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  • #76
    Gaia’s Landing, MY 2282

    “Deirdre!” Pravin said. “I’m glad to hear from you, it has been far too long. I trust all is well with you?”

    Dee smiled. The ‘nice’ Pravin was much more pleasant than the ‘bad’ Pravin of years past that had hurled the nastiest invectives at her on frequent occasions. In a way she didn’t know if she liked the ‘nice’ Pravin, since she was never sure where she stood. Well, that wasn’t true. He has surrendered, so their relationship was that of a submissive to his superior, even if Dee never treated him that way.

    “I’m doing fine, Pravin, and I trust all is well with you?”

    “I have no complaints,” he said. “Thank you for the files, by the way. Their timely addition allowed us to switch our research topic, and we didn’t have to waste the valuable time of our scientists.”

    “I’m glad to hear that. Although I can’t promise anything right now, I’m hoping to get the Council to approve another technology to you. I’ll let you know next year.”

    “Excellent, excellent! Now, what can I do for you?”

    “It turns out you could do us a favor,” Dee said.

    That statement got Pravin’s undivided attention. He was well aware of the ‘favors’ that Cha Dawn insisted from Chairman Yang.

    Deirdre continued, “We have a treaty with the Cult that our base Children of Earth in the Manifold Nexus can’t exceed size four. This has been quite a problem for us, and we have been busy forming colony pods to remove the excess population. The administration of these bases is getting to be too much for us, and I was hoping we could turn one of the bases, Beta Sector, over to you. The colonists have readily agreed, so if this acceptable with your Parliament we can initiate the transfer within the year.”

    Pravin’s hesitation changed instantly. “I am sure the Parliament would be happy to give you this assistance, and I will bring the issue to their attention immediately! Is there anything I can do in the interim?”

    “You can send a liaison to ensure the transfer runs smoothly, that would be a big help,” Dee said. “Also, we can garrison the base with a few native units we have in the area, if that is acceptable with you.”

    “It is more than acceptable, Lady Skye: it is generous. Our union is a fruitful one,” Pravin said.

    “Indeed it is,” Dee said with a smile. Today Lal seemed genuinely happy, and his ‘false’ niceness seemed to have fallen away. Maybe in the future his true self would be there all the time. “Thanks for your time, Pravin. Be sure to call me if you have any concerns.”

    “I will be sure to do that,” he said. “Good bye, Deirdre.”


    Cult, MY 2282

    Lady Skye,

    I am requesting an exchange of technology. From my last report we do have one possibly two technologies that might be of some interest to you. In exchange we would require access to fusion power. Many if not all of the other factions have this technology and we now require it as well. We wish to try and work with your people to build a bridge of understanding and this will be one of the first steps to doing so. I cannot stress enough that we need this technology and will go to whatever “steps” we have to do to obtain it. I would prefer this way over others.

    Lastly, I require that your move a certain foil ship that has been anchored near one of our cities for some time. We understand it has been damaged but repairs look to be complete. Since it is very close to our base please inform the captain to “weigh anchor” and return to Gaian seas.

    The true light of the Planet, first disciple of the Planet

    Cha Dawn

    Cha watched the vid-feed for the second time and smiled even wider. The Cult isles had engaged a second Cyborg gatling cruiser and badly damaged it with little damage in return. In fact, the cruiser was forced to disengage and flee. It was somehow enjoyable to see the bow ripped off of the ship by the isle as it tried to disengage.

    “Order the isles to pursue.” Cha commanded and then turned to General Fookosh who was behind him.

    “My Prophet, it will be as you order.” Fookosh replied and immediately turned to make the arrangements.

    From the other side of the room Markese entered and walked up to Cha.

    “My Prophet, the team was able to gain access to the Spartans system and the team returned to the nearest base which is very close to the Spartans so if you deem it prudent to try again and get more technology, we can do so.” The spymaster reported.

    Cha stood there and just smiled.


    Gaia’s Landing Crisis Center, MY 2283

    “How could this happen?” Dee asked.

    Ling looked over. Like everyone else she looked tired, and frustrated. “I assume that was a rhetorical question. Remember our old ‘Crazy Zak’, the one that declared vendetta when we first met? Well, he’s back.”

    “We’ve got to get this under control,” Deirdre said. She looked over at Colin. “Any word on our attempts to contact University Base?”

    “No,” Colin said. “They’re receiving, but ignoring us.”

    Terry looked over at the holo map the Council was standing around, and pointed at the University’s base Climatic Research. “Any word from Velv? Last I heard the Base Governor Crachen was on full alert, and had ordered an emergency upgrade of all his defenders and offense units. Is there confirmation? And what about the probe teams. They’ve gone missing, haven’t they?”

    “Just got a squirt on that,” Ling said. “The Governor used a little known clause from the first landing to authorize the upgrade of all his defenders and offensive units to best armor and weapons, and a fusion power plant. He also gave orders to his probe teams to ‘do what they thought best’. Well, it turns out they penetrated Zak’s datalinks and procured the data on Bioadaptive Resonance. The second team appropriated 183 megajoules of energy. Both returned to base.”

    Colin groaned and leaned forward against the holo table.

    “He just hosted us for the Cult Conference,” Dee said, almost to herself. “This doesn’t make sense.”

    “Wait a minute,” Ling said as she held her datapad, which was buzzing impatiently. She immediately hit a few keys and linked it to the holo table, which zoomed in to the Gaian sea base off the northeast coast. “We’ve got a situation in the sea fungus off our northeast coast. Downloading now.”

    The image zoomed in further, and a University sea colony pod was sitting adjacent to the Gaian sea base. As they watched a missile foil left the base. Dee grabbed Colin’s forearm and she held her breath.

    As the watched the foil opened fire, and sheets of energy from the missiles ripped into the hull of the sea colony. Great plumes of smoke and flame erupted from the University colony foil, which listed sharply to port. The Gaian foil fired again and hit the University foil amid ship, which lifted out of the water as it exploded. Moments later the tattered fragments were sinking into the blackened fungus and the Gaian foil was returning to base.

    “Tell them to pick up any survivors,” Dee said in a tight voice.

    “Hair trigger overwhelming response,” Ling said. “They never had a chance.”

    The Council members stood staring at the holo table. University bases were now outlined in red.

    Terry looked up to Ling. “Any chance University forces could breach our defenses at Velv?”

    “None,” she said. “He might get the first shot, but it will be his last shot. Between the fusion infantry and chaos rovers our forces at Velv could take out all of the University bases in short order, if we gave them the order. More rovers are on the way from Dreams of Green and Fallow Time. And, I just got word that rovers have been upgraded at Silverbird Park and Song of Planet.”

    “So he isn’t a threat to us,” Mohammed said.

    “I didn’t say that,” Ling said. “It is technically possible for him to destroy some of our infantry that is garrisoned on the road between Velv and Climactic Research, but it isn’t probable since Zak doesn’t have fusion technology, and the combination of fusion-powered plasmasteel, forest defensive terrain, and sensors will about equal his fission-powered chaos weapons, the few he has, anyway. And his firepower is infantry based, which is not mobile.”

    “What do you recommend we do?” Terry asked Ling.

    She thought for a moment. “See what he does, and respond with an aggressive defense. If nothing else goes wrong then we might be able to solve this peacefully.” Ling looked over at Dee. “Maybe the other faction leaders could help?”

    Dee thought about it for a minute. “Maybe.”


    Dear Cha Dawn,

    I have grave news to report to you. The University has declared vendetta against us, citing our continued use of wealth as being offensive to them. You also should know that Prokhor Zakharov demanded our technical files on Fusion Power, which we refused him for the same reason the Gaian Council refused it to you in the recent past. After the declaration of war I’m afraid the base commander at Velvetgrass Point overreacted, resulting in the mobilization and upgrading of troops at that city and the calling up of reserves. Other actions from Velvetgrass Point are under investigation. Other Gaian commanders were equally rash, resulting in the sinking of a University sea colony foil off of the Gaian northeast coast. I am concerned that, without intervention, that this conflict could spiral completely out of control.

    This does bear on your recent request to the Council. The Cult does not have any technology we Gaians do not already possess. However, we will be making an advance in Advance Ecological Engineering in two or three years. I would be delighted to give this to the Cult, since it would greatly enhance your ability to terraform your lands, even back to fungus if you like. I would ask, in response, that you talk to Zakharov to end this war. I know we are partially at fault, and apparently Zak took it personally when I had to deny him the secrets of Fusion Power. He has closed off all forms of communication, and I fear the worst.

    As you might expect, this has sent shock waves through the Gaian society and Parliament and, unless action is taken soon, the more reasonable Green parties will likely be swept away and replaced by the more hawkish, pro-growth Progressives. I know of your disapproval of the Progressives and their policies, and I ask that you help us so their rise can be held off. If this isn’t stopped soon it is possible that we will again be in a the position of mass military mobilization, and even go into another time of population boom.

    Lastly, we have moved the foil that I think was in your way. We were not aware its position was a problem for you since most of the traffic through this area has been by isles, who have no trouble traversing the fungus. I trust this area is navigable for you again.

    Walk with Planet,
    Deirdre Skye
    Gaian Council


    • #77
      Cult, MY 2283

      Lady Skye and the Gaian advisory council:

      I have reviewed you request for diplomatic aid and found it wanting. I contacted Zakharov and his “vendetta” was in response to your continued internal policies that offend his people. From my understanding his parliament voted to cut diplomatic, cultural and economic ties with your people due to your lack of generosity in not working out a trade with them over fusion power. I can hardly blame them. We ourselves have withheld our trade and other contacts in protest over your governmental policies of wealth and industrialization. However, the University made no moves in any form what so ever to attack your people and yet you launched a cowardly espionage attack against them, which only proved their point and forced them to then escalate the conflict. FOR SHAME!! Suffice it to say your actions leave me little to work with. To be honest with the Lady Skye I believe that in truth your people really do not wish to seek peace but if you want to try I will help.

      First, my price is will be fusion power and your promise to not proceed with any research concerning areas into fungus and advanced Centauri genetics. Your offer of advanced ecological terra-forming techniques was almost an insult! We People of the Planet see no reason to do more damage to Planet than is already done by you and others. Our ability to plant fungus and remove it is very acceptable to us. With that being said I can only hope that you will see the wisdom of my offer and take my hand of friendship. I can only state for the record that many factions have contacted wanting my support against you as a result of your actions. Humility should be an emotion you should look into buying.

      The Light of the Planet, first disciple of the true spirit of Planet

      Cha Dawn

      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++


      Be informed that your isle of the deep and all troops and spy teams stationed on the isle were “ingested” by our isle of the deep so no survivors are remains are left to return to you. We do have several cyborg sailors that were rescued when our isles of the deep engaged your cruiser and severally damaged it. The sailors must have been thrown clear as the isle ripped away part of the after deck. The cyborgs will be returned to you at our first opportunity.

      General Fookosh
      Supreme commander of the Holy armies of the Light of Planet

      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

      Professor Zakharov,

      Greetings my friend! I am grieved over the loss of your troops and the damage and theft that was visited upon you by the Gaians. I have sent Lady Skye a letter protesting her actions and will only assist her efforts provided she send significant compensation to us and more importantly, to you.

      I think the Gaians latest actions only prove to us all that they WERE behind the theft of the Peacekeeper technology and many other things as well. This is understandable since their government has fostered an atmosphere of greed that seems to motivate all of their actions.

      Rest assured that the Cha Dawn, first disciple of Planet, stands with you in your hour of need and we will work endlessly to support you in your most just cause. Take heart! Rejoice for you now have the power of the Planet behind you and the right in knowing that your conflict is honorable and without blemish.

      The Gaians will not stand a chance against the power of Planet that I have asked to aid you! Your troops have been given a special blessing and that should sustain them against any onslaught! REJOICE! For your people have the comfort of knowing that Cha Dawn is their true friend.

      I will keep you informed of any updates and developments that we can make with the Gaians in your cause.

      The light of Planet, first disciple of the Planet

      Cha Dawn.


      Gaia’s Landing, MY 2284

      “Santiago just declared vendetta,” Ling said. “The conflict is spreading, and we can’t wait anymore. We have to advise the Parliament to authorize a full scale military buildup, including immediate upgrades.”

      “That will arrest our scientific and social development,” Colin said, “and we can’t afford…”

      “Yes, we can,” Ling said. “We have five times the research, and almost an order of magnitude more industrial production of any other faction on Planet. Now only can we afford it, but we would be stupid not to authorize a modest buildup. I am not saying that we need to scrap existing infrastructure that is partially completed; I am suggesting that after these structures are complete that we switch these to producing an up-to-date navy and military. Everything we construct should be clean, and we should either scrap or upgrade all other existing military units.”

      “In the next few years we will have 10 fusion labs on line, and almost all of our core bases have hybrid forests. I can agree with Ling, and see no problem with diverting the production of bases to military material, as long as they use clean reactors,” Mohammed said. Ling nodded as he spoke.

      “The other factions are bound to take that as a provocation,” Colin asked. “We already have enough to defend ourselves.”

      Ling shook her head vigorously. “No, we don’t. Our defenses are thin. Yes, we generally have two military units at each base, but one typically is an unarmored police scout, and the other an un-refitted resonance armor garrison. Few have any offensive capability. I would suggest that after an landing of enemy troops is the wrong time to find that one’s defenses are outdated, and that you don’t have any ability to take out their landing forces. In particular our cities near the seas are very vulnerable, and these must be upgraded first. I am also worried about our forces in the Jungle, and at the Nexus. These have to be upgraded since our response units are very limited, and that has to change, too.”

      She paused for effect. “Right now I can’t answer a basic question: what would I do if a transport pulled up to Last Rose of Summer with amphibious infantry and rovers. They would take us out, even if they didn’t have fusion reactors – we are almost defenseless.

      “That leads to my second point. Part of this military buildup has to be the formation of a ring of sea colonies around our continent, each of which will have to be well garrisoned. This will partially prevent a transport sneaking in, and hopefully allow us to sink them, if needed. And don’t get me started on the navy – it is pathetic.

      Here is what I propose: 500 energy credits immediately to upgrade critical units, and more next year, and that all base produce at least two military units after their most recent improvement is done. Three bases to on the north and three on the south will start forming sea colonies, with the eventual objective being six on each coast. More may be necessary.”

      “That is more than ambitious,” Dee said. She had been very quiet since she had found out Santiago had declared war.

      “We have no choice,” Ling retorted. “Who is next? The Cyborgs? Cult? The Cult has been antagonistic for a long time, and the Cyborgs barely civil.”

      “I call for a vote,” Mohammed said. The vote came down 3 to 2, with Deirdre and Colin voting in the minority.

      “Now,” Terry said. “I have been asked by the Parliament to request our authorization to switch to a Planned Economy…”


      Dear Cha Dawn,

      The conflict has escalated, and now the Spartans are at vendetta with us. I know Santiago is also concerned about our emphasis on Wealth, but to be frank that is none of her business. We have done nothing to her and, in fact, we have gifted her three technologies in the recent past. To us this seem to be ungrateful, and spiteful as well.

      I appreciate your interest in helping us diplomatically but I’m afraid the price you ask is too high. Our position on Fusion Power is already known, and your demand that we cede future technological innovation on Planet to you is not acceptable. The main concern here is that, frankly, our scientific ability is much greater than yours, and unless your society does something to catch up we will gain understanding of Planet long before you do. That said, I am willing to share these technologies with you and the other factions as long as they aren’t at war with us.

      Our actions against University forces are regrettable, but Prokhor Zakharov should have thought of that before he declared vendetta. I have been able to confirm that our espionage team did acquire data from Zakharov’s city Climatic research, and in retrospect I wish they hadn’t. But, you should note that we are up front about it and do not hide and skulk, unlike some factions. I have also reviewed the logs on the destruction of University sea colony, and it turns out that it was heading for a terraformed area off our northern coast, and that is not acceptable. Zak also moved a chaos infantry next to Velvetgrass Point, and this military unit did not have our best interests at heart. It was destroyed, and while that is regrettable that is necessary.

      One other thing you should consider when making your decision to assist us diplomatically to stop the vendetta by the University and the Spartans: the Gaians are starting to gear up for war, and that means a full utilization of our industrial power and research to protect our interests. This also means we will be switching to a Planned economy to resume our population boom. I am not happy with either of these eventualities, but when we are at war with two factions that are both our immediate neighbors I have come to the unhappy conclusion that we have no choice. If this situation persists too long I fear our society might switch temperament from being pacifistic to being somewhat militaristic as the Progressives gain complete legitimacy for their expansionist and somewhat aggressive policies, and that would be a sad day for all of Planet.



      • #78
        Cult, MY 2284

        Dawn of the Planet – Command/Communication center 2285

        “So I think that about concludes our discussions Prokhor. We have no issues with the language of the “pact” agreement and so I see no reason why we should not go forward and approve it now.” Cha watched as he completed his statement because he knew the “other” shoe was about to fall.

        “I have been authorized by the University governing body to agree to this pact that we approached you with but we would require you to immediately support our vendetta against the Gaians.” Zakharov replied very firmly but you could see the tension on his face.

        Cha knew this was coming, it was inevitable, the simple fact was the University was in no condition to fight the Gaians and as such needed allies and quickly if they were truly going to press their grievance against them.

        “No Prokhor, I will not do that. We harbor no exceptional love for the Gaians but on the other hand I see no reason to go to war with them until they do harm to us. The simple fact of the matter is they are too powerful for any one or two or even four factions to defeat. They have multiplied, bred like rabbits, and as such they have enormous power and resources. Already they are gearing up for war and will soon have a vast army to field. They are the sleeping giant and you have awakened them and now they will fight.” Cha knew his response was falling on deaf ears. The University had been pillaged by the Gaians and they had been so stupid as to not even to try and attempt to hide their actions. Fools. To this day it seemed to shock Cha that the mighty Gaians would do something so foolish for the sake of some minor technology. Then after the theft make no attempts to even smooth over the issue. Greed had made them arrogant beyond imagination.

        “We will never accept that. Our labs our entire people are behind our just cause!” Prokhor yelled back.

        “Perhaps, we can work out a deal. If for say we could offer compensation for the loss, such as fusion power, would that heal this wound so that you could make peace?” Cha replied.

        “NEVER! We will never accept a peace with them now!” Prokhor was now very emotional and reason would never work at this stage. “Either you are with us Cha or not?”

        “Then we will have to say no then to the pact. We will maintain our current diplomatic status with you but until you see reason I see no need to continue with these negotiations. Cha Dawn out!” Cha reached over to close the link with Zakharov.

        “So, it was as we expected was it not?” Cha looked around the room at his advisors who had all been asked to attend the talks.

        “Yes my Prophet it was.” The spy master replied. “Simply put I doubt there is little we can do now to change their attitude. The University is at war with the Gaians over the stupid and worthless act by the Gaians. It is amazing that they would do something so foolish as this. I almost suspect that someone such as Ling might have ordered this blunder with the sole purpose to give her cause to launch her military buildup. Prior to this the Gaians had fallen back to their old ways of simple infrastructure improvements and quiet research. However, now the hawks have the bit between their teeth’s and I doubt they will let it go. In a decade or so the Gaians will have the most powerful land force on Planet by orders of magnitude.”

        “I can only agree with the spy master on this issue my Prophet.” Fookosh had jumped into the conversation. “I have read some of the reports coming from the Gaian council and parliament and I laughed at much of what they are doing. We now have access to every faction on planet thanks to the spy masters’ efforts. Only the Cyborgs and us have the capabilities to land any significant invasion force against the Gaians and any invasion would be quickly counter-attacked and repulsed. The only hope that any invader would have would be to capture one or two of the key Gaian cities that posses the advanced projects and destroy the cities forever crippling the Gaians. That is how I would do it however you could do that only a couple of times and the end result would still be the same, total destruction of the Cult. Our only hope would be to have some “super weapon” that we could use to thwart their advance.”

        “I agree with both of you. The Gaian “hawks” have latched on to this issue with all of the strength they can muster. They have no desire to see reason on this. I offered to broker a peace between the two parties and they refused, THEY REFUSED! It was absurd that the Gaians would now refuse peace overtures when for decades they themselves have tried to broker peace. Even my daughter Eve cannot give me a good understanding of the situation there. It is as if they have all gone mad. In some sense the current situation is very close to our master plan but it does not account for the fact the Gaians have lost their minds.” Cha turned towards the main monitor and waved his hand at it drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

        “Just look at this map. The Cult has carved out an area that equals 20% of the surface of Planet to protect and to cherish. If the Gaians have gone mad then even our area is threatened. What concerns me is if the Gaians have finally stepped over the threshold and will now take offensive operations. That remains to be seen.” Cha turned back to the table.

