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New story, anybody interested?

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  • New story, anybody interested?

    Anybdy wants to try new story? Type when everybody writes for his/her faction?
    Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

  • #2
    We already have a story going on exactly like that. You could hop over to the Beyond Alpha Centauri discussion thread, and sign up to write for a faction.

    Some factions are already taken.

    University = me

    Hive = Frankychan

    Earth Coalition = Kassopeia

    Drones / Firaxis = Mr. President

    Sparta = Sprayber

    Protectorate of Man = Lonestar

    Believers = Silence

    Morgan / Peacekeepers = History Guy

    Cadre = GeneralTactius

    Available factions:

    Cybernetic Consciousness


    Cult of Planet

    some others I forgot

    Feel free to sign up and write! We could always use another author
    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


    • #3
      Thanks, but I was hoping for a story that is taking place on the Planet, not space.
      Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.


      • #4
        Ahh... What did you have in mind?

        Early colonization?


        Race for Transcendence?

        Lemme know!
        Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


        • #5
          Early colonisation or mid game. Depending on interest.
          Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.


          • #6
            You mean like the Spartan Chronicles? I always admired them. I'm sort of tied down at the moment, so I can't participate, but hang around - I'm sure there'll be interest.
            Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


            • #7
              Not been around here for quite a while (other fanfiction projects have taken over from my AC ones, and occupies a large percentage of my time), and I've had bad experiences with interactive stories in the past, but if the concept is sound and the rules well worked out I'll see if I can find the time.
              If you want me, that is?
              "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


              • #8
                I think this new story can wait until the ongoing multi-author stories Like BAC and Spartan Chronicles are finished.

                Then the authors of these stories would have more time and energy to focus on a new story. I can't imagine writing 2, 3, 4 or more stories at once, you know?
                Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                • #9
                  Sovereign: Ummm... BAC finished? Won't happen in my lifetime. Well perhaps when we run out of ideas.
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • #10

                    I meant the first volume.

                    At least Spartan Chronicles got up to 3 volumes, I think.
                    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                    • #11
                      You did? How will the completion of the first thread / volume ease off the work from the authors? Well, not that I'm working too hard anyway at the moment, darn writer's block.
                      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                      • #12
                        Its all about a simple interlude to give us BAC authors a brief break from BAC story-telling
                        Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


                        • #13
                          You've got all the interlude you've needed, from what I can tell. (Sorry about jacking the thread )
                          As impossible as it seems, methinks you've OD'd yourself with FFX. I mean, Spira system? An Al-Bhed called Rikku?
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • #14
                            I stayed away from the multi author stories, simply because I couldn't envision how they could actually cohere together without stepping on everybody else's toes all the time. I'm not a particularly stringent planner, but in my fictions I like to be able to maintain at least a few threads that get carried through to the end...

                            I suppose a major benefit to a multi author story is that you'll get writer's block much less often, as there are so many people you can bounce ideas off of.
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • #15
                              Oh, they step on everyone's toes all right. That's why the Chiron Chronicle collapsed in a bloody, chaotic, Soviet-esque mess. The reason Beyond Alpha Centauri hasn't done so is that we talk a heck of a lot (I had seventy items in my private message box at one point) (odd that we still move faster than the Spartan Chronicles) and we, or I at least, adapt to things that have been written already. And drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.
                              Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.

