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Never Ending Chiron - Planetary Datalinks

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  • Never Ending Chiron - Planetary Datalinks

    Description and General Rules

    -Never Ending Chiron will be a cooperative story game, that will be using some Fudge Interactive History and Diplomacy elements, which will be explained as the rules and basic mechanics that will be used.

    -Players will be running a Faction from the SMAC/X game, or if none available or remaining not preferable, a custom one. If there is a lack of players, some people may be allowed to play a second faction temporally (meaning, until someone else picks them), if there is no conflict of interest involve with their main chosen faction.

    -Modifications, addition or removal of the some rules or mechanics may happen as the game goes, to tweak out a possible problem, or simply ask to do so by the players.

    -The Moderator (Mellian only at the moment), will take care of the stats, mechanics, math and etc. Shouldn't be a chore for the players, and I offer to do so Rest, like posting actions and writing them out in the story base on the results.

    -The Game will be using four threads: Discussion, Planetary Datalinks, Story and Actions.

    Discussions is where all off-topic discussion, complaints, suggestions, questions and etc will be located, so there shouldn't be any reason to post them in the other threads.

    Planetary Datalinks is where all the general information, stats, maps, and so on will be located. The Moderator will be mostly responsible of the maps, rules, stats, and so on of this thread. Flavour stuff like descriptions, designs, history and so on will be up tot the players, if they wish. Please, no discussion or questions in this thread.

    Actions thread is where the player will post their actions with proposed modifiers (pros, cons, and so on), and the moderator will give the results. The moderator will post any events that may happen (i will be rolling for it for each faction and once in general per turn). Oh and reports, if applicable, will also be posted by on wether a construction, research and terraforming projcts are completed or that some units have reach their destination or finish exploring.

    Story thread is where the player will write out their actions, base on the results. also where they can simply write whatever their heart content, as long as it doesn't contradict or ignore any results or events posted, like the advantures os some peticular characters, or simply from their point of view. Could also be a news report on the Information Network, or whatever.

    -Most of the stats and numbers I will be using will be from the game and the manual. All other numbers, stats and mechanics will be explained in this post.

    -Settings, like which map, what year to start and wether we should per game month or game year. It is to be discussed in the discussion thread...

    Social Engineering

    The Social Engineering stats in the SMAC/X will be used as modifiers that will effect various aspects of your factions, especially actions if applicable. These stats should be use in the way of explaining how your society is like, not how much they have.


    Economy effects the rate of commerce.

    -3 -30%
    -2 -20%
    -1 -10%
    0 Standard Commerce Rate
    +1 +10%
    +2 +20%
    +3 +30%


    Efficiency effects the amount of resources (nutrients, energy and minerals) that are being produced. (this risk being changed, depending wether it unbalances NEC or not).

    -3 -30%
    -2 -20%
    -1 -10%
    0 Standard Rate
    +1 +10%
    +2 +20%
    +3 +30%


    Support effects the maintenance cost of a unit.

    -4 5 supply per Unit
    -3 4 supply point per Unit
    -2 3 supply point per Unit
    -1 2 supply point per Unit
    0 1 supply point per Unit
    +1 2 units per supply point
    +2 3 units per supply point
    +3 4 units per supply point
    +4 5 units per supply point


    Military replaces Morale, which effects the default starting training/experience level of the Unit when built.

    -5 Very Green
    0 Regular
    +5 Ultra Elite


    Police effects how many military units that can be used as police and effects the unrest levels.

    -5 +5 unrest
    -4 +4 unrest
    -3 +3 unrest
    -2 +2 unrest
    -1 +1 unrest
    0 Normal
    +1 -1 unrest per military unit
    +2 -2 unrest per military unit
    +3 -3 unrest per military unit
    +4 -4 unrest per military unit
    +5 -5 unrest per military unit


    Growth will be mainly used to help calculate the population increase or decrease of each Base at the end of each game year.

    -3 -30%
    -2 -20%
    -1 -10%
    0 Standard Growth Rate
    +1 +10%
    +2 +20%
    +3 +30%


    Planet effects the rate of terraforming, how much pollution is produced per 10 industrial point at a base, the ability to travel through fungus, the chances of capturing a mind worm, the initial size of bred mind worms and psi combat.

    -3 +3 pollution
    -2 +2 pollution
    -1 +1 pollution
    0 Standard Rate
    +1 -1 pollution
    +2 -2 pollution
    +3 -3 pollution


    Probe will be used to figure the success rate of probe actions, and the chances of preventing enemy probe actions. Also used to figure the starting training level of newly formed Probe Teams.