        “My Prophet, the one piece of good news is that the current situation will distract the Gaians from intervening on our war the Cyborgs. The machines are losing badly. This last turn we destroyed another transport, a ship this time, and another cruiser and we have yet to loose one isle. That is two cruisers, one ship transport, one isle of the deep and several infantry and espionage units and we have not lost one isle. Now, the isles are hurt but will heal quickly in the sea fungus and we have four isles heading to that area to support our attacks. Simply put in a matter of a decade we could have all of the machine sea bases under our control and be ready to stage an attack on the mainland.” Fookosh remarked while hitting several buttons in front of him that brought up maps that’s showed the current situation.

        “Also my Prophet, our latest espionage assault on the Spartans resulted in our retrieval of their maps and we framed the Gaians for the theft. Whatever they wish to do about the University will only have to be doubled now they have the Spartans to worry about. Also, as you have ordered our spy teams will move north and secure the fusion technology from the machines. This will take about a decade to position our teams but the end result will be that we will gain fusion technology in the same period of time that it would take us to develop it ourselves. We also will be able to work on other research at the same time. It seems clear that the Gaians will not wish to work with us since they are so blinded by their madness.” The spy master added.

        “Yes, that is so. Make sure that when the teams do enter the machines network to plant evidence that is was the Gaians. That will make three factions against them and then perhaps then they will look to us as a partner that we can then dictate terms as an equal.” Cha rose and turned and left the room.

        To Lady Skye,

        I was most wounded by reading your letter. It seems you have all gone insane which explains your actions against the University that provoked this situation. We offered our services to bring peace to you and your neighbors. Our price for this effort was fusion technology and you refused. So the only logical conclusion is that you feel fusion technology is more valuable then the lives of your soldiers and people. I had thought your greed could have some ceiling but I was wrong. Well, so be it. You will have your blood bath and I hope you will learn from it.

        I see that from reports you are falling back into your same old bad ways of exploiting Planet to build your monster war machine. I hope you know what you are doing and that you understand the consequences of you actions.

        The first light of Planet, The first disciple of the Planet, The first child of Planet,

        Cha Dawn


        Gaia’s Landing, MY 2285

        “We’ll get no help from the Cult,” Deirdre said.

        “It’s settled then,” Ling said. She turned to the other assembled Council members. “We’ll submit our recommendation to switch to a Planned economy and resume our population boom.”

        “It won’t be nearly as significant as before,” Colin said. “Many of our bases are not yet at their maximum population.”

        “We stopped prematurely the last time,” Ling said. “We’ll be able to add fully 20 or 30 population in the next four or five years. And we’ll be able to build more quickly.” She turned to Mohammed. “Will the Supercollider at Gaia’s Landing be done this year?”

        “Oh, yes!” he said. “We found that a number of our supply crawlers were harvesting minerals from forests, which is grossly inefficient now that our hybrid forests are complete. These were sent to Landing, and the Project is complete. You should all know that switching to a Planned economy will mean our research will fall from 1750 per year to 1100. Is that acceptable?”

        “It will have to be,” Ling said. “It’s still much faster than any other faction. The Supercollider will help. In the meantime, five bases have started military units and more will be added to the roster in the year. But, we have a question to ask ourselves: what are we going to do with it? Sitting on the military does us no good. Eventually Zak and the other factions will get fusion power, and then it will be much more difficult to defend ourselves, or press the attack. I suggest a demonstration.”

        Colin and Dee crossed their arms, but listened as Ling activated the holo table to display the map of Planet.

        “If we take one or two of Zak’s bases maybe he’ll agree to a truce. The easiest to take are his sea bases north of Velv, and west of Autumn Grove. Our conventional and native navy should be able to make short work of his defenders. Or, we could take Climatic Research, but that will not be easy since he is rapidly building up a force of stout defenders with ECM, making our rovers less than useful. Our ground pounders will be vulnerable to attack, of course. But,” she said, “I have a plan – a land transport! This way the ground pounders can get into position, then attack. Or we can go amphibious and take him out that way. We could assemble an amphib force in less than five years, and build a transport.”

        “You’ve spent much too much time thinking about this, Ling,” Colin said.

        Ling gave him a sidelong glance, then looked at Terry and Mohammed, who were effectively the deciding votes. “Well?”

        “Prepare the troops,” Terry said.

        Ling broke out into a huge smile.

        “But,” he continued, “don’t use them. Let’s give the situation time to settle down. And, no more sneak attacks on Zak. OK?”

        “I’ll make sure nothing is authorized,” Ling said.

        Her words sounded a little slippery, but she was technically complying.

        Dee resolved to keep an eye on the situation. No need making Zak even more livid.


        • #79
          Cult, MY 2285

          To Lady Skye and the Gaian advisory council:

          Since you have refused all of my offers to mediate a truce between the Gaians and University we are then forced to take the following stance.

          1. It is an undisputable fact that the current situation is the result of Gaian espionage teams infiltrating a University bases that caused this conflict to begin. It is shocking to think that with all of you scientific capabilities you felt the need to “steal” technology rather than develop it yourself or broker a trade like the one we offered just a few turns ago. This, in our eyes, makes the University the injured party in this case and you the provoker. I have had conversations with Professor Zakharov and he has assured me that he will not launch any attacks into your territory but will destroy any ship or soldier that enters HIS territory. By declaring “vendetta” he was able to close trade relations with you and discontinue diplomatic exchanges. This was his only recourse to the heinous actions you visited upon him!

          2. Even though the University and the Cult have no “formal” pact in place we will support the University in their just and most righteous cause. Should any Gaian forces take or occupy any University base then the Cult of the Planet will move ALL of our forces to liberate that city. We take this action with no great pleasure I assure you but do so to protect the freedom loving people of the University.

          3. I ask that you consider stepping down as Planet Governor. It is obvious that your creditability has been damaged considerably due to the actions of your espionage teams. You are the aggressor here not the University. How can you as Planet Governor hold that position when your people are now beating their plows shares into swords as a direct result of your aggressive actions. From my perspective you have taken no action to resolve this situation peacefully. So I intend to call for elections next turn and I hope that you will “abstain” from the voting so that the other Planet leaders can determine if you have the credibility to hold the office or not. I take this action with great sorrow but it seems you have lost touch with reality or at the very least with this current situation.

          My advice to the Gaians would be to leave the University alone. Your unprovoked actions in stealing the technology, something, which you freely admit to, demonstrate the simple fact you, have lost control of your society. Your track record in stealing technology is well known to all and now when you are caught “red handed” you have no place to hide. Your crime is out there for all to see. What has impressed us the most about this situation is the simple fact that your actions in the aftermath of the attack on the University make it seem that you were the injured party not Zakharov! You offer no compensation to him for the attack nor do you make any attempts to try to build a peace. So I can only assume that this was your true plan from the start, war. If that is the case you will find the Cult of the Planet standing in your path! Make no moves to expand your empire by preying on the weak! Your greed has made you not only arrogant but also despicable.

          It also seems that you have decided to abrogate your previous treaties with us as well, something I suppose I should not be shocked at in light of your recent actions. It was our agreement that no faction, after building one city near the manifold nexus, would build another city closer than eight sectors away. Your Gamma Sector base is within the eight-sector space! We demand a reason for this action! As you can see below in the following passage you agreed to the joint development of this area:

          Your second point is more reasonable and I think we that, based on this
          Proposal, we can come to a mutually agreeable solution. The Gaians will agree to one base within eight sectors of the Manifold Nexus, and that this base will have two military defenders. We will not agree to forfeit a perimeter defense, but see no need for a command center or other military enhancement centers. I don’t think that it should be too hard to keep the population to seven or less, but you must agree to some latitude since we can hardly execute or forcibly remove these people, so it will take a few years to humanely remove the excess population. We also agree to not plant any forests or remove any fungus near the Nexus. Any other base, should that ever come to pass, would be eight sectors or more from the boundaries of the Manifold Nexus. This
          should satisfy your claims. FROM THE CULT RECORDS: GAIAN COMMUNICATION DATE 2235 LADY SKYE

          As you can see you have failed to live up to your agreement. We require that the base either be destroyed or that you turn it over to another faction! We also DEMAND that you send us compensation for the obvious breach of this treaty! Unless compensation is sent we can only assume that this was you plan from the start and that you lack any honor at all in your agreements. We will leave it up to you to decide the appropriate compensation package and how to deal with the base situation. Once both issues, the base and compensation package are resolved, we can then reopen dialogue between our two peoples.

          With all due respect to you Lady Skye it has become clear that you have lost control of your military establishment. Your forces are running amok and I see little “oversight” and control by you unless this is some part of some sinister plan. How else can I explain the fact that you are stealing technology and breaking treaties if you are not fully in control of your people and operation. In due course I hope you will implement actions to rectify both the “loose cannons” and other elements in your society that have caused these disruptions.

          The true light of Planet, the first protector of the soul of Planet, first disciple of the great Planet,

          Cha Dawn

          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

          Cha looked at the scientists and was barely able to contain his fury.

          “WHY were you not able to proceed with the research into the advanced Centauri genetics as I required that you do so!” Cha roared at them.

          “My Prophet, please understand, the technology, nor the research is sufficient yet to allow us to begin along that path. It is a painful reality but we cannot proceed until we prepare more. With that in mind we decided that fusion power was the best course of action since the neither the Gaians nor the Machines seem likely to give it to us.” The chief researcher replied. The team seemed to shrink back while Cha continued to stare at them then suddenly he turned and left.

          Cha was furious with both himself and his own people. For over a century the new faith had been building and then over a decade ago their society had finally shifted to a theocracy for all intents and purposes. The people were faithful and full of spirit but it also tended to “blind” them to obvious paths in research and technology. Cha had done his best to correct these forces by isolating his scientists and building separate facilities for them to help them concentrate on their tasks. This had gone a long way to help cure the Cults lagging research but still many of the scientists seemed blinded by their faith when it came to looking at new approaches or new avenues of research.

          Cha turned quickly as he heard the footsteps behind him his staff ready to fire but it was only his spymaster.

          “Markese you will one day realize that sneaking up behind me is not the proper thing to do nor is it safe!” Cha barked at him.

          “I am sorry my Prophet but old habits are hard to break. I wanted to let you know that I still have little to report on my research into the Gaians infiltration of the University. I still believe that Ling ordered the assault in order to give her an excuse to build up her precious military.” The spymaster walked up beside, but slightly behind the Prophet as they continued to walk.

          “I agree but evidence will be hard to find.” Cha replied.

          “Yes, but somewhere there has to be an order and I will find it. Espionage teams just don’t take it upon themselves to cross borders and infiltrate an enemy city and hack into their networks. It takes time and preparation. I will find that evidence and the orders and when I do we will have Ling just where we want her. We can use the evidence to expose her or force her to become our agent.” The spymaster chuckled to himself at the thought of Ling as his agent.

          “I do hope you find the evidence. How goes the war with the machines?” Cha asked.

          “I have little else to add to what Fookosh has told you earlier today.” Markese replied with a slight smirk on his face. Cha knew he would have listened to the report the Fookosh had given him earlier today in Cha’s quarters. “My intelligence reports do indicate that the machines will soon launch more cruisers, some with chaos weapons installed. If that is the case it will make the war a little more interesting I think. However, Fookosh has three more isles nearly in sight of the machines coast making our total isle force there five we should have an easy time of handling their forces. Also, with the ground forces Fookosh is assembling as well he should have the forces needed to stage a land assault as well.”

          “I want Fookosh to send those forces overland by way of those thermal boreholes the Peacekeepers found nearly centuries ago. I hope they will find more worms and increase his forces. Is that report really correct the Zakharov established a land base near the Peacekeepers just north of our holdings?”

          “Yes my Prophet it is. It is a small base but it does give them a toehold now in that area that the Peacekeepers claim. Our plans seem to be going well to complete the perimeter around the area we claim. The two sea-pods will almost complete the circle around our area. There is still more to do in the west but we will soon have our outposts set.” Markese paused only briefly then asked, “Have you received a reply from the Gaians yet?”

          “No, I really am curious as to how they will handle my demands, for that is what they are. They must think we are fools to believe we would have not noticed a base being built there. It is clearly within the eight-sector area so it is a clear violation of the agreement. Perhaps if they had notified us before doing it I might have been less troubled by it but it seems they are taking foolish risks over trivial matters.” Cha stopped at the elevator doors and keyed in his special access code.

          “Is it time for prayers so soon.” The spymaster looked down at his watch.

          “It is always time for prayers.” Cha entered the elevator and turned around and stared at Markese with a fierce light in his eyes. The doors closed. The spymaster stood there for a while then slowly turned and walked away thinking about those words and perhaps today he might pray for the first time.

          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

          To Professor Zakharov,

          My friend, I have sent a communication to Lady Skye informing her of our support for your cause. We have warned her that further aggression by her and her people will be responded to. It is terrible that our Planet Governor would not only sanction such actions but also after they are uncovered offer little in the form of compensation. I tried several times to work out terms for peace with her but she refused. It seems that the Gaians prize their technology more than the blood and flesh of their people and yours. It is truly a sad day for us all when our supposed leader would stoop to such actions. This event has clearly demonstrated the need for new leadership and I will be calling for new elections. I hope I can count on your support in ending her rule as leader of the Planet.

          The light of the Planet, first disciple of the Planet,

          Cha Dawn

          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

          To Col. Corazon Santiago:

          Greetings! I was both appalled and revolted at the news that you too suffered at the hands of the Gaians! Their theft of your maps was just as heinous as their theft of technology from the University. I am offering to you the same support as we offered the University. We will aid your defense in protecting your shores but will not participate in any overt actions against the Gaians.

          I hope that these events have shown you that Lady Skye is no longer fit to remain as our supreme leader of the Planet Council. I will be calling for elections to remove her from office and I hope to have your support in doing so. It is clear the Gaians have lost touch with reality and only be showing them their actions have consequences will they learn from them.

          I hope that this will be the first bridge to building a greater understanding between your people and mine.

          The light of the Planet, first disciple of the Planet,

          Cha Dawn


          • #80
            Gaia’s Landing, MY 2286

            Dear Cha Dawn,

            Your recent letter to Dee caused her to be very upset, and she asked me to respond to your unpleasant missive. She also instructed me to be civil, and I will do so. She did not say I couldn’t be frank, however, so you can expect me to be.

            As usual, your intelligence regarding the Gaian espionage of University intellectual property is in error. This espionage occurred after the University declared vendetta against us when they demanded and were denied Fusion Power technology. The good Prokhor Zakharov was having one of his fits, I’m sure, at having been denied what he desired. Personally, I find this to be ironic since he could have asked his Pactmate Aki of the Cyborgs for this. Instead, he demands it from us knowing full well what our policies were on the subject.

            The subsequent Gaian espionage was unfortunate, but that is what war means. If he wanted to terminate our friendship treaty he could have done so with a truce, and this would have ended all our ties. It seems I have to explain something: ‘vendetta’ means feud, and these are often violent, so when one person declares a vendetta against another it is declaring war. So, your sophistry and Zak’s promises are irrelevant. If Zak wants a truce we’ll give it to him in a minute, but until then we are at war – a war he initiated. If he doesn’t like it then he can end it now, but he has refused to do so. The bottom line is that we are innocent of previous accusations (since your Cult framed us) and the espionage, which we admit to, occurred in time of war. Our hands are clean.

            I think you should re-think your second point on assistance to the University, since if you did you would be declaring war on the Gaians. If preserving the University is so important to you then get Zak to agree to a truce. But, then you require a bribe to do so, don’t you? How altruistic; you are a true friend to the University. We Gaians have been restrained in our dealings with the other factions, including yours. If we were so motivated all our neighbors would be our vassals, much like poor Yang is your vassal. Fortunately for you and the other factions we don’t think that way, so before you make rash promises consider the consequences.

            Your last point was almost amusing. Under no circumstances will Deirdre step down as Planetary Governor. I think you will find her reputation still unstained, regardless of the way you set us up for the theft of Peacekeeper technology. Moreover, I am fairly certain that Dee is the ONLY faction leader on Planet that has never declared vendetta, which is an interesting point. You had your dirty little war of aggression against the Hive, Zak seems to declare war on everyone at the drop of his hat, and Aki and Lal are a lost cause – they seem to declare war on each other every five or ten years like clockwork. And now Santiago has decided that the Gaians need to be exterminated (as if she could do such a thing). This very year Dee brokered another peace between Lal and Aki, and I can’t remember how many there have been. Everyone except Dee seems to be a little or a lot unstable, and I shudder to think of the chaos and rapine that would occur if any other person led the Planetary Council.

            You also seemed to be having a fit about the base Gamma Sector near the Nexus. If you will examine your maps you will see that this base was turned over to the Peacekeepers this last year. Remember when we told you that most if not all of these bases would be turned over to factions friendly to the Gaians? Apparently your memory is rather short. Perhaps you need another longevity treatment.

            Lastly, your demand for compensation over the placement of Gamma Sector is rejected since the issue is mute. No treaty has been broken, and regardless of the breathless claims you have made you will find that the Gaians have lived up to their agreements. If you chose not to talk to us that is fine with me. Dee might be a bit upset, but then you have caused her much turmoil in the past and she doesn’t need it right now – she has bigger problems.

            You should know what upset Dee so much, by the way; it was your menacing accusations on Gaian motives and actions, and your vile assertions of Gaian culpability in the war with the University. You have twisted the facts to your pleasure, and spun a web that is complex even for me. Dee is a peaceful person, and she took it personally when you attacked her character and the character of the Gaian people. Now, you have assaulted our character before, quite frequently in fact, but this time you crossed the line. Relationships are more than a simple calculus, and words can cut, as yours have. I suggest more tact or you will be hearing from me instead of Dee more often.

            Lu Ling
            Gaian Council


            Cult, MY 2286

            To Lady Skye and the Gaian advisory council,

            I was most displeased by your response to my communication. I found it to be neither fair nor cordial. The simple fact of the situation is that Professor Zakharov asked for an exchange of technology, which you refused. He was greatly displeased by your inaction and as a result declared a state of vendetta. A “vendetta” does not have to take the form of military action but what it does accomplish, and very effectively by the way, it severs completely all-economic and diplomatic interactions. From the records I have obtained your reaction to their vendetta statement was to infiltrate their information network and steal their technology. Their counter reaction was to attack your ship, is this not correct? I think this sums up the actions so far. Since the Cult does not have access to your records we have only your “word” on the events that have taken place. Once again we wish to state for the record the University only plans to take “defensive” operations against the Gaians.

            With that in mind we would take a very dim view of any offensive operations against them. We are extending the same agreement that you gave to Chairman Yang of the Hive when the Cult and the Hive had their slight altercation. We do not plan on giving economic assistance but rather military support, which is something that you did plan for but were unable to carry it out. We clearly see you as the aggressor in this situation what remains to be seen if you can rise above your base emotions and reach for the ring of peace. So please take our commitment to the University into consideration when you are making plans. Should the University take offensive operations against your home territory then that would change the situation considerably but we will address that when or if that situation comes up. Suffice it to say I for one cannot blame the University for their actions. Your greed has become legendary, why even a few of my advisors joke that there are two constants in this galaxy: the speed of light and the greed of a Gaian. You should not be insulted by this since your people have for over a century adopted a lifestyle that concentrates on wealth and material possessions. Your nature is your own.

            What I am shocked at is the perception you have that our request for technology is some sort of bribe, far from it! We required that technology to offset our expenditures and efforts to rebuild peace between your people and the University. Zakharov is the injured party and does deserve compensation for your heinous actions.

            Lastly, I find it shocking that you build a colony within the eight-sector zone around the manifold nexus without informing us of your actions. Then when we discover the existence you then turn the base over to the Peacekeepers. Then you claim we have no grievance for compensation. If I had done such a thing I am sure Council Person Ling would have ordered a full-scale invasion of the Cult! Well, luckily for you I am a more generous man and humane than Council Person Ling. I only require a small compensation package to address your oversight and failure to follow the “spirit” of the agreement.

            I hope that you will soon see the wisdom of seeking my aid to help you reach a peaceful ending to this terrible situation you created.

            The Light of Planet, first Disciple of Planet.

            Cha Dawn


            • #81
              Gaia’s Landing, MY 2287

              Colin was the last to sit down. He turned to Dee. “Congratulations on being elected Governor again,” he said. “Imagine, Lal voting for you instead of himself! That is quite a change. I wasn’t surprised that Cha Dawn, Aki and Yang voted for Lal, even if he didn’t vote for himself. Still, it wasn’t much of a contest.”

