that city's connection to the capitol. it works most of the time, but there are apparently some bugs in the city-to-capitol connection function
                            Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                            • #15
                              i wanted to get 4b out by now, but i don't think it will be ready for a least a couple days. the save game feature never worked perfectly, but now it's even worse
                              there's really bad bugs, which make it crash the game if you load a game that was saved after about 5 turns or so. I think I'm going to re-write the whole routine slowly, and make sure I get every little part right. Other than these bugs on my list here, the game is turning out pretty great. The map editor is working again, and the game runs smooth with all 8 players on the map. I will have to increase the map width/height later, probably in ver 5. I'm really starting to like this game, which I suppose is a good thing because I'm writting it and I need to actually finish it.
                              Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.