    Industry is used to pretty much figure out how much minerals it uses up per industrial production point.

    -3 -30%
    -2 -20%
    -1 -10%
    0 Standard Rate
    +1 +10%
    +2 +20%
    +3 +30%


    Research effects the rate of research, and various research related actions.

    -3 -30%
    -2 -20%
    -1 -10%
    0 Standard Rate
    +1 +10%
    +2 +20%
    +3 +30%

    Politics, Economics, Values and Future Society stats are taken from the SMAC Manual.

    Energy, Nutrients and Minerals

    They are the are raw resources used in increasing the treasury, facility maintenance, supplies, feeding the populace, feeding the industry, to trade, and etc.

    Economy, Labs and Psych

    Here is where one figures out where Energy made goes to per, measured in percentage.

    Energy devoted to the Economy goes to the Faction's Energy Bank Account...a better to describe it, 'to the treasury'.

    Energy devoted to Labs help speeds up Research.

    Energy devoted to Psych pretty much help prevent Unrest


    Industry eats up minerals when building units, facilities and supplies for units, at a standard rate of one mineral per industrial production point. Industry also depends on how many population points are devoted to it in a base (which will be further explained late in the post), various facilities and certaint technologies.


    Research pretty depends on various research facilities, how much energy and population are devoted to it.


    Supplies is required to maintain a Unit per month. Each supply point requries an Industrial point. How much supplies a Unit needs depends on the Support stat.


    Unrest will work similarly in Moo3 and Civ3, where it is effected by different war weariness, lack of psych funding and certaint facilities, atrocities, forced labour, Genejack factories, propaganda, and so on. One Drone is formed per 10 unrest point in a base...and when Drones are equal or more then how many Talents causes an Revolt. If the Revolt hasn't been delt for a period of time, the Base risks of splintering off or defect to another faction.

    There is various methods to prevent Unrest, from increase funding to Psych, Police status, how many Military units used as Police, Punishment to the tempory Nerve Stapling and all out execution.


    The acquisition of technologies may seem slow, as it is a per game year thing while we play per game month turns, but it there will also lesser type of techs base on the main SMAC/X ones, which may be thought up by the player and researched, if applicable, like for example: power armor, type of weapons (rifles, cannons, grenades, etc), tactical and strategical doctrines, custom facilities (within reason), and etc. All 'sub'-techs will be researched in a per month basis.

    Secret Projects

    Secret Projects will be built in secret, until some enemy probe action discovers it or its exposure caused by some random event.

    Also, more then one faction can have secret projects (well, for most of them anyway as for certaint ones i won't allow doubles), but the contruction cost (or what is left of it)doubles for each faction building it. example: double cost for second command nexus, triple cost for third command nexus, etc...


    Very simple, as it is between players...but i suggest they keep their negociations between themselves and PM the Moderator the final agreement...

    But the thing that does require actions and the dice is the casus belli, the general opinion of the populace of the factions involved, and etc.... so be careful wha sort of treaties/agreements you make, as they may just become quite unpopular...

    Planetary Council

    The Planetary Council will be operated like the Orion Senate in Moo3, but SMAC/X style. So any Faction can make proposal about anything (if applicable), base on the SMAC/X and Moo3 ones or custom unique one, but for it to be voted upon, another Faction must second it. This includes calling for new Planetary Governor elections in attempt to replace the current one....which can only be proposed once a year.

    Planetary Governor elections will require someone nominating a faction leader, and them accepting it, before they can be voted on. Only two faction leaders can be voted upon per election. Planetary Governor gets basic intel on all factions part of the council and gets a commerce bonus as well. PG also gets veto power.

    Like normal diplomacy, players should keep in mind of their 'casus belli' of their factions, so be careful on what you propose, what you support or don't, and who vote for Planetary Governor.


    Making custom units is really simple...just PM your design specs base on your faction's available technologies and the Moderator will approve it or not for some valid reason. The construction costs will be base on the SMAC/X ones, a long with some modifications base on your stats and some other non-game type features.

    May also attempt in designing kind of units that SMAC/X doesn't allow players to do, but use some common sense and reason when making such custom custom units, else the moderator will simply not allow it


    Military will be resolved like any other actions, but in some circumstances, may use the actual smac/x to figure that out by recreating the scenario.

    in the follow, here is some realistic sizes per units:

    Infantry Unit = Battalion consisting of 300 to 1000 soldiers while the commander as the rank of Major.