              “Cha should know better then call elections when he knows he will only lose, and antagonize us even more. Maybe he likes poking the tiger?” Ling said. “He hasn’t felt the tiger’s claws, but he may if he isn’t careful.”

              “Cut the metaphors,” Terry said. “Let’s get down to business. Mohammed?”

              “We just had our breakthrough in Advanced Ecological Engineering,” Mohammed said. “Our laboratory output has increased 20 percent in the last few years, and as a result of this and the completion of our current project they need guidance on their next project.” Mohammed laid out the proposals from the scientists, and the Council members reviewed them.

              “This one,” Ling said, pointing to Doctrine: Airpower. “Santiago will be making a breakthrough in the coming year, and I would bet that we’ll see bombers on our southern coast within five years. We need this to form defensive interceptor squadrons, and bombers of our own to take our enemy transports and ships, and if necessary land units.” She looked around to the other members and looked for dissent.

              She found none.

              “I propose that we advise our scientists to put their efforts into Doctrine: Airpower,” she said. The proposal was quickly seconded and approved.

              “What is the anticipated breakthrough time?” Colin asked.

              “Approximately four years,” Mohammed continued, “ but that will likely narrow as more fusion labs come on line and our population boom continues. Although most of our bases are already at their maximum population of 16, it will be approximately five years before the rest catch up. Almost all civilian base improvements are complete, now, and most are pursing military or expansion projects. We started five sea colony pods this year, for instance.”

              Ling frowned. “That will cut into our amphibious force deployment.”

              “Yes, but it will allow us to put up a defensive screen of bases near choke points along our coasts,” Mohammed said. “I thought that is what you wanted?”

              Ling considered for a moment. “You’re right. The amphib can wait. For a while.”

              Terry looked over at Colin. “How are the people adjusting to our newest population boom?”

              “Very well! We only had one riot, and that was a minor one that will be mitigated by the completion of a holo theatre. Lucky Autumn is one of our very new bases in the Jungle and its infrastructure is not even nearly complete, so it wasn’t surprising that it wasn’t as stable as we might like. The rest were fine, though.”

              “Ling?” Terry said.

              “I’m sure you heard about the University missile foil that tried to attack Garden,” she said. “Our isle destroyed it. They were very foolish to try to sneak up on us through the fungus. Our sensors and the isle saw them coming and made short work of them. Also, per the ‘agreement’ with Cha and Zak, we are pulling our infantry back to Velv. We’ll see if the University follows and attacks. I’d bet their words are hollow, but we’ll see.

              “Other projects are going well. Our transports and cruisers are progressing nicely, as are our clean artillery and amphib infantry. I’m happy to report that between upgrading our formers to super terraforming and clean and other military upgrades I spent my budget of 1200 energy this last year. I know you’re going to be disappointed, but I ran out of units to upgrade. Next year more should come up free, and I’ll upgrade them then.

              “I would also like to suggest we build shell military units and upgrade them immediately, if there is a pressing need. I am thinking, for instance, of when Santiago comes charging over the border with her bombers. We will barely have time to form any sort of defense, and this may be our only real option to get an interceptor fleet up an running.”

              Terry nodded. “I’m sure we’ll give you what you need, as long as it’s reasonable.”

              Ling nodded.

              “Now,” Terry said. “We’ve got Cha’s letter to deal with. Are you up to it Dee?”

              Dee was quiet for while. “No,” she said, and she looked at Ling.

              “I’ll take care of it, Dee,” she said as she patted her hand.


              Dear Cha Dawn,

              It appears I need to fully inform you of the events that led to the University to declare war. First, Zak called us and demanded Fusion Power, and when we refused he declared vendetta. Second, over-zealous base commanders authorized two probe teams at Velvetgrass Point to initiate espionage against the University, both of which were successful. Then the forces at Garden of the Deep noticed that a University sea colony was heading toward some terraformed area near our territory, and due to our recent state of war they destroyed them. In the next few years a Gaian chaos cruiser destroyed a University terraformer, and an infantry unit destroyed a University chaos infantry unit that was advancing toward Velevetgrass Point. I suggest you contact Zak, and I would venture to guess he would validate this timeline, especially where we destroyed his property.

              It is interesting to note that since you have given us assurances of that the University will not press its war that a University missile foil was found advancing thought he sea fungus toward Garden of the Deep. It was summarily destroyed. This last year a University artillery barrage tried to destroy some garrisons guarding the road to Velvetgrass Point. Luckily they didn’t have much luck due to our fusion armor. A University chaos infantry squad is advancing at this moment toward Velventgrass Point, and to test your assurances we have pulled our defensive forces back to Velvetgrass Point. If Zak stays on his portion of our border then we will believe your assurances, but if they advance then they will be proven false and the infantry unit will be destroyed.

              In the interest of peace we are going to take you up on your offer to broker a peace between the University and the Gaians, and we are willing to offset the costs of these peace transactions by offering the Cult 200 energy for your troubles. You can see that this is a generous gift since it is many times your yearly energy surplus. I can’t imagine that asking Zak to agree to a truce with us will cost that much, but we believe it is worth it.

              Your statement about our reaction to the placement of the base is another of your fantasies. We have never declared war on anyone, even when we were sorely provoked. What makes you think we would declare war over the placement of a base in the middle of unclaimed territory? If you care to see the 200 energy we are offering to negotiate a truce between the Gaians and University as compensation then that is fine with the Council. However, since we have not broken our treaties it is the opinion of the Gaian Council that no direct remuneration is in order.

              This ‘situation’, or war between the University and Gaians, was caused by the piquish fits of a faction leader that declares vendetta when he doesn’t get his way. Zak should learn to behave as an adult since the consequences are likely to be very serious. We Gaians always desire peace, but we are learning that others on Planet only want war. The line of no return has not been crossed yet, but a time is coming when we will have to make some hard decisions. It would be most unfortunate if the actions of the University, or the Cult, were responsible for the Gaians rethinking some of their basic societal tenants, like pacifism.

              Lu Ling,
              Gaian Council


              Cult, MY 2287

              To Lady Skye and the Gaian advisory council:

              It seems that once again you have amazed me when I thought no one else could. Just to be fair let us examine your response so that we can determine where the fault does lay:

              First, Zak called us and demanded Fusion Power, and when he refused he declared vendetta. ( Is this not his right as a sovereign leader. Are we not allowed to sever all contacts with another faction, including a vendetta, the answer is yes! Should the University have come to you on bent knee pleading for the technology as a child would for a treat! I think not! They had a need for it, they asked for it, they demanded it and you refused, which was your right but they also had a right to cut relations with you in response! A vendetta does not necessarily mean war unless you provoke one. For many decades didn’t you and the Peacekeepers have a state of Vendetta, did you ruthlessly attack them?) Second, over-zealous base commanders authorized two probe teams at Velvetgrass Point to initiate espionage against the University, both of which were successful.( Once again Gaian culpability into espionage tactics are shown for all to see, this was not the first time and surely not the last. “Unauthorized” espionage actions by a mere base governor? Surely you can not expect us to believe that! The question is if such an action was visited upon your people how would you react! All you did was compond one terrible mistake after another, just like an amateur. Surely someone must have been held responsible for this action!) Then the forces at Garden of the Deep noticed that a University sea colony was heading toward some terraformed area near our territory, and due to our recent state of war they destroyed them. ( You destroyed, no KILLED unarmed civilians including CHILDREN all for the sake of some terraformed projects. Now that speaks volumes for Gaian charity and rules of war. Perhaps next you will launch an attack on the University Base hospital nursery and eliminate that future threat!) In the next few years a Gaian chaos cruiser destroyed a University terraformer, and an infantry unit destroyed a University chaos infantry unit that was advancing toward Velevetgrass Point. ( Well once again Gaians destroy unarmed terraformers and a lone chaos infantry unit! Well, that was surely an imposing threat to the might Gaian armed forces. I suppose they might have had some infant children with them that made it all the more fun for you! ) I suggest you contact Zak, and I would venture to guess he would validate this timeline, especially where we destroyed his property.
              It is interesting to note that since you have given us assurances of that the University will not press its war that a University missile foil was found advancing thought he sea fungus toward Garden of the Deep. It was summarily destroyed. ( What I communicated to you was the University forces would not attack any Gaian city. That was the pledge given to me by Zakharov, if he breaks it I can only wonder why he would do such a thing, perhaps out of grief over the deaths of his citizens who were ruthlessly attacked! Since his ship was never given the chance to even turn about you will never know what was his true intentions. I suggest in the future you train your captains to fire a warning shot first rather than a salvo into the ship. Was it not you that demanded free access to sea lanes? Does not Zakharov have that same right?) It would be most unfortunate if the actions of the University, or the Cult, were responsible for the Gaians rethinking some of their basic societal tenants, like pacifism. ( Surely you must be joking! Pacifism by its nature precludes offensive operations such as you have done. Pacifism speaks to negotiations, exchanges and the willingness to seek an understanding of the needs that drive the actions of others. The University demanded technology, you refused and they cut off relations with you and then you steal THEIR technology and kill, KILL their children and women all for the sake of a blueprint. Your form of pacifism frightens me to death Council person Ling. Perhaps in your world you see this as an honorable way to cover your actions but we do not. I am sure you will do all that is required to protect your wealth, your power rather than share it for the advancement of all, that is true Gaian pacifism! )

              Well, I think that pretty much clears that up, does it not! Not once did the University initiate any HOSTILE actions by any military units except for one instance and each time the Gaian military force destroyed them with no mercy at all. How impressive! How powerful!! At least when the Cult liberated the cities of Chairman Yang we spared the children and non-combatants during the conflict while you Gaians seem to relish in attacking them! HOW NOBLE GAIAN VIRTUES ARE!!! At least if the Cult should ever be forced to defend our borders again I will not have to listen to endless hours of preaching from the Gaian ambassador about how inhumane we are when you Gaians outdistance anything we ever did! Well, far be it from me to continue to preach to you about the horrors of war when you seem to relish in them. To be honest I have tried on several occasions to plead with my friend to change his mind but to much water has passed under the bridge. It is regrettable that you did not try to purchase peace first then if that did not work then go to war. I can only imagine how much your military budget has grown all for the sake of one technical file on fusion power. Imagine all of the lives that could have been spared from the ghastly acts you performed all for the want of some blueprints. Well, I wonder how you sleep at night, any of you, when you turn off your fusion powered lamps and turn down your fusion powered heaters and realize your comfort was purchased with the blood of innocent civilians!!

              In closing this will be my last communication with you. I see no reason to continue any discussion with the likes of you or your people. I am ordering my daughter home along with the entire Cult embassy. We will have no further relations with you or your people. We will honor all current treaties since WE are HONORABLE people!! We have established an area of which the Cult considers to be our territory, so do not pass within our boundaries anymore! We will leave you alone and we hope that you will do the same. I do this with no glee in my heart, only sadness. It pains me to see how once a noble and proud people have become war-mongers and imperialists. So you can keep your precious 200 energy credits since I know you were loathe to give them up to us in the first place and now you can use them to build more energy charges for your pulse weapons to kill children! Perhaps next you can conquer our friend Chairman Yang! I know for a fact he has a nursery that could be filled with potential anti-Gaians and as such should be destroyed and then why stop there, continue on! Destroy! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!!

              But perhaps you should try, just once, just once to make peace, but perhaps there is not enough profit in it for you.

              I will pray from now until I die for the souls of the people you have killed, the innocent children you will destroy all for the sake of your science!!

              The light of Planet, first disciple of Planet,

              Cha Dawn


              • #82
                Gaia’s Landing, MY 2288

                “Our lives just got more easier and more complicated at the same time,” Ling said. “First, I am happy to report that Cha Dawn has promised not to talk to us anymore…”

                “That’s not funny, Ling,” Deirdre said.

                “OK, OK. Seriously, Zak has finally acquired Fusion Power. I don’t know from whom, but it seems that Lal got it too. Aki had to be the source. As we predicted, this technology is spreading across Planet at a frenzied pace, and even the backward Santiago and the Cult will have it soon. Even more ominous is that Santiago will have her first bombers and interceptors complete in two to three years. Moreover, she is researching Orbital Spaceflight, and with that there is nothing to stop the specter of intercontinental nuclear missiles from gracing our new world. One of those would do an incredible amount of damage to Planet, in addition to obliterating a multitude of innocent civilians.”

                “Is there anything we can do to counter them? Ground defenses maybe?” Colin asked.

                “No, not for a very long time, I’m afraid. We have only two real options, and neither are very savory. First, we can use espionage to destroy the missile while in production. This is a semi-viable option since it takes a very long time to make them. Second, we can conquer the faction that is producing them.”

                “That’s a slippery slope, Ling. You said that every faction will eventually get this technology. Does that mean that we would have to conquer everyone?” Dee asked.

                “I can’t answer that question,” Ling said. “All I can say is that it will take a long time to make a planetbuster, and that we would have some recourse. There is no need to panic, yet at least.”

                “How long until she finishes her research?” Mohammed asked.

                “At least 30 years. It is a good thing she is rather backward or we might be in real trouble,” Ling said.

                “Any chance our research will give us a way to defend ourselves by then?” Colin asked.

                “Possibly. Mohammed?” Ling commented.

                “There is almost no possibility of developing a workable land-based or satellite technology to defend ourselves,” he said. “Even if our technology rate were to double to 2700 terraquads of data per year it still wouldn’t be possible. There is so much we do not know, and we don’t even have a glimmering of hope to complete these lines of research.”

                Terry turned to Dee. “Any luck trying to talk to Zak or Santiago?”

                Dee shook her head. “No. Nothing. I did talk to Lal and gave him some more technology. He asked for Bioadaptive Resonance, and I saw no harm in giving that to him.”

                “That’s not a problem,” Terry said. “Might Aki try to talk to Zak or Santiago for us?”

                “She is at war with the Cult, and has been for a while. She is obsessed with it, and did not respond favorably to my request. She didn’t say no, but she had no interest. Lal said he couldn’t reason with him, although they are at a truce.”

                “We might get Lal to declare war on Santiago and Zak,” Mohammed said.

                “No,” Dee said. “There is enough war already, and I don’t want to drag Lal into it. We spent a long time trying to help him make peace with Aki and I won’t ask him to give up that peace, not even to help us. We can take care of ourselves. Remember, Lal agreed to merge with us for protection, not the other way around.”

                “Point taken,” Terry said as he returned to the agenda. “Is there any point in responding to Cha’s letter?”

                “None what-so-ever,” Ling said.

                “I’ll send one final note, just to keep the possibility of dialogue open,” Dee said.

                “Good enough,” Terry said. “Oh, Ling can you confirm the attack on Velvetgrass Point by the University infantry? And the sinking of our terraformer by a University isle?”

                “Yes to both. The infantry tried to get at Velv through the forest, and it was intercepted. The isle sunk our former. A chaos cruiser is going to finish off the University isle so it won’t harm us anymore. One other development is that we sunk a Spartan foil that was moving in on Memory of Earth. It was one sector away from attacking, and I have no doubt Santiago’s crew would have done so. So, it looks like our refitted navy is paying off already.”

                “It had better be. You spent another 800 megacredits this turn, leaving none for infrastructure,” Mohammed said.

                Ling shrugged. “Better that than attacks we can’t answer all over our coasts. We are spread out, Mohammed, and I’d hate to see one of our cities attacked when we could have prevented it.”

                Mohammed said nothing.

                “Anything else?” Terry asked, and there was no response. “Then this Council meeting is adjourned.”


                Dear Cha Dawn,

                I’m sorry to hear your interpretation of recent events. Suffice to say that we simply disagree, and it is my hope that any rift between us is not insurmountable. You know our positions and we know yours and for now that must be enough. If you have a change of heart my communication channel is always open.



                Cult, MY 2288

                “I think that concludes our negotiations prime function. I hope that in the future we can build an even stronger relationship.” Cha watched, as Aki seemed to wait to prepare a response, her eyes glazed over slightly and then she snapped back.

                “We welcome this chance to put old feuds aside and begin again. The loss in materials, time and energy was considerable, a poor use for critical resources. Normal relations can increase these resources and productivity.” Aki replied.

                “Yes, my point exactly Prime Function. It was unfortunate that your people lost so many ships and troops to our isles but that is now behind us and we can re-forge a stronger relationship.” Cha replied as he watched once again as Aki seemed to slip into a trance then snap out of it.

                “Affirmative. End of discussion – channel closed.” The screen went blank but before it did Cha noticed a slight trace of anger cross the prime functions face due to his comment.

                Cha turned to face his advisors who waited silently behind him until the meeting was concluded.

                “Excellent work. Fookosh I shall say a special prayer in your honor tonight at evening prayers. Your deployment of the isles was masterful. I have watched the face of the cyborg captain several times late last night as he boarded the isle realizing if his ship had attacked they would have lost another vessel and possibly more. Your planning was key to securing this treaty, we forced them to capitulate on OUR terms.” Fookosh beamed with pride as Cha praised him.

                “My Prophet, I understand the need to secure peace with the Cyborgs in case our forces are needed to support the University but to go so far as a full treaty, considering the ecological damage they do to Planet it makes no sense.” Ramos shifted slightly to one side then another, obviously very uncomfortable with asking the question. Cha waited a few seconds in responding, let him sweat a bit.

                “Ranger one, even I must look at the greater picture. By securing peace with the Cyborgs they have no reason to continue their program over hyper-industrialization to build more ships to replace the ones we kept sinking.” Cha could hardly notice the smiling Fookosh. “The greater picture is simple to see. We cannot fight two wars, one with the Gaians and the Cyborgs, if it is required, we need to clear the field, just in case. We need to be flexible and the way to get that done was by making peace. We will still continue preparations for further conflicts with the Cyborgs and our isles are positioned to quickly move to Gaian territory if required. Perhaps now that the Cyborgs are at peace with us they will support their pact brother Zakharov in his war with the Gaians. So that would once again line up four possible factions against the Gaians. Then they might be willing to make peace before war.” Ramos quickly digested the information and his eyes twinkled again.

                The master spy turned to the priest, “ I have also began preparations to incriminate the Gaians in another plot to steal technology, the machines will be the target of course. That should do the trick, if nothing will, in forcing them to line up with the University.”
                Cha slowly rose and reached out for support. Time was catching up with him. His doctors had told him he would never see the dawn of 2305 if he did not get into the tanks now but he refused. No, he had lived long enough. It was time to become one with the Planet. However, he would prepare the way for new leadership and a new Cult of the Planet. Ramos quickly rushed forward to help Cha by grabbing his arm to support him and Fookosh did the same for his other arm.

                “Thank you my sons. Let us go to the command center, our new command center, and review the data for further deployments in the Gaian/University theater of operations. Afterwards Ramos I need to talk with you about some changes that need to be made in the Rangers order.” Both Fookosh and Ramos quickly looked at each other over the head of Cha and both now looked worried.

                Behind all three of them walked an aging spymaster who silently laughed as he watched the two begin to worry. Markese looked to his left as they left the room where his spy hole was and knew that his replacement was watching, learning. Soon he would be passing as well into the great night since no seeker ever took the treatment. Markese wondered what the Cult might look like in fifty turns from now with all of the changes coming.

                “My Prophet, do you plan on responding to Lady Skye?” Markese asked.

                “No, if they want to make any further contact with us they know who they can contact. Now hurry up so we can complete this so I can make prayers tonight at the temple.” Cha barked in annoyance.

                Yes, Markese thought changes were coming.


                Gaia’s Landing, MY 2289

                “The Cult has acquired Fusion Power. There is now full proliferation, but we did delay it for about 10 years,” Ling said.

                “At what cost?” Colin asked as he loaded his plate with pasta. “Zak declared vendetta, as did Santiago.”

                “Santiago declared vendetta because we were framed again by the Cult, just like with the Peacekeepers,” Ling said.

                “You can’t prove that,” Colin observed.

                “It wouldn’t be a frame up if I could. Still, it will be hard to keep up our technical lead with the other factions trading technology when we have to research every one.”

                “Ling, we have more research now than all the other factions put together,” Colin said.

                “Yes,” she responded, “that’s the point. Together they are stronger than we are, and we have to prepare appropriately.”

                “I still don’t like your plan of attacking Santiago. What has she done to us?” Colin asked.

                “Just wait,” Ling said as she ladled some marinara sauce on her pasta. “She will start bombing our southern coast next year, and she’d do more if she could. Taking out her northern bases would be a good way to secure our southern border.”

                “And we’d have to subjugate the Spartan people,” Colin said with a frown on his voice. “I’m not sure it’s worth it.”

