Hey all. Demo 1's now here! YAY! I finally got it out.
Anyways, let me know what you think of it. Just a few things:
- There's 3 players in the game so far (don't MOD it for more, you won't get any units).
- Units are hardcoded for this demo as I ran out of time to setup a MOD file for it. There's a range of units to show what's in the game so far.
- Any question please post here.
- Here's the readme.txt file:
Version: 0.1.0 (Alpha)
I'd like to thankyou for trying out the demo of my game. This game is a Civilisation style game. It will be completely freeware and be the basis of my programming folio. So if you're in Melbourne, and need a programmer, let me know.
Unzip the downloaded .ZIP file to a seperate directory.
That's it.
Run the executable: HoE.EXE
Well, there isn't much yet to play with, but here goes:
- Click "New Game" to start.
- Map scrolls with mouse to the edges of the screen.
- "End Turn" ends your turn and starts the next nation (seen by the flags near the info box).
- Left click on a unit and then use the arrow keys to move a unit.
- "Menu" takes you back to the menu.
- "File" -> "Quit" to exit the game.
Please let me know what you think, any bigs you find, suggestions, critisms, etc. You may do so at the Apolyton Alt-Civs forums. http://apolyton.net
OR: email dale.kent@alphawest6.com.au
Thanks for trying.
Deleted attachment. New version below.
Anyways, let me know what you think of it. Just a few things:
- There's 3 players in the game so far (don't MOD it for more, you won't get any units).
- Units are hardcoded for this demo as I ran out of time to setup a MOD file for it. There's a range of units to show what's in the game so far.
- Any question please post here.
- Here's the readme.txt file:
Version: 0.1.0 (Alpha)
I'd like to thankyou for trying out the demo of my game. This game is a Civilisation style game. It will be completely freeware and be the basis of my programming folio. So if you're in Melbourne, and need a programmer, let me know.
Unzip the downloaded .ZIP file to a seperate directory.
That's it.
Run the executable: HoE.EXE
Well, there isn't much yet to play with, but here goes:
- Click "New Game" to start.
- Map scrolls with mouse to the edges of the screen.
- "End Turn" ends your turn and starts the next nation (seen by the flags near the info box).
- Left click on a unit and then use the arrow keys to move a unit.
- "Menu" takes you back to the menu.
- "File" -> "Quit" to exit the game.
Please let me know what you think, any bigs you find, suggestions, critisms, etc. You may do so at the Apolyton Alt-Civs forums. http://apolyton.net
OR: email dale.kent@alphawest6.com.au
Thanks for trying.
Deleted attachment. New version below.