    Rovers/Tanks/Helicopter Unit = Squadron/Platoon consisting of 10-15 vehicules.

    Air Units = Squadron consisting of 10-15 aircrafts

    this post may be continuously updated as the game goes on...
    Last edited by Mellian; May 1, 2003, 15:52.

  • #2
    World Map

    This is where the World Map pic will be located


    • #3
      Never Ending Chiron game map, which is currently the pre-start up version.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Mellian; May 6, 2003, 11:17.


      • #4

        Basic Units

        Colony Pod 30 minerals
        Former 80 Centauri Ecology
        Scout Patrol 30
        Transport Foil 90 Doctrine: Flexibility
        Sea Former 110
        Supply Crawler 100 Industrial Base
        Probe Team 70 Planetary Networks
        Mind Worm 170 Centauri Empathy
        Isle of the Deep 200 Centauri Meditation
        Locusts of Chiron 240 Centauri Genetics
        Sealurk 200 Centauri Psi
        Spore Launcher 180 Bioadaptive Resonance

        Unity Pod Stuff

        Unity Rover
        Unity Scout Chopper
        Unity Foil
        Unity Mining Laser
        Battle Ogre Mk1
        Battle Ogre Mk2
        Battle Ogre Mk3

        Chassis Types

        Infantry 10 minerals
        Crawler 20 minerals
        Rover 20 Doctrine: Mobility
        Hovertank 30 Nanominiaturization
        Foil 40 Doctrine: Flexibility
        Cruiser 60 Doctrine: Initiative
        Needlejet 80 Doctrine: Air Power
        Helicopter 80 Mind/Machine Interface
        Gravship 80 Graviton Theory
        Missile 0 Orbital Spaceflight


        Gun/Cannon 10 minerals
        Laser 20 Applied Physics
        Particle Impactor 40 Nonlinear Mathematics
        Gatling Laser 50 Superconductor
        Resonance Laser 80 Bioadaptive Resonance

        Colony Module 10
        Terraforming Unit 60 Centauri Ecology
        Troop Transport 40 Doctrine: Flexibility
        Supply Transport 80 Industrial Base
        Probe Team 40 Planetary Networks

        Coventional Payload 120 Orbital Spaceflight
        Planet Buster Payload 240 Orbital Spaceflight


        None 0 minerals
        Basic 10
        Synthmetal 20 Industrial Base
        Plasma Steel 30 High Energy Chemistry
        Silksteel 40 Silksteel Alloys


        Empath Song 20 minerals Centauri Empathy
        Artillery 0 Polymorphic Software
        Heavy Transport 10 Industrial Automation
        High Morale 10 Intellectual Integrity
        Hypnotic Trance 0 Secrets of the Human Brain
        Nerve Gas Pods 10 High Energy Chemistry
        Non-Lethal Methods 10 Intellectual Integrity


        Headquarters 50 minerals
        Children's Creche 50 Ethical Calculus
        Recycling Tanks 40 Biogenetics
        Perimeter Defence 50 Doctrine: Loyalty
        Recreation Commons 40 Social Psych
        Energy Bank 80 Industrial Economics
        Network Node 80 Information Networks
        Biology Lab 60 Centauri Empathy
        Hologram Theatre 60 Planetary Networks
        Pressure Dome 80 Doctrine: Flexibility
        Command Center 40 Doctrine: Mobility
        Aquafarm 80 Proginator Psych
        Production Facility 50 Industrial Base

        Secret Projects

        Human Genome Project 200 minerals Biogenetics
        Command Nexus 200 Doctrine: Loyalty Weather Paradigm 200 Centauri Ecology Merchant Exchange 200 Industrial Base
        Empath Guild 200 Centauri Empathy
        Citizen' s Defence Force 300 Intelletual Integrity
        Virtual World 300 Planetary Networks


        Level 1 techs = 100 research points

        Applied Physics
        Industrial Base
        Information Networks
        Social Psych
        Doctrine: Mobility
        Centauri Ecology

        Level 2 techs = 200

        Nonlinear Mathematics
        High Energy Chemistry
        Secrets of the Human Brain
        Polymorphic Software
        Planetary Networks
        Industrial Economics
        Ethical Calculus
        Doctrine: Loyalty
        Doctrine: Flexibility

        and so on....
        Last edited by Mellian; May 2, 2003, 11:15.