                “Our alternative is to continue to be bombed until we get our defenses up. Speaking of which, what do you think of my idea of supply sensors?” Ling asked.

                “They’ll get destroyed by someone’s navy or airforce,” Colin said.

                Ling nodded. “That’s the point – they’re forward warning stations, and if a few get destroyed who cares. However, we’ll need to take out a few of Zak’s sea bases to make that effective.”

                Colin put down his fork. “Does everything hinge on taking someone else’s bases? Can’t we just expand and defend ourselves?”

                “We could try, but it will be hard, and there will be losses. How’d you like to lose Gaia’s Landing to the Cult? Imaging that pink twerp lording around Landing, musing over the ruined central spire, and afflicting our people with his Planet rantings? A nice picture, hum? I, for one, won’t stand for it, and the sooner the rest of you wake up the better. Twerp boy is forming an alliance against us, and he’s been working at it for years. His plan with the Peacekeepers backfired, and he drove him into our arms, but it is working like a charm with the University and Spartans. We could ignore Lal, but we can’t ignore Zak and Santiago. One day we’ll have to do something about them and it won’t be pretty. It is my job to make sure that we are ready when the time comes. We could take Zak out now, if we wanted to. It might take a while now that he has fusion, but he is doomed and his petty alliance with Aki and Santiago won’t save him, and the Cult’s words are empty. For now, at least.”

                “I wish he’d just listen to us,” Colin said.

                “He won’t see reason until he is forced to. He has ‘friends’, and he thinks he can hide behind them. Lal didn’t have any friends and that made all the difference. Until Santiago and Zak are isolated I’m afraid that we’ll have to deal with them the hard way.”

                Colin considered that. “We could let isolation work for a while longer.”

                Ling dug into her pasta. “Yes, we could and it looks like we will for a while. We’re in no rush. Every year we grow twice as fast as any other faction, so time is on our side. When we switch back to a Green economy our research will skyrocket and we’ll leave them all in the dust, alliances and tech trading not withstanding.”

                Colin nodded. “Then isolation might work.”

                Ling thought for a moment. “It might. But wait until Parliament has to deal with Santiago’s bombers, and Zak’s naval attacks. How long do you think it will be before they demand action?”

                Colin didn’t answer.


                • #83
                  Cult, MY 2289

                  Cha slowly eased himself into the travel pod followed by his spymaster and several of Cha’s bodyguards who moved to the front of the pod and settled into the control stations. Once the door was close the compartment that Cha and the spymaster sat in was sealed from the front by a transparent plex-steel door that allowed the two bodyguards to keep an eye on Cha but they would not hear what was going on. Within a few minutes the bodyguards had cleared the travel rail ahead through central control so Cha would not have to wait for any cross traffic or delays. The destination for today was the massive research complex about an hour east of Mind of the Planet city, the central research facility for the entire Cult of the Planet. With the acquisition of fusion power over a turn ago the final piece had fallen into place so the Cult could begin research into centauri genetics and unlock even more secrets of the planet. The high-speed shuttle pod would only take a little over a day to reach Mind of the Planet but the pod had sleeping benches and other amenities to make the trip comfortable.

                  “My Prophet, is it really necessary for you to make this trip?” Markese asked.

                  “Yes. I need to make sure the scientists have everything they need to make rapid progress. As it stands now they will complete the research in less than 8 turns. Once that is done all of the resources we have been accumulating at Eden can be used to make the brood pits at each city and base and complete the pholous mutagen project there. The project is crucial to our continued dominance in the field of native life forms. The brood pits alone will be a massive boost to the growth cycle of our worms and isles and the newest form of life we have discovered on Planet, the locust of Chiron.” Cha smiled at the thought of wave after wave of locusts, the size of large dogs patrolling the skies over Cult territory. The locusts never needed to land like an airplane; they could heal themselves and required no extensive infrastructure such as airfields and service depots. Let the Spartans build their planes for all the good it would do them.

                  The spymaster could hardly fail to notice the smile on Cha’s face, something he rarely did. It was an easy guess that Cha was thinking about the air power potential the locusts would give the Cult.

                  “My Prophet, the report I sent you about the Gaians reaction to Santiago’s air fleet did you have a chance yet to read it?” Markese asked. Ever since Cha’s age have begun to wear on him more he had not been able to be as active as he had been in the past and the spymaster knew that he did not always have time anymore to keep up with the flow of information that passed across his desk.

                  “Yes, I did.” Replied a slightly annoyed Cha. “ The Gaians seemed to be coming “unglued” over Corazon’s tiny airforce. I especially enjoyed reading the press clippings about the possibility of their cities getting bombed around the clock with little or no defense to stop them. You have to give credit where credit is due, councilperson Ling and her allies have certainly done a masterful job in playing to the fears of the populous to drive their military expansion. Skye seems almost helpless now, a sad pathetic figurehead who is so scarred by the rhetoric the Ling puts out that she has all but given up. They would rather waste thousands of credits to build up an army and for what? The University and the Spartans? You would think with the information they can gather from the empath guild they would realize how foolish it is. We ourselves are more than a match against the two of them combined so why would the Gaians prepare as if they world was about to end. Fools! In less than 10 turns every faction on Planet with the exception of our loyal ally Chairman Yang.” Cha said very sarcastically, “ Has fusion power. You cannot keep the genie in the bottle forever and especially not that genie. Was ten turns of exclusivity over that technology, just ten turns worth all of the bloodshed and loss of innocent lives!” Cha reached across and pulled open a compartment and filled a glass with fungal tea that was in dispenser inside. His hand began to shake so bad that Markese reached over to help him and then handed him the cup. After helping him with the cup Markese looked at Cha and decided to ask the question he had been working on for some time.

                  “My Prophet, your condition is now becoming very apparent for all to see. The fact that you no longer seek to extend your life through the treatment will be know to all very shortly. This will have a profound effect both internally and externally to the Cult. I need to know what is your plan?” Markese watched Cha’s face for a reaction and found none.

                  “I had not intended to address this yet, since I do still have a few more years left, at least 15 to 20 turns from what the doctors tell me. However, perhaps this is the best time to discuss my plans, activate the cloak.” Cha ordered. The spymaster reached into this pocket and pulled out a small device and laid it on the floor between the two men and then tapped a switch on the side. The “cloak” as it was called was a device to thwart any listening device know so that the conversation was kept secret. The drawback to the device is that it had a short range and it distorted the voice of the speaker.

                  “What I am about to tell you is for you and of course your replacement which I know he has begun his training am I correct?” Cha asked.

                  “Yes my Prophet he has. He will replace me about the same time you will begin your last trip.” Markese replied.

                  “I have grown to weary and my heart aches to make the final trip to become one in spirit with the Planet. I no longer have the passion for this reality. When I pass on I intend for my son, Adam to become the new leader of the Cult.” Cha waited for the shock to clear from the face of his spymaster. “I know that everyone expects, even the Planet for Eve to assume control but that can not be. Adam will usher in a new order for the Cult, a new purpose. I have kept him secluded from the world we operate in to keep him safe from the others and to give him the time to mature and understand.” Cha took a quick sip of tea.

                  “My Prophet, your plan is, is, well, I am not sure yet. The ramifications alone to the power structure of the Cult will take time to analyze but we could be looking at civil war if you choose Adam.” The spymaster replied.

                  “I have plans for that possibility. Adam will be the one. I have seen it. He will work with the other leaders of the Planet to build a new future for us all. Eve, , , Eve was required to do things during the hard years, the tough years, just like I have had to do. Eve represents what the Cult was and Adam will be the future for us all.” Cha replied.

                  “My Prophet, I am not sure as to how your daughter will take this. I know she will expect to become the leader after you have gone. In fact, she has already begun positioning herself and her allies for when that dark day will come.” The spymaster looked at Cha wondering how he would respond to that.

                  “My friend, listen carefully to me for when that day comes, that dark and yet wonderful day here is what you must do....” And Cha leaned forward and began to lay out his entire plan.

                  NEXT MORNING

                  The travel pod arrived at the headquarters of the research center of Mind of the Planet. The two bodyguards exited the pod and opened the compartment for Cha and the spymaster to exit as well. Cha exited first looking tired but when the spymaster exited his face was gray and his eyes had deep circles under them During the entire day as Cha consulted with the research scientists and discussed any needs or resources they might need, not even one did the spymaster look at Cha. When the day was done and Cha returned to the travel pod to return to the capital of the Cult the spymaster did not look any better and still had not engaged the Prophet in any conversation.

                  Mr. Malister had bribed several Gaians to be invited to the private party that was being held at the residence of a major Gaian researcher and industrialist. The man himself most probably had no idea how Joshua had gotten on the list but he had. The “New Greens” had once again reached a dead-end in the political world of the Gaian parliament. The war with the University and Spartans and the breakdown in relations with the Cult had been the fuel for the progressives fire. The man who was hosting the dinner was a major supplier to the Gaian military and the dinner was in honor of the completion of several projects they had won. What Joshua really wanted at this party was too see Lady Skye who was expected to arrive shortly along with the entire Gaian advisory council. Joshua had just fallen in with a small group of ladies who were talking about their fears over being attacked by Spartan warplanes when the doorman announce the arrival of Lady Skye and the council. As she entered the room erupted into applause and then council and Skye broke up into smaller groups around the room. Joshua hesitated for a while then found an opening in the conversation and excused himself and began walking over to where Skye was however about half way there councilperson Ling spotted him and made a beeline towards him. Joshua glanced to his left and an open doorway outside to the terrace offered a quick escape which he made use of without seeming to. Once outside he quickly moved to his right along the balcony but through the next doorway stepped Ling.

                  “Ahh… Mr. Malister I was sure your name was not on the list so you can understand my surprise in seeing you here.” She stood in front of him arms across her chest with a smirk on her face.

                  “Councilperson Lu Ling, how nice to see you again but I do have pressing business inside and I …” Joshua started to go around her but she shifted very quickly to stop him.

                  “I thought we could have a quick chat before the guards escort you out!” Ling barked at him, which caused Joshua to stop. “Excellent. Now, I thought you should know that your master’s pathetic plan to isolate us has no hope of success. The Gaian nation is as strong as ever and we will not fall prey to you or your allies as they try to nip at our heels. I have vowed to protect our way of life from the hell that you would inflict upon us and I intend to make sure that you will never have a chance to do anything about it.”

                  “Councilperson Ling, I can assure you that the entire planet understands your zeal in protecting the Gaian nation. I for one have commented to many a person that I fully believe that soon you will be pounding stakes along your coast line and impaling the men, women and children you have destroyed as a sign for everyone that crossing the Gaian frontier means death to all.” Joshua was annoyed by this distraction and perhaps had let his emotions go to far but these damn Gaians seemed to think the entire Planet was out to roast each Gaian over a spit. What suddenly brought him back to the conversation at hand was the backhanded slap by Ling that forced him to stumble backwards, his lip broken and bleeding.

                  “How dare you preach to us, TO US, about death,” she screamed. “Your master has caused more deaths than anyone on this planet. We are only defending ourselves from those factions like yours that are jealous of our prosperity and achievements! I will not let you and the other factions weaken us and destroy everything that I have worked so hard for!” Ling slowly advanced on Joshua and her face livid with anger.

                  “LING!” Both Joshua and Ling quickly turned to find Deirdre Sky standing there with a few other council people watching the two of them.


                  Gaia’s Landing, MY 2290

                  Silence filled the room. The tension was palpable and every eye was on Ling, Joshua, and Deirdre.

                  “Ling,” Deirdre said in a steely voice, “you will apologize to Ambassador Malister. What you did was indefensible, and there is no provocation that justifies striking another person like you have.”

                  Ling seemed to deflate, and her blind rage fled was replaced by something much different: guilt. She took a step backward and looked up at a stunned Joshua.

                  “Mr. Malister,” she said in a quiet voice that carried effortlessly through the entire room, “please accept my apology. Dee’s right. It was wrong of me to strike you.” She seemed to struggle with her next few words. “Let me know what I can do to make amends.”

                  Joshua’s hand went up to his cracked lip and felt the blood, and the pain. He winced. His eyes were locked on Ling.

                  “You can let me speak with Lady Skye,” he said. “That’s why I came here.”

                  Ling nodded and stepped aside. Joshua looked at her, then at Deirdre. Dee’s face hadn’t changed – it was still determined and ‘hard’.

                  “Assuming that is acceptable to you, Lady Skye,” he said as he walked forward. He let his hand fall to his side, and everyone saw his cracked and bleeding lip. Joshua tried to smile, but a stab of pain turned his smile into something of a grimace.

                  Dee walked forward to meet him. “I apologize too, Ambassador Malister,” she said. “I’m always happy to speak with any ambassador. Would you like to talk now?” She looked at his still bleeding lip. “I can have someone tend that if you like.”

                  “Thank you, Lady Skye,” he said. “I’d appreciate that. Then we can talk.”

                  Dee gave him a small smile. “We can sit over here while Ling gets you a first aid kit,” she said. Ling got the message and went to get a the first aid kit while Dee walked Joshua over to a side room.

                  “Now,” she said in a casual voice, “what did you want to talk about?”


                  • #84
                    Gaia’s Landing, CULT 2290-Addn

                    “I apologize again for this situation that I have unintentionally created. I really had no deep wish to antagonize councilperson Ling,” Joshua rubbed his jaw again and then dabbed his lip. The bleeding had almost stopped. “ But, the current situation can make even the most mild mannered person upset.”

                    “I could not agree with you more Mr. Malister. I wish Cha Dawn took the same view as you did and exercised more restraint in his communications.” Deirdre replied.

                    “Ah, well… If you really understood the man, the type of leader he is, you might realize that many of the things he says are does have an alterative motive, in a sense, he really is not writing them to you but for other eyes to read.” Joshua quickly replied

                    “Regardless, it does little to foster better relations between our two governments.”

                    “That has never been a concern for Cha Dawn. You have to understand that the man has always had only one true goal and that is to preserve Planet or restore it to the same condition as when we landed here. All of his plans have been with that goal in mind.” Deirdre began to frown as if expecting another long diatribe about the soul of the Planet and how the Gaians need to become more spiritual. Joshua noticing the change in her expression quickly said. “You misunderstand me Lady Skye; that is not the true purpose for meeting with you. What I have been asked to communicate with you is the following, directly from Cha Dawn himself. The first item he would wish for you to know is and for you keep to yourself and the Gaian advisory council is that Cha Dawn is dying.”

                    “We are all dying Mr. Malister.” She replied.

                    “Yes, well…of course we are, but for you and the other top leaders of all the factions longevity treatments are available to you. What I am saying is that Cha Dawn will no longer make use of them. He has perhaps 18 to 20 turns left before he dies.” The immediate shock of the statement was easily read on Skye’s face. After a few seconds she recovered and then asked.

                    “First, why is he telling me this and why is he doing it? Has the man some condition that makes the treatments ineffective? If that is the case then perhaps he would allow a team of Gaian doctors to treat him.” Skye asked.

                    “The reason I am telling you this is because I was told by him to tell you, and as for the reason he would say only that when the time comes all will be revealed. As far as any medical conditions are concerned that is not an issue from what I was told. Now as for the second thing, Cha Dawn would like to send you the technical files and designs for airplanes in exchange for your files on advanced terraforming plans. If you agree please forward them on your next uplink pre-approved and accept his files that are stored under file # 123rt3xc-v5.” Once again Skye looked amazed at the offer that had made.

                    “Why? Why is he doing this?” She asked again.

                    “Reports have been getting back to him about possible invasion plans by you against the Spartans, to capture their cities that offer staging areas for their airforce. He hopes that with this technology that will not be needed. You should be able to intercept their planes at sea, if they would attack, rather than a massive invasion plan. The Spartans vendetta against you was triggered by their pact with the University and as such is linked to your failure to provide the fusion files to Zakharov. By giving you the files, I think, he hopes, to demonstrate that sharing technology, even military technology can avert wars.” Joshua stood up and Deirdre followed him.

                    “Mister Malister as to the offer I will have to consult with the council and we will either accept Cha’s offer or not. As far as the issue about fusion technology or any technology goes we will not have other factions dictating Gaian policy under threat of war. We choose to give or trade, as WE please not the other way around. As for the Spartans if they foolishly wish to follow the University into this war then that is their fault again, not ours.”

                    “Lady Skye, I am not here to debate with you, I deliver the messages not make them. However, I really have a hard time believing that the 9 years you kept fusion technology from us, the 6 years from the University and the 3 years from the Cyborgs was more important than the lives that were lost since the vendetta broke out.” Joshua fired back quickly.

                    “That is your opinion Mr. Malister, not ours! Your faction has repeatedly worked to undermine our relations with all of the other factions including framing us for acts of espionage. The end result has been our exclusion by the other factions in technology exchanges. Those exchanges have allowed you and the others too pool your research giving you a great advantage even with your limited research capabilities.”

                    The last few exchanges between the two of them were loud enough to cause Ling and several of the other council members to open the doors to the balcony and step out.

                    “Are you alright Dee?” Ling asked.

                    “Yes, I am done here. Thank you again Mr. Malister for your information and Cha Dawn will have an answer by the morning.” Deirdre was about to turn around but Joshua sidestepped to her side and put his hand on her arm.

                    “Lady Skye, I can not comment on the actions you say Cha Dawn has done. Perhaps he felt he had no other choice since you and your government have never heeded any of his advice or requests concerning the Planet. His actions were aimed at trying to make you to listen to him, to move closer to the path he dreamed for the Planet. The real question is, could you have tried more to meet him part way, to see things from his point of view? Would that have been so terrible?” Several of themembers of the advisory council moved closer the moment Joshua put his hand on Dee.

                    “Mr. Malister, mistakes were made by both sides. That happens all the time, but the question is what you do to correct them. Making more mistakes is hardly the way to fix the old ones.” Dee pulled her had free and returned to the group leaving Joshua standing alone.


                    Dawn of the Planet, CULT 2291

                    Victor Ramos looked around the table at his chief lieutenants who were all in charge of the various orders of the Rangers. They had begun the meeting shortly after dinner and it was now almost midnight. Victor had called the meeting to begin the preparations for the eventual power struggle that was too come.

                    “So gentleman I think we are agreed.” Ramos looked around the table as he watched each one nod in approval. “We have time to begin preparations for the time when we must seize control of the government. We will move slowly and with care. We must not alert the Prophet of our actions. For now lets keep the circle of leaders to us. If you need to pull in trusted aides to help work on portions of the plan then let me know and we will discuss that decision to include him or her.“ Ramos stood up and the others followed suit.

                    “Let me be clear that we are acting to preserve the new faith and the wonder that is Planet. Once we have control of the government and the military we can bring our faith and our guidance to all of the factions on Planet. The Prophet has shown us the way and now it is up to us to carry on his works and continue them to the inevitable conclusion.” Ramos reached out his hand and the three other men reached out as well and they all grasped his hand in unison. Ramos looked at them and knew that he would be the next leader of the Cult.

                    Eden command center, CULT 2291

                    Eve lounged on her pillows dressed alone in some jewelry. Around her were her inner circle of allies and aides. She had met with them for some time to review her plans to take control of the government once her father dies they were nearly done with the meeting.

                    “Mistress Eve, surely your father will appoint you before he passes! It can only be you!” Markus Allen stated while he reached for another drink of his tea.

                    “No, nothing is certain. My father has favored me and sometimes he has not. There is another I fear could replace me in the eyes of my father but I have been unable to locate him for some time. It is my intention to find him and kill him!” Eve turned over on her side and hit a button on a small control panel next to her cushions. Immediately a picture of a young man popped up.

                    “This is Adam, my brother. I want agents sent out to find him and bring him to me. He must be somewhere in one of our cities, most likely in one of the colonies to the west. Find him and bring him to me.” Eve watched each one of them reach for their PADS and link the image to their data cells.

                    “Mother, he looks very much like me?” Eve’s son asked who was sitting to her right.

                    “Yes my son he does. He is your father.” Some of the men in the room stopped for a second and looked at her with a stunned look.

                    “Yes mother. I can see the problem now.” The young man turned to Eve and gave her a very intense look.

                    “I though you might.” She replied.


                    Gaia’s Landing, MY 2291

                    Dear Cha Dawn,

                    I recently met with your Ambassador Mr. Malister at a Gaian function in Gaia’s Landing. He persuaded me to gift you our files on Advanced Ecological Engineering. His offer to trade Doctrine: Airflight was generous, but unfortunately we have already developed this technology. There was a serious debate in Council on the subject, but we decided to respond to your gesture of goodwill with one of our own. None of us thought that Advanced Ecological Engineering could do any faction anything but good, and we had no qualms about giving this freely to any who ask.

                    It is my hope that this might lead to more fruitful discussions, which of late have been strained and unpleasant. Perhaps we can both learn how to communicate better, even if we disagree on certain subjects.

                    You will note that we are actively establishing sea colonies as a perimeter around our central landmass. I trust this will not cause you any undue inconvenience. I recommend that your isles stay clear of our coasts since we will be raising the land surface in some areas, and this might have the effect of killing any isle that happens to be caught nearby during this event. If you see terraformers nearby it is possible this event could occur, and pulling your isles two sectors away will give them the margin of safety that should be sufficient.

                    It also seems that Zakharov has not lived up to the agreement of a non-hostile vendetta you discussed with me in the recent past. His navy has been quite active in trying and sometimes succeeding in destroying Gaian property, as has his artillery and infantry. The result for Zakharov is that his navy has been largely sunk, and his military reduced. For the moment the Council has decided that this is an annoyance, but be aware that Council member Lu Ling has been enhancing our military abilities significantly. If these threats become more than an annoyance our Parliament may redress the issue.

                    I wish you well in your journeys, and if we can be of any assistance in offering technology that will help your longevity treatments we will happily provide them. Indeed, we would provide these even to those we are currently in a state of vendetta.

                    Walk with Planet,


                    Cult, MY 2291

                    Dawn of the Planet – Temple of the Planet - Narthex, CULT 2292

                    It was the first day of the new turn and it was tradition that all new mothers brought any child that was born that year to be blessed by Cha Dawn, the Prophet of the Planet. Cha stood in the narthex into the main temple of the Planet and blessed each child and mother who entered. Beside Cha stood two of his bodyguards who now also served to support Cha when he was required to stand for long periods. His hair was not turning gray and the youthful look was long gone replaced by wrinkles and spots. The longevity treatments had done some damage to his joints so standing for long periods became more and more painful. Only by taking the treatment again would the pain be erased, something Cha would never do again.

                    As each child passed by Cha placed his hand on the boy or girls head and blessed him. Parents had brought their children from around the Planet, who were true believers to be blessed by Cha. One by one passed by until a small child stopped in front of Cha and would not move on. His mother reached down to grab him but Cha put a hand out to stay the mother’s action.

                    “Child why do you not pass on into the temple to say your prayer?” Cha asked.

                    “I am scared.” The boy responded.

                    “Scared of what my son?” Cha replied.

                    “Of getting old like you. If I go in will I get old like you and die?” The mother’s face was devastated and shocked at the same time. She glanced all about hoping to make a quick dash with her soon before anything could happen. Several of the temple ranger/priests moved closer with obvious looks of displeasure at such a rude question.

                    Cha waved his hands and they all moved back to where they stood.

                    “No my child, you will not die if you enter the temple, but you will live forever!” Cha brushed the child’s hair back and laughed. Suddenly Cha collapsed to the floor and was quickly picked up by his bodyguards who began to rush him out of the narthex. As Cha was being moved he swore he heard the boy say.

                    “Mommy, they need to take the Prophet into the Temple not outside so he can be healed and live a long time.” Cha thought, from the mouths of babes.


                    • #85
                      Gaia’s Landing, MY 2292

                      “Let it be known that by Parliamentary Proclamation, and full approval of the Council, that the focus of the Gaian economy will once again be toward efficiency and prudent growth. This will be manifest in a closer alignment with Planet, and a more considered disposition toward native life forms of this world.

                      “So says the Parliament!” the Parliamentary Delegate Supreme said.

                      Applause broke out and it rang through the cavernous chamber. Almost all members stood to give the Delegate Supreme an ovation, which she took with a magnanimous bow.

                      Colin leaned over toward Dee, who was standing and clapping too. “It didn’t take much convincing, did it?”

                      Dee inclined her head toward her conspirator. “No. All I had to say is that future growth was minimal, and that we could best conserve and expand our resources by a switch to a green economy. The Progressives bought it, and they got the full support of the Greens. The New Greens abstained, saying we should also turn away from Wealth, but they are a tiny minority now. For the first time in a long time we have unity.”

                      “Yah,” Colin said, “and it feels good.”

                      The Delegate Supreme ended his bow, and walked to the left part of the stage and extended her hand to Deirdre. She demurred for a moment, and then Colin gave her a gentle push forward. Her hand was caught, and she was propelled in front of the throng, who broke out in even more cheering, if that was possible.

                      Delegate Supreme did her an honor, then bowed out of the way leaving Dee in the center of the stage. It was a heady experience to be the center of all this adulation, and Dee could feel her face flush. She felt light headed, and had the presence of mind to wave to the crowd and smile.

                      And the cheers went on.


                      Cult, MY 2292

                      “I want to thank you again for seeing me Colin.” Joshua shook Colin’s hand and the two of them walked towards his desk and sat down.

                      “I was intrigued by your request and I promise not to slap you!” Colin joked and they both laughed.

                      “Well, what can I do for you?” Colin asked.

                      “It has to do with your new base, Falling Water. You established the base very far from your coastline, I presume to give you an early warning system.” Colin nodded his head. “Well, the sea base you built took control of a very lucrative mining and farming operation that we had built for our sea base Nineveh Rising. The loss of that sea mine and farm has been a grievous blow to our base and a very sore point amongst the leadership of the Cult.” Colin’s air of relaxation suddenly disappeared and he sat up higher in his chair and leaned forward.

                      “What do you plan to do, attack?” Colin asked.

                      “The Prophet has instructed me to convey the following message to you. The loss of the mine and farm was a terrible blow. The mine produced four mineral units per turn along with three nutrient units of kelp. Sine you will be the long-term beneficiary of our labors we feel it is only right and fair for you to compensate us in kind. Cha Dawn proposes that you pay us the sum of 700 energy credits in installments of 100 credits per turn. This would equal the loss of the mine and farm over the lifetime we would have had it in operation.” Joshua handed him a piece of paper with the proposal written down.

                      “I will have to consult with the council first, anything I say at this meeting does not guarantee any action on your proposal, you do understand?” Colin asked.

                      “Perfectly. Cha Dawn understands your need for security, and that unfortunately, your security efforts deprived us of a very important lifelong resource. You get security and we get compensation, I think the Prophet is being very generous in his offer.” Joshua replied.

                      “I would have thought he would have launched an attack or something!” Colin sarcastically replied.

                      “It was discussed.” Joshua replied in a very monotone voice and his expression became very stern. “ To be blunt with you Colin I fully expected that the Cult would have destroyed the mine and farm rather than have you operate it. Even that could have triggered a war. Cha Dawn is not well and perhaps he is looking to make amends for past errors or to correct the errors of others.”

                      “If we refuse the offer, what then?” Colin asked

                      “I expect that the seven Cult isles of the deep in the area will converge and destroy the mine, farm and base.” Joshua replied seriously. “I hope that it does not come to that, I really do. For us it is probably a more important issue than for you. The other factions cannot perceive us as weak. Allowing you to build a base so close to ours without some sort of compensation will send a signal to the other factions that they could do the same. You see it is a matter of principal, no that’s not accurate enough, its more a matter of survival.”

                      Colin stared at Joshua for a few minutes deep in thought. “As I said, I will have to bring this before the council.”

                      “I have one more issue to discuss. In light of this event Cha Dawn has instructed me to present you with the following map coordinates.” Joshua reached into his pocket and pulled out a map and laid it out on the desk. “If you start here at sector 53,127 in the far west of our territory and move to 53,69 then 80,44; 99.63; 117,63; 117,57; 122,52; 125,55; 120,68; 120,86; 106,104; 106,110; 123,127 you will see the outline of the area we claim as sovereign Cult territory. We have bases along this line, both sea and land, for the most part and as such it creates a continuous border around our lands and sea area. The great Prophet can see no reason why this border would be of an issue between us since he has promised not to expand beyond it leaving a vast amount of territory, territory that is unclaimed by anyone, free for expansion.” Joshua pushed the map towards Colin.

                      “You understand that in the past we have never accepted any of your proposals for territorial boundaries,” Colin replied.

                      “Yes, but if you continue to expand we need to diffuse these flash points. That was not an issue in the past but now it is, case in point your sea base Falling Water.” Joshua moved his finger over the base in question and tapped it.

                      “I can only promise again that I will take this to the council, nothing more,” Colin said.

                      “That is all that I can ask of you at this time. Please convey this message that should you disregard this request by Cha Dawn you send a clear signal to us that you have intentions to expand into the area we have claimed and that is something we can not allow. Much of the land we have claimed will be put into trust, preservation. It will never be developed. This is Cha Dawn’s attempt to protect as much land as possible that we can, with our military forces, to preserve the very essence of Planet.” Joshua stood up and picked up his briefcase at the same time.

                      “Once again, I can make no promises,” Colin replied.

                      “Yes, I understand.” Joshua replied and then reached into his briefcase and pulled out a box of Cult fungus chocolates and handed them to Colin. “I understand you have grown to like these. Consider them a small gift for the time I have taken up with you today.” Colin took the sweets and put them on his desk and shook Joshua’s hand in thanks.


                      Gaia’s Landing, MY 2293

                      “I don’t see why we can’t agree,” Dee said. “For once Cha Dawn hasn’t made an unreasonable request. The borders he offers could stand some modification, but there is no harm in agreeing in principle. We did take his terraformed land from him, after all. I know we didn’t mean to do it, but we did it all the same. Keep in mind that he constructed those improvements with old sea formers. I probably took them 10 years!”

                      “And Malister acknowledged that we were establishing a sea base perimeter, and tacitly agreed to it,” Colin interjected.

                      “Fine,” Ling said. “We agree to it, in principle, with the stipulation that we can’t cede territory that is already in Gaian hands. For instance, some of the territory he claims in 125, 55 are rather confused, and I can’t make sense of them.”

                      “We can work that out later,” Dee said. “The important point is to give Cha a ‘victory’, and a victory that won’t cost us anything.”

                      “I’ll draw up a suggested territorial boundary in the Northwest Sea,” Mohammed said. “We can submit that to Ambassador Malister for delivery to Cha Dawn in our next communication.”

                      “One other thing,” Ling said. “If we agree it will also be with the stipulation that the Cult has no right to appropriate or take the bases of any other faction that happens to settle within ‘his’ territory. They are not bound by a treaty between us and the Cult. For instance, one of Lal’s bases could be construed to lie within Cult territory. If Cha ends up using this agreement to justify aggressive actions against other factions then I say we tear it up right now.”

                      Terry turned to Dee. “She’s got a point. Make sure the Cult understands that this agreement is between the Gaians and Cult.”

                      “Fair enough,” Dee said. “I’ll forward our tentative agreement to Mr. Malister, and suggest we negotiate minor details in the near future. In the meantime, I’ll work with Mohammed to identify borders and the exceptions and clarifications we’ve discussed here.”

                      “Good,” Terry said. “Now, Ling. I understand you have some news for us?”

                      “Yes,” she said as she stood up and activated a holo. “I thought you’d all be amused with this. We just had our first aerial attack this morning.”

                      That got everyone’s undivided attention.

                      “A Spartan interceptor based out of Mandelev College went on a bombing run of one of our upgraded formers. Remember all that energy I spent in the last five years or so? Well, the configuration I chose, with Mohammed’s guidance, was a plasma armored super former with a clean reactor. This was quite expensive and cost 80 energy per upgrade, and upgrading our entire former fleet cost well over a thousand energy.”

                      “We know all this,” Colin said. “What happened? How is the former crew?”

                      “Oh,” Ling said, drawing out the moment. “Our former won.” A huge smile broke out on her face.

                      “You’re kidding,” Colin said.

                      “Nope,” Ling said. “Our former crew shot down a Spartan interceptor. We have the pilot in custody. His parachute got caught in the hybrid forest outside of Autumn Grove, and we are interrogating him right now. We are giving him all the rights and privileges of a soldier apprehended in wartime, but I must say he was embarrassed to be shot down by a civilian former crew!”

                      “Well I’ll be,” Colin said.

                      “Now,” she continued. “Don’t get your hopes up. There is no chance of a former surviving an attack by a real bomber, and the University will be finishing its first bomber this coming year. I expect he’ll go after ‘soft’ targets like formers and supply crawlers. It would be prudent to get these out of harm’s path in the near future, or to pair them with anti aircraft defenders. Luckily most of our terraforming is complete so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m also stepping up our interceptor construction. Song of Planet is producing clean chaos fusion interceptors in one year, and they have orders to keep producing until they receive further orders. Between Song and a few other bases’ interceptor production we should have most of our bases covered by some air defense in five years.”

                      Ling switched the view form the damaged former to the seas off the southern coast by Memory of Earth.

                      “Santiago tried to sneak an old fission missile foil up on us, but we dispatched it easily. One of our very old and recently upgraded fusion chaos clean foils took it out, and managed to fish a few survivors out of the sea. It was their first engagement, and they went from very green to green – I’m rather proud of them, actually.

                      “One thing you should know, Dee,” she said. “We established a sea base between University Base and Yang’s last base. It will serve as a sentry to the Northwest Sea, and block University actions in the area since it has sea fungus on either side of it. Conveniently this does not impinge on the territorial claims of the Cult. It does, however, claim territory from Yang since an sea energy lode now falls into our sphere of influence. Seems like that poor bastard can’t win.”

                      “Cha isn’t going to like that,” Colin said.

                      “If he acknowledges our right to a perimeter he can hardly disagree,” Ling said. “The base and almost all of the territory we now claim is on our ‘side’. We took territory from the University and Hive, not the Cult. The sea borders of their existing bases didn’t change one centimeter.”

                      Ling shifted and turned off the holo of the Spartan foil wreckage. “I’ll authorize the 100 credits to compensate Cha out of my budget. I’m running out of units to upgrade, and I was the one who decided on the placement of Falling Water. Also, look at this.”

                      She activated another holo, showing another fusion sea colony moving west across the Northwest Sea. “This sea colony will be established this year. I suggest we put it here,” she said, pointing to an area of deep sea south and east of Falling Water. “This should give us our perimeter and it won’t move Cult territorial boundaries one bit. Now, isn’t that reasonable of me?”

                      “Yes, Ling. You’re a fine example of beneficent moderation,” Terry said. “That looks fine to me. Do you think the Cult will have a problem with that, Colin?”

                      Colin looked over the location for a moment. “Not really. It’s on our ‘side’, so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll call Malister in to chat about it. Any other sea bases he should know about?”

                      “Yes,” Ling said. “We will have at least one more going in to the Northwest Sea, most likely just north of the University sea base. I’ll see if we can find a location that won’t appropriate Cult territory. In fact, I’ll arrange it so we take as much University land as possible. Well also have a few bases going in the sea southwest of University Base. These sea colonies are waiting for an antiaircraft sea foil for an escort, then they’ll on their way. That will be a few years or so due to a few scheduling errors on my part.”

                      Colin gasped theatrically. “What! Ling made an error?!! I…I don’t believe it!” He put his hand to his forehead and swooned into the startled arms of Mohammed, who, luckily for Colin, caught him.

                      “Enough Colin,” Terry said. “That sounds fine Ling. Colin, once you’ve recovered please talk to Malister about these issues. Now that we have a dialog started that doesn’t involve invectives I recommend we continue in the same vein.”

                      “I agree,” Dee said.

                      “Any other issues?” Terry asked.

                      “Yes,” Ling said. “I had our probe teams appropriate Retroviral Engineering from the University databanks as compensation for the sea colony, three artillery units, and terraforming they’ve destroyed near Velvetgrass Point.”

                      “Ling,” Dee said. “You’re only antagonizing Zak, and giving the Cult and Santiago ammunition. Clear any such actions with us in the future.”

                      “Sure,” she said. Dee looked at her and wondered if she believed her this time.

                      “I have some good news,” Mohammed said. “We’ll finish Mind Machine Interface in the coming year, and will be able to finish either the Cyborg Factory or the Cloudbase Academy the same year. I am leaning toward the Cyborg Factory, but either would be useful.”

                      “Finish the Cyborg Factory,” Ling said. “Then we can scrap the 10 or 15 Bioenhancement Facilities we have constructed, gain some more energy credits, and get them off our maintenance roles. We can finish the Cloudbase in a few years. I’ve stockpiled a good number of fusion rover supply crawlers, and all of them can be used to expedite the Cloudbase’s construction. It shouldn’t take more than two years or so, plus authorizing some energy to finish it off.”

                      “Good idea,” Terry said.

                      “Wait a minute,” Colin asked. “Isn’t anyone going to ask why we need to finish the Cyborg Factory? I find the very idea to be disturbing, and I would not want myself to be augmented at birth. It seems unnatural.”

                      “Colin,” Ling explained. “We’re already doing this with our Bioenhancement Facilities. Plus, it isn’t like we’re making cyborg monstrosities. Think of it as a combination of bio enhancements, and augmentation and optimization of existing biologic systems. Also, it makes it possible to have a smaller and more efficient military – quality over quantity.”

                      “Well,” he said. “It would seem we have both, since we have a larger military than the rest of the factions combined, probably by a factor or two, too.”

                      Ling didn’t respond to that. She had done the projections herself and knew that was true.

                      “OK,” Terry said. “Colin, have your informal talks with Malister, Dee and Mohammed – craft your counter proposal. Ling, stay out of trouble.”

                      Colin snickered at that, and the rest of the Council smiled, including Ling.


                      • #86
                        Cult, MY 2293

                        Colin had decided to meet Joshua Malister at his favorite restaurant this time. He ordered already ordered a drink and a small appetizer when his guest walked up to his table. Colin began to stand up but Joshua waved his hand for him to remain seated.

                        “Sit! Sit, don’t get up on my account, Colin.” Joshua pulled out a chair and sat across from Colin.

                        “I am glad you could meet me on such short notice. As you probably know the council has agreed to the 700 energy credit reimbursement with the first payment made a few months ago.” Colin stated as he reached for another stuffed mushroom.

                        “Yes.” Joshua replied.

                        “Also, the council agrees “in principle” with your territorial outline providing that you understand the following. First, that the agreement is between the Gaians and the Cult and that should any other faction place a base, either sea or land, within your area then that does not automatically allow you to attack them.” Colin stuffed the mushroom into his mouth and began to chew.

                        “Acceptable. As long as you understand that should another faction place a base, either sea or land, within our territory and we can NOT work out an agreement to correct the issue then we have the right to take action, as a last resort, to deal with the base as we see fit. This in no way would effect our agreement with you so long as we take all measures to negotiate a settlement first or possibly an exchange or other compensation package before we might take military action. Is that agreeable to you?” Joshua waved for the waitress to come over.

                        Colin sat for a few minutes thinking about the statement he had just heard as Joshua ordered his meal as soon as the waitress then responded. “I will have to clear that with the council. It is a fine distinction you are putting on this.”

                        “Yes, but on the other hand Cha Dawn will never agree to abrogate his sovereign right to protect the area he claims providing he pursues peaceful means first to settle the issue.” Joshua responded.

                        “Okay, lets table that for now until I get a response.” He popped another mushroom into his mouth.

                        “The placement of your newest base Sea Cradle has once again nearly caused an outbreak of war between our two nations. If you intend to pop bases so close to our area until we complete the territorial boundaries you risk causing war. Another thing, I have been asked by Cha Dawn to express his displeasure at your theft of the technology from Zakharov!” Joshua was getting a little loud and Colin began to check to see if anyone heard him. “Colin, if you wanted the technology we, the Cult, would have exchanged it with you! There was no need to resort to theft. The upshot of your actions has resulted in the final straw to be broken for the University. Cha Dawn can no longer even try to reason with either Zakharov or the University steering committee. The only solution to this situation now is to force Zakharov to the peace table by military action.” Joshua stopped abruptly as the waitress returned with the salad, bread and drink he ordered along with the remaining dishes for Colin. After she served the food and departed Colin replied.

                        “I am not sure exactly what you are telling me.”

                        “Cha Dawn will no longer link any offensive military action you take against the University with declaring war against you. You have the green light to “liberate” several cities in order to end this fiasco you have started. However, Cha Dawn suspects that the fighting will only end when you conquer ALL of his bases. I am still amazed that with all of your science and industry that you could not have seen this coming when you denied him fusion technology. Now you are forced to destroy the entire University culture in order to bring the bloodshed to stop.” Joshua took a sip of water and ate a few forks full of salad.

                        “Lets not rehash that issue again. We could be here all night. Events were put into play that in hindsight would have been better not to. On the other hand the University made choices as well. It takes two parties to dance at this affair.”

                        “Yes, we can both agree to that. However, when one party knows better what the resulting implications will be and the other does not then who is more to blame.” Colin was about to reply to that when Joshua waved his hand again for him to wait. “Look lets drop this now, shall we. You have Cha Dawn’s assurance you can kill as many University people you need to secure a peace without risking war with us. You should be most happy with that.”

                        Colin looked down at his food and lost his appetite for a few minutes.

                        “I have another issue to address with you and it deals with what we talked about earlier. We will soon be building two more sea bases at coordinates, 121,53 and 120,62. Both of these bases will shift the boundaries back again towards you. As to how the boundary line will look at that time who knows but Cha Dawn wishes for you to know what our plans are and that you should not make the mistake in doing something foolish. We hope that you, in turn, will inform us of any further developments as well in that area.” Joshua handed Colin the PAD with the proposed sights and after he looked at them popped out a storage crystal for Colin to take back with him that had the data.

                        “Thanks. Now is there anything else we need to discuss?” Colin asked.

                        “You will also find on that crystal our most current map survey. We hope this will aid you in determining boundary lines and our plans in completing our outpost bases. In the west part of our territory we are still lagging in development but a new sea base has been built there and more land bases are soon to come. So once again the current territorial lines will shift again. Again, the coordinates I gave you last turn are the furthest we plan on expanding.” Joshua reached for his fork again to finish his salad.

                        “Understood. I suspect I will have to meet again with you to confirm all of this?” Colin asked.

                        “Yes, Ohh, one last issue. Now that you have retro-viral engineering Cha Dawn would request that you do not proceed along the lines of Centaur Genetics and the projects it would lead to. For your promise in that regard Cha Dawn will share that discovery with you.” Joshua reached for his glass of water and took a long drink.

                        “Once again, I need to confirm that with the Council.” Colin responded.

                        “You know Colin, I really find your form of government very tedious. Dealing with the other factions is so much easier.” Joshua put down his glass and smiled at Colin.

                        “Well, be that as it may, I would rather have our form of government than anyone else’s.”

                        Joshua smiled at Colin and thought for a moment how naïveté these Gaians really were. The blind trust in democracy, the will of the masses had turned many a society into a nightmare, one only had to look at the old United States of America as an example.

                        ”Okay Colin, I think that’s it. Lets just enjoy this good supper, okay?” Colin nodded in agreement as he reached for another mushroom.


                        Gaia’s Landing, MY 2294

                        Ling put the latest draft agreement down. “This gets more complicated with every iteration. Wouldn’t it be simpler simply to have no agreement? That’s what we’ve done in the past.”

                        “I don’t think so,” Dee said. “Let’s look at these one at a time. First, the Cult stipulation that they may attack any base within ‘their’ territory as a last resort. I have to say I don’t like this clause, and am uncomfortable putting this in the text since it essentially says it is acceptable to attack another faction. This sets a bad precedent, since ‘last resort’ can mean anything. Plus, it suggests the Gaians and Cult are dividing up Planet like the old European powers did in the 19th and 20th centuries.”

                        “Do you have any alternate wording?” Colin asked.

                        Dee thought about it for a minute. “No, I don’t. I think we should leave the wording something like, ‘the placement of non-signatory faction bases will not be construed as an overt provocation of war, nor will non-signatory base placement effected prior to the agreement be construed as violating faction areas.’”

                        “Sounds like legal gibberish,” Ling said.

                        Dee ignored that comment. Terry said, “Sounds good to me. What’s the next point?”

                        Colin looked down his list. “The placement of Sea Cradle. Malister said this was a problem even though it was outside of the boundary he stated to me during our chat several months before the emplacement of the base.”

                        “We can’t do anything about that,” Ling said. “If Cha wants to talk borders then he shouldn’t get all hot and bothered when the other side observes them, and then uses that to their advantage.”

                        “He said it almost caused a war,” Colin said.

                        “So what!” Ling said. She was clearly getting annoyed. “It is on ‘our’ side of the line, and don’t get me started that ‘our’ side includes all of Zak’s territory! I hate these things. They are officious and will get us into endless and tortured wrangling over details! Imagine if Cha got this to be part of the Planetary Council? We’d never get past deciding what shape table to sit around! If you ask me this ‘agreement’ will cause much more trouble than its worth. Let’s just say where we want our bases, and give the Cult due notice so they don’t fly into a tizzy again, and call it at that.

                        “Oh,” she continued. “Did Malister say anything about units? Are we banned from traveling the seas now? Or is this just for base placement? And what if the Cult takes some of OUR terraforming? Are we due compensation, like the ridiculous sum of 700 energy we are paying him for one bloody sector? Do we have to re-negotiate every time there is a small border change due to base placement? There will be when the Cult puts in their two bases, and when our base goes in at 1126,66, 122,86, and 122,80. See what I mean? When you answer one question two more crop up!”

                        “You’re not helping, Ling,” Dee said.

                        “I believe she is,” Mohammed said. “She has identified the primary cause of future friction, and the unending need for specificity and malleability in this and like documents. I think her point is that no matter what we do, or how we code it, that these type of agreements will not foster trust; most likely they will foster recrimination.”

                        “Exactly,” Ling said. “Thank you Mohammed.”

                        “You are quite welcome,” he said, inclining his head slightly toward her.

                        “Moving right along,” Terry said, “there is the side issue of the appropriation of the Retroviral Engineering data from Zak.” Terry looked pointedly at Ling, who avoided his gaze. “Are we going to formulate a policy?”

                        “Yes, we are,” Ling said, becoming animated again. “If Zak wants war, then he will get one even if it is ‘cold’. I suggest we make it our policy to appropriate any technology he has, and let him know that we will be happy to stop when he agrees to a truce! Apparently we aren’t going to take his bases to show we mean business, so this is the next best thing. No one gets hurt, and Zak can’t help but understand the price he is going to pay for his intransigence.”

                        No one said anything for a while. “I don’t like this policy,” Dee said. “But, it is better than a hot war. It looks terrible, though. I suggest we tell the Cult and the other factions that it is the policy of the Council that if a vendetta is declared against us then we will feel it is appropriate to acquire enemy technology as compensation for lost property. However, this will only occur if sanctioned by the Council!”

                        There was another pause, and then general assent. Terry recorded the decision.

                        “Next,” he said, “there is the issue of the Cult giving us a free hand to take any University base we see fit with no repercussions from the Cult.”

                        “He’s cutting Zak loose,” Ling said. “Or he realizes he couldn’t do anything about it that would make any difference, and in doing so he’d be at war with us. He’s bowing to reality.”

                        “He’s also setting a precedent,” Colin said. “Malister made a very big point on this, and went out of his way to emphasize it to me. Could he be using this to OK the Cult’s subjugation of the Hive, retroactively, by sanctioning similar actions by us? Or future Cult actions?”

                        “It is completely different,” Ling said. “The Cult declared vendetta on the Hive to conquer them, not to defend themselves. They were praying on the weak.”

                        “And so would we if we attacked Zak!” Colin said.

                        “Wrong,” Ling retorted. “Zak declared vendetta on us, remember? And all we want is a truce, not his bloody surrender!”

                        Dee put up her hands to calm Colin and Ling down a bit. “Why don’t we simply not respond to that item. It isn’t part of the territorial agreement anyway.”

                        No one disagreed, and Terry recorded that. “Next is an agreement to inform the other faction prior to placement of sea bases.”

                        “I have no problem with that,” Ling said. “I think that’s all we need in the first place! Colin, tell Malister of the three base coordinates I mentioned and see what he thinks. But, if he takes our terraforming or re-acquires it we will be due our 700 or like amount of energy back.”

                        Terry made a note, and shunted it off to Colin’s datapad.

                        “Next, an agreement to trade maps. Any disagreement?” Terry asked.

                        “Yes and no,” Ling said. “We’ll be giving the Cult another gift since we’ve completely explored Planet and he hasn’t.”

                        “I say we do it,” Colin said. “It does us no harm.”

                        “Vote?” Terry asked since there was dissention. The vote came down 4-0-1, with Ling abstaining. “Fine. The last issue is our agreement not to research Centauri Genetics, and the Cult’s agreement to gift us this technology if we do so.”

                        “That is generous,” Dee said. “I see that as a gesture of good will.”

                        Ling snorted. “I see that as an acknowledgement that we could beat him there because of our huge technology advantage, if we wanted to. Still, our research doesn’t seem to be going in that direction so I see no harm in agreeing. I does us no harm, and it puts them at ease that they’ll finally be able to complete the Pholus Mutagen.”

                        “He values understanding Planet, Ling,” Dee said. “I would too, if we didn’t have other problems.”

                        “Like Santiago probably building a planetbuster in a few decades to vaporize our cities,” Ling said. Her voice was dry, but her point wasn’t missed.

                        “Any disagreement?” Terry asked. There was none. “Very well, we’ll let Colin forward this to Cha via Ambassador Malister.


                        • #87
                          Cult, MY 2294

                          Colin had received a message from Joshua Malister to meet him at dock #23A at Gaia’s Landing. Colin got there a few minutes early and was able to find his appointment with relative ease.

                          “Good morning Joshua, are you going someplace?” Colin looked around and there were about fifty boxes and other containers formed in semi-circle around him.

                          “Yes, I am leaving today, along with all the other un-official representatives of the Cult. We will not be back.” Colin looked at Joshua in shocked silence.

                          “We were all recalled by Cha Dawn. He is dying faster than expected. I have talked with my superior and he suspects a poison was used to hasten his departure.” Colin continued to stare in silence.

                          “I have several messages to convey to you. First, the Peacekeepers launched a surprise attack along our northern border. The missile-foil badly damaged several terra-formers and many of the crews were killed. Let me be clear in what I just said, Pravin Lal launched a surprise attack on us, not the other way. We did not nothing to provoke your vassal and still we were attacked.” Joshua stopped for a few minutes so he could supervise the loading of his things onto lifts.

                          “I have not heard of any attack?” Colin replied after they left.

                          “It took place on the tip of our north-central continent. Near our northern sea colony. We have isles in the area that should dispatch the foil easy enough but the point is that we were attacked. We will respond and continue to respond until Pravin ends his attack. I read the reply you sent us and Cha Dawn agrees to your terms and will adopt the same stance towards the Peacekeepers as you have done towards the University as it concerns this affair, do you understand what I have said?” Joshua reached into his pocket and pulled out a data crystal and handed it over. “It is all there. I find it regrettable that while we were trying to build a new era of understanding your vassal state attacks us, unfortunate for us all, don’t you think.”

                          “Once again, I have no response to this.” Colin stood in amazement.

                          “Okay, I think you might be telling the truth Colin, you have always told us the truth in the past whether you knew it or not.” Colin heard this and was somewhat puzzled by the statement. “One other thing, the University established a base within our sphere of influence. We intend to try to barter with Zakharov and reach a deal with him to buy the base. If that fails, I am not sure as to what will happen. Cha Dawn had plans for the spot the University has claimed, it was to be raised up to create a land bridge. We might have claimed a lot of territory in your opinion but much of it sea space, not land. Cha is very annoyed at this situation since he blames you and your “encroachment” policy on the University as the catalyst for this situation. If you had not hemmed him in then he would not have had to go so far from his core bases to seek new lands. Cha is not pleased at all.”

                          “You are blaming us for this situation?” Colin replied with a tint of anger in his voice.

                          “Not exactly, but events were set in motion long ago that set the stage for this. With that in mind Cha Dawn agrees with you that the current border we offered will be very fluid for sometime and as such understands the need for “flexibility”. However, he still expects the Gaians to honor the “spirit” of the agreement and not to continue to encroach on our area. For now until things can settle we have a gentleman’s agreement, so to speak.”

                          “I think we can go along with that.” Colin replied.

                          “Excellent Colin, there might be hope yet for us. Look, I am not sure as to where this new war might lead to but Cha Dawn asks that Lady Skye to try and reign in Pravin, to force him to the peace table. Cha will give Skye three turns to do so before we launch our counter-attacks. If the deal can be done in that time, excellent, if not, well, as I said we will adopt the same rules that you have adopted towards the University, Cha Dawn calls them the “Skye Protocols”.

                          “One last question,” Colin saw that Joshua was getting ready to leave; his transport was casting off lines. “Will be able to contact Cha Dawn if he is that ill?”

                          “His body is failing, but not his mind. Send all traffic to him, and only him, do you understand what I am saying Colin?” Joshua picked up his case and began to turn to leave.

                          “I am not sure.” Colin replied.

                          “This was not a good time for a war, not at all. I suggest you run back to your council and discuss this now.” Joshua turned and left leaving a very confused and worried Colin.

                          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                          Eve rolled about on the bed with the assistant leader of the Peacekeeper parliament and smiled the whole time. It had been so easy to set things into motion secretly to get that old fool Pravin Lal hot enough to declare war. She needed to return now quickly to her base at Eden and begin preparations for the coming war. Like her father side, let the whirlwind blow and chaos reign and when all is done lets see who is left standing.

                          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                          Cha looked into the doctor’s eyes and knew the answer before he said it.

                          ”My Prophet, I regret to inform you that we will need to remove both your left hand and the left leg from the knee down. It is the only way to stop the infection if we are to save you life.” The doctor looked down, tears in his eye, his voice broken.

                          “Do it!” Cha fired back and let his headrest.


                          Gaia’s Landing, MY 2295

                          “Good morning Deirdre,” Lal said. “It is always good to talk to you. I trust you are well?”

                          “I am doing fine,” Dee said. “I have a few bits of business to discuss, if you have time.”

                          “I always have time for my pact sister!” Lal said. Dee looked at his image and tried to gage whether she believed him.

                          “Well, then, the Council has authorized me to gift the Peacekeeper people our files on Doctrine: Airpower. Almost every faction has this technology and you may have need of it.”

                          “That is a fine gift!” Lal said with some genuine warmth. “We will be able to use in our war against the Cult! They have violated our holdings for the last time.”

                          “That is the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. I’d like you to consider a truce with the Cult…”

                          Dee never got to finish her sentence. “Never! The Cult has violated our holdings for the last time! I will not be party to a peace with that…” Lal cut off his comment in deference for Dee’s delicate ears.

                          “I really would like you to reconsider, in the interests of peace on Planet.”

                          Lal shook his head. “No,” he said. “The subject is closed. Now, this has been an enjoyable conversation, but I do have affairs of state to attend. Is there something else I can do for you?”

                          “No,” Dee said. “Have a good day, Pravin.”


                          “Now it’s time for the quid pro quo,” Ling said. “Cha is using our ‘agreement’ as a green light to attack Lal.”

                          “What can we do about it?” Mohammed asked.

                          “Since Pravin won’t agree to a truce this is going to be difficult,” Dee said. “Pravin’s bases are scattered all over Planet and are impossible to defend. We didn’t help matters by giving him all those bases near the Manifold Nexus. We can ask Cha to show restraint, like we have.”

                          “Yes,” Ling said. “We can ask, and Cha could say no.”

                          “But we still can ask,” Dee said. “We can’t, in good faith, allow Cha to take Pravin’s bases and enslave his people like he has done with the Hive. Thousands died, and more died during the change of administration and all that starvation he effected while trying to maintain stability.”

                          “You know that if you ‘insist’ and the Cult says no then we don’t have much choice but either to abandon Lal to his fate or to declare war on the Cult,” Terry said.

                          “I’m hoping it won’t come to that,” Dee said. “And that the Cult will be reasonable.”

                          “Dee,” Ling said, “we’re in an untenable situation, and I don’t see how we maintain peace with the Cult if they start taking Lal’s bases. He is our ALLY, our Pactmate! If that is to mean anything we have to defend him. That is why he surrendered to us in the first place!”

                          “What if we agree to compensate Cha for his losses?” Colin asked.

                          “That would be blank check,” Ling said. “He asked 700 energy for one sector of sea terraforming! What would he ask for an isle – a 1000 megajoules?”

                          “We know how much those cost to construct,” Mohammed said. “The idea has merit.”

                          “He could also lie to us,” Ling said.

                          “And we could request proofs, like where and when this occurred. Keep in mind that we can snoop in Lal’s datalinks and get his records if the Cult is studious and tells us where any altercation occurred,” Terry commented.

                          Ling subsided.

                          “Ok,” Terry said. “We are going to ask the Cult to display restraint and not take any Peacekeeper bases. Moreover, we are going to offer to compensate the Cult for losses they take at the hands of the Peacekeepers. Is there any other business?”

                          “Oh, yes,” Ling said. “Both the Cyborg Factory and the Cloudbase Academy are complete, and they will be used to train the clean chaos interceptors and bombers we are manufacturing right now. We should have absolute airspace superiority within three years. We are also establishing a sea base along the north side of the Spartan coast, just in case. We’ll base a cruiser and a few garrisons, and eventually an air force wing, at that base.

                          “And, there is one more thing. Aki is seven years from her breakthrough in Orbital Spaceflight, and Santiago is about 30 years away due to her poor research rate. We will make that breakthrough next year. So, while we have a good amount of time with Santiago, we do not have that luxury with Aki and should do what we can to maintain good or at least civil relations. Keep in mind that it only took 10 years for fusion power to make its way across Planet. I hope that it takes longer for Orbital Spaceflight to do the same.”


                          Cult, MY 2295

                          Lady Skye,

                          You ally, Pravin Lal, has obviously been planning this assault for sometime. Our northern sea bases report a squadron of missile destroyers that closed on our sea-formers in that area and destroyed them. We can only assume that they will also try to “push on” and create further havoc. So far our losses are considerable but not overwhelming. We have lost several sea-formers and we have three crippled terra-formers. It seems Pravin enjoys attacking our civilians. The missile foil that attacked our terra-formers has been eliminated in turn.

                          So we have come to cross roads of sorts. What shall the Cult do next? For now we will continue to defend our lands and sea area from further incursions. Second, we plan in several covert operations to cripple Lal’s infrastructure and support network. Third, we plan on blockading his ports and destroying any sea improvements that we find. Fourth, since we are hardly the aggressor in this instance I think we need to discuss the issue or reparations in exchange for the Cult not to take further actions against the Peacekeepers. As someone informed you earlier of we intend to adopt the same strategy you have taken against the University, the ‘Skye Protocols’. We will follow your lead, so to speak. Should you occupy a University City, we will do the same. Otherwise we will fight a holding action that will deny him his sea power. I also fully expect that you will withhold any and all military technology transfers to Pravin Lal in exchange for our promise.

                          In summary, the Cult of the Planet will fight a holding action; we will not occupy any Peacekeeper bases and try to maintain the current boundaries. In exchange, an increase in the compensation package will be expected based on the replacement costs of NEW vehicles and equipment and your promise to withhold any military technology. We will also watch closely as to how you deal with the University and take equal actions against the Peacekeepers.

                          The Light of the Planet, first disciple of Planet.

                          Cha Dawn

                          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                          Cha finished dictating the letter into his computer and pushed back away from the table in his wheelchair.

                          “My Prophet, allow me to say that I can not agree with this decision. Allow me to fight the war the way I know how so that we can win!” Fookosh was almost livid with indignation and anger. He knew very easily that the Cult could wipe out the Peacekeepers in two decades but Cha had ordered him to halt.

                          “General Fookosh, there are larger issues to consider. First, it seems that idiot Pravin Lal has built biological weapons units and if he uses them I need Skye to be fully on our side when that happens. Right now I don’t think he will use them but if we push it they will and then they will blame US for setting the stage. No, the Gaians might not see the slippery slope that has lead them to folly but not Cha Dawn!” Cha had regained some of his strength and seemed more vigorous.

                          “Your will is mine, my Prophet.” Fookosh replied and promptly snapped to attention, turned and left.

                          Markese crept from the corners of the room, out of his hiding place.

                          “That could be a problem.” The spymaster stated.

                          “It will be dealt with, in time.” Cha replied.


                          Gaia’s Landing, MY 2296

                          “Prokhor,” Dee said. “I’m delighted to hear from you. I would be interested in…”

                          Zak waved her down. “I’m not interested in what you want. Your recent actions are indefensible, and you have violated the integrity of the University. However, against my better judgment, I’m willing to let you pay an indemnity of 275 megajoules to ameliorate part of you crimes. This is an one-time offer, so accept it now or let the vendetta continue!”

                          “I accept,” Dee said.

                          Zakharov was about to launch into another tirade when he realized that he had won. “Good. Now, see that your military does not encroach on my territory anymore, and that there are no more ‘accidents’. Do I make myself clear?”

                          “Absolutely. I hope that this can let us begin to have a better relationshi…” Dee started. Then she noticed she was staring at a blank holo. Zak had cut her off.


                          “This is excellent news!” Colin said. “Peace with the University! Now we need a peace with the Spartans!”

                          “We do have another small problem,” Ling said. “One of Lal’s functionaries informed me that the Hive has declared war on the Peacekeepers, no doubt following their Pactbrother Cha Dawn down this road. It is almost comical, and I don’t think Pravin will be wetting himself any time soon.”

                          “I tried to call Yang, but he declined to speak with me,” Dee said. “We could ask Cha to speak with him.”

                          “Cha probably asked him to declare warn under threat of extermination!” Ling said. “It doesn’t matter. Just let it lie. Yang is not worth worrying about.”

                          “What are we going do about the reparations?” Terry said.

                          “Cha said a few of his sea formers had been destroyed. We’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume they are super clean fusion sea formers. Those require 45 minerals to build, so let’s forward him 90 energy plus the 100 for the terraforming reparations,” Dee said.

                          Ling’s body language indicated she didn’t like this at all. “This will bleed us dry, Dee.”

                          “We can afford it,” Dee said. “We’ll just re-allocate the costs of ONE of your garrison upgrades. That should cover it. Oh, I also gifted Retroviral Engineering to Lal this last year.”

                          “Fine, fine,” Terry said. “Don’t give him Orbital Spaceflight. He is a tad erratic.”

                          “Don’t worry,” Dee said. “If we risked a war with Zak over fusion then there is no chance I’d give Zak Orbital Spaceflight.”

                          “Ling, any updates?” Terry asked.

                          “We established a sea base off Santiago’s coast, and it has a cruiser, interceptor, and bomber in it. A transport will be arriving next year with a garrison. It should be well defended, and will be a nice staging area to take out any sea or air force that tries to harass our southern coast. Besides that not much to report. We have 15 clean chaos copters or interceptors in production, and they will start coming on line in a year or two. We’ll see is Santiago has the guts to attack us then, unless she like one way trips.”

                          “Mohammed?” Terry asked.

                          “We should make a breakthrough in Silksteel in two years. Our laboratory output is over 2700, but this will not be increasing significantly since most of our laboratory enhancements have been completed. I’ve negotiated with Ling to have the remaining bases finish the few research hospitals and fusion labs that need to be completed; she agreed since she supports our efforts to maintain research superiority.”

                          “Excellent. Anything else?” Terry asked. Everyone shook their heads. “Good. Meeting dismissed.”


                          Cult, MY 2296

                          Lady Skye,

                          Pravin Lal continues his attacks. We lost a full boil class isle of the deep after it defended itself from two missile cruisers that were destroyed during the fight. A third cruiser finished the poor isle of the deep and killed the guides. It has become very clear that Pravin wishes to push this conflict to a higher level. What will come of this I do not know yet suffice to say more bloodshed will occur. I am pleased that you have at last made peace with the University and your error in judgment will no longer cause more loss of life, on both sides. I on the other have no recourse but to continue the war and force Pravin to the peace table.

                          The light of the Planet, First disciple of the Planet,

                          Cha Dawn

                          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                          Cha reached over and hit the send button and then was racked by another wave of spasms he tried to reach for the call button for aid but his remaining hand seized up and he could not force it to move. Cha could feel the pain building but could do nothing to stop it. His heart was racing faster and faster and then he felt it stop. He was conscious for a few seconds more and he felt his body fall behind and his spirit began to rise and then he saw it! The light the beautiful light came for him and he was warm and at peace for the first time since he was born and it was wonderful.

                          About twenty minutes later Markese walked into the room and knew immediately what had happened. He raced over to Cha and felt for a pulse, there was none. Now he needed to act quickly. He picked up Cha’s body and removed it from the room. He then returned in a few minutes and activated the phoenix virus and erased all of Cha’s records and then he opened the vault and removed the contents. He then reached into his robes and pulled out his communicator.

                          “This is the master seeker, activate the omega plan now!” Markese looked around and felt some sadness but soon the People of the Planet would begin upon a new path!


                          • #88
                            Gaia’s Landing, MY 2297

                            Dear Cha Dawn,

                            Please accept my condolences on the loss of your isle. I know that mere monetary compensation can’t bridge this loss, but according to the informal protocol we have I am forwarding to you 175 megajoules, which should cover the loss of your terraforming and the cost to breed a new isle.

                            I am also happy to inform you that our peace with the University his holding, although it is a tense peace. I have to say that it was worth every bit of the 275 megajoules that Zak extracted from us for this peace. Unfortunately I did not have any luck brokering a peace with Pravin when I contacted him this turn. He seems to have taken some incident that occurred between you and his Peacekeepers personally and I am at a loss on how to repair this situation.

                            Walk with Planet,


                            Cult MY 2297

                            Markese watched through the night as his “assistants” went about their tasks. Reports from his agents had begun to come in from all over Cult territory. Cha Dawn had ordered hundreds of people arrested and brought before a tribunal court to be tried for their crimes. Once sentences were pronounced they were either killed or sent off to far prison camps for the time they were sentenced. Markese took no special love in this task, none whatsoever. Cha Dawn saw that the old Cult of the Planet could never reach the goals that he had wished for them to attain. He knew he was flawed and those flaws created even more flaws and then more and then more. He had recorded a farewell message to be transmitted to the entire Planet for everyone to hear his words and understand. Markese got up and walked back into the control room of the seekers guild and began to turn off the systems and when he reached the final bank he realized that this was the last. Once it was turned off the sum knowledge of the seekers guild would be gone but it was Cha’s will that it be done. When he hit the last switch the self-destruct activated and the room began to fill with smoke and he ran and in a few minutes the room was destroyed. Markese smiled wondering how he would enjoy the life of a librarian in the archives at Mind of the Planet.

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                            VIDEO FEED FROM CHA DAWN

                            “Greetings my brothers and sisters. If you are hearing this I have moved on to the next level of existence. I am now going to help you do the same. My son Adam Dawn has been instructed by me to organize and hold elections for the creation of a parliament. The power of the new faith has been a distraction from our greater goal, which has always been the understanding of Planet. I am not a God! I will not be seen as one. The order of the Rangers has been disbanded as well as the Seekers guild. Only the Guild of Guides and the Caretakers will survive for now. General Fookosh has kindly requested to stay on as commander of our forces to see out the current crisis with the Peacekeepers. I ask that every person give him support in this dark hour. I hope that you will do that for me. My son Adam will try and rebuild many of the bridges that have been destroyed and will work closely with the other democracies to aid us in this task. It is time for us to look on this new challenge as a means to rebuild our society for the transition that it must make to a greater harmony with Planet and our fellow Chirons.

                            I love you all and forgive me for what I have done in the past. I was blinded by pride and arrogance and age has brought me wisdom that I would never have felt if I had not decided to let life take its natural course.

                            May you live in Peace for all time.

                            Thank you , Cha Dawn.

                            ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                            Eve watched the feed in horror, absolute horror. She was stunned at the turn of events and had sent out calls for her advisors and supporters to come to her but none did. Now she was sitting in her rooms alone waiting.

                            The door suddenly burst open and four armed men rushed forward and grabbed her and dragged her from the room before a three men dressed in black.

                            “Mistress Eve, you have been found guilty of multiple crimes against the people of the Planet. You are sentenced to death.” They turned and left, leaving Eve alone with the men who promptly turned their rifles on her and fired.


                            Gaia’s Landing, MY 2298

                            “I still can’t believe he’s gone,” Colin said.

                            “I can’t believe the chaos throughout the Cult,” Ling said. “Did you hear the rumors about the executions, and the show trials? It was positively 20th century.”

                            “They aren’t rumors anymore,” Terry said. “I’m just getting word on my Datapad that Mistress Eve was executed.”

                            “Executed?!!” Ling said. “Cha’s own daughter? That little slut?!”

                            “Ling!” Dee said.

                            “Sorry, but she is, or was. I thought that little Machiavellian schemer would be in charge for sure. So, who is in charge? One of his generals? Fookosh, maybe? Wouldn’t that be delightful – a police, military state with a huge native army that is loaded for bear.”

                            “Give it a rest, Ling,” Dee said. “You know as well as I do that Cha appointed his son Adam as the new leader of the Cult, and that they are preparing for elections! Isn’t that extraordinary!?”

                            “Yes, it is very hopeful. Maybe we can have a better understanding; a new beginning for both of us.”

                            “I can see how that could happen – use this change of leadership as an excuse for new policies. Cha’s farewell speech set the stage, so to speak,” Ling said.

                            “We’ll have to wait and see, as always,” Terry said. “Now, Ling I understand we had our breakthrough in Silksteel armor.”

                            “Yes, and we will finish the prototype on a rover chassis this coming year. We are also about done with our first generation of aircraft, by the way. I see no point in over building since we have more than enough to deal with any current threat, and all we’ll do is burden ourselves with flights of obsolete aircraft that we will have to pay an arm an leg to upgrade.”

                            “Sounds good,” Terry said. “Mohammed, what have you decided for our next research goal?”

                            “Biomachinery,” he said. “That will put us on our research path to obtaining orbital defenses, but that is a long way off.”

                            “Anything else?” Terry asked.

                            “There was an incident at our sea base off Spartan lands. It seems Santiago parked one of her brand new foils right outside our base. Our bomber made it into target practice, gaining a good amount of experience. It didn’t do the foil any good though. I suspect it will make a nice reef.”

                            “Any survivors?” Colin asked.

                            “A few. Conventional warfare isn’t as final as native warfare since our guns don’t eat the loser. Most of the crew made it off the foil, and they’re in custody.”

                            Terry turned to Dee. “Any diplomatic updates?”

                            “Nothing beside Cha’s death, which is still breaking news. We paid our 100 megajoules, although I think the Cult will be rather distracted for a while.”

                            ‘You’re probably right,” Terry commented. “That’s it. Remember, everyone meet at my apartment for dinner. You too, Colin.”

                            Colin made a ‘who me?’ gesture, then everyone left the Council room.


                            Cult, MY 2298

                            Governor Deirdre Skye and the representatives of the Gaian Advisory Council,

                            You are most probably aware of the fact that my father Cha Dawn has died and that prior to his death many events were set into motion that I had no part of OR this current government. I will not go into a lengthy discussion into those events at this time. In fact, we ourselves still do not have a complete picture as to the events that took place since my father’s spymaster, a Mr. Markese and his entire organization has disappeared. The seekers guild carried out my father’s last orders and now we cannot find any of them. What I will tell you is that several hundreds of people were put to death and thousands more were imprisoned. I am currently working with a committee to review the cases of those imprisoned and granting pardons to those that seem more politically motivated than criminal. It will take time but we will do our best to release those who were wrongfully incarcerated.

                            Over the past turn we have established an elected body representatives that will govern our nation. Our elected body is called the Senate of the People of the Planet and I am the elected leader of the Senate, the pro-council. We are a very young democracy and I suspect we will have significant growing pains. A great many of our people still wish for me to assume the mantel of the Prophets son and carry on in his tradition but that will not be the case. My father trained me for this task and I shall hopefully see it through and make it prosper or until I lose my seat in office to another. I now understand some of the things that my father did and there are many more that I do not. He trained my sister and me for two different paths or should I say two “possible” futures for our people. I operate under no illusions that if my father would have saw fit for my sister to rule, the Cult of the Planet would have become a far worse place to live. However events and plans worked to my advantage and my father saw fit to put the People of the Planet in my hands and not my sister’s.

                            First, in keeping with a promise my father made to you I am forwarding our latest breakthrough in centauri genetics. I think you will find it useful. Some of my advisors wished for me to withhold this technology but it was one of the few instructions my father left for me to do. Second, I wish to discuss the immediate possibility of negotiating a formal peace treaty with your people. For some time it seems we have had an informal truce of sorts but I have consulted with the Senate and they have agreed to authorize this action. I understand and I am aware of many of the problems that existed between our two peoples. My father frequently sent me packets of information on the status of our nation so I would be fully informed on all the issues. Suffice it to say that I harbor none of the animosity that my sister had towards you or even perhaps my father. I wish to forge a new beginning for my people and one of the keys to that is building a new alliance with you.

                            With that being said I have been faced with our first challenge, the Peacekeeper war. It seems that the Pravin Lal has been planning this attack for some time and had all of his naval vessels in the area of our northern sea bases. We have lost two isles of the deep during this conflict and our garrison unit at our base Wavetrance Dome. Several sea farms and tidal generators were also destroyed along with another sea-former making the total three. Even though our forces fought valiantly in defending our bases the odds were simply against them. Three to one was to great a number for even our native forces to handle and as a result our base at Wavetrance Dome was captured. This was a humiliating defeat for both our infant government and myself. The capture of the base almost broke our fledgling government. Many of the citizens cried out for revenge. It was unfortunate that Minister of War Fookosh could not transfer more aid to the base in time but we were pre-occupied with events in other areas. Currently we have five isles of the deep in route to that area but they will not arrive for another two turns. So we would be forced to attack our own base and recapture it from the Peacekeepers which would only add to the civilian deaths already However, Pravin Lal contacted me and offered the following terms that we would accept a cease fire and pledge to support a truce between our two peoples in exchange for the return of our base, Wavetrance Dome. Many of the delegates in the Senate wished to proceed with the war and retake the city along with expanding the conflict by taking a Peacekeeper base. However when we looked at the situation it became clear that Pravin was looking for a way out of this war as well and this was the only way he could do so. The Peacekeepers lost a great many more ships in the conflict than us, and it has left them vulnerable to a counter attack from any direction. Also, from reports I have seen several leaders of the Peacekeeper General Assembly have been arrested for undisclosed treasonous actions. I suspect that these delegates might have been embroiled in a sub-plot to create this conflict for reasons unknown to either Pravin Lal or myself. However, this is speculation nothing more but the reality is that our base has been plundered and we have suffered terrible losses at the hands of the Peacekeepers. With that being said the Senate and myself hope that you will still honor your agreement with my late father and provide monetary assistance to reimburse us for our loss. So in keeping with that we would require the sum of 1,450 energy credits. I understand this is a considerable sum and we would be willing to accept installments over a period of time similar to the agreement we have for the appropriated terrraformed sea area. We will accept whatever amount and period of time you wish to arrange.

                            I hope that this will be the end to conflict for some time. I have to contact our “ally” in this war Chairman Yang and try to convince him to reverse his policy and support peace. I suspect that it will not be too hard to do so.

                            In closing I think we can both work to build a stronger Planet that we all can live in and with.

                            Adam Dawn

                            Pro-Consul of the Supreme Senate of the People of the Planet


                            Sparta Command, MY 2299

                            Coronal Santiago and her command staff were standing when Council Representative Lu Ling walked. Her own advisors and one Gaian general flanked her.

                            Santiago's bearing was cool and sedate as she walked forward toward her guests. "I am pleased you arrived in good order. I trust the military escort of Spartan needlejets and interceptors provided enough security?"

                            Ling held out her hand as they got near and they exchanged firm handshakes. Each held on for a moment longer than necessary, and held a firmer grip than was necessary. Both smiled in reserved way.

                            "Yes, more than enough. They even had the courtesy to perform a few stunts that we've been trying to teach our Gaian pilots for years, to no avail," Ling said.

                            A glimmer of warmth crept into Santiago's austere face. "That is generous."

                            "And true," Ling said. "Did you have an agenda for this meeting?"

                            "Of course," she said as she got a data crystal from one of her aids and handed it to Ling. "Please, be seated. Unless you wish to negotiate the shape of the table and configuration of those in attendance?"

                            Ling waved that away. It was a not-so-subtle reference to the fractious Gaian politics that, at times, engaged in serious navel gazing, as Ling put it during one frustrating period in the last year. It was hard to argue with truth.

                            "Your table and attendants are just fine. Such details never seemed to be of much importance to me," Ling said. She saw a small note of approval in Santiago's eyes as she gestured to the hard, plastic chairs that were waiting for them.

                            Santiago and Ling pulled up chairs at the opposite end of the table, and their aids did likewise.

                            "We have serious matters to discuss," Santiago said. "It has become clear that we Spartans stand alone."

                            Ling thought: [I]Yes. The University abandoned you, and your other friends will give you no material support.[i/]

                            "It is also clear that the efforts of our scientists have not been as fruitful as yours," she continued.

                            Ling thought: Quite true. While you were investing in impact rovers we were building network nodes, and well packed colonies.

                            "Nor have we been able to acquire certain technologies from our friends," she said.

                            Ling thought: Even the Cult and your allies the University didn't give you fusion technology, so now you are the only faction on planet without this ability.

                            "In light of these events," Santiago said, "and in light of your past gifts of technology to us, and your treatment of Pravin after your past conflicts, the Spartan Junta wishes to enter into discussions with the Gaian Council on terms of a union between our peoples, on a fair and equal basis."

                            Ling held her breath. Had Santiago just said what she thought she said? This mission was one to secure a truce, and now Santiago was effectively surrendering?

                            Ling shook off her surprise in a second. "I am sure the Council would be delighted to entertain such discussions. We have only wished peace, and a closer union between our people will be of benefit to us all."

                            She observed Santiago. Did it seem like she slumped a little? Was that out of relief, or dejection?

                            Ling didn't know, but she did know that the next Gaian Council meeting would be very lively indeed.


                            Dear Adam Dawn,

                            You can't begin to imagine how delighted I am to hear that the Cult of Planet has taken the brave step into a representative government. This year is full of good news. First, then ending of your war with Pravin, in which your losses were significant. Now I am happy to tell you that the Gaian war with the Spartan is over. Santiago and the Gaians are entering into discussions on a full union of our peoples, much like our union with the Peacekeepers.

                            I feel that at times like these we should not dwell on the past. Although there was a bit of wrangling, the Council has fully approved entering into a friendship treaty with the Cult, and I hope your Parliament approves the measure. We will also happily pay your 1450 energy as compensation for your losses with the Peacekeepers. We had to adjust our budget a bit, but the first installment of 300 energy plus the 100 previous has been attached and pre-approved.

                            We also welcome your very generous gift, and are willing to respond in kind. There is only one technology we are not willing to give to you: Orbital Spaceflight. Choose any other and the Council will happily give it to you as a gesture of support to you and your government, and to show that the Gaian people are fully behind you in your trials to come.

                            Adam, I haven't felt this good in ages. I only wish your father could be her to enjoy it with me.

                            Walk with Planet,


                            • #89
                              Cult, MY 2299

                              Governor Deirdre Skye and Gaian Parliament:

                              I wish to convey our thanks for you timely assistance and the manner in which you are working with us. Forging a new mutual partnership is rewarding to both parties involved and the planet. The sudden explosion of peace throughout our Planet has done a great deal to increase our trade surplus, as I am sure it has done for you as well. I was able to convince our ally Chairman Yang to cease his vendetta against Pravin Lal and that should have ended the last conflict on Planet.

                              Your comments concerning the “gifting” of some other technology is appreciated. However, the consensus of the Senate is that if wish to give us technology that is your prerogative but you must understand it does not obligate us any form to respond in kind. It is hard for many of the Senators to change their ways when in the past we have isolated ourselves to a certain extent and now it seems we are rushing headlong in the opposite direction. It will take time for many of our citizens to understand the greater importance of the world and our fellow partners on it. With all that being said if you were to send us the files on orbital space flight would be of great use. I have been told by my scientific advisor that with such technology we could expand our food production and thus reduce our need to terraform more land that has always been and will still be a high priority for this administration.

                              There is still much rebuilding on all fronts and my day seems to have no end. Before closing I do need to bring up another issue of some consequence. My sister, Eve, had a son. His whereabouts have yet to be determined and this is of some concern for this administration and myself. From what evidence we have been able to put together by the Minister of the Interior my sister Eve had a great following of people. In particular the continent she administered for some time at her capital city of Eden. Many of the people there still hold her in high regards and all of the Senators from those cities I presume secretly supported her and her causes. With that being said I am faced with the possibility of coup de’ta. This is a real possibility I assure you since many of the people still wish to return to the old ways of worshipping my father and his descendants. Many of them still do not believe that I am Cha’s son since I do not wish to take up his mantle. I have enclosed a picture of Eve’s son for you to disburse to your customs and immigration people if he should try to enter any of your cities. We would request that he be detained and held until official representatives of the Senate can question him. I can assure that he is not wanted for any capital crimes but the fact remains that he could be the focus of a resurgent, more aggressive Cult of the Planet. Many of the people still believe that Cha Dawn will return since we have never found his body. Also, if Cha had not ordered the implementation of the Senate system as his last act then it would most certainly never occurred by itself. Democratic institutions in our society were closed to the guilds only and over the years the guild masters had moved to eliminate even that little amount of democratic input. In fact, the guild of the Rangers had eliminated democratic practices for nearly a hundred turns! So as you can see I am sitting on the knife’s edge attempting to hold together a very new government.

                              In closing, I wish to express my thanks for your help once again.

                              Adam Dawn

                              Pro-Consul of the Senate of the People of the Planet


                              Gaia’s Landing, MY 2300

                              Dear Adam,

                              The Council has authorized me to forward to you the balance of your war reparations in the sum of 1150 energy. This amount did strain our treasury, but we feel that your fledgling democracy could use the infusion of energy. Moreover, this is an expression of the trust we have placed in you and your new Parliament.

                              You will also notice we attached our files on Silksteel armor and Biomachinery. The advantages of Silksteel are obvious, and we have all seen that defense can be (sadly) necessary. Biomachinery is of a more curious nature, and I thought you’d be interested in the advances it allows.

                              I sincerely wish you all the best, and I have forwarded the holo of Eve’s son to the appropriate authorities and to my fellow Council members. I this thorny issue is resolved quickly. Let me know if I can help.

                              Walk with Planet,


                              Cult, MY 2300

                              Governor Skye,

                              I regret to inform you that our newfound peace is not likely to endure. The Cyborg leader, Aki contacted me, and she suggested that we should form a military pact and attack the Peacekeepers. She dispassionately laid out her case as to why we should join forces to defeat the Peacekeepers at great length. I listened for some time and when she was done I told her that I would need to discuss the issue with the Senate. She demanded a response immediately and when I refused to accept she dropped the offer and ended the communication. I still have to bring the offer before the Senate but I am sure they will not wish to enter into such and agreement. I suggest that you send a representative to the Cyborgs and discover what ill feelings, if cyborgs even have feelings, they have towards the Peacekeepers.

                              I wish also to inform you that we were able to reach an agreement concerning the base the University established so close to our territory. Zakharov offered to trade the base for ALL of our current technology and the Senate agreed to his request. I hope this does not create an issue between our two factions since you did not mention if we could or could not used that technology as we saw fit. If we have erred I regret that fact and in the future please let us know in advance. Suffice it to say we have obtained the base with no loss of life, which is a good thing for everyone concerned.

                              On a simply administrative note I wish to inform you that a Mr. Joshua Malister has been appointed by the Senate to be the new ambassador to the Gaian people and our official representative at the Planetary Council offices. He has told me that you have met before and that he looks forward to meeting you again.

                              Adam Dawn

                              Pro-Consul to the Senate of the People of the Planet

                              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

                              Adam hit the send button for the communication he had just drafted to be sent to his clerk for review and preparation. Now all correspondence from the office of the Pro-Consul had to be logged in and archived for public review.

                              “Pro-Consul, your two-o’clock appointment is here, Senators Micah and Pallus.” His aide reminded him as he stuck his head around the door.

                              “Send them in.”

                              Senator Micah, from Mind of the Planet, was the leader of the progressives and Senator Pallus, from Eden, was the leader of the traditionalists. Both men walked in wearing their senate robes of office and Adam knew that something was up and it was not good news.

                              “Greetings Senators!” Adam stood up and walked around his desk to offer the men a seat. Micah immediately sat down but Pallus looked at the chair in disdain. For over a century the tradition was to sit on cushions and carpets but Adam had adopted the more modern view of having chairs and tables, after a few seconds Pallus sat down very slowly as if the chair would bite him.

                              “I am glad we can meet before the full session later this afternoon. Since the two of you leaders of the Senate many of the others will follow you lead in today’s vote about the Cyborg offer. So I thought I we should discuss it here amongst ourselves and study the offer.” Adam maneuvered around his desk as we was talking and then sat down.

                              “I could not agree more with you Pro-Consul,” Senator Micah replied. “The chance to ally ourselves with the Cyborgs to destroy our enemy the Peacekeepers is too good to let slip past, I am sure your father would have agreed immediately.”

                              “Senator Micah does not speak for the whole Senate I assure you Pro-Consul.” Pallus quickly cut in. “Our brief war with the Peacekeepers was a lesson for us all. We need to build up allies but the right allies! To ally ourselves with the Cyborgs is madness! Why not even a decade ago we were sinking their cruisers left and right. Exactly how trustworthy do you think they are?”

                              “Senators, please.” Adam raised his hands to calm them both down. “Let us at least be civil here between the three of us. Now, I tend to agree with Senator Pallus on this issue. If the Cyborgs do launch a war on the Peacekeepes do we really want to be facing the Peacekeepers, Gaians and the Spartans? Because I can assure you that if we do attack the Peacekeepers the Gaians and her new ally the Spartans will attack us. Perhaps what we should do is wait and see how the wind blows. Should the Cyborgs attack alone then we enter the fray and help the Gaian alliance capture some of their bases which will only expand our holdings, correct?”

                              Both men turned to each other and nodded their heads in agreement.

                              “Simply put good Senators do we really think we could fight a war with the odds 2 to 3?” Adam added. “I hope I can count on the two of you to help guide the debate on the Senate floor so things do not become too hot. Now perhaps we should be going to make the afternoon session.” Adam stood up and walked over to the wall and took down his Pro-Consul robes from where they hung on the wall and quickly put them on.

                              “Pro-Consul, there I want to inform you that I will also introduce a motion today to allow the cities of the bowl of heaven to build habitat domes to expand their populations.” Senator Micah said as he began to follow Adam out of his office.

                              “I understand Senator and I have read your request earlier. Our new democracy has given many people the idea that we can grow and grow like the Gaians. I am not sure that this would be in keeping with the Prophets will or dreams, do you Senator?” Adam replied as the left his office and walked through his administrative offices.

                              “The Prophet is no longer with us and the people in those cities still respect the dreams of the Prophet but if the home islands can have habitat domes why cant they?” Adam already knew the real purpose behind the request. The bowl of heaven cities were the second oldest and also the second most powerful voting block in the Senate. By allowing them to grow bigger they could even challenge the home islands for supremacy in the Senate.

                              “Senator, perhaps we could discuss this on the floor. I am sure the Senators would all like to express their views, isn’t that right Senator Pallus?” Adam knew that the powerful Senator from Mind of the Planet would never wish for the bowl of heaven cities to become more powerful than his cities.

                              “A wise decision as always Pro-Consul.” Pallus glanced past Adam and smirked at Micah. Adam thought perhaps his father was wrong about this whole democracy business.


                              Gaia’s Landing, MY 2301

                              Dear Adam Dawn,

                              I am very sorry to hear that Aki is trying to use some twisted logic to encourage an attack on Lal. Of course, Lal has gone to great lengths to justify his own aggression, the last instance of which was against you. Your decision to resist Aki’s urging says a lot about your new democracy, and I hope your Parliament agrees and sustains such attitudes.

                              It seems Zak has exacted a high price for his inappropriately placed sea base, and I have no qualms about you trading any technology we gave to you for it. In a way our technology bought this base for you, and helped preserve peace so it was worth it. In fact, you might be able to convince some in your Parliament that this is a victory, where the fruits of friendship help you gain something that is of value to you. If you need future assistance let us know.

                              I will be happy to meet with Ambassador Malister, and this time it will be under happier circumstances, I am sure. We did not get off to a good start for cultural reasons, but I think that we understand each other much better. In fact, most of our Council members would be willing to meet with Ambassador Malister if you wish a private meeting. This can be called at your convenience; that is one of the nice things about the lack of hostilities – more personal time.

                              Take care, Adam, and walk with Planet,


                              Cult, MY 2301

                              “Thank you for returning my call so promptly Professor. It is good to see you again and I hope you are well.” Adam watched as Zakharov shifted his weight in his seat and leaned closer into the monitor.

                              “Pro-Consul, I am a busy man and I have much work to do so can we get to the point quickly and spare the pleasantries.” Zakharov responded disdainfully.

                              “All right, since we were able to work out a amicable exchange for your sea base near our eastern border would you be open to exploring another exchange for a base. The base in question is your sea colony, Deep Sea labs. We have noticed it has not grown much in the past 50 turns and you have made little in the way of improvements there. What would you like in exchange for this base?” Adam watched as Zakharov turned slightly in his chair and began typing something into a computer next to his desk after about five minutes of silence Zakharov turned back to face the monitor.

                              “201 credits.” Zakharov stated in a monotone voice. Adam’s mind was blow away by his answer! Just a few turns ago he had to exchange their entire research database for one sea base and now all the man wanted was 201 energy credits, there had to be something to this that he could not see, yet.

                              “I think I can agree to that. I will have the energy credits transferred at the end of this meeting along with the documentation for the exchange of the base. Once you sign the form please return it so we can forward it to the Governor Skye’s planetary administrators for their records and seals of completion.”

                              “Good, Zakharov out.”

                              Adam watched the screen turn blank and he could see his huge smile spread across his face from the reflection on the monitor. It was almost too easy, that was the scary part, what was Zakharov up to? Why did they give up base for only 201 energy credits? The loss of the base effectively cut off the last link between the University main territory and her colonies to the large continent to the north. Perhaps he realized that it was not worth effort to try and expand in that area. Between the Gaians and us that area had become very crowded. The Gaians alone had established over four sea bases and the People of the Planet were soon to have two. Any re-supply ships would have to pass through several factions to make it to their lone sea base making it very vulnerable.

                              Adam reached over and hit the inter-comm button. “ Is the Senate still in session?”

                              “Yes Pro-Consul.” His aide replied. Adam quickly stood up and gathered up his robes and walked briskly out of his office to the Senate Chambers. When he reached the Senate two guards quickly snapped to attention and the doors opened. The master-at-arms who was in charge of the administration of the Senate Chamber announced his arrival.

                              “Pro-Consul Adam Dawn!”

                              The Senate chambers had been built in the large central tower that once housed the main conference rooms for the Prophet. The senate chamber had been expanded to fill the entire central area of the tower nearly 160 feet in diameter. Circling around the chamber was the access corridors to the upper galleries for observers, elevators and other service rooms. The ceiling had been removed and the three floors above to allow an unobstructed view of the orange glass dome that filtered in the suns light. Above the Senate chamber were two levels of observer galleries that allowed citizens to watch the proceedings. The entire room had been rebuilt with the orange and white colored marbled that was highly prized by the People of the Planet for its beauty. Orange colored drapes and other trappings finished the decor. All of the Senators sat on benches built of the marble with cushions.

                              Adam walked into the center of the floor and announced. “Senators, I have good news to report. In my efforts to expand our sphere influence and secure our borders I am pleased to announce that the University has agreed to sell their sea base Deep Sea Lab to us for the sum of 201 energy credits.” Many of the Senators had been looking at their pads to get updates from their staff but the news made them all take notice, some even dropped their PADs in shock.

                              “Pro-Consul, you must be joking with us. Surely after the price they extracted from us for the base on our eastern border that 201 energy credits is not the correct number? Senator Micah asked as he stood up.

                              “Yes, the amount is correct!” Adam said in a loud voice. “As to the motives behind their actions in this matter I can not say. However, the deal is complete unless the Senate fails to appropriate the 201 credits to complete the transaction. Also, Zakharov transferred the garrison under our control as well. There are even several base improvements that were completed as well. The only drawback is that the base does not have any sea improvements to support it but we do have sea-formers nearby that could go to work and correct that.”

                              “Pro-Consul with your permission I move for a voice vote now on the matter of the expenditure. All those Senators who are-“ Micah was cut-off by Senator Pallus of Mind of the Planet.

                              “Point of order. This new base is in the northern seas some distance from land. Will the base fall under the administrative control of Eden and Senator Micah or will it stand as a free city?” Pallus asked.

                              “Senators, that is a question for you to answer, not me. The sea base is mid-way between the great northern continent and our smaller one. Since we plan on building at least two more sea colonies in that area perhaps seating up their own administrative sector for control. It stands to reason tha-“

                              “Pro-Consul! Point of order!” Barked Senator Micah. “The fact that these bases are in our area is plain to see for all. Setting up another administrative control sector will just add to the confusion!” Adam chuckled to himself knowing that the last thing Micah wanted was his administrative empire chopped up and Senator Pallus would do anything to keep Micah from getting any more powerful. Already Eden’s administrative area nearly equaled that of the home islands. Adam continued to listen to the Senators argue as he moved across the room and sat down in the Pro-Consul chair and realized that he was in for a long night. So much for the good news.


                              • #90
                                Gaia’s Landing, MY 2302

                                “I think this is a first,” Colin said.

                                “Of course it’s a first,” Ling interjected. “No one else has the resources or technical capability to launch a hydroponics satellite into orbit! And we have.”

                                “The big question is do we give this technology to the other factions?” Dee said. “Cha Dawn and Santiago have already asked for it. Apparently they can’t get it from Aki.”

                                “Are you sure Aki has this yet?” Terry asked.

                                “Well, not completely,” Dee responded. “She was researching it the last time I asked the empaths at the Guild to check.”

                                “I say no,” Ling said. “Most of the other factions are headed by raving lunatics, or the sure seem that way some of the time. Keep in mind that in addition to the hydroponics orbital they can also build planetbusters! Remember?”

                                “Yes, we remember, Ling,” Terry said.

                                “They’re going to get it soon anyway,” Colin said. “Why not generate some good will and gift the technology to them?”

                                “Then I hope you stay in Landing when it gets nuked,” Ling said, “and you can say ‘But we gave it to them? They can’t do this to us?’”

                                “Stop being so melodramatic,” Terry said. “Unless there is a motion we’re going to keep our previous policy, which was not to give Orbital Spaceflight to any other faction.” He listened for motions but heard none.

                                “Mohammed, do you have a report?” Terry asked.

                                “We just completed our breakthrough in N-Space Compression. Our scientists are asking what they should pursue as their general goal? They have offered up a few alternatives: Centauri Psi, Mag Tubes, Homo Superior, or Photon Wave Mechanics.”

                                “We should have researched Photon Wave Mechanics a long time ago. It will allow better armor than silksteel,” Ling said.

                                “The Cult is researching Centauri Psi. We could research that,” Colin said.

                                “No,” Dee said. “They’ll be upset since we will beat them there since we are having breakthroughs every two years. It would be better if we stay clear since that is dear to the Cult’s heart.”

                                “Very noble of you, Dee,” Ling said. “And what about any Planet-based projects that might come from that line?”

                                “I thought our objective was to develop an orbital defense against planetbusters?” Colin said.

                                “Yes,” Dee said, enjoying skewing Ling for a change, “do you recommend we abandon that line of research?”

                                “No,” she said, backing off. “Point taken.”

                                “That’s it for the agenda, except for one thing,” Terry said. “Our Progressives in Parliament have recommended that Dee put her name forward to be the Supreme Leader of Planet, and they recommend that we bring this up at our next Planetary Council meeting.”

                                “I think that is a fine idea,” Ling said.

                                “As do I,” Colin seconded.

                                “I don’t,” Dee said. “Why me?”

                                “Because, my dear,” Ling said with mocking sweetness, “like it or not you are our faction’s leader. You’ve shown that all along. The rest of us are mere window dressing.”

                                Dee blushed.

                                “Very well,” Terry said. “Motion made and seconded. Now, let’s vote…”


                                Cult, MY 2302

                                Governor Skye,

                                It seems that we are quickly becoming neighbors in the area around the wreckage of the transport ship UNITY. I must caution you not to expand any further eastward in that area since it could foster ill will amongst my people.

                                Next turn we will secure a new colony site just east of your colony so expect to see the border shift back towards you. I alert you to this situation as a precautionary event so that no hostilities might erupt.

                                Adam Dawn

                                Pro-Consul of the Senate of the People of the Planet


                                Gaia’s Landing, MY 2203

                                Dear Cha Dawn,

                                I regret that the placement of our base has caused you distress. This base has been turned over to Pravin Lal as part of our policy of giving bases to our friends who are not as fortunate as we are. The Council was not aware you intended to colonize this area, and prior to our colonization there didn’t appear to be any moves toward this area. So, you are free to place your base where you desire, and I can assure you there will be no ill feeling taken.

                                As an aside, I noticed that Zak is sending a transport full of fusion powered chaos infantry and rover west toward your territory. Currently the transport is just west of Theta Sector, which is the southern-most sea base we established southwest of Zak’s territory. I don’t know if Zak has any ill will toward you, but you should be aware that these forces are on the way so you can take proper precautions.

                                There is also good news from you Pactmate Yang. After years of silence he finally called me and demanded Orbital Spaceflight and Advanced Ecological Engineering. I would have been happy to give him Advanced Ecological Engineering, but Orbital Spaceflight was out of the question. I was afraid, due to his tone, that he would declare hostilities, but he did not. After I gave him a polite refusal he offered a treaty of friendship. Of course I accepted, and I hope this will be the start of a more beneficial relationship.

                                I also want to let you know that the Council and Parliament have requested that I put myself forward to the Planetary Council as Supreme Leader. As part of the deliberations I abstained, but the measure passed by huge margins in our Parliament. I have been given assurances that Pravin and Santiago will support me as Supreme Leader, and my initial diplomatic feelers have indicated that Aki, Yang, and Zak are opposed. I would ask that you and your Parliament give this serious consideration. You should know in advance that if you decline to support me there will be absolutely no recrimination on my part, and I will make sure that the Parliament holds the Cult harmless, no matter what your decision.

                                Walk with Planet,


                                Cult, MY 2304

                                Adam watched as Lady Deirdre Skye walked onto the dais that had been built in the city gardens at Gaia’s Landing. All of the major leaders had flow flown in to watch the investiture of Deirdre as supreme leader of the Planet. The negotiations had taken months to complete, endless hours of wrangling over the new planetary government: how much power would the original factions have left, distribution of resources, control over the military forces. The end result was highly creative and unique. Each of the factions would retain some independence when it came to the management of the colonies and cities they administered. However, all military forces, scientific facilities and finance would fall under planetary control. It seemed the Gaians preferred not to involve themselves in the management of each city rather they preferred a more macro-model. By controlling the armies, scientists and finances of each faction they could maintain their control and insure each government followed the new Centauri Constitution, which laid out basic guidelines and protections for each citizen on Chiron. As long as each administrative body, such as the Senate of the People of the Planet or the Peacekeeper General Assembly, followed the letter of the principals of the new law then the Gaians would transfer technology, credits and keep the borders secure. It had taken some time to convince the Senate to join with the Gaians but after many meetings it became clear that it was in their interest to be one of the supporters to Lady Skye now than later. The People of the Planet had extracted a great many promises from the Gaians in exchange for their vote to support Lady Skye but in reality they were meaningless. The new order was about to be established and in time Adam knew that all of the factions governments would fade away in time, as the people merged behind one massive will, one purpose.

                                The greatest surprise of all of this was the appearance of a very old man at his office one-day stating he had a letter for only the Pro-Consul and he had to give it to me in person. Adam came out of his office and immediately recognized the old man as the teacher he once had as child, the spymaster Markesee. Adam walked up to the old man and had tried to talk with him but he would not say a word but rather pushed a holo-projector into his hand that had a crystal inside. Adam walked into his office and shut the door and closed the drapes and turned the device on.

                                Suddenly the electronic image of his father appeared, Cha Dawn.

                                “Son, if you are hearing this then what I had hoped has come true. The Gaians have at last taken up the mantle of authority and have become masters of this planet and the people who live on it. This was your purpose, what I trained you for. I knew long ago that the path I choose would never bring about unity on planet. Our ability to tap into the vast power of Planet would take centuries and as the other factions continued to despoil planet my fear was that Planet would not have the strength to support our cause. So sometime ago I began a plan to motivate the Gaians into becoming the power they are today. In the early days of Planet they were no stronger than us, and at times we were equals. But it became clear that the Gaians would become stronger since they focused on industrialization and science and we tended Planets garden to keep it pure. Many of my actions were aimed at provoking the Gaians to become stronger, build faster and yet I constantly badgered them to always try and protect Planet. In a short while they grew and grew to become the force they are today. I can only pray that with the technology now at Skye’s command she will try and learn more about Planet and protect it. I challenge you my son to help her to do so. This is my last task for you.”

                                The image faded.

                                Adam watched as the Gaians advisory council began to file out from the main government building. As they rounded the corner Dee looked through the crowd and eventually found him. While maintaining a moment of eye contact she smiled and mouthed, ‘Thank you.’

                                Adam smiled in return. Then Dee turned away and the procession continued. She climbed to the top of the dais and reverently took the Planetary Constitution from Pravin Lal, received a golden pen from Zakharov, and signed it with a flourish. She handed the document to Coronal Santiago and the pen to Aki Zeta-Five. Deirdre gestured to Adam, beckoning to him to joint the group. Adam paced up the stairs, took Dee’s outstretched hand. Dee signaled that everyone should join hands, which were then raised in the air.

                                For the first time in 200 years the faction leaders were united again.

                                Unity’s mission had finally succeeded.

